Chapter 3-UA exams!

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*it was the day of the ua entrance exams hundreds of possible students were walking towards the sacred ground of hero's some looked promising others not so much but for Romansu this was his first proving ground*

Romansu:*standing in front of the entrance and was in awe he never thought he would make it here let alone be here in the first place*wow......*then he noticed people were glaring at him they must of recognized who he was one person stood out in particular a guy with pitch black skin but with blood red hair and ghost teal eyes giving him a death glare with a throat slitting motion*yikes....well at least no ones attempting to actually kill me....

*soon everyone entered the ua auditorium and sat down*
???:*man with what appeared to be a speaker mask and a long trench coat stepped forward in front of a mic and began to speak*welcome young ones I'm  the lullaby hero-insomner I'm here to tell you what this exam will consist of a small written exam over your quirk and then a practical test involving a sniper hero
Rando1: a sniper?!
Rando2: are you trying to kill us!!!
Insomner: no we aren't going to k-*yawned*ill you the hero will be using rubber bullets and to pass this exam you have to make it to where he is and high five him to pass in four hours no worries there will be a break every ten minutes so you can rest and recharge your quirks now as for why this is so long every time an hour passes we add more snipers

Romansu:*thoughts*that means once one hour passes there will be two snipers two hours three snipers hmmmmmm
Insomner-now don't worry these are all trained professionals but I warn you now this will be a easy test compared to some of the stuff you'll be facing in the future if you make it into this hero course now there are three rules for this exam*held up three fingers*rule one-your allowed to use your quirks to help pass the exam but not to attack any pros or staff during the exam rule two-no last minute support items you have to have a form filled out if your required to have one and rule three-gOoD lUcK*his voice became distorted and soon everyone in front of him began to feel tired and drowsy*aNd OnE lAsT tHiNg YoUr ExAm StArTs NoW
Romansu: what th-zzzzz*passed out*

*later Romansu woke up on the ground along with some other people*
Romansu: ugh one hell of way to start a test.......*rubbed his head and then heard a sniper shot*SHIT!!!!*began to make a run for it and came into a field where he saw people being shot down left and right there was hardly any form of cover except for the cover some students with rock or earth quirks were making to help even the odds but even those weren't holding for long so Romansu knew he had to think quick or else he won't make it very far*

Romansu: ok lets do this*began to run forward and ducked behind a large natural boulder*ok that sniper must be pretty far away but if that were the case he wouldn't be able to rapid fire us like this........*he heard somebody shouting their lungs out*
???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BRING IT ON BASTARDS YOUR NOT TAKING ME DOWN WITH THOSE BULLETS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH*was being pelted by rubber bullets but didn't even have a bruise on him and he was just laughing as he charged forward*
Rando1: this guys insane!!!!
Romansu: Jesus.....*he looked to his left and saw a girl wrapped arm to toe in bandages just darting from place to place while going forward*hmmmmm idea!*took off his shoes and blasted powerful flames from them which propelled himself forward*

Romansu; ok this is working! Wasn't expecting it to but it's working!*stopped the flames and rolled on the ground and began to run*so there's some kinda invincibility quirk and speedster quirk out there which must be why there's so much shots being fired*then everyone stopped when they heard a speaker turn on*
Speaker-difficultly increased one hour passed three hours left!
Romansu: I was passed out for nearly an hour....damn*nearly got hit*double damn!

*romansu began to rush along but they weren't kidding when they said the difficulty increased the ground began to shake as if it was being torn apart by tremors and the amount of sniper shots were increasing at an alarming rate something wasn't adding up right in Romansu's head*
Romansu: this doesn't make sense there was so much focus on those other two people but now the shots are increasing like there's four of them?! Not to mention these tremors are playing havoc with the balance of anyone with earth based quirks or digging quirks meaning the only save quirks are strength enhancement quirks and levitation quirks I gotta find some way to get there quickly because at this rate there won't be any time*did the same move he did earlier and blasted himself forward with the use of blasts of his fire from his feet and it was thankfully saving him from all the tremors then he saw what could only be described as insanity in front of him a army of zero point robots tiny versions though(their still the size of buses though)*

Romansu and some other people: ARE THEY NUTS!!!!!!!!!
Zeropointer:*slammed its arm at them and some students away all except one girl wearing a cowboy hat with a case of giantism*
???: WHAT IN TARNATION ARE THESE THINGS?!?!?!?!!*placed her hand against the ground it looked like it was coated in the same stone the ground was made of and then punched the robot leaving a dent in it and toppling it over*phew now that was a whole lotta trouble for nothin....*ran along*
Romansu: ok that happened AH!*didnt noticed he was about to be bashed until he saw the robot got impaled by a giant spike and a barrage of smaller ones*
???: ugh what a bore....*a kid with long wild white hair and Lilac eyes who's arm was covered in bone white needles the size of cooking knives as he walked forward slowly*
???: y-you know you could thank me for helping you.......*a girl with strawberry red hair and light jade eyes and a pair of gloves on her hands as she rushed past the robots*

Romansu: ok that was cool*rushed past the zero pointers and saw that there was the invincibility guy and speeder girl right in front of him running away*hm?
Romansu: what do they mean by tha-*got slammed in gut by the "new bot" it was in the shape of a human with two arms and treads for feet and had the label on its arm saying "four points" on it which it then threw Romansu behind it and was now targeted by it*SHIT!!!!!
Fourpointer:*treaded after Romansu and began to punch after him*
Romansu: shitshitshitshit!!!!!!!!!*tripped and landed hard onto the ground*welp that's it for me I guess.....*as the four pointer was about to slam its fist onto him his life flashed before his eyes and landed on a specific memory*

~specific memory~
*in the old league of villains hideout toga was holding a two month old Romansu who had woken up from a night terror*
Little Romansu: WWWWAAHHHWAH
Toga: shhh shhhhhhh it's ok Romansu it's ok mommy's here shhhh shhhh*wrapped Romansu up in her sweater and he started to calm down*there you go see that's better right
Romansu:*small whimpers*
Toga: don't worry sweetie no matter what I'll be here to keep you warm*held Romansu as close as she could before he drifted back off to sleep*
~end of specific memory~

*at that moment the world slowed down for Romansu he looked at the fist with tears in his eyes he put both his hands in front of him and blasted out a vortex of fire at the four pointers fist until there wasn't nothing but molten metal and he then did the same for the head then rushed off and saw the sniper hero in sight well snipers to be exact*
Romansu: oh sniper with a cloning quirk of course they'd do that.........*he was visibly exhausted and taking very deep breaths he managed to high five one of the snipers then passed out*zzzzzzzzz

=meanwhile in a viewing room for the ua staff=
Insomner: well this seems to be*yawned*interesting batch this year.....
Nezu(everyone's favorite beardogmouse): agreed a girl from a top hero the child of two villains and a boy with a unique shadow quirk
???: this should be a fun year
All might: agreed and I can't wait to introduce them to this school with open arms!

=the next day=
Romansu:*thoughts* it's been one day since the exams and kushinbo and hora nearly hugged me to death when I arrived back home and I told them what happened they were a little shocked to say the truth they actually balled their eyes out but now I'm just waiting for my enrollment papers to see if I actually got in or not

Kushinbo:*he and hora bursted open Romansu's door and grabbed him*DOWN STAIRS YOUNG LAD*threw him into horse arms who rushed down stairs and sat Romansu onto the couch and took a photo with a flash camera*
Romansu: AH MY EYES!*rubbed his eyes and then saw a small disk in front of him and a letter*is this.....
Kushinbo: mhm
Romansu:....*opened the letter to see it was his acceptance letter into ua high then pressed a little button on the disk and a tiny holographic nezu appeared*
Nezu-hello young toga I'm your home room teacher nezu from here on out I will be hopefully seeing you in class you proved yourself yesterday by beating the four point robot in a impressive display you will be in class one A so Romansu Toga I welcome you to UA high!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play da music!!!!!)
Romansu: holy crap I MADE IT IN!!!!!!

And that's the end of the ua entrance exams arc next arc will be jam packed with meeting all the new students and teachers of ua high now it shall truly begin for this book so stay tuned for the next chapters!

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