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The four girls stood frozen in fear as the bunny crawled into the office. It stood there for a few moments, then it opened its mouth and spoke in a feminine voice.

"WOOO! That is the last time I do Mangle a favor!" It exclaimed.

The four girls were slightly confused as to what it, or she, was talking about.

The bunny turned around and looked at the girls.

"Oh. Hey. You must be the four Michael talked about." She said.

Now team RWBY was thoroughly confused. She... knew Michael? Before they could ask anything, the bunny extended a hand.

"I'm Toy Bonnie, but my friends just call me 'Bon'." She explained.

Ruby, while still petrified that this thing was alive somehow, reluctantly shook "Bon's" hand.

"R-Ruby." She stuttered.

"Not exactly everyday you meet a living bunny robot, is it?" Bon replied jokingly.

Then she looked at the other three.

"W-Weiss." Said Schnee.

"Blake." Said Belladonna.

"Y- Yang." Xiao Long stammered.

"Nice to meet you. Michael talked about you guys. Said you were new. I mean, I kind of guessed that already, considering yesterday was the first time I saw you four." Bon explained.

"Wh-What else did he say?" Ruby asked, slowly realizing that Bon meant no harm.

"That was about it." Bon replied.

"So, you don't want to hurt us?" Yang asked.

"No. Sorry if we creeped you out at first." Bon said.

Then she suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, uh, Foxy actually hasn't charged in three days, which the same as three days without sleep. He's convinced that you're trying to rob the pizzeria, despite the uniforms. He makes threats, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. But if you still feel threatened by him, just flash your light in his eyes." Bon explains.

Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard outside the office.

"What do you know? Right on time... ooh! I got an idea! Keep those masks on and just play along as best you can!" Bon explains.

Team RWBY had no idea what she was talking about. Then a masculine voice filled the building.

"INTRUDERS!!! IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASSES!!!" The voice exclaimed.

Then the same fox that startled Ruby on the first night lunged at them. Ruby suddenly remembered what Bon had said. She shone the flashlight in the fox's eyes, stopping him in his tracks.

Then he suddenly recoiled.

"Argh... why-... aaugh!" He exclaimed in pain.

"Wait, you saw the intruders?" Bon asked.

"Aye. Those are the intruders right there." Foxy said, pointing at team RWBY.

Bon looked at the girls and winked at them, which Foxy didn't see. Then she looked back at Foxy.

"No, that's just the rest of the gang." She replied.

"No. They're doing that thing with the spare heads. Y'know, messing with your facial scanners." Foxy explained.

Ruby accidentally flashed the flashlight in Foxy's eyes, making him recoil again.

"Ah, dammit! If that's the others, why are they shining that wretched flashlight in my face?!" Foxy asked.

"Well, obviously you're scaring them." Bon replied.

"Scaring them?!" Foxy exclaimed.

Ruby flashed the light in Foxy's eyes one more time to see what would happen. Foxy got in her face.

"I'm gonna gouge your eyes out!" He yelled at her.

"Foxy, calm down!" Bon exclaimed.

"No! I can't be the only one in this damn place to see through those disguises!" He yelled.

The team noticed that when the two animatronics talked, their mouths opened, but didn't move.

Foxy looks at the other vent.

"Balloon Boy, back me up here." Foxy said.

Suddenly, a cute animatronic slid out of the vent. It resembled a toddler, almost.

"Hello." BB said in a cute voice.

"Aww!" Was all Yang managed to say.

She kneeled over and booped his nose, prompting him to laugh.

Foxy suddenly takes out a gun, his iris' and pupils pinprick from frustration.

"I've had enough of this! Show them you're the intruders!" He yelled.

"Eh, that's a prop." Bon announced.

Foxy threw the gun on the ground and tried to think of some other way to reveal team RWBY.

"Y'know What? Where's Freddy? FREDDY!!!" He shouted.

"Yeah?" Said the old, broken bear Yang saw yesterday.

Team RWBY had no idea what was going on. They only had one thought at the moment: 'Are all of the animatronics alive?'.

"Well, now we have two Freddys in the room." Foxy said to Bon.

"Cool." Bon replied.

"Bon, I swear, I will slap you!" Foxy shouted.

"Wait, what's going on?" Asked Freddy.

"We're looking for the intruders." Bon answered, winking at Freddy.

Freddy immediately knew what was happening now and decided to play along.

"They're the intruders!" Foxy shouted, pointing at team RWBY

"No, pretty sure that's Freddy." Freddy said, pointing at Ruby, who was wearing a Freddy mask.

"Oh, for Pete's sake! YOU'RE FREDDY!!!" Foxy roared.

Freddy couldn't hold it in anymore, so he left the room.

"Where are you going?" Foxy asked.

"I'm done." Freddy laughed.

Team RWBY, despite being scared stiff a few minutes ago, was on the verge of a laughing fit.

"I don't get what's confusing." Bon said, wanting to see how far she could go with this.

"Bon, listen-... oh, wait, what time is it?" Foxy asked.

Suddenly, the broken fox that Ruby saw in kids cove dropped from the ceiling, startling Team RWBY. Mangle was watching the entire thing from the ceiling and decided she wanted to be in on the gag.

"Hey guys." She said.

"Oi! Mangle! What time is it?" Foxy asked her.

"It's about 5:59." She lied.

Blake looked at the clock and saw that it was actually 12:24.

"5:59?!" Foxy exclaims.

Then he grabs Weiss' mask and takes it off of her head.

"It's the intruders!" He exclaims.

"The intruders?!" Bon, Mangle, and Freddy exclaim sarcastically.

This time, Foxy caught on.

"You knew the whole time, didn't you?" He asked them.

"Yes." Bon finally admitted, exploding with euphoria.

Team RWBY laughed so hard, they fell on the floor clutching their sides. Freddy walked up to Foxy.

"Foxy, tell me something... did you really think these four girls were intruders, even though they're wearing uniforms?" He asked.

Foxy's eyes went wide.

"W-well... you see... I... am going to take a nap." Foxy said.

He walked out of the office and towards the Parts and Service room. Yang managed to get up from her laughing.

"Is it always like this at night?" She asked, still snickering.

Freddy chuckled, then put his hand on her shoulder.

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's." He said warmly.

You can probably guess who I have to thank for this chapter...

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