Night 4. Part 2

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To say that the situation was bad is nothing to say.

Right now I'm in a room with two animatronics...

Or rather, my nightmares...

From the looks in their eyes, they're clearly not on good terms, and the way they look at each other proves it.

I'm still lying on the floor, but now my hands are free, but Plushy is still sitting on me.

My main goal is to be invisible.

Or rather, I want to make them forget about me...

- What are you doing here?

A girl of short stature with green hair asked menacingly.

I was surprised to hear that.

She's usually flirty, but now....

- I have the same question for you, Plushy. Shouldn't you be somewhere else right now? If memory serves me right, you're not supposed to be here.

The white-haired fox answered calmly.

Even though I don't know what they're talking about, there's definitely something connecting them.

- It's none of your business... Mangle...

- That's where you're wrong. It does concern me, because you're breaking the rules of our "game" right now.

- Grrrr, you piss me off...

After these words, Plushy got up from me and headed in the direction of Mangle.

I, on the other hand, wasted no time getting up from the floor and quickly stood near the left door.

Even though I was safe now, if you could call it that, I shouldn't forget about the other nightmares. Two of them I have already missed, but I still have a chance to win, the main thing is that they forget about me. That is, it is desirable that they do not pay attention to me.

- You're ruining it again. Why can't you just leave me alone?!

- Because you're the reason we can't properly replenish our energy! As soon as you found out, you started taking it from us! If it weren't for Goldie, I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened to us!

- Yes, that's true. But I wanted to meet Yuki as soon as possible. I needed that energy. The more of it I had, the sooner I could meet him.

- That's the problem! Because of you, we got hurt! Do you have any idea how much pain it was when you took it away from us?! But that's not the point! Because of your selfish desires, some of us started to hate Yuki! Many thought it was better to kill him and change our host! Do you know who caused all this? And why Yuki has to "survive" now?! Because of you!

- W-what do you mean? YOU'RE LYING!

- Oh, let me explain. Originally, everyone was happy that our host was Yuki, because he would be able to adapt to us, and with our interaction with him, we would get energy.... But then you showed up and started taking our energy... Because of that, we had to learn to generate it ourselves. Even though this amount is small, but it is enough to maintain life.... But that's not what matters. Because of your actions, many people started to blame Yuki, as you did it because of him. By doing so, some have decided to take revenge on him, since you are stronger than many of us.

- That's why we invented this "game" but after seeing him suffer, I decided to help him in every way possible, but I was only able to meet him once! If you knew the state he was in then...

- But it doesn't matter now. Look at him, how difficult do you think it is for him now?

Plushy couldn't answer and just looked at him.

- You're not saying anything? So look at his face. It literally shows desperation. His eyes.... they look so haggard.... How much longer do you think he can hold out? And he's also holding everything inside of him, which is very bad for him. If you accumulate negative emotions for a long time, it doesn't end well.

The bunny just kept silent in response. She did not know what to say, because the fox was right.

Yuki himself did not listen to them much, his attention was focused on something else. He was trying to hear any sounds from outside his room.

- Even so, I can take care of him myself! All he has to do is get through this game and we can be together!

 Plushy still couldn't to calm down.

- That's the whole point! HE'S the one who has to go through the game, not you! Right now, all you're doing is getting in his way. If it were me, Yuki wouldn't have made it through the night. He also has to go through night 5, which is the hardest night since he'll be up against Goldie.

Mangle had already turned to a lot of harsh language, because her rival was still not calming down.


While Plushy was arguing with Mangle about something, I decided not to listen to them and concentrated on the door.

Since they were talking pretty quietly at first, I was able to focus on listening for extraneous noises.

Luckily for me, I didn't hear anything.

But after thinking for a while, I decided that I should check the hallways to be more sure.

Strangely enough, this time I didn't even hesitate with it and just went to the left door and started listening.

Maybe it was because I was getting bolder, or maybe it was something else, but I stopped feeling dangerous.

It was like something had changed...

It felt like someone was watching me now, and I'm not talking about Mangle and Plushy arguing near the closet door.

This someone who is watching doesn't make me feel threatened, which puzzles me a bit.

For now, I need to put those thoughts aside and check the left door.

But as soon as I grabbed the doorknob, I immediately became nervous....

Once again the thoughts arose, should I do this or not? On the one hand I could find out if someone was there, but on the other hand, if someone was there, what would happen to me?

No, I need to put those thoughts aside, now I have to open the door like I did before, I can....

I can.... definitely I can.... I... can


From the outside it wasn't even noticeable that Yuki was trying to overpower himself, it seemed as if he was just frozen in one place.

His hand held the doorknob firmly, but no action followed...

He just held the knob and looked at the door.

And someone noticed that.

While Yuki was standing there wondering what he should do, the fox, who was in the room, was constantly watching him.

According to the rules, they had already won, and Yuki was her "prey" but Mangle had decided to help him in the beginning, so she decided to "attack" Yuki immediately in order to win him an extra 30 minutes.

She herself didn't fully understand why she wanted to help him so much. At first she hated him as much as all the other girls, but as soon as she saw him, something clicked in her and the thought occurred to her.

But even so, she could only see him again that night.

Mangle had hoped he would be a little better mentally, but her hopes were dashed in an instant as soon as she saw his eyes. There was no life in them, only weariness.

Yuki looked 14 or 15 years old now, and he should be shining as the best part of his life began.

But the way he looks now.... he looks like a man who has suffered a lot, although he has.

- Look at him, Plushy...

The bunny turned her head toward her lover

- And? What was I supposed to see?

- You really don't see it? ...You know, I don't want to keep fighting with you, so I'll just explain everything to you. Maybe then you'll understand something...

- From the outside he seems fine, but if you look closely, you can see small, but very important details. The first is that he's holding the doorknob, but he's not doing anything. Strange, isn't it?

Plushy notices this too, but she doesn't understand what the fox is getting at, because it doesn't mean anything.

- The second is that he hasn't moved at all since he touched the doorknob. It's no big deal either, is it?

Again the green-haired girl had to agree with Mangle, because Yuki really hadn't moved since he'd touched the door.

- And the third thing was his eyes. Look, they don't move at all, he keeps staring at one point. Do you know what that means?

Plushy already knew something was wrong here, but she's a pretty bad judge of character, so she can't figure out what the Fox was getting at.

- It means that at this moment he senses danger, and all because someone might be behind the door. Right now he's trying to fight within himself. Trying to overcome his fears and phobias. But since he's been doing it for so long, I can say with certainty that he's in a crying state. He's very much afraid of us. And of you, too, Plushy...

The bunny stood there the whole time and did not take her eyes off Yuki. She could not believe what she had heard. But all the facts Mangle had named pointed to exactly that.

Yuki really was in a very bad way right now. If before he was just afraid to do anything because he feared for his life, now he feels animal fear.

He understands that he needs to open the door, but he can't do it because of his fear, which is screaming at him that he shouldn't do it!

- So I came here to buy him some time, but can he make it through the night.... Honestly, I don't know. I want to believe it, but there's also a good chance that he won't be able to do it, and if he finally "breaks" you know we'll just change our host and he'll die...

Now Plushy is just standing there analyzing all the information she got from the fox. It was hard for her to hear all this, since she loves Yuki very much, but reality is full of disappointments, and this case may be no exception...

- No, I believe that Yuki can get through this game. I don't know why, but something tells me he can make it through this night.... he should make it...

Mangle was surprised to hear those words from Plushy, but after looking at her serious face, she knew she wasn't saying it because of her feelings....

- Well, I believe he can do it, too, because he's not guilty of anything. But here's the thing, not all nightmares understand that. Oh yeah, our time is up, so we have to leave or Goldie will get really mad...

- ...I hate to admit it, but you're right, we should go.

Then both girls disappeared from the room, but looked at Yuki again in the end.

This night will be one of the hardest for him because in the last hour he will fall into their trap....

*Yuki's POV*

I don't know how long I've been standing by the door, but I still can't make up my mind to open it, out of fear.

My body just refuses to do it, but if I don't, I might lose. And that means whoever catches me can do whatever they want with me....

No, I can't let that happen.

But.... I can't open the door.... I'm scared.

....Somebody help me....

- don't... worry.... just.... do.... it.... there's nobody there...... there's nobody there.... I.... will help you

- ..... I.... want.... to be friends with.... you.... just.... trust.... me....

I heard someone whispering and quickly looked around the room, but found no one....

I seem to be hallucinating.

- ...It...isn''

Slowly, panic enveloped me, but suddenly all my negative emotions were gone, and I felt better, even the fear was gone.

- Trust.... me.... I.... want to help.... you.... be... your... friend...

Probably a bad idea, but I have no choice but to trust her.

I hope she didn't lie to me....

After these words, I opened the door.....

To be continued...

A/N - Finally an Update! Original Author is alive! I immediately started doing text errors fixing. Here you guys go. See you soon.

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