Bitter Truth

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October, 1977

          "Daphne, I can explain."

     There was a time when Daphne would have believed those words without hesitation. Many saw her as gullible, perhaps even foolish for being so trusting. However, she had changed. Growing up, she was taught to prioritise others' needs over her own, which initially seemed like wise counsel. Yet, this selflessness taught her valuable lessons about friendship. That's why she chose to put her trust in Ophelia and her only.

     Big mistake, right?

          "Actually, I don't really care what you have to say right now," the brunette declared as she strode into their dorm, pointedly avoiding Ophelia's gaze. 

     Ophelia lifted herself up from the bed, clutching the blanket tightly to her chest as she approached her friend. Her light eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her body trembling slightly, evident in the way the blanket swayed with her every movement. "Please, let's talk this through," she implored, her voice tinged with desperation.

     Daphne swiftly gathered James' belongings and handed them to him, her actions deliberate and terse. James accepted his shirt and belt, his movements measured as he tried to discern the cause of Daphne's evident distress and Ophelia's need for explanation. A perplexed expression etched itself across his features, his curiosity intensifying with each passing moment. His gaze remained fixated on Daphne, who returned his stare with unwavering intensity, one arm propped against her hip, her raised eyebrows betraying her silent challenge to her friend.

          "What? You want me to leave you guys to it?" Daphne glared at him, her gaze sharp enough to cut through steel, causing James to burst into a fit of laughter, a tiny smirk creeping up to his stained lips. He threw his white shirt over his head and chuckled, his eyes locking with Daphne's, a mischievous glint dancing within them.

          "Why are you being like that, Sullivan? You into me or something?" he teased, his tone playful, tinged with even more curiosity. 

     Ophelia's hand instinctively rose to her lips, a silent acknowledgment of her awareness of why her friend was upset, a reason far removed from James' implications. Daphne's lips parted slightly, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. Anger simmered within her as she struggled to form her thoughts. The tension mounting within her, coupled with feelings of betrayal and annoyance, clouded her mind and left her feeling vulnerable.

          "Oh, definitely. Am I that transparent?" Daphne scoffed, seizing James' wrist and forcibly pulling him towards the exit of their dorm room. He stumbled, trying not to knock over anything as he begrudgingly trailed behind her, clearly resisting her lead. "Now bye!"

     The brunette closed the door behind the young man and leaned against it, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She observed Ophelia hurriedly dressing back into her uniform, determined not to miss the chance to explain herself. What puzzled Daphne most was Ophelia's choice to deceive her about James. Though she held no great affection for the boy or his friends, Daphne remained indifferent to Ophelia's romantic pursuits.

      So, she was ready to let her talk

          "Daphne, I... I never wanted you to find out like that," Ophelia murmured, her voice trembling as though it might shatter at any moment. She reached tentatively towards Daphne, seeking connection, but Daphne recoiled slightly, her uncertainty palpable. She couldn't bring herself to let Ophelia touch her until she had heard a convincing explanation for her friend's lies. Daphne might have been more forgiving in the past, giving second, third, even fourth chances. But over the summer, a lot of things changed, and this time, she wanted held onto her newfound beliefs. 

     Ophelia knew about last summer more keenly than anyone, understanding that there was no going back to the way things had been with Daphne. 

          "You should've thought of that before blurting out that fucking James Potter is actually some charming Ravenclaw guy you occasionally hook up with," Daphne shot back, her tone just as sharp as it was when she almost snapped at James for his dumb joke. She stared straight into Ophelia's eyes, one eyebrow slightly raised, her feet nervously tapping the ground.

          "I'm really sorry, Daph. I meant to tell you, but since James and I... well, you know..."

     Oh, believe me, she didn't want to know.

     "...I was afraid you'd judge me if you found out I was hooking up with the Quidditch team's seeker. I know how much you hate Quidditch, and you're not exactly fond of the players either. I was scared you'd think I'm stupid for even fancing him," Ophelia confessed, her words tumbling out in a rush, her fingers twisting nervously in the hem of her shirt as she avoided Daphne's gaze, her shoulders tense with apprehension.          

          "How long has this been going on?" Daphne inquired, obviously ignoring her speech. Her voice was tinged with a mix of disbelief and hurt, her arms folded tightly across her chest as she searched Ophelia's face for any sign of deception, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.

          "A few weeks."

          "How many, Lia?"


          "Dear, Merlin..."

         "Ok, five."

          "What the hell? I thought you and 'Claudius' have been doing this since last week. Not five!" Daphne exclaimed, her hand slapping her forehead lightly, a bewildered expression crossing her face as she air quoted "Claudius" with her fingers. 

     What kind of name was that anyway?

     She began to rock back and forth, gently rubbing her forehead with her fingers, a sign of her growing agitation. As she shook her head in denial, she couldn't understand why her friend would think that way. She would never judge Ophelia for choosing to date James or whatever the hell that was. Sure, he wasn't the best influence, but they were young. Ophelia would have eventually realised he was up to no good and would have sought Daphne's advice before following her own mind and thoughts, ultimately deciding to leave him.     

     In truth, Daphne wasn't always the warmest person around. She believed that friendships were built not on differences, but on shared interests and mutual understanding. Unlike Ophelia, she couldn't fathom hiding things from her friends out of fear. While she had a tendency to overthink, she prided herself on being confident in her own opinions. Daphne considered herself a loyal friend, so hearing that her best friend had kept such a significant secret for five months left her feeling anything but pleased.

     She wanted to know why Ophelia was scared of her.

          "You know, Ophelia, it's kinda scary how good you are at lying. I didn't even have a clue about you two when he spilled that pumpkin juice on me. I would've totally freaked out if I were you, honestly. And why would you think I'd judge you? Worst case, I would've just told you he's trouble and maybe suggested finding someone else to snog with. But you're my friend, and I care about you. I know you're too smart to let a boy mess with your head. And what's Quidditch got to do with any of this anyway?"

          "I don't know, okay? I just think that you can be a little mean sometimes, and I am not used to that. You were, you know...different," Ophelia confessed, uncertainty lacing her words. Her eyes flickered with a mix of apprehension and vulnerability. "I even thought you'd make me choose between him and you."

     Daphne's eyes widened in shock, her heart sinking as if it had been ruthlessly betrayed. She couldn't fathom the audacity of her friend's words. Was she completely delusional? Ophelia, of all people, should have understood the depths of Daphne's past struggles. The very reason Daphne had undergone such profound changes. 

     Yet, here was Ophelia, brazenly disregarding all of that, playing the ultimate victim. The sense of betrayal gnawed at Daphne's insides, leaving her feeling utterly disillusioned and vulnerable, as if her trust had been callously trampled upon.

          "I would never do that, and you know it. I know there's something else going on," Daphne asserted. "If you truly knew me, you'd know I'd never pull a stunt like that. Now I'm starting to think that prick's actually messing with your head." She crossed her arms even tighter, a mix of disbelief and disappointment clouding her features as she stared at Ophelia, hoping for some semblance of clarity in her friend's eyes.

     But to her surprise, her friend's expression shifted into a frown, and there it was: anger, thickening the air between them. The girl rose up from the bed, her voice carrying a hint of defiance. "James didn't do anything." The tension in the room escalated, palpable and unsettling.

     This wasn't fair.

          "Then why haven't you two made it public, huh?" Daphne interrogated, her voice infused with exasperation and incredulity. "Don't feed me that nonsense about him caring what I think, because I could clearly see he had no clue that I didn't know. He actually thought it was alright to take his clothes off and have sex with you in my bloody bed!" Daphne's words were dripped with indignation, her fists tightening as she grappled with the gravity of the situation.

          "We didn't have sex!"

          "I don't care, Ophelia! I couldn't care less about what you do when you're alone with a boy," Daphne exclaimed, frustration boiling over. "I just thought you'd have the decency to tell me the truth instead of inventing someone because apparently, you're afraid of what I'd think of you. And you didn't even have to tell me if it was such a secret." Her words rang out with a mix of disappointment and resignation, as she struggled to come to terms with her friend's actions.

     Her friend's eyes filled up with shiny, fresh tears, reflecting the turmoil within her. Daphne kept her gaze locked onto Ophelia's, carefully analyzing every nuance of Ophelia's face. 

     Besides being a talented witch, skilled in potions and healing spells, Daphne possessed the ability to read people. She never exploited this talent of hers to the detriment of others, but there were times when uncovering the truth behind someone's words proved necessary.

     Fortunately, Daphne knew her best friend inside out. They had been inseparable since childhood, and despite Ophelia's knack for lying, Daphne could see through her. But this time, she just knew her best friend wasn't scared, not at all.

     She was jealous.

          "I actually thought you'd say sorry by now," Daphne's voice dripped with disappointment, her eyes narrowing as she spoke. "You know, for lying to your best friend like that." She paused, her stance rigid with frustration. "You started with this whole 'I can explain' nonsense, practically begging me to listen to you." Her tone sliced through the air like a knife, every word dripping with contempt, encircling Ophelia's figure with an undeniable aura of intimidation.

          "Then you even tried to play the victim, like that was gonna work," Daphne continued, her eyebrows raised in skepticism. "And now you're crying? Please, anyone can see those crocodile tears. As I said, I don't give a toss about who you choose to hook up with, especially if it's some stupid boy I've barely talked to in my entire life." She scoffed, rolling her eyes dismissively.

          "Oh, and if you wanna know, I would've been genuinely happy," Daphne's tone softened slightly, her expression momentarily vulnerable before hardening once again. "But here I am, telling you why you should be grateful for having a friend like me when I should be out training because, despite all this rubbish, something decent actually happened to me today and that's where I'm putting my focus from now on." She turned away, her body tense with unresolved tension.

          "Wait, you didn't tell me what happened with McGonagall." 

          "No shit, now you're asking me about this? It's not like you care, since you thought Potter boy would last a little bit less and I wouldn't catch you guys doi-"

     Ophelia aggressively jabbed her finger towards Daphne's face, almost making contact, cutting her off immediately. "See? That. That is why I've been keeping things from you," Ophelia retorted, her voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and hurt. "You always do this — you say hurtful things and act like I am the one trying to manipulate you into feeling awful, when in reality, you're just being a bad person. When things don't go your way, you pull out this stupid speech as if I'm supposed to be impressed." Her words were sharp, Ophelia struggling to stand her ground against Daphne's accusations.

           "Oh, give me a break."

           "Make me."

     Instinctively, Daphne's hand gravitated towards the wand nestled in her right pocket, reassuring herself, the wand silently reminding her of her ability to defend herself. As Daphne's fingers brushed against the smooth wood, a shiver traveled down her thigh. With a steady grip on her wand, she held her ground, observing as Ophelia loomed closer, her resolve unyielding, the space between them charged with the anticipation of what might transpire next. Though she was certain Ophelia wouldn't resort to using magic against her, Daphne quietly repeated the protective spell in her mind.

     She knew Ophelia; she knew her best friend. And there was no way in hell she would hurt her. 


          "Daphne, madam Pomfrey is asking for you."

     It was a surprise to both girls when Lily Evans, known as one of Potter's many crushes, appeared at their doorstep, asking for Daphne and unknowingly putting a halt to something neither Daphne or Ophelia anticipated. The redhead stood there, a hint of confusion on her face as she quickly realised what was about to happen, inadvertently preventing a potential misstep for both Daphne and her friend.


omg, i'm like, AN IDIOT.........sorry for dropping this so late. i'm a total mess when it comes to sticking to my own schedule, ugh. and yeah, i know it's not monday anymore :(  this chapter is way shorter than the last one, but i swear i'll try to make the next ones longer. i mean, i don't wanna end up with a 7000-word chapter either. i know it's A LOT to take in, but i'm still figuring out daphne's character myself. trust me, there's so much more to this friendship and daphne's whole deal, so just bear with me, okay? hope you liked it anyway, and if you've got some free time, drop me some honest feedback! <3

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