Chapter 23-festival?

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*last chapter Kushinbo had announced that ua's famous sports festival was coming up leaving a few of the students confused and excited*

Romansu; the sports festival?
Ashe: what's that?
Shinpi: yeah I've never heard of it
Eric:*mumbled to himself*shocking no body......

Kushinbo: ah yes how could I forget allow me to explain!!!!!!!*turned out the blackboard that apparently was a screen*
Ashe: whos *•*
Ame: *U* that's so cool!!!

Kushinbo:*pointed to the screen playing video clips of various ua sports festivals*the ua sports festival is one of if not the most popular event in the world since we trained some of the most powerful hero's in japan and some even international ones its a competition with each year groups of all the courses hero support general and business courses all there doing their thing some people from the General course even get excepted into the hero course if they prove themselves worthy enough

Romansu: yeah I heard the number 20 hero code talker(for those of you wondering that's everyone's favorite brainwash quirk shinso hero name!) was a General course student before he was excepted into the hero course
Hari: that true huh weird

Kushinbo: now the event is divided up to three events the first two are different every yeah but the last one is always a t-
Hora: TOURNAMENT STYLE BRAWL the finalists of this round truly get to show their stuff in a all out brawl!
Kushinbo; my lovely wife is correct the final round is a complete no holds bars fight its quirk against quirk
Hora: fist against fist!
Kushinbo: Might against might!
Hora and kushinbo: HERO AGAINST HERO!

*this had got the class pumped up*
Eric: alright now we're bloody talking!
Mitsuo: this could be a good chance to show off our skills*pushed his glasses up*
Kayu: hell yeah let's do this!!!
Sieon: how exciting this is going to be wonderful!*her tail fanned up hitting a few of the others in the face*
Ame and Romansu: ow!
Blod: May the gods praise the battles to come!

Kushinbo: now you lot have two weeks to train*threw up two fingers*and I recommend you use those two weeks wisely because the other classes will also be training to take you on even the other hero class! So get ready kiddos your gonna be in for the most action packed weeks of your lives GRHEHEHEHEHEH

*soon after that the day continued like normal well except for having to show Ashe and Shinpi the ropes at things and here are some fun example of what happened!*

=in science=

Ashe:*accidentally sneezed some of her thermite dust into a breaker of chemicals and it began to glow brightly*<OH NO!>
Eric; take cov-*the beaker blew up into a massive cloud of smoke*er......*coughed out some smoke*

=in English=

Shinpi:*had viable steam coming out his ears*
Romansu: um medic?!

=in math=

Ashe:*just kinda froze and people swore they could hear a ticking noise*
Eri; I'm not the only one hearing that right?
Mitsuo: no your not the only one
Akane: sounds like a time bomb
*the room went silent as they looked at Ashe then heard a loud ding and then everyone was covered In ashes again*

*and those were some of the funnier moments of the day and soon everyone was back at the dorms*
Hari: well today was interesting to say the least....

Romansu: interesting we nearly got blown up twice by Ashe
Ashe; <s-sorry....>
Eric: well let's get you guys set up in your new rooms you may not own a lot but we should still help
Romansu: well I'm gonna get to work on some homework I forgot about*heavy sigh*hate homework....*walked off to his room*

Bibi: well in the mean time you two look around get to know us we'll probably be doing our own things
Eri: just make sure to knock on the doors when you do
Ashe:<o-ok got it!>
Eric: ok someone in this class needs to learn Russian.......

*soon everyone began to do their own thing while Shinpi and Ashe explores the dorms*

Ashe:*she and Shinpi found the kitchen and were a little in awe at what they saw*w-whoa
Shinpi; what is have of this stuff
Blod:*showed up behind them*oh you must be Shinpi and ashe!
*the two jumped and looked ready to fire their quirks off*
Shinpi: who are you!
Blod: oh right I'm blod hunder I'm one of your classmates

Ashe: o-oh Sorry we nearly attacked you there...
Blod: oh it's no bother I was just planning on making a light snack do wish to help me?
Shinpi: Um sure?
Blod: praise all father!*began to prep the kitchen for making this "light snack"*

Ashe: what can we do!
Shinpi: yeah we wouldn't mind helping out
Blod: can one of you dice up the carrots pls
Shinpi: sure*grabbed the knife blod handed him and tossed it in the air and caught it between his fingers and began to dice up the carrots*

Blod: wonderful! Now Ashe is it can you help me boil the pasta just turn the heat up on the stove
Ashe: stove?*titled her head*
Blod: this right here*pointed to the stove in front of her and pointed to the dial on it*turn that til it says high I need to get grab the pasta from the cabinets
Ashe: ok!

Ashe:*turned the stove on and saw it head up*ooooooo*touched it for a split second and pulled her hand back*OW
Blod: oh don't touch the stove it can burn you!*went over to her*are you alright?
Ashe: I'm fine it just stung is all.....
Shinpi: I got the "carrots"diced up*held up the plate he had the diced carrots on*

Blod: oh thank you I can handle it from here you two thank you for your help and may all father bless you both
Ashe: <thanks I think?.....>*began to walk off as Shinpi followed her*

*soon Ashe found her way to eri's room and saw her making notes on everyone's quirks*
Ashe: uh h-hello
Eri: oh ashe what can I do for you?
Ashe: what are you doing there*pointed to the notes*
Eri: oh these are my quirk notes I like to take notes on everyone's quirks and see how they can change and develop

Ashe: oh that's cool would you like to take notes on mine?
Eri: I'd love to!*grabbed a notepad and a pen*so what's your quirk called?
Ashe: thermite a-at least that's what the bad men called it.....
Eri:*wrote that down*ok so what does it allow you to do?

Ashe:*made some blue cyan dust float off her arm*it allows me to make explosions from this dust my body makes I really can't do a lot with it other then that...
Eri: mhmhmhm*jot that down*how do you fight
Ashe: oh I fight*soon the two began to have a conversation with each other about ashe's quirk*

*meanwhile with Shinpi he found romansu trying to do his homework*
Romansu: ugh why does this have to be so hard.......
Shinpi: what are to u doing
Romansu: MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST!*fell out of the chair he was in as Shinpi looked at his paper*dude what the hell!

Shinpi: questions 4 and 8 are wrong
Shinpi: you divided when you should have used pi on 4 and used the wrong equation for 8
Romansu:*looked at the paper and went wide eyed*guess your right......

*for the next hour or so Shinpi helped romansu with his homework*
Shinpi:*looking over the paper*ok everything's right
Romansu: thank heavens don't think I could continue any longer if I had to redo another wrong answer.......
*then they could smell something delicious*
Romansu: blod must be cooking!
Shinpi: that smells good*used his quirk to turn into cherry petals and head towards the kitchen*

*everyone had arrived to the eating area and saw blod and made a huge feast*
Ashe; this looks so good......*was drooling along with rocheux and Aiko*
Blod: I made all this so we could see what Shinpi and Ashe like it's only natural we're all gonna be busy in the coming weeks!

Romansu: yeah sook enough we could end up fighting each other
*soon they all began eating and they noticed Shinpi and Ashe were primarily eating things you don't need utensils for*
Ashe:*devouring plate after plate of hot wings*
Shinpi:*eating meat kabobs left and right*

Hari: you guys not know how to use utensils?
Ashe: nope*ate another hot wing*these are so good so spicy and warm!
Romansu: guess we're gonna have to teach you how to use those eventually but hey this is meant to be a party right*was about to eat part of his steak when he saw rocheux tried to take it with her fork*hey hands off!

*soon they all began to tell ashe and Shinpi all about themselves and the world around them and they were in awe at what they were hearing and cried a little to*
Scott: you two ok?
Ashe: y-yeah it's just*sniffled and wiped her tears*i can't believe we missed so much........
Shinpi: yeah...

Eric:*saw the time*well we better get to bed it's pretty late
Aiko: yeah as delicious as all this food was we need sleep
*soon everyone began to go to sleep and in the dead of the night a thunderstorm was brewing and Ashe woke up scared and shaking at the sound of all the thunder*

Ashe:...*got up wrapped up in a blanket and went to hari's room and knocked on the door a few times*
Hari:*opened the door to reveal his pjs were a pajama bottoms and yawned*ashe what is it it's the dead of nigh-*saw she had been crying and was shaking and sighed*come on in*let her inside and she clung to his side*scared of thunderstorms?
Ashe:*slowly nodded*
Hari: you can sleep in here anytime there's a thunderstorm ok?
*soon the two went back to sleep*

*the following morning*
Hari;*groaned and opened his eyes to see romansu had his hand ablaze Eric was holding a frying pan bibi had her quirk active on some knives and the others were either armed with their quirks or some silly weapon*what the hell?!?!?!
Bibi: you have some explaining to do mister!!!!!!!!
Eri: and here I thought you were a decent guy you pervert!!!!!
Ami: you should be ashamed!

Hari: the fuck are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!
Romansu:*pointed to ashe*
Hari: hm?*looked down and his face went redder then a tomato when he saw Ashe was naked sleeping on him no clothing on her whatsoever*hold on I can explain!!!
Eric: oh you best or else your a deadman and they tell no tales!

Shinpi:*entered the room and yawned*whats going on?
Romansu: oh we're about to beat the hell out of hari for possibly raping Ashe
Shinpi:.....*looked and saw ashe*oh I see the confusion here
Mitsuo: what do you mean?
Shinpi; Ashe sleeps in the nude yeah probably should have told you all that*rubbed the back of his head*

Hari: so you guys were practically gonna beat me up for nothing!!!
Romansu: you got off real lucky there ya know that right?
Ashe:*woke up and wrapped herself up as she sat up*<whats going on....>*saw everyone was there and she blushed*w-why is everyone staring at me

*after the situation died down everyone got dressed and began to train for the sports festival and soon the day arrived where the sports festival was about to begin in chapter-24 MARATHON!*

And that's chapter 23-festival Ashe and Shinpi are part of the class and had some fun misadventures I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths!

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