4::: flirty Megan for a girl

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Ohjojoba for the beautiful graphic above^^ ❤️

Beginning authors note pending...


Load complete.


That's all I got I guess...

Read on,


* * *

"Hey." I finally break the awkward silence as Megan struggles to hold all of her sleepover supplies in my doorway.

"Hi..." She answers and I nod slowly, not sure how to act. She sighs.

"Is it going to be like this the whole time? If so, tell me now so I can leave." Her words come out snappy but her eyes tear up and I shoot into action.

"No, no. If course not Megan."

I step aside and she walks in, dropping her bag and pillow along with a makeup bag the size of a small suitcase.

"Good because, honestly? I don't think I could be friends with someone who got mad at me over some guy."

Wow that got really serious really fast.

I scuff the toe of my sneaker against the hardwood floor making a 'squeak' sound.

"I uh..I understand." I tell her quietly.

I'm caught off guard when her arms go around me and squeeze tightly. I let out a gasp as all the air in my body seems to abandon me.

"Can't-" I gasp out, "Breath-"

She giggles before letting go and stepping back.

"Sorry, Max. I just am so glad we're still friends through this. To be honest I've been dreading this for a long time. I thought you'd turn on my when you found out I'm team Zedd. Not that I'm not team Max! Oh my gosh I'm making it worse..." She rambles and I click my tongue.

"Yeah you kind of are." I tease and she smacks my arm.

"Hey. Behave." She points a finger at me.

"Uh huh...just like you behaved by lying to me!" I yell in a joking manor, letting her know that I'm considering it behind us. After all, her love life should never interfere with our friendship. No matter who or more like what he is. *ahem, Zedd* *ahem, spawn of Satan*.

"A good girl's got to have a bad moment every once in a while, okay?"

I let out a bellowing laugh at that. "A good girl? Oh my frickin gosh Meg. You are so not a good girl." I tell her, still trying to contain my laughter.

She places her index finger on her chin and taps. "You're right...I'm not the good girl, you are." It's her turn to laugh as I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it at her.

"Please. I am not...don't you remember all of the pranks I've played?" I ask and she blows a raspberry at me.

"Uh yeah...I do. They were all on Zedd. Hello! And pranking the same person you happen to hate over and over does not change the fact that you're a teacher kiss up-straight A getting-floral dress wearing-goody two shoes." She finishes and I gasp.

"I do not wear floral dresses! And I hate teachers...they always smell like licorice. Plus, I only get A's in half of my classes."

"Uh yeah...and straight B pluses in the rest!" She exclaims and I glare at her.

"Well...what's so bad about being sheltered? I have a life, okay?" I tell her and she puts her hands up in surrender.

"Woah Kernel, bring in the troops 'cuz there's no war here. Chill. I didn't say it was a bad thing. I was just stating that you are indeed a good girl." She finishes and I slump against the cushions of the couch.

My gaze wanders to the ceiling and I sigh.

"Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend..." I wonder out loud.

Megan lays her head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Max. You're gorgeous and smart and oh-so-clever. You'll find a man in no time. And if it takes a while that just means he's held up in a country with a sexy accent, just waiting for you." She reassures me...quite dramatically I might add.

"Uh...yeah right. Speaking of boyfriends..."

She gives me a confused look and I roll my eyes.

"Zedd you doofus." His name rolls off my tongue like a curse word, leaving a sour tang.

She looks down but her blush betrays her, spilling over her face.

"What do mean?"

I look between her eyes, trying to somehow find insanity hidden in them. It would explain why she likes the little red headed troll. Insanity would be easier to fix than a love for the enemy.

"You know what." I sigh. "I'm trying let you 'girly talk' or whatever." I grumble and she grins.

"I was hoping you'd be okay with my talking about him. After all, I've been holding it in for years." Cue the girly giggle and lovesick eyes.

Barf, gag, dying of disgust, writhing on the floor.

I give her a smile but I'm guessing that it looks more like I'm baring my teeth at her. She doesn't seem to notice though and begins her rant on Zedd's eyes and abs and which is more attractive to her all while I'm sitting here dying.

"Have you ever seen him when he wears those baby blue briefs with those dark skinny jeans? I swear I faint every time. They must make his eyes-"

I gag, letting her know that if she mentions his underwear again I will throw up.

She tucks her hair behind her ear and gives me an apologetic look.

"Oh." She clears her throat. "Sorry."

She didn't mention him again which I was sincerely grateful for. We just had a regular girls night, free of boys and baby blue boxer briefs.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, the heavenly scent making me practically float to the kitchen.

The small smile on my face dies when I see who's making my bacon.

My eyes narrow at the scene in front of me.

Megan is leaning forward, off her stool and over the counter, dropping a piece of bacon into The Spawn's mouth. He moans as he chews the food, making my mouth water.

Ew, not because of him.

The bacon.

I clear my throat and Megan sits back into the kitchen stool, giving me a sweet smile.

I resist the urge to kick Zedd in the manhood for even being close to my best friend considering she, you know, actually likes it.

I put on a fake smile. "Oh don't mind me. I just need something to eat, you know, to keep up my strength. In case I need to beat someone up or something." I not-so-subtly casting my glare/laser gaze at Zedd.

He rolls his eyes and allows Megan to feed him more bacon.

"I think he's capable of feeding himself, Meg." I say sweetly and she glares at me for interrupting their moment or whatever...

I open the cabinet to reach for the Cocoa Puffs and cringe visibly when I hear Meg giggle at something Zedd is whispering.

I sigh, trying to ignore the fact that the spawn of Satan has rubbed his germs on half my kitchen utensils.

I growl and spin around when I here Zedd moaning all over the bacon.

"Okay, we all know that bacon is delicious you weirdo. No need to sound like your freaking making out with it! Gosh!" I yell, spinning back around and heading to the fridge, grabbing the milk. I pour some in my bowl.

"What are you even doing here?" I ask him, not looking at him seeing as I don't particularly like looking at things that make me want to hurl.

Meg sighs and whispers to him, "I'll handle this."

I roll my eyes and grab a spoon, dipping it into my cereal and taking a bite, hearing the familiar crunch.

"Max." She starts and I turn around to face her. "I asked Zedd over here to hang out with me. You usually sleep pretty late and I invited him to keep me company but wasn't expecting you to wake up so soon."

I shrug in indifference and sit at the bar next to her.

They pause for about two seconds before continuing to feed each other and other nasty and annoying things.

I look around for my phone before realizing that I left it in the living room where we had fallen asleep.

I pick up my bowl and carry it with me to the living room.

I almost trip over Megan's bedding as I make my way to my beloved.

I lean down, my yoga pants getting shorter as they ride up my thighs. I grab my phone but drop it again when I here a honk coming from outside.

I look over and out the window to see a truck, stopped in front of my house.

I squint to see the driver, eyes widening when I recognize the face.

Little underwear thief.

Thanks for the view. He mouths before winking and driving away, music blaring.

My mouth drops open but I quickly recover, leaning back down to grab my phone. This time I glance around, making sure there's no perverts around to watch my better side if you know what I mean.

I check my notifications to see that mom texted me.

Mom: hey sweetie, just letting you know that I'm upstairs so no no funny business ;)

I chuckle, finding it amusing that she would think anything "funny" would happen while Zedd is around. Well...

My eyes widen and I rush back to the kitchen, sighing in relief that they remain non-"funny".

"Hey guys, my mom is upstairs and she asked me to keep this house funny business free. Okay?" I ask casually, my mouth full of Cocoa Puffs. Zedd's nose scrunches in disgust and Megan blushes.

"Geez. Keep your mouth closed when you're eating."

I walk towards him, shoving another spoonful into my mouth. I make sure to smack my mouth extra loud, purposefully getting in his face.

His hand comes up to my forehead, pushing my face away. "You're so gross. Gosh, Meg, put her on a leash."

Megan just giggles at him, thinking that he's joking. But I know better. If he could, he would so put me on a leash. Choke me with it too.

"Can you guys, like, not fight for a few hours?" Megan practically begs.

My eyes find Zedd's and we have a small stare, or more like glare, down before saying No at the same time.

My face contorts with repulsion. "Ew. Let's never do that again."

He just nods in agreement before shoving another piece of bacon in his stupid mouth.

"I'm going to my room. No funny business, remember? I'm leaving Megan responsible." I say before dropping my bowl in the sink and heading up to my room.

On my way to the relaxation and comfort of my bedroom, I stop at my parents' room to check on my mom.

My head peaks into the room and I instantly see my mother at her desk, typing away.

"Hey mom." I chirp, waltzing over and wrapping my arms around her from behind. She jumps slightly before leaning back into my hug.

"How are you?" She asked me and I groan.

I tell my mom literally everything (don't tell Meg. She'll add it to the list of reasons why I'm a "good girl"). So of course I told her about Megan and Zedd. Plus, she's a physiatrist so it's like having my own personal shrink to dump all my problems on.

"Megan is all flirty with him now and I just have to sit there and...watch." I shiver dramatically and she lightly slaps my arm. My arms come away from her and I sit on her bed.

"Max, you have to understand that Megan is a girl. I know you're not like most girls so you wouldn't know, but girls like boys. Megan likes Zedd and it's only natural for her to try and get him to reciprocate her feelings. So I'm result you get flirting. And lots of it." The mom duties turn off and the shrink duties turn on.

I groan and flop onto my back, hearing a thud as my back hits the memory foam mattress.

"I know that girls like boys mom." I mutter dryly. "And I like boys too."

I look at her as she raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Sure hon." I glare at her but she ignores it and continues to lecture me. "But you need to realize that Megan isn't always only going to have you in her life. She will eventually get a boyfriend and sooner or later she'll get married." Her voice is soothing and it somehow lightens my mood. You can always count on Mom to shrink your head. Or whatever shrinks do.

"I know." I sigh, not really wanting to give up on Meg and I's dream of remaining unmarried women forever and traveling around the world, eating only Werthers and Skittles till we die.

Then again we made that up when we were freshmen. Even then we were only joking.

Or at least she was...

"I don't want her to get hurt, mom. I love her and - well I hate him."

She gives me a small smile. "Sometimes we have to let people make their own decisions even if we know they'll get hurt. They have to learn themselves or they might end up doing something even more stupid and dangerous without learning a life's lesson beforehand. They can't learn from you they can only learn when they do."

I smile at that, thinking it was some famous saying or something cheesy.

"Who said that?" I ask.

"Me, now get downstairs and help your friend fall in love."

My nose scrunched at that.

She winces in realization. "Too soon?"

"Uh, yeah."

* * *

Bow chicka wow wow whatcha gonna say?

Enough if that.

I just want to ask if I said anything about her parents. I have a lot of other books going and I can't remember if I said her parents were divorced or something....

Well, they aren't so yeah.

Read on,


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