Chapter 7-suit up!

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*it was an early morning and romansu had just woken up and left his room and saw what could only be described as a morning brawl*
Romansu: what the?
*both of them were being held back by their fellow classmates*
Kayu: calm down!
Awe: he didn't mean it!
Mitsuo: well I'm pretty sure he did
Awe: not helping!

Romansu: what the fuck did I walk in on?

*romansu turned his head to see rocky walk into the common room she was wearing a rather baggy black and orange t-shirt that said "wyverns bleed cooler" and form the looks of she wasn't wearing shorts under it it revealed her chest a little which seemed to be a bit small in terms of size was wrapped in bandages along with her arms and legs*

Rocky:*yawned her hair was messy well messier and her little cross earring hadn't been put on yet her black and orange beanie was sitting on her head like it was about to fall off*
Romansu: hey good morning*placed his hand on her back and her eyes went narrow and she pushed him away shaking breathing hard*
Rocky: dOnT tOuCh Me!* she was holding herself like she was freezing to death*
Romansu: ok sorry I didn't know ya didn't like to be touched!

Eric: AHHHH!!!!*got thrown into romansu as he was getting up*ow....
Romansu: ugh.....
Hari:*dusting his hands off*well looks like a piece of trash found where it belongs
Romansu: I swear to god I'm gonna beat him into coma.....
Eri:*had walked into the common room*uhhhh what happened?
Kayu: Eric and hari got into a fight....then rocky went a bit crazy when Romansu touched her
Eri: oh WAIT WHAT!

Shirotori: you are all aware that we have class in an hour correct*was dressed in her uniform which looked rather ummmmm tight around the chest*

Romansu:*looked at a clock*shes right!
Everyone:..........*soon everyone glanced at each other then raced off to their rooms to get changed into uniform*

Everyone: WERE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*everyone rushed outta the door rushing to the classroom*
Eric: IM NOT BUILT*panting*FOR RUNNING!!!!!
Hari: FOR ONCE WE AGREE!!!!!!!

=one rushing to class later with everyone ending up heavily exhausted later=

Eric:*had a little ghost coming outta his mouth*
Romansu: i*pant*cant feel*pant*my legs
Hari:*to exhausted to insult romansu*
Rocky:zzzzzzz*napping at her desk*
Ame: ugh I never want to run again......

Mitsuo: I'm fine
Kayu: that's because you used your quick to get here.......
Akane; look at the bright side we're supposed to start are hero course training today
Romansu: do we even know who are teacher is?

Scott: no not really
Seion: I bel they chose a top ten hero the question is w-

*then they heard a very loud scream and saw a guy come crashing through the window into the wall and fall onto the floor*

Class 1A:.......................

Romansu: NO NOT AGAIN IM OUTTA HERE!!!!!*tried to escape only to get a diamond hard kick back into his seat*@~@
Hari; the fuck just happe-*bonked*
Akane: holy shi-*kicked*
Eri: what the he-*whacked*
Akane hari and eri: OW!!!!

Romansu:*shaking worse then he has ever shook*its hell all over again well at least the bitch ain't here
Hora: I heard that emo child
Romansu: MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!*bonked*ow!

Eric: you know these people.........
Romansu: their my adoptive parents and I know how they train people it's torture.......

Kushinbo: and this is my lovely wife the adrenaline heroine-junkie!
Hora: hello!*was wearing a jumpsuit with a puffy jacket and had roller skates on and a pair of goggles*any of you misbehave I'll bonk ya
Hari: doesn't sound to bad
Romansu: wait for it

Hora: with these!*pulled out a duct taped butcher knives*
Romansu: there we go

Kushinbo: now today we are gonna have some fun with*pulled out a card that said"combat training"* combat training now go get your costumes*slammed a button on the wall with his head and brief cases popped outta the wall*now go suit up!

*everyone grabbed their suit case and went to go change*

=later at gym gamma=

Kushinbo: there's an old saying students it's not the suit that makes man or woman it's the man or woman that makes the suit!

*every one came into view to show off their hero suite*

Romansu: ugh mine makes me look like a villain I ain't a villain....

Eri: really I kinda like mine

Hari: hm you both have no sense of honor

(Remove the swords he doesn't have those and not a turtle)

Eric: meh I feel classy


(Ignore the bird and posing)

Ame: wow you guys look so cool*was wearing a headset along with a sorta rain poncho that covered most of her body but ended at her legs with a wet suit underneath*

Mitsuo: not to shabby*was wearing a baggy parkour suit with holes where he can use his quirk and had a pair of purple shades*

Kayu: hmmmmmm not bad

(One on the right)

Seion: hmph!*was wearing what appeared to be a red traditional kimono dress*

Akane:*had a moveable sliding visor that covered his left eye whole the rest of him looked like a Greek warrior*fancy

Kakuji: not bad*was wearing what appeared to be a black kimono with plate armor mixed into it and a bamboo umbrella mixed was held in his right hand has his head was masked by what appeared to be a oni mask*

Scott: phew~*looking at himself he was dressed like an escape artist with his shoes having gold spurs on them and wearing a masquerade ball mask*

Hyde: snazzy!*was dressed in a brown leather vest with a shirt underneath saying "into the rabbit hole" and a pair jeans with belts strapped to his legs with a mask hiding his face*

Saeki: we look awesome!!!!*was wearing a skin tight body suit with a puffy black jacket about twice her size but the sleeves were small enough to leave her hands exposed she had a small scarf wrapped around her face to hide it*

Shiba: SAY IT SISTER!!!*was wearing a black and purple crop top with a led display which showed her heart rate she had a pink visor on and a pair of headphones and a pair of baggy sweat shorts with blue lines going down the right leg and red lines down her left leg and stick on speakers attached to the sides of her hips and on her arm was a detached sleeve with a turn table on it with a CD player built into it(for better visual you can see it on her character sheet omg the class 1-A chapter)*

Bibi: I'm with the villain not liking how mine turned out but it's still nice

???: mine turned out better then expected

Kumo:*nodded as she was wearing a black and white shirt and short combo with a blackish grey semitransparent web like cloak*

???: yeah their ok*was wearing a sleeveless dark brown shirt with a bandolier of small vials filled with blackish purple liquid and had a gas mask on he had combat pants and boots with a belt lined with the same vials*

???: nice and hot!

???: can't wait test this gear out!*was wearing a very Viking themed costume her torso was covered by a fur jacket with a metal bracers covering her arms and legs as her head had a Viking helmet that let her horns fit in*

Kenta: I feel fabulous~*was wearing a suite jacket with a button up gold dress shirt and slacks with roller blades on his shoes*

Kushinbo: you all look great now
Hora: PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED*flipped a lever which revealed a large garage style door to open up to reveal what could only be described as hell*

Class one a:.........oh no
Romansu: well here I go again*looked down sweat dropping*

That's chapter six folks what do you think the class is about to go through leave your theories in the comments!

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