Chapter 10: The Third Night/Favorite thing about Pinkie's

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   Another busy party day. I was back in the pizzeria after a nap and a meal. Fluttershy was the only one in the dining room. "Hey Fluttershy." I darted my eyes around. "Where are the others?" I asked. "Oh. In your office. They want to see you." Well that's odd. I went to my office. But as soon as I walked in they shouted. "SURPRISE!" I fell to the floor. "Since we're on good standards now. We baked you a friendship cake." She smiled. The cake said Best Fwends on it. Wow. Even their cakes have corny lyrics. "Thanks." I grabbed a fork and tried a bite. German Chocolate. How'd they know? "How'd you know I like German chocolate?" I asked. "Duh! Remember the application. It said favorite cake flavor on it." She said. Oh yeah now I remember.

   I took another bite. "Thanks. Its really good." They smiled as I sat down. Then they left the room. I just sat there and ate my cake. Maybe they aren't so bad after all. And as long as I keep them happy until night 5. They'll stay that way. Yeah that's right. I'm still planning to ditch this place after night five. Problem? I was sick of this place. Sucky hours, no pay, and worst off all. Clingy animatronics.

5:00 AM

   Ugh. So tired. But that cake helped. I'm awake. Just lazy. "Hey Swift!" Pinkie said. "Yes?" I asked. "Wanna play tag with us?" She asked. Hmm lets see. Play tag with a bunch of faster, stronger, heavier, robotic mares or sit on my ass. "I'm good." I said. "Suit yourself!" She said. "She says she's good so let's just play." She said. I decided to watch them play on the camera. Might be fun watching a bunch of robots bumping into eachother.


   I was at my day post. Ready for the onslaught of kids. Party of 20. As they ran in. I quickly tagged all of them accordingly. "Like a boss!" I said afterwards. Pinkie laughed then she ran backstage.


   I walked out on stage. "Hello everypony!" I said. "Sorry. Second day here. My friends are still getting used to remembering where they put their costumes." I said. The fillies laughed. Twi and Fluttershy came out. "We're ready. My bowtie was in a fishbowl." Twi said. She squeezed her tie and water shot out. "So was my bib." Fluttershy said as she wrang it out on the stage. They laughed again. "Well where's Dashie?" I asked. "She's looking for her new hat." Twi said. "She got a hat?" I asked. "Yup!" Twi and Shy said.

  "Well while we're waiting why don't you guys tell the crowd what your favorite part about working here is. Besides the kids of course." I said. "Oh well... for me it's the food. But I'm a little messy." Shy said. "I want you to guess mine Pinkie." Twi said. "Ok... is it... the Pizza?" I asked.

"No." She said

"The Decor?!" I asked.

"No." She said

"The little bendy straws you get at th-"

  "Pinkie! Obviously you're a horrible guesser." She said. "Well what is it then?" I asked. "The Music!" She said. "OHHH!" Pinkie said. Twi and Shy facehoofed.

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