Chapter 10

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I can almost see the exasperation op his face when he sighs, even though he's behind me. With a hand on my shoulder he turns me towards him and takes my hands in his.

"You've already taken your place. My mother told me to bring you back as soon as we found out you were gone."

My eyes widen, his mother told him to go? I heave a deep sigh and push the hopefulness away. "We've had to play a game even in front of your friends to keep anyone from discovering me, how can we ever keep that up?"

Now his brow creases and he tilts his head saying: "The ruse was to protect your virtue, not to hide you."

My virtue? "But ... your father, he made us sit outside to hide my eyes. And I'm always wearing a scarf to hide my hair." I don't understand.

"Before ..." He's searching for words and his cheeks turn slightly red before he continues. "Before I kissed you, before I knew my heart, I thought you would leave again. If you wanted to go and find someone else to spend your life with, they would recognize you." To this, he smiles. "Your eyes have the color of the morning sky, how could anyone forget that?" His smile falters.

"I do not want anyone to think ill of you. If they saw you with me; us two alone, there would be talking. As long as no one knew it was you, they wouldn't bother you. Your reputation would be ruined if they knew you had been with me and had not ... married me."

My cheeks are on fire. I can't look in his eyes any more than he can look in mine. Both of us are self-conscious.

My feelings are all over the place. He hid me to protect my reputation. He wasn't ashamed of my looks, he didn't fear anyone from finding out about me because of the color of my eyes, he wanted to make sure I could have a full life when I left.

I have no idea how to react to that. I can't even find the words to say thank you.

"Ji-Eun-ah, my friends won't mind that your hair shines like gold, they will envy me your beauty."

With a squeaky voice I ask: "But won't anyone want to sell me? You told me I'd be worth a lot."

Really ashamed this time, he lets go of my hands and stands up. After a few steps away from me, he walks back, kneels down and bows deeply before me. "That was unforgivable of me, please say you'll forgive me."

I hurriedly say I will and when he straightens up, there's a determined look on his face. "I will protect you with my life. You belong with me and no one will ever take you away from me."

A smile finds it's way from my heart to my lips and for the first time I allow myself to believe there is a place for me in this world.


We get up and he holds my hand in his all the way back to the house. It's dark when we arrive, but his parents are still awake. Mrs. Ho scolds me for leaving without a word, but she also pulls me in a tight embrace. She looks at her son when he takes my hand back in his and stands beside me. With a clicking sound she shakes her head, but then she laughs, claps her hands together and motions us inside. We are given an elaborate dinner and then I'm ordered to go to bed. In the other room, away from Gi-Kyong. Apparently she no longer trusts us in the same room. I hide a giggle behind my hand as I slip through the curtain.

Her concern is proven correct when I'm woken early in the morning by a dark shadow climbing through the window. I'm about to scream when the person covers my mouth with one hand and presses a finger to his lips. In the early morning light I see Gi-Kyong grin at me and upset that he scared me so, I slap his shoulder.

When he kisses me, I melt into a puddle, right here on the floor.

"You better leave before your mother catches you", I whisper when he leans back.

Caressing my cheek with one finger he answers: "I had to make sure you wouldn't sneak of again."

I shake my head and grab a hold of the rims of his jeogori. "I will never run again", I ensure him. In response, he kisses me deeply.

Sounds coming from the main room, have him scrambling in a hurry and he's out of the window within seconds. I quickly stand up and run to see him turn at the corner. He waves and disappears. This time I giggle out loud.


I'm extremely nervous when I step into the main room after I've dressed myself. Mrs. Ho is sitting in front of the cooking stove and stirs in the iron pot. When she sees me, she motions me to sit down. Mr. Ho and Gi-Kyong are nowhere to be seen.

After she filled several bowls with breakfast, she takes place across from me and urges me to eat. Halfway through the meal, the first question comes. "Gi-Kyong-ah tells me you have no parents?"

"No, they died when I was younger." I give her the names I came up with earlier: Yon and Hana. She accepts them without question. I wonder if she really accepts me, this strange foreigner who came crashing into their lives, broken and bleeding; if she really embraces me as her future daughter in law, or merely endures me for her son's sake.

Her affection is shown in the softening of her features after my answer.

The next question is more difficult. "Where do you come from?"

We've spoken about it on the way back, Gi-Kyong and I, about what I could say. We decided that my parents ought to have been travelers from Europe. More details were not necessary, as the whole idea of Europe was inconceivable at best.

I can see it in Mrs. Ho's face as she tries to pronounce the word Europe. I give her the Korean name for it: Yuleob, but I guess she's never heard of it. "It's very far away", I add. We leave it at that.

When she's finally satisfied in her curiosity, she pulls a basket towards her that looks more expensive than everything else I've seen in the house. I can tell it's treasured and can't wait to see what's inside. Mrs. Ho smiles at me, moisture brimming in her eyes, and lifts up the lid.

Bright colors immediately lighten up the room. I see red silk, embroidered with gold and blue's and greens. The lining is light blue and when she lifts the garment from the basket, I suck in my breath. It's a topcoat, a wonsam, I recognize it from pictures. Queens wear those, and very rich people. The sleeves are wide, different strips in different colors: yellow, blue and white at the end with red flowers embroidered on it. I'm afraid to touch it, but Mrs. Ho already stands and pulls me up with one hand. I quickly obey and then she holds the coat in front of me.

Am I suppose to wear that? Why? When?

The coat is long and when she orders me to put it on, it almost covers the hem of my skirt. With a satisfied look, Mrs. Ho takes out a belt from the basket and fastens it around my chest. There is more inside the basket, but for now Mrs. Ho seems to think it's enough. I'm totally at a loss.

When she sees my bewilderment, she laughs and explains: "For the wedding. It was my mothers and I wore it at my wedding. I always hoped to have a daughter to be able to give it to, as a son's bride would have her own. I'm so glad I can give it to you. Make sure you have a daughter to pass it on to."

My face matches the color of the silk and with a huge grin she takes the wonsam off again and folds it neatly in the basket.

My wedding. It's for my wedding. I'm getting married?

I'm excused out of the house and ordered to go and feed the chickens. In a dreamlike state I take the wooden bowl filled with animal food and walk towards the part of the courtyard where the chickens have their domain. I almost forget to put on my sandals, the boots have vanished.

Deep in thought I throw handfuls of grains on the floor, while the chickens almost attack me. I hardly notice. When two arms wrap around me from behind, I drop the bowl. Gi-Kyong presses his nose in my neck and goosebumps appear all over my skin.

"Did she show you?" he asks, nuzzling the soft spot beneath my ear. My knees go weak and I'm glad he supports me.

"The-the w... wonsam?" He nods against my cheek. Still faltering I ask: "You will m-marry me?"

I don't receive an answer right away. Instead he turns me around and squints his eyes. "Don't you want me to?"

My eyes fly wide open and I don't know how fast to say: "Yes! Yes, I do, of course I do, I just ... I didn't think you would ... want to, so soon."

He grins, all worries gone again. "Why wait?" he simply says and I can't find an answer. If he wants to marry some penniless girl with pale hair and pale eyes that has nothing to offer but her love for him, who am I to object?

When he's about to kiss me, yells from the direction of the gate break us apart. Above the wall, three faces are visible. Gi-Kyong greets his friends with a sheepish expression and walks to the gate to open it.

Immediately I lower my face and feel if my scarf covers my hair. This time however, Gi-Kyong walks back to me and lifts my head with his finger. A tender smile is on his face, giving me courage. These are his friends, I should not be afraid.

The moment the three young men meet my glance, they recoil. There is an awkward moment wherein they try to apologize for being so rude, while also seem unable to look away. Pretending to be angry, Gi-Kyong shoves them and tells them not to stare at his fiancee. I blush ferociously.

There is, however, no fear and soon they stop their staring and go back to teasing Gi-Kyong.

The friends don't stay long, but when they leave, it's also Gi-Kyong who says goodbye to me. Am I allowed to ask where he's going? I wonder if he will tell me. This proofs that getting married after one week also has it's downsides. Besides all the wonderful things I know about my future husband, there is actually quite a lot I don't know yet. It's something they never tell you in fairy tales.

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