Chapter 8 - Dad

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October 28th, 2016

Jack's POV

Someone gently shook me awake.

"Jack, please wake up." My mother said softly. I stretched and sat up, avoiding her gaze. We hadn't talked much since the incident, and she constantly felt guilty about it.

I silently stood up. She nodded her head to my bedroom door, signalling that I needed to go into the other room. I cautiously stepped out, and sitting on the couch was a man with the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Hello, how are you?" He asked with an accent slightly thicker than mine.

"Jack, there's something we need to talk about." My mom sat down next to the man. I took a seat in a chair across from the couch.

"You look very handsome." The man smiled, looking up and down my small body. I shifted uncomfortably in the chair.

"Jack, I got a phone call from the hospital you were born in." She sighed. "This is some very difficult news, are you ready?" She asked quietly and kindly. I sat patiently and waited for her to continue. "The doctor that... Did the blood test on you and..." She took a deep breath. "He was a fraud. He faked multiple blood tests to make people pay extra money." My eyes widened. "They fired him years ago, but someone was going through all the cases of this doctor and she found your birth records. She called me and told me..." She paused. "Y-Your... D-Dad..." She sighed. "This is your dad." She forced a smile. My jaw dropped in realization.

I sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the reality that was thrown at me. A few tears slipped down my cheek as I stared at the floor.

"You're going to live with him, now." She said semi-happily.

"You're getting back together?" I whispered, confused.

"N-No." She sat on the edge of the couch. "I still... Slept, with someone else. We thought you were that man's baby. That's why I was so upset." She wiped her eyes. "But your dad is here for you now. You can be happy." She whimpered. I ran my hands through my hair before covering my face.

"Are you okay? What's the matter?" The man so similar to me asked.

"This is just... A lot." I mumbled. My mom stood up, then walked over to me and hugged me.

"Bye, Jack. I love you." She sobbed. Once she was finished she walked into her bedroom. She walked out with bags full of her belongings, then walked out without another goodbye. She was gone.

"Hey, buddy, do you want to go back to bed?" My... Dad, asked kindly. I stood up and walked to my bedroom, shutting the door without a word.


Mark's POV

I knocked on the door. Jack had texted me to come over. He didn't tell me why, he just said he wanted me there ASAP. I jumped back when a stranger opened his door.

"Oh, hello." He grinned. I realized he looked exactly like Jack, except with brown hair and less... Punky.

"Uh, is Jack here?" I asked awkwardly.

"He's in his bedroom right now. Are you one of his friends?" He had the kindest and most genuine smile I had seen on anyone other than Jack.

"Uh... Boyfriend, actually." I stood up straighter. Straighter than my sexuality, at least.

"Nice to meet you!" His smile didn't faze one bit. He held out his hand to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you too." I shook his hand, and I saw Jack walk out of his bedroom. At first he jumped at the sight of the unfamiliar man, then relaxed when he saw me. He slipped past the man and walked down to my car without saying anything. The man nodded kindly and shut the door.

"Who was that guy?" I asked him once we were both seated in the car. Immediately Jack broke down in tears and buried his face in his knees. "Jack, baby, what's wrong?" I leaned over and hugged him. He balled my shirt in his fists as he sobbed into my shoulder.

"H-He's... M-My..." He hugged me tighter. "H-He's my dad..." His voice cracked as he cried. I comforted him, whispering loving things into his ear and quieting him down.

"Shh, hey, it's okay." I kissed his forehead. "How do you feel about this?" I held his hands.

"I-I don't know..." He sniffed. "I won't have to deal with m-my mom any more, but this is the man that caused my life to turn to shit." He bit his lip. I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"It wasn't his fault." I consoled. "It was that doctor's fault."

"How did you know?" He leaned back, staring me suspiciously.

"Your mom called me." I kissed him.

"That's why my phone wasn't on the charger." He chuckled.

"Well, where do you want to go?" I asked kindly.

"McDonalds?" Jack grinned childishly.

"Of course." I chuckled and drove off.


October 31st 2016

"Pleeeaaassseee?" Felix's friend begged Felix.

"Ken, we have other plans." Felix sighed. We were all walking to our cars after school, and Ken continuously followed us.

"It's a party! You can go trick or treat like little kids afterwards." He joked.

"Nah, we were just gonna watch movies." Jack giggled.

"Let's just go! It could be fun." Molly sighed.

"YES!" Ken cheered and finally walked away. "See you guys later!"


Molly knocked on the door. None of us wore costumes. Afterwards we were just going to Molly's house, and trying to hang out in bulky and uncomfortable costumes was not a good idea.

Ken opened the door, and loud music blasted into the cold night air. Everyone inside was dressed like slutty nurses and geeky video game characters. Ken wobbled as he slurred his speech, inviting us in. Everyone just ignored his tipsy state, but Jack's face turned completely pale.

He covered his mouth with his hand and ran around the corner of the house. You could hear how sick he was, and it was awful. Once he stopped gagging I walked around the house and Molly and Felix waited patiently at the door.

Once I turned the corner I saw Jack leaning against the side of the house. He shivered slightly and his hand hovered just above his mouth.

"Jack, are you okay?" I asked softly as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't stand alcohol. It makes me sick to just smell it." He croaked out. He spit in the grass to wash the sour taste out of his mouth.

"I thought Irish people were supposed to all be drunk bastards." I chuckled and knudged him with my shoulder.

"My mom was an alcoholic." He muttered. My face burned red and I bit my lip awkwardly. "Can we just go home?" He looked up at me weakly.

"Yeah, of course." I nodded and put my arm around him, pulling him over to Molly and Felix.


November 24th, 2016

I love you <3


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving I love you goodnight ❤

Nooooo I want you and
your family to have dinner
at my house tonight



I do ❤
But my parents haven't met
your dad

We'll cross that bridge when we
get there

Get back here!
Are you kidding me
Okay fine
Goodnight ❤


"It's okay! You know my dad is chill." Jack spoke over the phone. "He's the nicest person you've met. He gave me my smiley genes." He giggled.

"True, he's awesome." I laughed. "You like that red flannel, right?" I asked him, looking in the mirror and holding my flannel shirt over my bare chest.

"Aw, are you trying to impress me?" Jack teased.

"Trying to impress you and your dad. Imma be the best boyfriend ever!" I laughed.

"Too bad. I have bested you." You could hear Jack smirk through the phone.

"How?" I chuckled.

"I invited you over!" He said victoriously.

"Just dress nice. My parents have only talked to you on the phone." I pulled on the flannel.

"They've met me before!" He said defensively.

"You were crying while I was in the hospital." I stopped myself before I continued. No need to bring that up again.

"Shut up, I'm great and you love me." He giggled, changing the subject.

"True." I hummed happily. "Well, I have to finish getting ready. You go be the girl in this relationship and put on makeup or something." I laughed.

"Hey! There is no girl in this relationship, that's the point of being gay!" We both burst out laughing.

"Love you, see you soon." I let him say 'I love you, too' and then I hung up. And immediately went into panic mode.

My shirt was ironed, but there was still a wrinkle beneath my collar! Did my jeans look nice, or were they too casual? Or was I dressing up too nice? Did my hair look okay? How am I going to introduce myself? What if I screw it up? What if my parents embarrass me in front of Jack or his dad? What if my parents don't approve of Jack?

"Mark, time to go!" My mom called from downstairs. Already?

"Coming!" I shouted back, checking my appearance in the mirror one last time before rushing down the stairs.

"Really? Tom is coming?" I whispered to my mom as she put in her earrings.

"Yes! He's your brother, he's not missing out on Thanksgiving dinner." She sighed.

"He better not say anything embarrassing." I threw a quick glare at my highschool senior brother.

"He won't." She sighed and turned around to rush to the car. "Let's go!" She called to my brother, dad, and I. We all followed her, my dad excited for food,my brother bored as hell, and me so nervous that I wasn't sure if I would be able to eat. "Are you sure we don't have to bring anything?" My mom asked my dad for the third time in 10 minutes.

"He said that he would make everything. We're the guests." My dad turned on the engine. I had given him Jack's father's phone number, and they had been texting back and forth all morning. I hope he made a good impression.

Before I knew it we arrived at Jack's house. It would be the first time I was inside the new home that Jack's dad had purchased. It wasn't huge, but it was a nice, cozy home.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" His dad greeted my parents at the door. He wore a white button up shirt tucked into his jeans.

"Nice to meet you, too!" My dad shook his hand. "I'm James, this is my wife Amy, my son Tom, and you've met Mark." My mother shook his hand as well, and my brother gave a small wave.

He invited us inside and we all sat around a table, just small talking. Jack stayed mostly silent and looked at his feet. I could tell he was really anxious to meet my parents and brother personally.

"So, Jack, what do you like to do?" My mom asked, talking a bite of turkey.

"I, uh..." He scratched the back of his neck, his voice quiet. "I like to act, and... Sing, and I play piano." He smiled shyly.

"What about you, Mark?" His dad asked kindly.

"Well, I like to read and play video games, I guess. I'm not super interesting." I twirled my fork around in my mashed potatoes.

"Hi, Not-Very-Interesting, I'm Jack." Jack muttered under his breath, sending my father, brother, and I into a fit of childish laughter.

The rest of dinner went smoothly. Everyone chatted happily, with no awkward silences or odd shifts in the conversation. My brother DID embarrass me a few times, but I could tell that Jack didn't mind. My parents helped clean up dinner and let Jack and I talk for a little while out on the patio. Well, maybe not talk, more like make out, but same thing.

We heard the door knob turn and Jack quickly crawled off of me. We both ran out hands through our messy hair in an attempt to fix it.

"Hey, sweetie, it's time to go." I stood up from my chair, looking back at Jack with a small frown. "Jack, would you like to stay over?" She asked nicely, and Jack's eyes lit up.

"Mark can stay here if it's too much trouble." Jack's dad offered.

"Actually, tomorrow we're going to a big light show. Jack can spend the day at our house and we can pick you up right before the light show and take you there and back." My dad offered. "It's free, the only things that cost money is food and whatever souvenirs you buy. And Molly and Felix can come, too." Jack and I looked like kids who were just informed that they were kids going to a Disney World made of ice cream.

"That sounds fun!" Jack's dad looked at his son, and when he saw his happy expression he couldn't refuse. "What time will you swing by here?"

"Around 3 or 4, we want to get there before dark so we can see the other things that are there." My mom pulled her purse on her shoulder. "Mark, text your friends and tell them when and where to meet us." She grinned.

After a few more minutes of light chatting my parents, brother, Jack and I walked out the door and climbed in the car. My parents talked, asking Jack a few questions, and he gave them quiet replies. He held my hand and leaned into me, dozing off once in a while as he looked at the stars.


My Chihuahua got scared and now she's CHIHUAHUA-TIZED

Lord forgive me of my sins

Sorry this was posted late! I've been doing theatre stuff all day ;-;

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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