Chapter 8: Fourth Night

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Kyle hid the wooden plank on the trunk of his car and drove to Klub Ice to start his day.

Kyle parked his car, grabbed his work bag and got out, walking up to Mr. Sundee.

"Hey Kyle" Mr. Sundee gave a weak smiled and looked at his hair.

"Why'd you dye your hair pink?" He asked.

"Forget that, I have a question for you" Kyle ignored his question.

"Oh, ask away then" Mr. Sundee insisted.

"About a year ago, were you present to the death of a kid that was thrown off the second floor" Kyle looked him in the eye.

"Hmm, the one who fell on a table and broke it?" Mr. Sundee asked.

"Yes, That one" Kyle smiled, thinking he'd have some answers.

"Then no" Mr. Sundee finished. Kyle frowned, but then considered he's lying.

He grabbed Mr. Sundee from the collar and pushed him against the doors.

"You're bluffing!" Kyle yelled at him.

"I am not!" Mr. Sundee yelled back.

"I know you know he wasn't horsing around and stupidly caused his own death! He was pushed off! He was killed on purpose!" Kyle scream at his face.

"Get off me!" Mr. Sundee pushed him off, causing Kyle to fall on the ground.

"Kyle, I wasn't present during that. My employees told me about it. Besides, I didn't know you were that capable to attack your boss. Today is your last day, don't bother coming back tomorrow" Mr. Sundee finished, leaving to his car and driving off cross.

Kyle picked himself up and waited till Mr. Sundee's car was out of sight. He walked to his car and pulled out the wooden plank.

He didn't care if he got fired. The job was a hell hole of death and he didn't want to be next to fall into it.

Kyle dragged the wooden plank towards the stairs. The animatronics heads turned to face him as he pulled the plank up the stair case. When he made it up, only Randolph has moved. No where near him.

Kyle sat the plank down on the second floor and walked back down to enter his office. He had to check on the cameras, hear Ant's New message, and turn everything off to conserve power.

When he entered his office, the phone was ringing and a light flashed red. Kyle sat on the chair and let the recorded message play as he checked through the cameras.

'Congrats! Fourth night already. Wow' Ant sounded more tired than the usual messages he leaves.

'I don't want to scare you, but Bruno starts being active at this time. Better keep an eye on him. He blends in well with the shadows. A-' Kyle muted the call. He didn't want to hear anymore of it.

He turned everything off, took out his stun gun, and walked out of his office. He slowly crept through the hall way, hoping no animatronic would come his way.

He made it towards where the animatronics were. Only Randolph and Agustas seemed to be gone. Olaf was near the stair case he needed to go.

Kyle walked towards it and it turned.

"Kyl-" before Olaf could finish, Kyle stunned him with his stun gun. Causing Olaf to fall on the floor electrocuted.

Kyle walked past him and climbed up the staircase. His foot hit the wooden plank he had left and picked it up. He dragged it to the broken bridge part and placed it down at the edge. As he slowly slid the wooden plank to the other side, he made sure no animatronics were near him. Besides Olaf who he electrocuted.

The wooden plank managed to make it to the other side.

Kyle smiled as he passed the police tape and stepped on the plank.

As he took his first step, he heard the board creek. He chose to run and jump over to the other side when he was close enough. He turned to look at his board. It was broken and fell to the floor.

"Last time I buy from that store" Kyle complained.

He looked at the door of the mystery room. He tried the knob, but it was locked. He brought up his leg and kicked it open. Surprisingly, that worked.

The room was really dark, so he took out his flashlight. When the light shined on the dark room, Kyle stood stunned.

The room was filled with papers from different times periods, red markings on the wall and on some of the papers, and a box at the corner of the room.

The most creepy part was the skeleton sitting in the middl of it all.

Kyle stared wide eyed at every thing. He decided to pick up a few newspapers.

'Sudden murder of four children at local Pizzeria.'

'A child's Accidental death caused in Klub Ice over strings of a puppet.'

Kyle threw the papers on the floor.

"How could so much death happen in a kids place?!" Kyle yelled.

He turned to look at the box in the corner. He walked up to it and opened it.

Inside was a weird long puppet with strings cut on his arms, legs and head.

It wore a purple hoodie, had a white sweat band cover it's brown hair, had a white face with red cheeks, dark eyes, wide black smiling mouth, and blue lines coming down it's eyes, like tears.

Its whole body was dark grey with three red buttons at its chest. On the wrists of it's arms were four purple lines coming down. Same with its legs, except the lines were light grey.

Kyle stared at it, as if he's seen this creature some where.

He finally decided to pick it up and examine it.

When he did, his world flashed white. It came back looking new. The room no longer was all creepy. There were janitors cleaning up the place for the next reserved party.

Kyle remember that no one could see him, so he went along and exited the room.

The gap was fixed and it came back to him. It was the continuation of yesterday's vision type thing.

Seto could be seen opening the present painted box.

"Ooh! Mommy! There's a puppet inside!" Seto pointed at it. It was motionless and curled up at the bottom of the box.

"Yeah kid" A hand pushed to lid of the box down, letting Seto remove his fingers in time.

"By the way, it's called a Marionette. But I guess it gets mistaken by the word puppet" the guy explained.

He wore a white cap with the marking "KI", a white hoodie with the inside, grey pants and green shoes.

"Thank you for the correction. And you are?" Seto's mom walked up behind him.

"I'm the day watchmen. I watch during the day" The guy blew a bubble out of the gum he was chewing.

"Come on honey. We need to get your party started" Seto's mom grabbed Seto's wrist and dragged him to their party room which was the one Kyle exited out of.

"But I want the puppet" Seto complained.

"Marionette!" The day watchmen yelled a correction at Seto before walking off and continuing to blow bubbles.

As this scene passed, time quickened for Kyle. As if everything sped by him So quickly, and he hadn't even moved.

Once time stopped speeding by. He was still looking down at from the second floor.

It was night time now, which means it was time for the night guard to do his job.

At the door, stood a little shadow. When it came in, it was easier to identify who it was.

It was Seto. He was hear during the night. How? And why?

"Seto! Get out of here! The animatronics are there!" Kyle yelled at him from above. Of course, Seto didn't turn or flinch of his voice.

Seto approached the Marionette box and opened it. The puppet still sat in his usual position.

Seto picks it up by its strings and says, "Don't worry friend. I'll treat you well at my place."

Before Seto could leave with the puppet, a cloaked person grabbed the strings of the puppet and wrapped it around Seto's neck. Pressing and pulling deeper into his neck, causing lines of pure blood to sprout out.

Seto screened for help and pain, but stopped when his mouth started to gargle blood.

The cloaked person dropped Seto and let him bleed to death.

"Hey you!" The night guard came out with his stun gun and flashlight.

"Yes you! Leave before I call 9-1-1" The night guard threatened.

"Don't you think I know you already called them and you're just a distraction" the cloaked guy smiled.

The night guard pressed the button on his stun gun and shot it at the cloaked person. He dodged it and took out a gun, shooting the guard in the neck.

He dropped his stun gun and flash light to drop to his knees and squeeze his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

The cloaked man walked up to the dying night guard and dropped his gun next to him.

"See you never" the cloaked man smirked, walking back to exit out the back.

Before Kyle knew what he had just seen, his world flashed white and was back in the room holding the Marionette.

He looked down at it and noticed it looked like the kid Seto that died who knows when. His thoughts immediately went to that Seto became the Marionette after being killed by it, which was weird.

The shadow figure with a horrible wide mouth jaw snap came out from the Marionette's body and at Kyle's face.

Kyle, terrified, threw the puppet at the wall and ran towards the exit. He slipped on the newspapers and fell on his chest. It didn't hurt much, but was easier for him to get up and run.

He could hear a horrible voice behind him. He didn't want to turn back and see the shadowy figure again. He managed to exit the room, but was about to walk off the second floor gap.

He turned back and could only suspect for the worse. He took a few steps back before sprinting and jumping off the edge to try and make it to the other side.

He managed to grab the other side with his arms. The landing stung, but he had to pick himself up.

Before he could, something stood above him.

As he shackingly looked to see which one it was, he was surprised to see Bruno there.

Kyle froze and couldn't help but stare at him.

Bruno shoved Kyle's arm off the ledge, leaving Kyle hanging by only one. That's when Kyle finally snapped from his trance and tried getting his hand back in the ledge.

Before he could, Bruno shoved the other one and let Kyle fall to his supposedly doom.

Kyle's life flashed before his eyes as he fell. He landed back first on the hard floor before having his head hit it next.

Throwbing pain flew all over Kyle. His vision blurred as he shackingly, turned his body to face the stage.

He could identify the three animatronics standing in front of the stage. Bruno, Randolph, and Agustas.

He started becoming light headed.

Before he could get knocked out, something stood in front of him. As if guarding him.

It screamed, "NO!" In the exact same voice of Tyler.

Kyle's eyes rolled up and his head fell to the ground, leaving himself unconscious.

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