Chapter 5 Golden's malfunction and a bad scar

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I switched on a 11:00pm to hear golden Freddy having a malfunction, his circuits were starting to get rusty. I went over to try to calm him down but his malfunction was too much for him, he was trying to rip his fake fur off.
"Hey hey golden it's just a malfunction," I said, he was glitch screaming.
"Shut up!" He said almost yelling, his hands had claws and he scratched my arm and my face. I stumbled back in surprise, the gang ran over and look at golden Freddy.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Freddy yelled, I was crying.
"I-I I didn't mean to I just....." Golden Freddy said but Freddy cut him off.
"Don't say it wasn't your fault, you hurt her just look!" Freddy yelled, Golden Freddy saw the scratch on my arm, face and my stomach. He staggered back, I looked at him my eyes filled with tears.
"I am so sorry," he said starting to cry, I looked away from him. He ran off and I sobbed even more, I went with Freddy to parts and services.
"Freddy you shouldn't have yelled at him, he had a malfunction," I said while he tried to repair me.
"I don't care no one hurts my friends," Freddy said, I looked at him. One of my eyes was long gone so I could only see through one, I sighed and flinched as Freddy tried to repair the large holes. A smoke alarm went off and all I saw were flames come up behind us, I pushed Freddy away as the flames went over me. Freddy got covered in flames trying to save me, last thing I remember was the pain of the fire and the screams of my friends.

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