Chapter 7

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WARNING: This chapter contains strong language and violence. Please be advised that this chapter may be upsetting to some readers.

A heartbeat lumped into my chest as it rushed harder and harder that my vision almost went completely blurry. It was as if I needed glasses or something to see everything that was going on in front of me. But it's a good thing that I can see everything in front of me without glasses now. But my thoughts were all shattered when my eyes met - with - THE MAN'S?!! "Hey, Turquoise. Do you love me?" the man asked me as if he was gay or something. OH MY GOSH!!! I gasped and tears filled my eyes as I gulped and took one big step back away from him. Even though I tried my hardest to see him closely, my vision was wobbling now. I felt like I was about to faint or something like that. And indeed, with one last breath, I fell to the floor, hoping that the shopkeeper couldn't see me as I did. When I opened my eyes again, I immediately realised that one, the hot guy left. And two, I found out that the lights in the whole entire store were off. I also noticed that the shopkeeper had left - and the shop was closed! I WAS TRAPPED!!! Oh no! Did the shopkeeper just left me here without noticing me? I was having major mixed threats. I was so shocked an confused. How do I escape? I tried to find a way to escape by breaking the shop's windows, finding a vent and destroying all the items in the store! I acted like a mad dog! But no matter how hard I tried, searching far and wide, I couldn't find an escape route at all. I checked my watch and it was too late! It was 8:30pm in the night and Miwaho would have gotten home by now! Now all hope was lost. I sat down near a wall and buried my head on my knees. I started sobbing uncomfortably. I didn't want to end like this. No. Not here all alone and stuck in this horrible store! I wanted to hug someone but here was no one around. Just when I thought that I would never return back home again, I saw something shiny on the floor. I crawled to the silver object in front of me and picked it up. Zap! Oww! Oh - yeah. I realised that it was metal so that's why it zapped my fu*kin' finger. I looked closely at the silver object that was on my hand. It was a crowbar! I was so happy that tears of joy streamed down my face as I hugged it tightly (which I know that you're not supposed to do that in public). I immediately started searching for a vent that was in the store. Come on! Come on! It must be somewhere! I quickly looked around and - found it! Using my crowbar, I was able to fit inside the vent and escape! Crawling inside the vent was like trying to find a way out of a maze! Tossing and turning, I tried looking for a sign of an exit but of course, I kept going around in circles for like about 15 times already. By the time I went around a circle for the 16th time, I was so exhausted that my forehead was sweating and I was lost. Dang it! Come on! THIS FU*KIN' VENT MAZE IS AS HARD AS SH*T!!! I was raging now so badly that the tears were coming back to me and time was running out! I had to hurry! And I must! Think, Turquoise. You will never give up. Never, girl. I have to hurry and find a way out before it's too late! Soon, it was 9:00pm on my watch and I was at a sudden corner, ready to turn when all of a sudden, a mouse appeared! And my dear friends this was not an ordinary mouse! Instead, it's eyes were red and WORSE, the mouse was even bigger and quicker than me! I realised that it was right behind me. It looked very creepy, I'm not gonna lie! I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. All I did was roll over whilst running inside the vent, making noises everywhere I go. I was in flames right now. I couldn't do this anymore. I was out of breath. I tried to hide from the mouse but it was no use! In fact, it was even worse than before! OH NO! IT WAS A DEAD END! IT WAS A TRAP!!! And the mouse was crawling straight towards me! Tears streamed down my face as I awaited my death. That's it. Goodbye, world. I'm so sorry to leave you all. I love you all so much. R.I.P. me. When I opened my eyes again, I realised that the mouse was gone and I wasn't dead. Wait?!! What?!! HOW?!! HOW WASN'T I DEAD?!! OMG!!! Plus, I saw a note on the ground - and an escape right in front of me! Woohoo! I opened the note and read it.

Dear Turquoise,

Thank you so much for saving this store. Apparently, this store is abandoned and technically, no one runs it except on Thursdays. The items you buy in there are more expensive than you think they are. For example, a chocolate bar is supposed to be $60 instead of $10. Again, this is a reward for saving this store. Thank you so much!

Yours truly,

Mandy Mouse. :)

I was so shocked that my mouth was open this whole entire time. And I was so thrilled that I didn't get the chance to say thank you to Mandy Mouse for helping me. I never knew I could have a talking animal companion. I happily rushed to the vent and through my happiness, I saw the bright daylight in front of me and finally escaped from this horrible store!

Author's Note

Hey, guys! It's Nicolas here! Just want to check in and see how you guys are going. Hope you all are staying safe, you are all staying healthy and you guys are all staying in your home sweet homes, safe and sound. And also, thank you so much for reading Chapter 7 of Fix Me! If you enjoyed, please feel free to vote, comment, laugh, weep, add this story to your libraries soon and BETTER, please follow me for more updates! Also, if you guys think that the language I use in this chapter is too violent and hurtful for you, please let me know. I understand that it wasn't really the best option to put in swear words but just tell me in the comments and I will fix it right away! Anyways, thanks so much for reading, look forward to more amazing content soon - like Chapter 8 of Fix Me and I will see you all real soon! Bye! :)

- NicoBooks

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