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Sean knew that his mate was safe with his brother and Claire. So he decided to go back down to the dungeons to have a talk with the people responsible for his mate's condition. And that's what he did.

"So, you think it's fine to torture innocent people?" The Alpha asked the men standing in front of him. They could see why people feared him now, as he paced in front of them slowly, his stance stiff and his mere walk showing power. None of the men wanted to answer, so they looked at each other.

"B-but Alpha, s-she's a part of the Blood Moon Pack," one of the soldiers finally said, making Sean look at him.

"That's not the answer to my question," he said in a low voice, slowly walking towards the man. "What was my question?"


"What was it!" The Alpha roared, his patience slowly slipping. His irises were completely black now, as his wolf was on edge and clawing to come out.

"I-if we th-think its o-okay to tor-torture innocent pe-people." The man managed to stutter out.

"And do you?" Sean asked, his voice much deeper, a sign that his wolf was in charge now. He glared at the man as he shook his head. "Speak up!" He roared again, making the men flinch in fear.

"N-no, Alpha." The men said. Sean leaned back and walked to the centre of the room.

"So why did I find you torturing an innocent female when I came back?" He asked, glaring at them. The men, again, looked at each other.

"S-she was captured during the war, Sir," one of them said, "S-so we- we assumed that she would know something."

"And did she?"

"She hasn't told us anything yet, Sir. It looks like she's been well trained," he replied, with a little more confidence. The Alpha only glared harder at him, making his confidence disappear once again. Sean's patience was slipping and he knew if he stayed here any longer, he would end up killing one, or all, of these men. So, he resorted to handing over this "session" to someone else.

"Beta Theo, come in please," the Alpha said, looking at the door, which opened to reveal a big burly man, who was twice the size of any man in the room, including the Alpha.

"Yes, Alpha?" The Beta said, bowing his head in respect.

"It looks like our men have forgotten the basic rules of our pack, would you like to remind them what they are?" Alpha asked, already knowing the answer.

Beta Theo looked at his Alpha and then to the men, who were visibly shaking in fear. "Alpha, it would be my genuine pleasure," he replied, with a evil glint in his eyes.

The Alpha nodded, walking back out of the door and into the dungeons with all the rouges in them. He stood there and looked around himself. Some of the rouges were snarling at him in pure hatred but some looked genuinely scared. He could see some men, women and even children in there who wanted nothing more than to be with their family.

He sighed and gestured one of the young guards to him. The boy, who looked no older than 18 reluctantly walked over and stood in front of the Alpha.

"What's your name, Kid?" The Alpha asked, in a softer voice now that his wolf was calmed down a little.

"Um, R-Ryan, Sir," the boy, Ryan, replied.

"Ryan, can you tell me what all your superiors did while I was away?" Sean asked again.

"T-th-they were hurting people for no reason, sir. W-we know that we shouldn't go against our superiors orders b-but we tried to stop them. They told us to torture the rouges as well a-and when we didn't listen, they would hurt us, s-sometimes our families too. I-I'm s-sorry, Sir," the poor boy was on the verge of tears.

"You don't have to be sorry, Ryan. I'm very proud of you for standing up for what is right," Sean said softly, making Ryan, and the other boys, look at him with surprise, "But you said that they hurt you as well?"

"Y-yes Alpha, when we didn't follow their orders, they would whip us," Ryan said, and Sean saw a lot of the boys wincing with the memory, making him even angrier at the brutality of his men.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," The Alpha said, addressing the boys around him. "I will make sure you won't have to suffer in that manner ever again."

"Thank you, Alpha," Ryan said, on behalf of all the other boys. Sean simply smiled and nodded, leaving the dungeon.

Just as he stepped out of the door, he felt his mate's fear, making him rush to the room she was sleeping in.

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