Night 4. Part 3

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- Trust…. me…. I…. want…. to help…. you…. to be… your…. friend

Maybe it's a bad idea, but I have no choice but to trust her

I hope she didn't lie to me....

After these words, I opened the door….

And, to my happiness, there was no one behind the door! At that moment I was very happy, because until the end of myself I thought that she could lie to me, but this is not so.

Just in case, I found a flashlight to suggest that no one was there. I carefully examined the corridor and, not noticing anyone, I returned to the room, after which I spoke in a trembling voice, but not from fear, rather from relief.

- T… thank you for your help, I… I don’t know why you are h… helping me, but I’m g..grateful to y.. you

In response, I only heard dead silence, which again made me tense up a little, although, given recent events, this state is normal for me...

But as soon as I thought about it, I heard footsteps from the right door.

Quickly running up to it, I listened to the noise, but heard nothing. And this means only one thing - she stopped, but I do not know where. It can be either in the middle of the corridor or near my door. And it was stressing me out

But I quickly had the idea to use my old plan, which was to open the door a little bit and listen for the sounds. If she is close to the door, then I will hear her breathing, and if not, I will just turn on the flashlight to check the right corridor, although this can be very dangerous for me...

The plan itself, it seemed to me, was good, at least in this situation it had already worked several times, but remembering that a yellow-haired girl usually comes to me from this side, I no longer really wanted to use this idea...

Still, the memories of that night... when she took my life... still makes me fear her.

What if she'll do it to me again? Grab me again and... and... and do the same. I do not want it! Only not this!

And then panic seized me again.

Looking at the door, I felt a kind of suffocation, and the subconscious screamed to me that if I did not move away from this door, I would very much regret it.

But at the same time, if I do this, then I will let her in, which means my death! I don't want to feel the pain again that I had last time.

To feel how your body goes numb, and then an all-consuming cold sets in, and you can’t resist it in any way...

But I once again heard the voice that spoke to me a little earlier.

- Close... the door.... she.... now... stands.... near.... it....

I don't know why, but as soon as she said that, I was able to recover a little. No, I was still very afraid that behind the door was the one who literally tore me to pieces.

But the voice of a stranger was able to bring me out of my thoughts, which each time absorb me more and more.

But I was still afraid to trust her. Yes, she'd helped me once before, but what if she'd done it to gain my trust and then play it against me?

But on the other hand, I have no choice. I can't realize my plan anyway, and the only thing left is to listen to her....

And as much as I didn't want to do that, I walked toward the door, even though I was getting more and more nervous with each step.

But as soon as the doorknob was within my reach, I quickly grabbed it and shut the door loudly, holding it as hard as I could. The slam was so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if the other Nightmares heard it.

Holding the doorknob, I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid to look in her direction. Fear screamed at me that she'd break through the door again, like she'd done last time.

- *whisper* - please.... let her go...please...I just want to survive...I don't want to...feel that pain again....

Even small tears went from my eyes, praying that my hopes would come true.

After a couple seconds I heard a small sigh after which someone started walking away from the door. I still couldn't believe it, she was gone....

Waiting until all sounds were gone, I opened the door a little bit and, with the last of my strength, turned on the flashlight. There was no one in the hallway, just a nightstand and a closet near the window.

Quickly returning to my room, I sat down on my bed and cried softly. I tried not to make loud noises, that way trying not to attract the attention of the other girls. But I couldn't hold back the tears.

As soon as she was away from the door I felt a great relief, but along with that I could no longer hold back.

- T...thank you.....

That's all I could say, because the lump in my throat kept me from saying too much.

In response I received a sepulchral silence again, but this time I felt someone stroking my back.

I flinched at that and quickly turned back around, but I saw no one, just emptiness. It sent shivers down my spine, and I thought I was hallucinating. Was it all just my imagination? Or had someone gotten into the room?!

The panic started coming back to me. Now I don't even know which is better. That I'm going crazy, or that someone managed to get into my room without me realizing it.....

- Don't be afraid....

I was both happy to hear these words, but at the same time it made me wary, because it means that she is right now somewhere here..... next to me.

But I can't panic now, even though it's hard to believe, but maybe she really wants to help me. I know it sounds really stupid, but in this situation I can only hope that she really wants to help me!

- W..why.... are

I asked a question that tormented me, because why should she help me, if she should on the contrary hinder me! Though I hope that she will help me, but still....what if she is just trying to gain my trust so that then.....k...kill me

- ....

But all I got in response was silence, which was killing me.

- P.. please... don't be silent... a... answer me... y... you can even show... m, I promise that ...I ...I won't... d... d... do...anything

Though I can hardly do anything to her. Our. difference. with. her. is. obvious.

But all I heard was silence. I was beginning to despair that she wouldn't answer me, but a few seconds later, she appeared in front of me. I jerked back in surprise, but fell on my bed, as she was behind me. I immediately pulled myself up and sat up.

In front of me stood a tall girl with white hair, I even think she was a little taller than the other girls. She had a slender figure, size 3 or 4 breasts (and how do I know that?) and a very cute face, like a doll. And her slightly unusual way of looking at me made me tense up a bit. But there was one thing that made me feel scared. She had two pairs of black tentacles sticking out from behind her back.

It might look beautiful from the outside, but I was scared. Even though she was helping me, who knew if she would attack me right now, because there was nothing stopping her from doing so.

And while I was in my thoughts, I didn't notice how this girl came to meet me. I reacted too late and tried to get up, but she just pushed me back and sat on top of me, her tentacles at my side like a grate, digging into my bed without a chance to escape. Now I'm trapped...

But if someone saw me from the outside, they would think I was very lucky to have a very beautiful girl sitting on top of me, though I didn't think so.

The tension made my whole body tense up, expecting to be torn apart by those tentacles. Even though she was helping me, I still can't trust her, after all she is one of them. Who knows what she might do to me if she doesn't like something.

- I'm so glad you agreed to talk to me.

She said, but there was something very strange.

When she said those words, her mouth didn't move at all!

When she noticed my confused face, she spoke to me again.

- What's wrong?

- do you, i... i...if... your... r... mouth... is ...closed

At first she looked at me with an incomprehensible look, but then she realized something and spoke to me again.

- Ah, I completely forgot about that. You see, I very seldom speak in the usual way, most of the time I communicate mentally, like now. But when I was helping you, I had to communicate the old way, for some reason I couldn't communicate with you mentally, and only now I could do it, like this.

And at the end of her speech she smiled sweetly and tilted her head slightly to the side, which looked very cute. But that's how it seemed at first glance. I was greatly alarmed by her behavior. Something was wrong.

- I... I understand... but... you... still haven't... answered... my... question. Why... why... are you... helping me?

Yes, I'm still stuttering because I'm constantly stressed and it's hard to speak clearly.

But that's not the main thing now, it's important to find out the answer to this question, although no one is stopping her from lying to me, but to do it in such a way that I think she's not lying to me....

- Well, it's pretty hard and easy at the same time. I helped you for a reason, and it was to get to know you better. As soon as I saw you on the first night, I knew that you and I would have a great time. But the reason for my eagerness to get closer to you is rather unpleasant.

At this point, I got a little tense. Finding out the reason why she's so eager to be friends with me is actually very important. That way I can figure out if she's lying to me or not, though I could still be wrong when I think about this topic.

- A long time ago I.... Let's just say I had a fight with some other girls. I'll be honest, but I don't remember what we fought about, or rather I just don't know. One day they all just started to ignore me and avoid communicating with me, some of them were even frankly angry with me. But as much as I tried to find out the reason for all this, I failed. For a month I tried to find out the reason for our quarrel, but as soon as I asked any of them, I got only ignored or just yelled at. After that I just stopped contacting them in the hope that they would come to me. But, unfortunately, it was not so. It was as if they had forgotten about me, but as soon as I reminded them of my existence, when I just appeared anywhere near them, they all stopped paying attention to me, or angrily demanded that I "get away" from them. That's what Chica, the girl with the yellow hair, said.

I shuddered a little at this point, as I had some not so pleasant memories with Chica, now that I knew her name. But that's not the point right now. What were they fighting about? Why did they start treating one of them so badly? And most importantly, why is she telling me all this? I don't think I could tell anyone about my Nightmares.

All of this made me nervous, since there was something she wasn't telling me, or she just hadn't said it yet.

But my train of thought was interrupted again by this charming and sweet girl.

- Since then, I've rarely been around them. Only when Goldie called us. And most importantly, but she didn't treat me like the others. She was happy to talk to me, but when I asked her what the girls resented me for, she told me I had to find out for myself. It pissed me off...

At this point, I noticed the expression on her face change slightly to angry. And I had to admit, it looked really cute. But her hands that were on my shoulders also clenched with a little force, making me cringe a little, reminding me that there was nothing I could do right now. She's very strong...

- But only until I learned from Goldie some very interesting and important, to me, information~

At those words, she shifted the gaze of her mesmerizing eyes to me. But there was something I didn't like about her... Her eyes... She looked at me as if she had a treasure in front of her that she had been searching for a very long time. And that's what made my back feel cold.

- She called the meeting again, and that's where I found out about you. Goldie said our master would be coming to this place soon. The other girls were shocked by this, but soon at the same gathering they came up with this game to get back at you. I really don't know what you did to them, but I didn't care at the time. I just wanted to meet you as soon as possible. But those bitches....

At those words, her smile changed back to a little anger, and her grip tightened again, causing me pain, but she just as quickly calmed down and moved even closer to me. So much so that her breasts were almost touching me.

But I was still able to push the unnecessary thoughts aside and began to analyze her words again.

If I understood correctly, she didn't know why others hated me. But that's impossible, because they were all suffering from the fact that they didn't get that very energy from me just if.... no, it can't be.

Didn't she suffer from that? Or was she not losing that energy at all?! If I'm right, then it turns out that....

But before I could finish my thought, I was brought out of my thoughts again by the melodious voice of a stranger.

- They decided to make things difficult for me here too. As soon as they set the number of nights to 5, I immediately asked to be put on the 2nd or even the 1st night, but instead they put me on the 4th night because of their resentment. Then I was very angry and only Goldie was able to stop me from that.... but it doesn't matter, the main thing is that everything worked out.

She paused again as she shifted her gaze to me. I felt her move even closer to me as her breasts pressed against me, and there was no way to crawl back as, unbeknownst to me, her tentacles were blocking my back.

Now I was getting worried, as the situation was quite dangerous. I would not be able to escape from her, trivially because I have no exits, and even if I did, I would not be able to, because she is much stronger than me....

Panic was slowly making itself felt as my heart raced a little faster. But before I could pull myself away, her voice echoed in my head again.

- Now that you know my backstory, Yuki, I want to ask you one question that's important to me. Will you continue to communicate with me? You see, it's pretty hard to go 10 years without talking to anyone, even if you're a Nightmare. Besides Goldie, Mangle has talked to me occasionally, but it's only been three or four times in all that time. Not that I tried to communicate with her, but have to understand me at least a little bit how hard it is. You are literally the only living being I can communicate with. So please answer me, will you communicate with me? This is very important to me...

At the end, her voice became very quiet and then she waited silently for my answer.

On the one hand, I understand her, because I myself have been in such situations many times, when your acquaintances just stop communicating with you for no good reason. And it's really very frustrating, because you can't understand what you did wrong. And it happens that people are just jealous of you, that's why they stop communicating with you.

But watching her, I feel a little sorry for her, which surprised me. Under that kind of stress, I'm still able to sympathize with someone. That's certainly gratifying....

Now I'm left to decide, should I believe her? Her story sounds pretty true, even if I didn't hear it in detail.

Still, looking at her, I somehow don't feel threatened by her, as if she's not here. Even Mangle, who also helps me, doesn't make me feel as comfortable as she does.

I'm taking a little longer to answer, and I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's worried about my silence.

I'm willing to take the risk.... after all I have nothing to lose.

- I t... thought... and decided... I... I don't mind..... of... socializing with... y... you

A second, two, three passed, after which she jumped on top of me causing me to startle at first, but then I realized that she was just hugging me tightly. I felt something soft and firm against my chest, but I tried to put those thoughts out of my head quickly. I heard her happy voice in my head.

- Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm so happy!

These words were filled with so much happiness that for a couple of seconds I even forgot who was in front of me....

- But let me ask you one question

She released me from her embrace and looked at me expectantly.

- What... would've.... happened... if... I... refused?

Her look changed after that question, but her smile didn't disappear. It made me regret asking that question. I'd forgotten who was sitting on top of me, and I'd been stupid. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have asked her that question, no way.

- Well, I don't really know myself, I don't think I would have done anything to you, yet I was really hoping you would say yes, somehow.

Even though she said that, but here her voice became a couple tones colder, so I didn't believe it. She would definitely do something to me if I said no, but I'm not sure what.

- U.. understandable, b.. but in a.. any case.... don't.. worth thinking about it.... yet.. I d.. don't.... m.. mind.. b .. being friends.

But here after my words something changed in her, it was noticeable in her eyes. She clung to me even tighter, which made me a little nervous again.

But she's not gonna do anything to me, is she?

I focused my attention back on her and noticed that she kept her eyes on me. The distance between our faces was so small that I could feel her breathing.

- Yuki, when I said socializing, I didn't mean just friends, but something more....

I just had a look of confusion on my face. What did she mean? Something more? What? Best friends? You'd have to let a pretty large amount of time pass for that to happen. Or does she mean couples...?


No, no, no she's kidding, right? Yeah, I'm sure she was just kidding, ha ha ha ha, just kidding.
But as much as I'd like to deny it, that's not what happened.

As soon as she saw on my face the realization of what she had said, she moved forward sharply, making our lips touch.

I didn't realize anything as I was in the bliss of the kiss. It was full of love and tenderness on her part, and I began to fall backward under her onslaught.

A second, two seconds later, I was already lying on her tentacles, and she was on top of me, kissing me passionately. I was starting to like it a little, which made me nervous, but it passed quickly.

But next I felt something trying to get into my mouth. And after a few moments I guessed it was her tongue.

I don't know why, but my mouth opened a little, and she didn't miss the opportunity and burst inside, entwining our tongues in a long dance.

That amount of pleasure sent shivers down my spine, but she clearly didn't plan to stop. Her fingers wandered through my hair, and I involuntarily put my arms around her slim waist. I don't know why I did it, but my feelings told me to....

The next 20 minutes went about the same way, except for small pauses to regain air, after a long kiss. In those moments, I could swear I saw hearts in her white eyes. It was both mesmerizing and a little scary at the same time.

It wasn't until the alarm clock rang that she stopped kissing me, even though it was obvious from the way she looked that she didn't want to. And to be honest, neither did I.....

Ahem... I was still trying to regain my breath, after something like that, but I was getting so-so.

At the same moment I felt myself getting better and realized she had gotten up off of me.

Lifting my head, I saw her start to walk away, but I wanted to ask her one important question.

- Wait a minute!

She stopped abruptly and turned to me with a slightly red face. Is she embarrassed now?

- W... what's... your... name? You... d... didn't... say... your... name

She looked at me stupidly at first, and then she realized something and slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, and then I heard her voice in my head.

- I'm sorry, I completely forgot about it. as soon as I kissed you, I forgot about everything.....

She blushed even more at those words, but continued to speak

- My full name is Nightmarionne, but everyone calls me Marie, or rather called....

She felt a little sad at those words, but quickly came to her senses. She had stopped worrying about it a long time ago, or rather she was trying to forget about it....

- I hope to see you soon, Marie!

She stopped again, but she looked at me in surprise. I was surprised that I said it, it came out of my mouth without a hitch!

- I'll definitely see you soon, my dear Yuki! ~

She replied with a smile, and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. After that, she left Yuki's room and went in an unknown direction.

I felt drowsy again, not giving me a chance to rest from the recent event.

Here comes the 5th final night.....

It promises to be challenging....

And with those thoughts, I fell into darkness...

To be continued...

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