After the 100 Year Quest

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Lucy's POV

I hum and pick at the dirt underneath my fingernails. I hear some footsteps. Natsu walks towards me but... he's upside down. He raises an eyebrow at me. I smile and flick a piece of bark at him. But it burns into ashes in seconds. I drop out of the tree and land on my feet, right in front of him. Natsu grins at me. I flick his nose. "So? Did you find him?" Natsu tilts his head. "Actually, he's near by. We don't know if its a trap or not." I giggle. "With your nose you can't tell or not?" I tap his nose. He makes a face. "Lucy~ This is a hundred year mission ya know?" I tilt my head. "I was kidding. So? What are we waiting for?" Natsu's grin widens. "You, weirdo." He takes my hand and we start running. 

After a battle that seems to last an eternity, we finally finish the 100 year quest in 7 years, but not without a price. Natsu got a scar on his cheek, again. Gray got a huge scar on his back, Erza has a bunch of slashes on her right leg and shoulder. Wendy had a small scar on her shoulder blade. I have a new scar on my hip. My new scar was the strangest one though. One of the bad guy's buddies got me. It was just me and Natsu during the time and I didn't have time to wait for Wendy so Natsu had to burn the wound closed. When Natsu brought me to Wendy after I went unconscious of the pain, she healed me. But the scar took shape as a heart with flame looking marks around it. 

Natsu hates the scar I have. I tell him it looks good but he refuses to even look at sometimes saying that "I wasn't strong enough to protect you again." He even has nightmares about burning me. I don't know why it bothers him so much. Off of that topic, we start our long, long walk back to the nearest train station. But to make it fun, we made it into a team race. Wendy with the Exceeds vs me and Natsu vs Gray and Erza. I was clinging to Natsu's back while Gray was clinging to Erza. I ended up falling asleep on Natsu's back. 

I whine when the warmth disappears. "Lucy" I hear Natsu whisper. I slowly open my eyes. "Huh?" It was dark out. "Sorry Lucy. But we're here. We already started setting up camp." "S-Sorry." Natsu grins. "Nah its fine. You were cute when you were sleeping. Besides you wouldn't let go of me." I blush. "We're about to get dinner started. You're the best cook here so you can do your part by cooking." I nod. "Yeah." I grab his outstretched hand and he helps me stand up. "By the way, how long was I out?" I ask. "Hm.... more then six hours. I don't know. Wasn't keeping count." I hum in response. Then I see Gray walk towards us with a dead boar. I roll my eyes. I'm sick of eating boar and I can't wait for a nice long bath. 

I fell asleep Natsu's shoulder. I don't remember how that happened but it did. I yawn and stretch my arms in the air. Natsu's head slides down to my laps. I unconsciously reach down and mess with his hair. Natsu seems to purr and gets closer to me. I yawn and close my eyes. "Lucy-san, here" I open my eyes and see Wendy holding out a plate. "Thanks Wendy!" I take the plate. Natsu whines when I take my hand out of his hair. 

We manage to catch the train on time, barely. I slump against the seat. Natsu lays on my lap, trying not to puke, while Wendy was laying across Gray and Erza's lap while the exceeds were on top of Natsu's stomach. I hum. "What's up?" Gray asks. "Still not used to seeing Wendy have motion sickness. But I'm not as worried about that." I say, ignoring Natsu's pathetic whine. "Then what are you worried about?" Erza asks. I sigh and run my fingers through Natsu's hair then mutter one word. "Landlady." "Ah. Well if that's the case why don't you just live with Natsu? You both obviously love each other." Gray says. I blush but sigh. "I-Its not that simple. Besides Gray if you haven't noticed, Natsu doesn't seem ready for that. I'm fine just staying friends." 

We walk up to the requester's door. I knock on the door. The door opens. The lady instantly jumps in surprise. "Y-Your back! W-We weren't expecting you for a long time!" Natsu grins and slings his arm around my shoulders. "It was nothing! It was good training!" The lady smiles. "Youth these days. Alright. Give me a moment." She disappears for a moment. Natsu's arm slides down to my waist then pulls me to his side. I wrap my arm around his. 

I bite my lip as I quickly count the money, trying to ignore the others talking. "Look how fast she's counting it!" Natsu says. Erza makes a sound of approval. "Well she was the daughter of the formally richest family of fiore." I finish counting the money and mutter to myself. "14 billion jewel. 7 of us total, including the exceeds, that's two billion each...." I start recounting but separate two billion each into separate piles. I faintly hear. "She's adorable! Look at her go!" Natsu says. I finish counting the money. I collapse onto my back. "Lucy?" Natsu says. I close my eyes then smirk up at him when he looks down at me. "I'm adorable eh?" Natsu blushes then looks away. I sit up and motion to the piles of money. "Go ahead and take your share." 

We step off the train. Natsu takes a deep breath. "I missed the smell of Magnolia." I hum and stretch my arms in the air. "I missed the atmosphere." I say. Wendy and Erza start walking. "It was a good journey. We'll be off." Erza says. We wave then Gray gets a blush on his cheek. I smirk and pat his bare back. "Go confess you big snowball." He nods. "Y-Yeah..." He walks off. Then I blink. "When did the exceeds leave?" I ask. Natsu shrugs. "A while ago?" I bite my lip. "N-Natsu?" "Hrm?" I lean up and kiss the corner of his mouth. "T-Thank you." Then I run off, leaving him stunned. I cover my red face. 

I lean against the cherry blossom tree. "Oi!" I squeak when I hear Natsu's voice. Natsu lays his hand against the tree behind me. "Don't just run off like that." I'm sure my face was a bright red now. "Did you ever see your landlady yet?" "Y-Yeah.." "And?" "S-Since I only used my apartment as storage while I was away, I only paid a small fee. W-Why?" Natsu presses his forehead against mine. "Just come live with me and Happy." "B-but you don't even have a bedroom! Or a bathroom!" "We'll expand. Please live with me?" "Why do you want me to live with you?" Then he kisses me. 

He pulls back. "I was ready for a relationship Lucy. I thought you weren't ready." He says. I loop my arms around his neck. "You dork! Before you dragged me on the mission I thought you were going to kiss me. I was ready then! I didn't know if you were ready or not." Natsu grins then shrugs. "Oops?" I giggle then kiss him again. Then we pull back. "Natsu, lets take a break from missions for a while." "Aye." Then we kiss again. Taking that 100 year mission was totally worth it. 

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