Lunch time!!!!

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The bell rang and as everyone rushed out the door I grabbed his hand and went to the lunch room, where I saw my friends Foxy, Freddy, Goldy, and Bonnie already sitting at our table.

As we were walking to our table I asked him what his name was he said it was "Adam, Adam Smith" I said that was a really cool name then he asked me what was mine I said "Phrixey Ramtall" "Oh cool name Ramtall" he said

"Thanks, anyways here we are at the freshmen's table or something...... hehe were still working on the name"

"Oh well I kind of think it's a good name for now hahaha" he said laughing nervously

"Anyways here are my friends this is Foxy our fearless pirate of the group"

"Aye laddy" Foxy said loud and proud while rasing his hand

"This is Freddy and Goldy"

"Why do you guys call him Goldy" said Adam

"Cuz it's an adorable nickname for him and his real name is Golden Freddy so we shortened it up a little and plus freddy and Goldy are related so that's another reason why we shortened it up but anyways last but not least we've got the amazing Bonnie YAY"

"I'm not amazing"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"





"Foxy tell Bonnie that he's amazing"


"Cuz I said so"

"Ok Bonnie the bunny your amazing laddy"

"Wow I've never felt so special before Yay" Bonnie said

"Whatever anyways that's pretty much everyone sooo.. wanna go get lunch Adam or do you want to stay here instead to get to know everyone"

"Umm I think I'll stay here"

"Oh ok well see you In a bit" I said going in to the direction of food while screaming "FOOD"

As I saw Phrixey go to get some food I decided to start up a conversation with the others

"Umm hi so what do you guys usually do for fun here"

"Oh not much laddy it's phrixey who usually gets to pick but we all still get to do fun stuff and besids she is the only human were actually friends with besides Mike and Jeremy and the others there kind of meh yeah know" said Foxy not really sure if he's friends with them or not

"I guess I do?"

"Anyways laddy why did Phrixey tell you to come to our table in the frist place" said Foxy

"I don't really know but I can tell you this she is cute"

*Foxy Freddy and Goldy throw a random pice of trash at Adam*

"Owww what was that for you guys"

"Aye don't you dare even think about it laddy Phrixey is our friend and we're not gonna let a scally wag like you change that she might trust you but we still have our doubts about you laddy so don't try anything ye hear me" said Foxy with an pissed off look on his face

"Ya ya I got that the first time" said Adam

In Adams mind-(why did she want me to sit at here table huh)

Sorry it took me a really long time to uplode this but the next update will be my homestuck book but anyways Thx u guys for 100 followers I luv u all so much and as always stay awesome *BIG KISS* beyyy

Word count: 564

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