Training Montage

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"Ready position. Common crouch. I want to see matted fur and yellow teeth." Professor Knight came across Foxy and started. 

Foxy's usually somewhat neat red mane of hair was matted and looked slightly greenish. His eyes were black with white dots, and his teeth were yellowed and filthy.

"Good job Mr. Blackwood. Basic snarl. Show me some slobber. Drool is a tool, kids. Use it." He suddenly came to Sulley, and smiled. "Now here is a monster who looks like a scarer. You want a hope of passing this class, you have to eat, breathe, and sleep scaring."

Mike gave Sulley a look, and Sulley pointed at him and clicked his tongue.

Goldie raised her hand cheerfully from her spot in the row across from Sulley, making most of the students glance at her curiously. 

She was a very nice person, but she didn't raise her hand that much in class. She mostly just studied during class (and missed some very good notes, but she waved that off. "I can just steal from you guys." "Well, when you put it that way..."). 

"Mr. Knight, what if we don't sleep? Do we still have to sleep scaring?" she asked, partially joking and partially serious.

Nessa covered her mouth to hide her snort.


"Good thing we decided to study together-- a lot less trouble that way," Foxy sighed, looking more like he was about to drop off to sleep rather than study.

"Fear of spiders?" Randy asked, holding a flash card and turning to Freddy like an announcer. Freddy stretched, looking almost lazy. "Arachnophobia," he named simply, stretching.

"Fear of thunder?" Randy turned to Mangle, who flashed rows of wickedly sharp teeth. "Keraunophobia. Easy!"

Randy turned to Nessa and Mike, who both were sitting on the edge of their seats in the grass. "Fear of chopsticks!"

"Consecotaleophobia!" both shouted simultaneously, Nessa gently punching Mike on the shoulder. "Jinx. You owe me a soda."

Mike chuckled at Nessa, who smiled back wryly, and glanced back at Randy. "C'mon, what is this, kindergarten? Give me a hard one."

Goldie giggled. "You guys are more into this than Foxy is, that's for sure." She poked him, making him groan and roll over with a mumble that sounded a bit like 'five more minutes'.

"By the way, where's Spring?" Mike remarked, "she's usually here."

"It's her time of the month," Nessa said, without skipping a beat, and pulled out more flash cards. "Goldie made these. I SWEAR I didn't peek..."

Over Mike's blush he didn't notice the others, barring Randy, sharing a look with one another.


"Go Monsters U! You know what to do!"

Foxy scowled at the cheerleaders. "I don't even like football... why are we here??"

"We're here because Randy wanted to be here," Mangle yawned, "and since he's nice we're not just going to ignore him." 

She continued dangling upside down, her white hair grazing the floor in boredom, her hand clamped over her shoulder. "Oh shut UP, you," she mumbled to her shoulder.

Randy winced and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as a soda nearly fell on her face. As it was it still doused her in the sweet, sticky liquid, making her sneeze. "Ahh!! That went up my nose," she mumbled, wriggling said facial feature awkwardly.

Goldie was exchanging notes with Mike, and scowled as popcorn showered over her. Freddy picked one off her back and ate it. She smacked him with her notebook. Freddy shrugged at her glare and Nessa's bemused stare. "What?? I'm hungry."

Spring smiled wryly, although her face was tight. "I agree with Foxy-- the minute this thing is over I'm leaving."

"Fine by me," Nessa agreed, "this is way too noisy for studying."

"I swear, we're all turning into studyholics..."

Five notebooks simultaneously smacked Freddy on the back, a sound gone unnoticed in the noisy stadium.


"The answer is C, fangs," Mike called, raising his hands in the air.

"Well done, Mr. Wazowski," Professor Knight said.

"A bowl of spiders," Nessa said politely, smiling slightly from where she was sitting next to Freddy, who was poring over a book with Goldie and wasn't paying much attention.

"Correct! Mr. Fazbear, when you'd like to pay attention." Freddy snapped to attention, a dark blush on his pale face. "Sorry, sir," he said politely.

Foxy scratched his head with his hook lazily. "A clown running in the dark," he answered, sounding bored. Spring regarded him before gently yanking his hair, eyes flashing purple and white.

"Right again!" Professor Knight said, ignoring the soft cursing that exploded from Foxy as he clutched his hair and glared at Spring, who smirked at him.

Mangle giggled slightly and flipped over. "Warts, boils, and moles, in that order," she chirped, tilting her pretty white hair so it nearly mixed in the dirt on the floor.

"Outstanding!" Professor Knight declared, sounding a bit surprised. Of course, Mangle DID hardly raise her hand in class and when she DID answer she answered in a way that sounded like she was trying to be a smarta**. That was just because she got bored and she said 'screwing with the teacher is really fun sometimes!' Which the others, of course, had to concede the point since it WAS true.

The gang all high-fived from where they were sitting in the front row, although Foxy nearly used his hook before remembering it was his hook and switching his hands.


"Ogre slump. Zombie snarl. Dominant silverback gorilla. That is some remarkable improvement, Michael. And you as well," Professor Knight said, smiling slightly at the gang, who all bowed politely, curtsied, or nodded in response to the praise. He moved onto Sulley.

Sulley performed his roar pose, and Professor Knight glanced away, looking annoyed. "One frightening face does not a scarer make, Mr. Sullivan."

He moved away. Sulley looked over at Mike and the others, a disbelieving look on his face. Mike pointed at him and clicked his tongue, Nessa saluted playfully, Mangle beamed at him, Goldie and Freddy tipped their top hats in sync, Foxy saluted with his hook, and Spring bowed slightly and sarcastically in his direction, before they all looked at one another and grinned. 

Nessa pulled out her calendar. "And not a day too soon. It's December 17. The final exam is tomorrow." She looked up at them, eyes sparkling. "You guys all ready?"

Everyone let out an affirmative nod. "Are we participating in the Scare Games?" Freddy asked.

All of them looked at one another, then shrugged. "Nahhhhh."

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