Chapter 1 - Jack's Prequel

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Jack remembers every important day in his life.

Every heart-wrenching, painful occurrence that made him who he is. The person he doesn't want Mark to know. The person Mark needs to fix.

Oh, where to begin...

February 7th, 2000

That's the day Sean was born.

When a child is born it's wonderful, a new human to experience the wonders of life and the beauty of the world.

That's the day Sean ruined everyone's lives. Especially his own. And he had just been born.

"Ma'am, we've been doing some blood testing on Sean." The doctor stood by Mrs. McLoughlin's bed.

"Yes?" She asked, worried something may be wrong with her child.

"Mr. McLoughlin?" The doctor regretfully looked to the man in the corner. Sean would grow to look just like him.

"Is something wrong?" He stood up from his chair and walked to his wife's side.

"Well," The doctor cleared his throat and took a deep breath, "Sean does not have the same DNA as you. Or any trace at all." The doctor spoke solemnly. Mrs. McLoughlin's eyes were wide as she looked to her husband.

"Honey, I-" Her husband stepped back in disgust.

"This isn't my child?" He spoke quiet, but his voice was just as venomous.

"I don't know, I-" She was interrupted once again.

"Who's kid is it?!" He raised his voice slightly. Mrs. McLoughlin shook and tears slipped down her cheeks. The doctor turned and left the room.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERE HOME MORE OFTEN, I WOULDN'T BE SO ALONE!" She shouted. They went on yelling for a few more minutes until the baby woke up and started to cry.

"I can't believe you." Mr. McLoughlin went to pick up the baby. He cradled Sean gently and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He whispered a quiet 'I love you' before setting him down and walking towards the door.

"Y-You can't leave me alone with a baby!" Mrs. McLoughlin shouted desperately.

"He's not my kid." Mr. McLoughlin said as he left the room.

April 20th, 2003

"Sean! Stop that!" Caitlyn shouted at her son. He was once again laying flat on his bedroom floor. He was hyperventilating, screaming, tears streaming down his face. His panic attacks started at such a young age.

"Sean! Please! Let me just enjoy my holiday!" She shouted at her 3-year-old. It was Easter, but today just the same as any miserable day between Sean and Caitlyn.

"SEAN! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She shouted and threw a pillow at him. Sean squirmed and cried louder. Finally his mother left the room and slammed the door.

After a good 20 minutes Sean calmed down. He weakly pushed the pillow off of himself and sat up. He picked up one of his toys, a little teddy bear named "Teddy". It was the only one who would play with him nicely, and he loved it so much.

July 22nd, 2005

Behave. Be quiet. Be scared.

That's when the abuse started. Pills and bottles littered the house. It was a surprise Sean was still alive with all the chemicals everywhere and the bruises on his sides.

He clawed at the pantry door, trying to reach the handle. He finally managed to pull it open. Food was everywhere, and Sean grinned happily. He snatched a box of cereal and tried to eat some, but his mother yanked it from his hands.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She set it on a high shelf. She yanked Sean by the arm away from the pantry and threw him to the hard, cold tile floor.

Sean tried to tell her he was hungry, but he only babbled. He tried so very hard to tell her, but everything that came out of his mouth was nonsense. He became frustrated with himself and started to cry.

"Are you fucking kidding me! Did I raise a retard?!" Caitlyn hit Sean in the head. Sean clawed at the floor and continued to speak gibberish.

"Bah! I ah ah bah! Blah!" He spoke louder and louder. He was screaming and crying.

"Try to stand, you fucking idiot!" Caitlyn shouted. She yanked Sean's arm up so he was on his feet. He tried to stand but only fell over and hit his head on the cabinet.

"AH GAH! A BLAH!" Sean screamed at his mother and pounded his hands on the ground.

He didn't see his mother again for another two days. She was in her room or away so much, he didn't know how to speak or walk.

May 17th, 2006

"I. Like." Sean struggled, "To. Play. With." He stuttered and paused, but his teacher looked at him as if he was about to win an Oscar. "Mah. Teddy." Sean squealed and hugged Ms. Berry.

"You did it! I'm so proud of you!" She cried into the small child's shoulder.

"I. Love." He pressed on. "M-Mah. Teech. Her." He giggled happily.

"Aw, I love you too!" She hugged him tighter. Sean stepped back and waddled around the room. Ms. Berry taught him privately, as he didn't do well in regular classrooms. She taught him how to speak and to walk. He was still at a level of a 2-year-old, but it was a start. Sean pointed to random things in the room.

"That's a shelf." Ms. Berry said proudly.

"Sh. Helf." Sean repeated.


"Sh. Hair." Sean said happily.


"Book!" Sean picked up the book.

"What is it?" Ms. Berry asked.

"Book!" Sean flipped through the pages.

"You want to read?" She asked.

"Pweese." Sean smiled up at her.

"Honey, you can barely talk." She sighed.

"Book." Sean pouted.

"Okay. It might help." Ms. Berry sat down next to him and helped him with each word.

June 3rd, 2010

"No, Sean. You're not allowed to play with friends." Caitlyn scolded Sean as she took a sip of some sour smelling alcohol.

"But I want to! I don't want to stay home with you!" Sean stamped his foot. Caitlyn whipped her head around to face Sean, a terrifying expression on her face.

"It's not like you CAN make any friends!" She shoved Sean to the ground. He hit his head on the bedpost, and everything went black.

September 15th, 2011

Sean trembled as he walked into school. He hurt everywhere. He asked his mom if Felix could come over, and she made sure he never asked again. As he walked into the school he heard two girls talking.

"Jeremy is stupid. He has the strictest teacher, and he Google's all his homework answers and uses a calculator. Mrs. Vickery would kill him if she found out."

"It's not like Mrs. Vickery is such a good person. She fails students she hates on purpose. So does Mrs. Field."

Sean continued walking. He pretended he didn't hear it, but he couldn't forget it. It stayed stuck in his mind.

He walked over to an empty spot on the gym floor and sat alone. He pulled out a small chapter book and tried his best to read it. He had gotten so much better since he was 6, but he was still a year or so behind.

"Hey, retard." Jeremy yanked the book out of Jack's hands. "'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'? Sorry, this is too advanced for you." He laughed and dangled the book above Sean's head. Suddenly Sean stopped trying to grab it and snapped. His head started spinning, and he couldn't control himself.

"Too advanced for me?" Sean pushed Jeremy. "You think I'm STUPID?!" Sean started to yell. "At least I can do simple math! What would Mrs. Vickery say if she found out you used a calculator and googled all the answers to your homework?" He leaned into Jeremy's face, ready to rip his throat out.

"H-How did you find out?!" Jeremy shrieked.

"You would FAIL the 5th grade!" Sean grabbed the collar of his shirt and stood on his toes.

"S-She wouldn't f-fail me! I-I'm the teachers pet!" Jeremy swallowed.

"That's why you're passing. She thinks you're SO smart. Once she finds out then she won't care any more. She fails students she doesn't like on purpose. You'd never make it to middle school if she knew." Sean sneered and glared at Jeremy.

"Don't tell." Jeremy's eyes were wide and terrified.

"Never mess with me again. Ever." Sean shoved him to the ground and stomped on his stomach. Jeremy groaned and the school bell rang. Sean picked up his bag and walked to his classroom.

February 18th, 2012

"Sean, I'm very concerned." Mrs. Berry sat down next to him. Sean had tears streaming down his face. He quickly wiped them away and looked away from his teacher, taking deep shaky breaths. He just had another panic attack. They had been happening every day now. "Sean, this is not a good thing. You need to talk to your mom-"

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO MY MOM!" Sean stood up from his chair and shouted.

"Why?" Mrs. Berry was shocked, Sean never acted out. He was so quiet and reserved. This was the first time she had heard him scream like this.

"I HATE HER! I HATE HER! I DON'T WANT HER!" Sean picked up several things around the room and threw them. Thankfully in the Special Ed classes there were mainly pillows and stuffed animals instead of anything that could actually break or hurt someone.

"Sean! Stop right now!" Mrs. Berry grabbed his arm as he went to pick up more things to throw.

"STOP! DON'T HURT ME!" Sean shrieked and picked up a bean bag. He threw it at Mrs. Berry, and she toppled to the ground.

"Sean, I would never hurt you!" Mrs. Berry said as she stood up. Her head pounded, but she ignored it.

"MOM! PLEASE!" Sean clutched his head and gripped his hair. He pulled on his hair, crying and screaming until Mrs. Berry called in the principal and the school counselor.

Sean woke up in the "cool down room". It was a room across the hall from the counselor's office for kids who needed to be alone for a while. He panicked for a moment. He remembered being in Mrs. Berry's room, then suddenly back at home. His mother was shouting at him to stop, but he honestly couldn't tell what he was doing wrong. He was in his own world.

"Hi." The counselor stepped in and smiled. "How are you?"

"How did I get here?" Sean's breaths were quick and shallow. "I was at home with my mom..." His voice was quiet and panicked.

"You were at home?" The counselor questioned.

"I was in Mrs. Berry's room, and I didn't know how but I was home. And now I'm here." Sean started to cry. "I-I d-don't know what's g-going on." He sobbed.

"Here. There are lots of toys and books in here. You can even color!" The counselor smiled. "Just calm down and stay in here for a little bit, okay?" Sean nodded and she walked out of the room.

He wandered around, looking at everything. He found a little cube full of water and sand. Each time you flipped it around the sand would be different colors. He sat down and played with the one toy for about 20 minutes.

"Hey, Sean." Someone walked in the room. He payed them no attention and kept playing with the cube. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. Sean didn't want to talk, so he ignored her. "What have you got there?" She asked. Sean just shrugged and stayed quiet. "So how was-"

"Shh. Just stop." Sean said simply and kept playing with his cube.

The new lady stayed quiet for a few more minutes. Sean kept looking at all the sand, trying to figure out how it changed. Finally he stopped and set it down on the table in front of him. He turned to face the lady, a blank expression on his face.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer." She smiled sweetly. She was in her early 20's and very beautiful. Sean just stared at her and blinked. She cleared her throat. "So, how was your day?" She said kindly.

"Bad." Sean looked away from her and crossed his arms, leaning back into the couch.

"What happened?" Jennifer asked.

"My mom, stupid people, what doesn't make me mad?" He huffed and balled up his fists.

"It's okay, Sean. I want to make you feel better. I'll be your friend for as long as you need me to." Jennifer promised.

December 15th, 2014

Jennifer kept her promise. Sean was now in 8th grade, and he still went to see her every Tuesday. A few other things happened after that day a couple years ago, but he never mentioned it. Once he got into middle school he met Molly. Sean had a lot of things to hate about his life, but he was thankful that Felix and Molly were with him. Even if he had become a terrible person...

Since what happened with Jeremy in 5th grade, he made sure no one messed with him again. So many secrets filled his head, and he was more than happy to let one slip if somebody made him upset. He felt like everyone was a puppet. So measly and harmless, they could never hurt him. That's the sick power Sean had become addicted to.

Felix and Molly didn't care what he did to other people. They knew who he really was. Jennifer had asked them to come to group therapy to help Sean. They had found out he had Borderline Personality Disorder, and he was severely dependant on other people.

It was difficult to for Sean, preparing to go into high school next year. He had caught up to his fellow students, but he was still a below average student. Especially in his English classes.

But that wasn't at all what was on his mind.

"M-Molly, Felix, I-I... I want to t-talk to you guys." Sean was shaking and he looked on the verge of tears.

"Sean? What's wrong?" Molly immediately stood up and moved so he could sit next to Felix.. Molly had invited the other two to come hang out at the park. Sean found it the perfect opportunity to tell them.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" Felix wrapped an arm around Sean's shoulders. The whole Personality Disorder was still new to them, and they were still trying to figure things out. He wasn't throwing things, so that was a good sign.

"I... Don't know." Jack ran a hand through his hair.

"It's okay, you can tell us anything." Molly rubbed up and down Sean's back. More tears spilled down his face and he let out a sob.

"You guys are my friends, right?" He muttered.

"Of course! Is that what happened? Sean, you know we'll always-" Felix hugged him.

"It's not that!" Sean interrupted him. "I need to tell you..." Sean was interrupted by another sob. He felt as if he were choking on his own tears.

"We're listening. It's okay." Molly spoke quietly.

"I'm..." Sean took a deep, shaky breath. "I'm bisexual, okay?" Sean grabbed Molly's arm. "Please don't hate me..." He whispered.

"Sean, I would never hate you! No matter what!" Molly hugged him tightly.

"Neither of us hate you." Felix used his sleeve to wipe the tears away from Sean's face. They all hugged each other tightly, Molly and Felix comforting Sean.

After their moment, Sean leaned back and looked at the two. He sighed as he looked them in the eyes.

"And... I need to tell you something else." He bit his lip and looked away. "I'm asking so much of you guys..." He sighed.

"No, it's okay! What is it, Sean?" Molly asked. He winced at the name.

"Please, don't call me Sean any more." He looked at his feet.

"Why not?" Felix asked. Molly glared at him for a moment then turned back to the other boy.

"It reminds me of my mom." He whispered. Memories of his mom yelling and screaming before hitting him, he had started to wince every time someone said his name.

"Okay..." Molly set a hand on his shoulder. "What do you want us to call you?"

"I guess... Jack. I like Jack." Jack smiled and looked at a tree just behind Molly. "That's what my dad wanted to name me." Jack remembered when his mom told him. It was possibly the one day she was ever sober, and happy.

"Okay, Jack." Felix smiled and stood up. They spent the rest of the day enjoying themselves. Jack was possibly the happiest, he finally had nothing to hide from his friends.

April 18th, 2016

Jack walked through the hallways with Molly and Felix. He tried to keep cool like he did around everyone else, but he couldn't stop bouncing. You could always tell when Jack was happy because he would bounce while he walked. Molly offered to take him to Starbucks, and free stuff always got Jack in a good mood.

They were walking to the front doors of the school, hundreds of students were walking around them.

"So Jack, what do you want?" Molly turned to Jack, only to realize he had stopped dead in his tracks. He stood still with his mouth wide open, staring at something. "Jack?"

"Holy. Shit." He muttered. Molly followed his gaze to a tan guy standing next to a bright red car.

He was about Jack's height, but he was a lot more fit and obviously stronger. His hair fell gently over his forehead as he leaned against his car texting.

"Oh, he looks cute." Molly looked at Jack. His face was bright red and he was still staring.

"Hot damn." Jack felt as if he couldn't move. He needed to know him.

"OOOOOH~" Felix teased once he realized what happened to Jack. "JACKY FOUND A BOYFRIIIEEEND!" He shouted and danced around Jack.

"Okay, let's go." Molly laughed and pulled him along. But Jack wasn't thinking straight (in many ways), and he shouted at the boy as they ran by.

"HII'MJACK!" Was all he said before they passed him. The boy just looked up and looked around, but didn't see anybody. He turned around and got in his car.

"What the hell?" Felix laughed as they got in the car. But Jack wasn't listening, he was thinking about the beautiful boy he didn't even know.

June 3rd, 2016

The day Jack kissed Mark. Out of every important day, June 3rd stuck out in his mind like a sore thumb.

Although, that's not a bad thing. That was the best day of Jack's life, and he'll never forget it.


3,128 words...


That's Jack's back story. It will be very important throughout this book :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you fangirls IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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