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Two Years Later...

I saw a flash of light before I squeezed my eyes shut...

"Do you plan on closing your eyes in all of these pictures?" Eve asked teasingly.

I gave her a playful nudge. "I can't help it, the flash is way to bright."

She chuckled before turning to the photographer. "Do you think we could tone it down a little? The bride to be is a little stuck up."

I hit her arm. "Hey!"

She just continued laugh...

The beautiful sound of her voice fading out as another sound faded in...


With a groan, I rolled over and clicked off the alarm.

"Remind me again why we have to get up this early?" I asked.

Eve chuckled. "Because, works not supposed to be fun."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't remind me."

She giggled as she straddled my lap. "So, that's it? No 'good morning'?"

I smiled. "Good morning."

She returned it before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

Then, she jumped out of bed and pulled me with her. "C'mon, your first day is always the worst."

I stretched my arms. "Yeah, well, maybe this one will last longer than a week."

"Well, maybe you should stop verbally bitch-slapping your bosses around and come to school with me."

"I think I'll pass, you have fun though."

She laughed a little before making her way to the bathroom...

After getting ready for the day, we hopped in Eves car.

"So, have any dreams last night?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, about the day we took our wedding pictures."

Eve smiled. "That was a fun day."

"Maybe for you."

She giggled before starting the car and heading off towards my new job.

We parked in front of the building and she turned to me. "Don't forget, we have a very important birthday to attend today."

I smiled and kissed her. "Like I'd forget, I already have her present all picked out."

Eve smiled back. "Good. I love you, have fun."

I scoffed. "Right, fun."

She chuckled. "Get going."

I returned it as I stepped out of her car. "Love you, see you later."

She nodded and waved before driving off.

I looked up at the building with a sigh. "Let's get this over with..."

Eve picked me up after work and drove us home to get ready for the party.

I grabbed our gifts from our room as Eve finished setting up the snacks and decorations.

There was a knock at the door just as I set the gifts on the table. "I'll get it." I said, making my way towards the door.

My mom stood on the other side, a huge gift bag in her hands.

"Hey, mom." I greeted, pulling her into a hug before leading her into the house.

She set the bag on the table before pulling Eve into a hug.

"How's it going, Terri?" Eve asked.

My mom smiled. "Great. I guess I'm a little early?"

I checked the time on my phone. "Actually, Diana and Jeremy should be here by now."

Sure enough, another knock rang out from the door.

I smiled as I pulled it open, seeing Diana and Jeremy on the other side, little Daphne wrapped securely in Jeremy's arms.

"Took you long enough." I said.

Diana rolled her eyes. "Don't blame me."

Jeremy smiled sheepishly. "I'll admit, my hair care routine is a little time consuming."

"A 'little'?" Diana asked accusingly.

I chuckled. "Well, better late then never."

I held the door opened and they walked in, greeting my mom and Eve with a hug.

Jeremy turned to me, holding out Daphne. "Here, can you hold her for a minute?"

I smiled and nodded, taking her in my arms. "How's my favorite niece doing?"

She smiled. "Cake."

I chuckled. "I'm excited about the cake to."

Eve walked up next to me, smiling. "Hey, cutie."

Daphne reached her hand out, taking Eves finger. "Evie."

I sighed. "How come she knows your name but not mine?"

Eve smirked. "Because, I'm the cool aunt."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, bull-"

Diana swept in, plucking Daphne from my arms. "Watch it."

Eve chuckled, resting a hand on my shoulder. "She's barely two, Belle, just give her some time. She'll learn to love you just as much as I do."

I smiled, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "Fine."

Eve took a quick look around. "Isn't Violet supposed to be here?"

I shrugged. "She called me earlier, said she'd be running a little late."

Eve raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Something about Stacys parents, I don't really understand what she's talking about half the time anyway."

Eve chuckled. "Well, good luck to her I guess."

I smiled. "Yeah, now let's get this party started."

So, we spent the rest of the day celebrating little Daphne's second birthday.

Watching Eve with her gave me a warm feeling inside. I knew she would make a great mother some day.

We were slowly piecing back together the family that was broken up so many years ago and I was excited to see what the future had in store for all of us.

My mom quite drinking for good and she actually started dating again, which was a good sign.

Diana and Jeremy were happily married and were even expecting another little member to add to the family.

I guess Violet and Stacy were a thing, but then again, who really knows with Violet.

Eve and I were doing great. I was the happiest I've been in a long time and that was all thanks to her. I loved her more than anything and I was determined nothing would ever come between us.

And, who knows, maybe we could add a child of our own to this big, happy family one day...

The End

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