16::: poolside talks for a girl

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Hi! So I just wanted to address something. Recently my writing style has changed...idk why but I'm not as funny.

Like, I completely forgot what went on in this book so I put it in my library and read it myself and...I loved it. Its funny and stupid and silly.

But I'm sixteen now and I started this book like one or two years ago. So...I'm trying my best to make this book have the same feel as it did back then. So...stick with me.

ALSO, so far my book Muse is my very favorite and I've gotten as far as chapter 20 so far. 19 updated and one to be published I believe. I would REALLY SUPER ULTRA MEGA appreciate it if you could show it some love. I'm really proud of it so far and I hope you I'll be too.

Sorry I've been on a slump lately!

Picture of Aze otherwise known as Shawn Mendes ^^.

Read on,



"I had to spend my day doing literally nothing and you were off skipping rocks and playing twenty questions with him?" I scowl, glaring pointedly at Zedd as he blinks innocently at me from the other side of the room.

Meg huffs, crossing her arms. "Number one, we were water skiing and number two, it's not my fault you did nothing. Why didn't you get your boyfriend to hang out with you?"

My face heats up and I stumble over my words, "He's not me boyfriend."

"Then what is he." She demands with a raises brow, her plump lips pursed defiantly.

I open my mouth before snapping it shut again, completely unsure of my own relationship status. Single? In a relationship? It's complicated? All of the above?

"You should probably figure it out because he's headed this way." She mumbles. My head spins around to follow her gaze out the living room window.

I watch as, with hands causally in his front pockets, Aze saunters across the lawn and up the steps to my front door. I barely have time to breathe before he opens the door and steps in without so much as a knock.

My heart races, pounds, stutters and stops as soon as his eyes meet mine. I fight a smile and instead give him an "I don't care at all that you look great today" face.

Definitely complicated.

"Hey." The corner of his mouth tucks up into a smirk and I swallow, keeping my cool...hopefully.

"Hey yourself. So is it a thing to just walk into my house now?"

He furrows his eyebrows and points back at he door with his thumb. "Oh well...if you want me to go I can - "

"No." I stop him before clearing my throat and letting go of his arm.

When exactly did I grab it?

"Um...I mean, it wouldn't be a total bummer for you to hang here. I'm sure I'll still find a way to have fun with you around."

He rolls his eyes before heading over to Zedd, hitting up a conversation about some game some night.

I close my eyes, mentally punching myself in my stupid face. Where's your game, Max? Get yourself the frick together.

"So..." I try and ignore the fact that Meg was standing here the whole time and there's no way she won't give me crap about what just happened. "When's Cora coming?" I ask, speaking of our plans we made to hang out today.

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "I love that girl but she can get on my nerves. You won't believe what she said that night after the party here -"

Whatever she was about to say is interrupted by the boisterous noise of Zedd's big fat mouth. Ugh I hate that guy.

"Meg have I told you that you look great today?" He smirks at me. My blood boils when she giggles.

I put on a huge toothy smile as soon as he approaches her, his arms folding around her like a blanket. I do everything in my power not to grab the back of his neck and bash his face on the wall until every tooth falls out.

"Hello Zedd. What wonderful weather we're having." I speak in a monotonous robotic tone and a glare.

Meg gives me a pointed look and I roll my eyes.

"Uh..." he sets his chin on my best friends shoulder, nuzzling the white oversized sweatshirt she's wearing. I mentally gag. I swear if that's his I'm going to vomit. "Yeah the weather's...fine. I guess." He laughs with a you're stupid look on his face.

I resist the urge to flick him in the eye.

I laugh long with him; maybe a little too loudly. He gives me a scowl.

"Aze lets go outside." I grab his arm, earning a stunned grunt from him as he's dragged out the back patio door and soon we're sitting at the edge of the pool, our feet dangling over the side.

I don't look at him, just glare at the water rippling around my toes.

He shuffles beside me and I try not to hyperventilate when he's suddenly close to me his leg presses against mine, his jeans rubbing against the bare skin of my leg. I tug at my shorts.

"So...are you going to tell me what's up with you or am I going to have to torture it out of you." He nudges me with his shoulder.

I shrug, not meeting his gaze. "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh come on, Max. You're usually at Zedd's throat but when he's suddenly all over your best friend you start spouting crap about the weather."

I sigh, closing my eyes and cringing. "I lost bet."

"A bet?"

"Two bets."

"Two bets? What the heck Max, who are you betting against and how the heck did you lose both?" He laughs, tugging once on my French braid. I slap his hand away and roll my eyes.

"Who do you think? Who would benefit from me suddenly having to be nice to the most annoying person on earth?" I give him an expectant look, waiting for it to click.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What, Megan? Why would she force you to be nice to Zedd?"

I sigh. Boys. So clueless.

"Maybe because she likes him and me trying to kill him on a daily basis doesn't exactly make him want to date her? I don't know."

He doesn't say anything as we sit there. His feet move beneath the water as if he's in deep thought.

I keep my lips shut right. This whole time I've been saying it's okay that Megan likes Zedd and it's fine with me but...maybe it's not. Maybe I don't to lose my best friend to that - that jerk.

I sigh sadly and without thinking I lean my head over and rest it on the shoulder of the boy beside me. The weight of his head is set against mine and I can't help but admire his east going attitude around me. I'm not exactly an easy person to get along with. I can admit to that.

We sit like that until Megan comes out and informs us that she and Zedd are going out for pizza and we're welcome to come along.

"Only if we plan on making a stop at our local asylum." I mumble as Aze helps me up.

She furrows her eyebrows and gives me a weird look. "Why would we do that?"

I look at her innocently and furrow my eyebrows. "Isn't that where Zedd lives?"

Aze sighs beside me but grabs my hand. "Come on miss Smart Alec I'm taking you on a double date."

I forget about the fiery red head for two seconds and allow myself to process his words. "A...what now?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"A date." He chuckles.

I blink. "A...date?"


"With you."

"With me."

"On a date...with you?"

He laughs loudly and pulls me closer, giving me a quick playful hug before releasing me. "You're too funny."

I laugh nervously and nod. Yeah I was totally kidding. Me the jokester.

It's not that I haven't been on a date with him before but the casual way he said it made me feel like we've been on a million.

Is he really serious about us?

Am I serious about us?

I groan internally, looking up at the brown eyed underwear stealing boy beside me.

Maybe underwear isn't the only thing he knows how to steal.


Sorry it was so short! I'm in a bit of a rush to get this chapter posted:)

"You're always in a hurry. Why can't you take the time to dedicate a chapter to how handsome I am? I have other features besides my red hair and freckles! And why does Max always get to speak her mind. I want a turn to share what's going on in my head too!"

"Shut up Zedd."

"See! See how she gets whatever she wants! You're so needy."

"I'm needy? You just practically stole my best friend!"

"Oh whatever, Max. She made the first move."

Guys. Both of you just shut your pie holes. You're both being ridiculous. Zedd, this book is about Max. I'm not dedicating a whole chapter to you. And Max, please just stick to he script. Thank you.

Read on,


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