Almost the End of Us

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Lucy's POV

We've been tricked. We know it now. But it's too late. I chose this mission because it was easy. Investigate this mysterious platform. So we split up like usual. Me with Natsu and Happy, Gray by himself and Erza with Wendy and Carla. Me and Natsu found the platform and started investigating. But then the 'requester' ran up to us panting. Put on an innocent face, then grinned saying "I've tricked you fools! Now I can get the ultimate Magic!" Then he stabbed me in back, inches away from my heart. Natsu froze then ran over to me. Cradled me in his arms. Then Natsu got stabbed in the back to. I was too weak to scream his name but I reached out for him and intertwined my hand with his. Then the platform turned into a funnel and our blood poured into the small hole in the middle. As the platform glowed, before I passed out, I hear "NATSU-SAN! LUCY-SAN! / NATSU! LUCY!" Then that was when everything turned black.

I slowly open my eyes and groan. "She's awake! Get Natsu!' I narrow my eyes at the bright light then my eyes close. "Lucy! We're losing her!" "Hold on Lucy-san!" "Open her mouth!" My mouth gets pried open and a liquid gets poured down my throat. I swallow then cough. "She'll live. She needs rest. Hmph. Stupid humans battling to be on top" I hear footsteps and a door slam. "Lucy-san? Are you awake?" I cough. "Turn the lights down." "Ok!" I slowly open my eyes and see the room slightly dim. "W-Wendy?" I rasp out. "Oh thank Mavis you're awake. Natsu woke a week ago. He's on his way. You lost a lot of blood." "Wh-what happened?" I whisper. "The requester betrayed us and he collected you and Natsu-san's blood. It was a huge battle. I managed to seal the wounds but I couldn't heal you fully. Erza and Gray gave the man to the council. But..." "But?"

"A staff came out of the hole of blood. It contained you and Natsu-san's magic. Master ordered you two to figure out how it works. If it's dangerous, we'll seal it but if it's not, you guys can keep it." I sigh and look at the ceiling. "How long was I out?" "Three and a half weeks." I cough again. "Wow. H-how's Natsu?" I cover my mouth. "He's fine. Still recovering but he's ok" I sigh. "Thank Mavis. Can you help me up?" "Sure! Just don't move too much or your stitches will open." I nod then Wendy helps me sit up. "Where is it?" "Between your b-boobs." I chuckle at her then I look down and look at it. It was pretty big but it had black stitches holding the wound closed. The door opens. "Lucy!" I look at the doorway. "Natsu!" He slowly walks over. "I'll leave you two alone" Wendy says as she leaves the room.

Natsu reaches over and hugs me, wincing in the process. "So you're alright?" I nod and wrap my arms around him. "I'm fine, sore but fine." I whisper. "I can't move as fast and it hurts." He whines. I giggle. "It's what you get for worrying about me over yourself dork" He chuckles. "No can do Lucy. I'll always choose you over myself." "Same goes for me." We continue hugging in silence. "Let me see." I blush. "No!" "Why not?" "Just...ugh fine!" We pull back. I unbutton a few buttons on my shirt, that Wendy must've changed me in, and show Natsu the stitches. "I'm sorry." "why?" "I let my guard down and you almost got killed." I turn red when he lightly runs his fingers over the stitches. "Don't blame yourself, I also let my guard down. Now let me see yours." He nods and opens his shirt.

His wound was just as big as mine but more...visible. I run my fingers over it. I chuckle. "We're idiots aren't we?" "Yup" I sigh and put my forehead against his chest, not over the new scar. "Scared me to death seeing you like that Natsu, with a sword through your chest." "I'm sorry. My heart literally stopped seeing you like that Lucy. I never want to see that again. Never" He mutters in my hair. I hug him and he does the same. "Never knew you guys were at that level." "Gray!" I quickly button up my shirt. "W-We were just- ""None of your business Ice dick!" "How are you feeling Lucy?" Erza asks, ignoring the fighting. "F-fine. A little sore." "Good. Now I will send Mira up with food. Gray lets go." Gray sighs and nods. They walk out of the room but before Gray closes the door, he grins. "Don't forget protection!" I turn red and cover my face and Natsu growls. "Fucking Elsa." He then crawls over and sits next to me. I lean against his arm.

"Hey! How're you feeling Lucy?" "I'm perfectly fine!" "Good, good. Brought you two some food." "Thanks Mira!" Me and Natsu both say. She smiles and hands us plates. I start eating my sandwich while Natsu chows down. "Well Master should be coming back soon so hang tight." "Ok!" She walks out of the room. I finish half of the sandwich then set the plate on the end table. "Lucy?" I look up at Natsu. "Oh, I can only stomach so much. I can't eat the whole thing." "Just eat what you can and you'll be able to eat normally in no time!" I smile. "Thanks!" I lean against his arm and then fall asleep.

"Oi Lucy!" Someone whispers in my ear. I moan and snuggle closer to the warmth. "Shh! Sleeping!" I mutter. "Lucy!" I groan and glare at Natsu. "What~!" "Gramps is here!" I rub my eyes. "Oh Hi Master!" "Sleep well child? Anyways what do you two plan doing with the staff?" I shrug and yawn again. "Don't know." Natsu grunts. "Who knows?" I hug Natsu's arm and yawn again. "How about this? We'll get fully healed and we'll test it then decide then." "Very well. Sleep tight brats." He shuts the door behind him. I curl up against Natsu. "Mm warm" "Its natural." I hug his arm tighter. "Night Lucy" I hum in response and fall asleep.

Four weeks later we're fully healed. I stretch my arms up in the air. My wound was fully healed but we still had to take it easy. I get ready and then head to the guild. "Yo Lucy!" "Hey Natsu!" "Wanna go on a job? It's been about two months!" I hum. "I was thinking we could try out the staff." "Oh? That thing? I forgot about it." I pat his arm. "Better to test it out now then later! We are fully healed" "Yeah! Let's go!" He grabs my wrist and we run inside. We run straight up to Master. "Brats ready for the staff?" "Yup!" I smile. "Alright, to be safe let's go outside." "Ok!" We walk outside.

Master slams the staff in the ground. The staff had a base that had wood swirling around each other. The top of it had wood shaped as fire but with a hole shaped as a star inside of it. "Now both of you grab it." And so Me and Natsu both grab it. The staff glows. Then a spell enters me and Natsu's head. Me and Natsu's eyes glow blue. "Whoa! So it does work." Natsu says. Master strokes his mustache. "Hm...That staff has a lot of magic. Try directing a spell at the water" He points towards the cliff leading to the ocean. "Sure." Me and Natsu close our eyes and point the staff. "Stars come shooting stars. Shooting stars come down as ball of fire! The fire comes bursting down, destroying everything in its path!" A giant ball of light shoots towards the water, after flying at high speeds, the ball of light explodes. Master widens his eyes. Me and Natsu lean on each other. "That spell costed a lot of magic power. Maybe you should seal it away unless we need it." Natsu suggests. I nod in agreement. Natsu slams the staff in the ground so it stays up. "Very well." "Job now?" Natsu asks. I smile. "Job." "I'm choosing!" "Ok!"

Natsu lays his head on my lap as the train starts moving. I run my fingers through his hair. "O-Oi Lucy?" "Hm?" He peeks up at me. "I realized something" "What's that?" I ask. "I love you" I freeze and turn red. "Y-You do?" "Yeah. Do you love me to?" He asks, pink faced. I smile and twirl some of his hair around my fingers. "Y-yeah! I-I love you too! A-always have." He sits up, all traces of motion sickness gone. "Since when?" "Phantom Lord." I mutter. "Whoa! Same for me! Just didn't realize it until three months ago." I smile up at him. He grins. Then he leans forwards and kisses me. I kiss back and bury my fingers in his hair. He puts his hands on the back of the seat. We pull away and he puts his forehead on mine as we smile.


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