Night 2. Part 1

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The nightmare that repeats every time, gradually drives us crazy, but at the same moment, we get used to it.


A hospital. The night. 2:32

At the end of the corridor, in one of the rooms, lay a boy of about 12, but his condition was very grave.

Only the beeping of instruments disturbed the silence. Strangely enough, he was not alone in the room. Next to him was sitting a woman with golden hair, but there was one thing that set her apart from humans.

She had gold bear ears on her head, which stood out strongly. The guest herself gently stroked the boy's head, as if she had known him for a long time.

- ... I finally found you... - she whispered in his ear.

- ... William.... While you ran away, I was able to find you, or rather your son.... You must remember part of our agreement.... While you ran away after all, but I will take back what you promised to give me... - the unknown guest spoke again, but clearly addressing another person.

Then she turned her gaze back to the boy, examining him closely.

- ... You probably don't remember me, but I've been by your side since you were born....  But because your father refused to fulfill part of our agreement, I could only talk to you now... And the condition was quite simple.... I just wanted to get you... but that doesn't matter now. I can finally have you, my darling. So let the nightmares and me get to know you better....

After these words, the guest suddenly disappeared, as if she hadn't existed at all. But if you look closely, you can see a small trickle of golden color penetrating the boy's head.

What was it? A long-awaited reunion or the beginning of something bad?


Night 2. Part 1.

My awakening was not the best, or should I say, very painful. My head was pounding with pain, though I couldn't understand why.

Wait, what time is it? I remember exactly that as soon as I heard the alarm clock ringing, I suddenly felt very weak, and then I passed out.

I turned my gaze to the clock that was on the dresser. To say that I was shocked means nothing.

The time was 11:55 p.m.! It couldn't be! Even if I wanted to sleep all day, I couldn't! And at the very least, I would have woken up a couple of times!

Now, it turns out I fell asleep....Stop, what time did I fall asleep?! Oh man, I forgot to look at what time my alarm went off!

But now I have a new question. If I remember the events of the last night correctly, as soon as my alarm went off, that fox girl left for some reason. And her words were strange, too.

What did she mean? That I was lucky? Or that she was bound to come back and I wouldn't get rid of her that easily?

If to put it all together, do I have to hold out for a certain amount of time?

I remember the last time I woke up was at midnight (12:00AM). And if my guess is correct, then I have to start.... surviving from that time, otherwise I can't tell. But how long I have to make it to midnight is another question.

I also remember that I fell asleep in the closet, but then why did I wake up by my bed again?

Wait, the flashlight, where is it?!

But after a second I stopped panicking, because I found that the flashlight appeared in the same place where it was the last time. But now there were 5 batteries, which means they don't disappear. Now this is great news.

Now I don't have to worry about my batteries going missing.

But even though I felt a little better now than yesterday, my fears weren't going anywhere. On the contrary, they only intensified. Thinking back to yesterday's incident in the closet. The way she touched me and the way she talked to me made me get goosebumps.

I definitely need to be more careful, or it could be much worse the next time I get caught by her. Luck was the only thing that saved me last time.

Meanwhile, while I was pondering, about 20 minutes had passed and I heard the first sounds coming from the stairs.

Someone was coming.

After gathering my spirits a bit, I went to the right door, because the sounds were coming from that side.

There was that feeling again, the feeling that hadn't left me last night. I can feel it again. Someone is looking at me again, but I couldn't find my enemy. And the darkness was creating the illusion that I was not alone in the room.

I followed the old plan. First I put my ear to the door to hear any sounds, but it was in vain. Absolute silence, so there was only one solution left.

Once again I stuck my hand out with the flashlight and turned it on. If I deduced correctly, then they are in a sense afraid of the light or they don't like it.

There are no other options, so after a couple of seconds I turned on the flashlight. I was right!

There is someone out there!

I saw someone go behind the wall again, an arm and hair again, only those were yellow. Now I realized that there were at least three of them, if not more.

Things are bad; if there are too many of them, I won't be able to resist them for long. One way or another, at some point I will make a mistake and they will catch me. And only God knows what they will do to me.

In the meantime that guest, who was clearly on her way to me, had gone somewhere, but where to - I could not find out.

So I went back into the room and closed the door; it would open a little again anyway, and this way, though not for long, I would feel safe. Even though that was impossible.

But my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of breathing behind me, or rather on the bed.

I quickly turned around and switched on the flashlight, after which I shrieked a little

- Aah!

But I sharply covered my mouth with my hand so as not to attract the attention of others.

On my bed again sat the girl from last night, but this time she wasn't alone. Sitting next to her was the exact same girl, only their outfit was slightly different. They were twins?!

Five. There were at least five of them.

They were sitting  there for a long time and looked at me with smiles on their faces. And to tell you the truth, it was very frightening. They didn't move in any way, just looked at me and smiled. That was it.

But now I had another thought. So they might show up in my room?!

But I couldn't think about it, as my flashlight sharply went out again, but after a couple of seconds it was on again, but the girls were gone.

I quickly looked around the room for someone else, but luckily I found no one.

But the strange thoughts didn't leave me.

What should I do now? Even in my room I am in danger. If I manage to chase them away now, what am I going to do when they come up with a plan or act together?!

Panic. I felt panic, and with it desperation. They were definitely not human, which meant they were probably stronger than me. Although I noticed a little weirdness in myself, it didn't help me in any way.

I've grown up. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but it's true, I'm taller now, you could say I'm about the same height as Mike. But I don't know how old I am. Of course in normal circumstances I'm only 12 years old, but I'm clearly more mature now.

But even these seemingly cool changes don't help me in any way.

I was able to realize yesterday how strong those girls were. I couldn't even move when she grabbed me, and trying to escape from them would be almost impossible.

Even so, I tried to fight back, even though I knew it was almost useless. But I would not give up without a fight!

It was only with such thoughts that I could cheer myself up, though it did not help much.

Again I heard sounds, but this time from the left door, and to my surprise they did not stop at the stairs. They continued on, and I could tell they were coming toward my door!

In a panic I grabbed my flashlight to turn it on in case of danger, but I don't know if that will help me or not.

Meanwhile, the sounds of footsteps stopped. I knew I needed to check that door, but all my senses were screaming that I shouldn't.

But if I didn't, I would probably regret it, so I had no choice.

After gathering my thoughts, I went to the door, or rather to the gap that was between it and the wall.

As I leaned my ear against it, I distinctly heard someone's breathing! There's someone there! And it is standing very close to the door!

Automatically, to see my visitor, I turned my head toward the crack and immediately regretted it.

I can see her! Damn it, I can see her! The way she's looking at me and I'm looking at her!

The first thought that came into my head was to turn on the flashlight. But something told me that if I did that I would repeat the event of last night, so with the force of suppressing that desire, I just stood still.

Fear enveloped me again, as it had the last time.

No moving, nothing.

- ...well hello....this is the second time we've met...

She spoke to me! Just like the last time! I can't let her in.

- You don't mind if I come in, do you? I want...

But before she could finish, I slammed the door and wouldn't let her in. No, you mustn't let her in my room! It could be a trap!

I fought through my fear. My trembling hands held the door, hoping she couldn't open it, though that was unlikely.

- ... And good for you, you still managed to close the door, but next time, I won't just leave you like that.... Good luck, my sweetie... hee hee

Luck smiled at me again and she really went away!

Her sounds got quieter and quieter until I finally stopped hearing anything behind the door. Only then did I open it again, and overcoming my fear, lit up the hallway again, but to my delight, it was empty.

When I returned to my room, I decided to sit down on the bed and rest for a while, and think about what I had experienced.

Why didn't she open the door? With her strength I'm sure she could have done it easily. Or are they not all as strong as that fox girl?

No, I wouldn't believe it, even if they weren't as strong as her, they'd still be stronger than me.

Still, she just said some strange words and left. She clearly let me know that if I let her in, she would do something to me, but what, I never found out. And I hope I don't find out.

Okay, there's no point in filling my head with that right now. I've got to get through the night.

After all, there's still half the night ahead.

To be continued....

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