Chapter 9-raining red

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*it was an early morning within the one-a dorms everyone was asleep all except for one girl one with two horns red eyes and white hair with a red knife in her hands*
Eri: I'm nothing but a villain a evil nasty villain.....*cut herself on the arm another wound which was going to add to her many scars*

*eri continued this for a few minutes and stopped bandaging the wounds and luckily for everyone it was the weekend she walked out of her room to get a glass of water to see Romansu making what seemed to be toast.....with his quirk*
Romansu: nice and toasty!*made perfectly browned toast and took a bite not noticing Eri behind him*
Eri: toga?
Romansu:?!?!??!?!,!?!*nearly choked and chugged a glass of water*whoa Eri didn't hear ya there......
Eri: I get that a lot........*romansu saw the wraps on her arms*

Romansu: something wrong with your arms?*gave a look of both worry and suspicion*
Eri: n-nothing?!*turned away quickly*
Romansu: if you say so you want some toast kushinbo and hora made me practice making toast with my quirk so I can use it for an everyday task
Eri: s-sure

*after a little while everyone else entered the sorta common room each doing their own thing Eric and Mitsuo were having a tied chess match ame and kumo were talking about different pros akane and bibi were reading and Eri was writing in a notebook with some papers scattered around her of notes she had taken on her classmates quirks*

Eri:*to herself*ok so Romansu's quirk operates as a quirk that burns the oxygen in his blood it could develop further into where he could use the oxygen he breathes in to make it more potent almost instantaneously ame's storm cloud reacts differently depending on her emotional state if she learns how to use specific aspects without having to change her emotional state she'll be a force to re-*hari took the book outta her hands*HEY!

Hari: your doing research on are quirks what kinda person does that I mean that's freaky as fuck
Eri: give it back!
Hari: make me
(Note for everyone reading hari is about a good foot and five inches taller then Eri)

Eri:*tried jumping to grab her book back but hari held it out of her reach and he began to read it aloud*
Hari: page 101 number two hero dekus quirk*ahem*"could be enhanced further if used a combination of his wind pressure attacks and shoot style if he were somehow able to mix this he'd might be able to make it to number one"*everyone turned as they began to hear this*
Eri:*began tearing up*gi-give it back!

Hari: page 84 number fifteen hero froppy's quirk"her quirk can develop further if she could camouflage specific parts of her body instead her entire body it would allow for her to confuse her enemies further" oh number one hero lemillon?
Eri:*froze on the spot*

Hari; hmmmmmm Nah he's nothing but a sad one trick p-*got tackled to the ground by Eri and began to get thrashed by her*
Eri: SHUT UP SHUT UP HES A GODDAMN HERO YOU BASTARD HE SAVED MY LIFE IM HERE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF HIM SO SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!*her eyes were flowing with tears at this point and a few of the others had to pull her off at this point*
Hari: Like I said only freaks would do this*threw the book in the trash and walked up to her and whispered into her ear*and your nothing but freak you tiny bitch*and walked off after that*

(Ok now before I get attacked because of this yes hari is a complete asshole that's his character he lets up later into the series if ya have problems with that don't let them out on me)

Romansu:*looked at hari and turned him around and ball kicked him*so hari how's your little freaks doing right now probably not well huh
Mitsuo: of course they aren't you just kicked him in the balls
Ame,Eric:*facepalmed*learn some sarcasm damnit

~flashback to four years ago~

Eri:*was ten years old and was going to a new school a new grade and a possibility to make new friends*i can't wait this is gonna be awesome!
Aizawa: calm down we're almost there just remember your quirk went through some pretty big changes in the last year so be careful
Eri: I will I can't wait to take notes on my new friends quirks!

~flashback end~

Eri:.......*grabbed her stuff and locked herself in her room*
Eric: well that happened
Ame: hope she's ok?
Scott; she's probably fine
Kumo: y-yeah

=in eri's room=

Eri:*crying holding yet another bloody knife in her hands holding lemillons cape*im a villain nothing but a villain!*cut her arm and cried as she began to remember her past*

~flashback back to four years ago~

Eri:*had found her new class and saw other kids showing off their quirks and she went wide eyed with happiness and took her seat as the teacher came in*
Teacher: ok class we have a new student joining us today care to come up and introduce yourself
Eri: ok*went up and faces everyone*my name is eri aizawa it's nice to meet you all!
Teacher: can you tell us what your quirk is
Eri: oh sure it used to be called rewind but it went through a lot of changes in the past year and now it's called dilation!
Teacher: that's wonderful head back to your seat now
Eri: ok!

*as Eri made her way back to her seat she saw a lot of the kids staring at her it made her feel a bit uncomfortable but she didn't mind she was used to it*
Teacher: ok class today we're gonna do a quirk test so everyone go get changed
The students: YES TEACHER!
*as everyone came out after getting changed they all saw Eri's scars well the ones on her arms and legs that is*
Student1: whoa take a look at her arms
Student2: ya think their part of her quirk
Student3: they look freaky

Eri:*blushed a little was not used to people commenting on her scars*
Teacher:*blew a whistle*ok class since it's eri's first day here she'll be going first
Eri: u-uh I need someone to help me with it my quirk only works on living t-things
???: I'll help!*it was a girl with dark green blue hair ending in teal ends and had a small point of hair going into the air she came forward*
Eri; s-Sorry if this feels weird*made red sparks in her hand and placed her hand onto ??? and she froze in place and stayed like that for a full minute*like I s-said so-

Eri: n-no my quirk doesn't cause pa-pain!
Student1: she just made her fall over in pain
Student2: OMG that quirk is evil!
Student3: that's a villains quirk your a villain!
Student4: yeah that's your name now Eri the villain
Eri:*was tearing up*w-wha
Teacher: ok that's enough I'm sure Eri didn't mean it
Eri: I didn't my quirk doesn't cause pain all it does is fr-freeze things in p-place*was on the verge of crying*

*later when lunch was happening a few of eri's classmates including the girl she toppled over walked up to her as she was eating*
???; hey you Eri right
Eri: u-um yeah I'm sorry about ear-
???: shut up you villain
Eri: Huh.....
Student5: yeah shut up villain villains don't get to talk around hero's

Eri: b-but I didn't mean to hu-
???: my name is yulyeong and Imma hero who's here to stop villains like you from hurting people!
Eri: b-but I don-wha,I'm s*got shoved to the ground by yulyeong*
Yulyeong: shut up Eri the villain!
*then students began chanting that "Eri the villain" over and over again*
Eri:*held her ears*quiet quiet!*yulyeong walked up to her whispered*

Yulyeong: I lied about being in pain I just don't like freaks with disgusting bodies and quirks so go die in a hole
Eri:...........*broke down and curled up in a ball crying as the other began to throw stuff like paper of crumbled up notes of similar things to what yulyeong said*
(Fun fact-yulyeong is ghost in Korean!)

~flashback over~

Eri:......*was really bloody and against the walk crying some of her tears moving with the blood from her fresh cuts*

=back with the others=

Aiko: bleh! I smell blood someone cut themselves?!
*everyone eyed bibi and Romansu*
Bibi: wow targeted much....
Romansu: yeah wait you smell blood
Aiko: yeah a lot of it
Romansu; where's it coming from
Aiko: follow me*walked towards eri's room*
*ame Romansu bibi and kayu followed the short girl to Eri's room*

*when they arrived aiko nearly puked at how strong the smell was*
Aiko: ok there's a lot of blood in there bleh!
Kayu:*tried opening the door*its locked
Romansu:*knocked against the door*hey Eri open up
*there was no response*
Romansu: kayu the door
Kayu:*busted it down and they all saw Eri on the ground unconscious.....and in her underwear*
Kayu; AH!*turned away*
Romansu:*picked her up*shes out cold and the bleeding ain't stopping!
Romansu:*glared at bibi with a "finish that sentence and I cremate your body right here and now" look*we need to get her to the nurse NOW!!!


*everyone rushed her to the nurse and when they arrived the nurse said she would have to get stitches*

=with everyone waiting on Eri=

Ame: why would she do that!
Bibi: poor thing.....
Hari: didn't mean for this to happen*got forcibly dragged to the nurses courters because this was all his fault*
Romansu: just hold she'll be ok
Eric: oh please that girl looks more stubborn then a mule
Mitsuo: now that's just rude calling her that
Ame: again that was sarcasm

*a few minutes later the nurse came out she was wearing your typical doctors outfit but instead with a black lab coat and had a few shirt buttons unbuttoned to show some of her cleavage this was the morbid hero-surgey*
Surgey: ok ya brats want the good news or the bad news or the great news
Romansu: why is there a third one?
Surgey: ya want the news or not
Ame: tell us!

Surgey: well the bad news is the wounds will leave scars but the good news is they'll heal quickly
Romansu: what's the great news?
Surgey: the great news is that I don't have to do any paperwork turns out this is a somewhat common behavior of hers she apparently only gets like this when she's been put into a negative environment

*everyone immediately looked at hari and his little group*
Hari: hey we said we were sorry!
Romansu: look is she gonna be ok?
Surgey: oh she will like I said there will be a lot of scarring though so be careful not to try and open up the wounds during your hero course class

=soon after everyone helped Eri get back to the dorms=

Eri:*sat in the common room while some of the other girls checked her room for stuff like knives*.........
Bibi: we're back*came back with a box of knives some bloody others clean as a whistle*
Hari: that is a lot
Ame: yup*popped the p*
Aiko: ugh my nose feels like it's on fire.......

Eri: why are you all helping me......
Hora: because we care about you
*everyone jumped and nearly activated their quirks when they saw hora and kushinbo*

Romansu: WHEN FU-*got bonked*
Kushinbo: LANGUAGE! And young Eri we heard what happened and will have a word with mister hari
Hari: I said I was f-*kushibo got ready to bonk*rickin sorry
Kushinbo: good save but your still getting an earful

Hora: we also came by to tell you that tomorrow we will be having a small mock battle with a few students from class-B their names are as followed*handed everyone a list*

Yulyeong sogsag-im
Tokizaki youko
Adam cearbhall
Honō murasaki

Eri:*she froze in place when she saw the first name on that list the very person who made her act like she is today the person who made her life hell*Yulyeong sogsag-im......

AND THATS THE NEWEST CHAPTER OF FLAMES ALWAYS BURN....will not lie this got fucking dark and tell me in the comments on how much you want Eri to beat the shit outta Yulyeong's ass!

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