Amnesia with a Twist Part 2

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Lucy's POV

Its been almost a month since Natsu left. He should come and visit soon. Nashi has gotten bigger. She has more pink hair and she has brown eyes. (Forgot to mention) She is exactly like Natsu. Eats too much, makes a mess, and she sneezes fire. Even when she hiccups and burps! Anyways, I was reading in bed while Nashi was playing with my hair. I put my bookmark in place and set my book on the end table. Nashi looks up at me and makes a funny face. I widen my eyes and move my head out of the way when she sneezes. The wall behind me gets burnt in a small circle. I sigh and rub my forehead. "Try to aim your fire somewhere else Nashi please" She giggles and pokes my nose in response. I sigh then laugh with her. "You wanna go to the guild Nashi?" She giggles and waves her hands in the air. "Ok now lets get you dressed little girl" Then she pouts. I raise an eye brow. "You don't want to become uncle Gray do you?" She frowns and shakes her head. I giggle. "Of course you don't, now lets go"

I open the guild doors with my free hand. Nash claps her hands when no table flies at us this time. I smile down at her then walk over to Levy-chan. I sit down next to her and set Nashi on my lap. "Hi Lu-chan! Hi Nashi-chan!" I lift Nashi's hand and make her wave at Levy-chan. "Hi Levy-chan." "Anything interesting?" I tilt my head. "Nothing much besides Nashi almost burnt me again." "Again?" I nod and look down at Nashi, who sneezes when she looks in front of her. A small fire ball comes out of her mouth. Me and Levy-chan giggle. Then Gray walks over. I nudge Levy-chan. "Watch this." Gray stands in front of us. "Hey Lucy, Levy" I nod. "Hi Gray" We look down at Nashi. "Pinkie here alright? She's making weird faces." I nod. "Yeah, she's just fine. What about you and Juvia?" He turns pink. "She's just- OW OW OW OW!" Me and Levy-chan laugh when Nashi blew fire in Gray's face. "OW~! PINKIE HAS TALENT!" Everyone in the guild laughs. Then the guild doors creak open. "What's this about a pinkie having talent?" I blink at the voice. I hand Nashi to Levy-chan and walk towards the guild doors and see Natsu standing there, with his arms crossed, and Happy on his shoulder. I smile and hug him, and he hugs back. "Welcome back" "I'm back Lucy" I lean up and kiss him quickly and pull back a second later. "Come on" "Ok!"

Natsu laughs and slaps his knee. "Now that's hilarious! That's my girl! Burning Ice pops face!" I smile and giggle as Natsu ruffles Nashi's hair. Nashi in response tries to push his hand off. "So Natsu... Did you find it out?" I look up at Master, who was sitting on the bar. Natsu, who was using his wing to play with Nashi, looks up at him. Natsu sighs. "I only found out who was the reason I'm like this." "And what would that be?" Natsu's wings and tail twitch. "Zeref" I look up at Natsu in shock. "Z-Zeref?" Natsu looks down at me. "Yeah." "Aye...This old man said the reason Natsu is like this is because of Zeref" I look at Happy, who was being hugged by Nashi. I look down at my hands. "Did he say why?" "I have an Idea Lu-chan" We look at Levy-chan. "What is it Levy-chan?" "The book of END could be open." I nod slowly. "That...makes sense but why would he suddenly open the book of END?" I look up at Natsu, who looks like he's in deep thought. "Natsu?" "Hm? Oh uh. Its nothing." I tilt my head. "If you say so" He looks down at Nashi, who sneezes as she looks up at Natsu. I giggle as a fire ball hits Natsu's face. Natsu blinks down at Nashi then they both start laughing. I smile.

Nashi cries. "Ah Lucy! She won't stop crying!" I look at Natsu, who is trying to bounce her on his leg. "Give her here, I got her." So he hands me Nashi. I lift her up and smell her diaper. "That's nasty Lucy" I glare at him then set the crying Nashi down. "Well her diaper doesn't need changed. She must just be hungry." "Hungry?" I nod. "If she cries it usually means three things." I say as we walk to the bar. "One, she needs a diaper change. Two, she's hungry. Three, she wants attention or she's hurt." "Oh?" I nod then look at Mira. "Mira! Can you get Nashi some food!" "Sure! Do you two want something as well?" Natsu nod. "Yeah! Fire chicken!" "I don't want anything!" "Ok! Give me a sec!" She walks into the kitchen and comes back in a minute with a little jar of baby food and a baby spoon. "Here, Natsu's is going to take a bit longer." I nod and reach into the purse at my side. "Purse?" I nod. "I have to have one for Nashi's diapers and supplies." "Handy" I grab Nashi's bib and put it on Nashi, who was sitting on the bar in front of me. I wipe Nashi's tears. "Come on baby girl. Don't be weak like Uncle Gray" She immediately stops crying. "Hey! I'm not weak Lucy!" Natsu laughs. "That's my girl! And you are weak Gray!" "What was that bastard!?" "I said you're weak!" "Stupid Flame brain!" "Ice princess!" I sigh as Nashi claps her hands and giggles.

I smile and lift the spoon of baby food. "Come on Nashi, say 'ah~'" She opens her mouth and I put the spoon in. Nashi closes her mouth and swallows the baby food with a bit left over on her mouth. "Why are you gawking at Lucy?" I hear Natsu say as I get another spoonful of food and feed it to Nashi. Then I hear Juvia respond. "Juvia thinks it's because no one would of thought that Lucy-san would have a motherly side" I look behind me and glare at everyone. "You got a problem with that?!" They all squeak. "NO!" "I'm proud of you Lucy" I look at Erza, who was nodding in pride and smiling. "Why?" "You can scare everyone just like I can. For that, I will share my cake with you" I sweat drop. "No thank you." Then I hear Natsu whisper. "Did she just admit she's scary?" Erza glares at Natsu. "You say something?" "No!" He squeaks and hugs me in response. I giggle and go back to feeding Nashi. "Let me try Lucy" "Uh, ok?" I hand him the spoon and the little jar of baby food. And surprisingly, he feeds her perfectly. I smile. "You're not half bad!" Natsu pouts. "Hey!" I giggle. "I'm kidding." I kiss his cheek. Natsu blinks and blushes. "What was that for?" I shrug. "No reason. Besides, you're cute when you blush" "Hey!"

Later at night, we head home. Happy was laying on my shoulder while Natsu carried a sleeping Nashi. I look up at the stars and smile slightly. "Lucy?" "Hm?" "Who do you go on missions with?" "Erza" "Erza?" I nod. "Yeah. I don't want to bother anyone else and usually takes missions alone without me. So I'd thought I would go on missions with her while Mira watches Nashi" "oh~" I look at him. "Something wrong?" He shakes his head. "No, just...Nothing" I lift an eyebrow at him. "I'll get it out of you when we get home" "Ok" I hear Happy snore in my ear, which makes me sweat drop so I take him off my shoulder and carry him like Natsu is carrying Nashi. "Anyways Lucy, why did you name Nashi Nashi?" "Hm? Oh I just combined Natsu and Lushi" "Really?" I nod. "I didn't know what gender she was going to be so it was a last minute thing." "Hm." "What?" "Nothing. If Nashi was a boy we would name him Igneel right?" I smile and nod. "Yeah." "I want another kid Lucy" I blink then smile. "Ok, but lets wait until your normal again ok?" "Ok" I hear Natsu sigh. I glance at him from the corner of my eye.

Me and Natsu trade, Happy for Nashi. I take Nashi to her room and change her from her outfit into some pajamas. I yawn. I set Nashi in her crib then walk out of the room, close the door and walk towards the bedroom. I yawn and walk in. I see Natsu with his face buried in the pillows. "Oh how I missed your bed Lucy" I roll my eyes and sit on the edge of the bed. "I bet. So...I take it you're leaving in the morning and not coming back for a while? Probably until you go back to normal?" I see Natsu's ear twitch. "So you've figured me out. I'm sorry Lucy, I was going to tell you but not around everyone else." I shake my head as I look away. "I knew you were going to leave for a while, since we talked about the book." "That long huh?" I feel the bed shift but I stay silent. "Its just, I ran into some left over demons from Tartaros and they called me master END. They told me to join them but I declined so they tried to forcefully make me join them. Some have actually been following me instead." I feel him wrap his arms around me and his head on my shoulder. "I don't want to endanger anyone. Especially you or Nashi." Then his wings and tail wrap around me. I smile sadly and look at his wings that were around my shoulders and his tail that was on my waist and his arms just above his tail. "Its just, I missed you so much Natsu." "I missed you too Lucy. But I have to do this." I nod and run my fingers through his hair. "I'll wait for you. For eternity if I have to" "Thank you. I love you by the way" I smile. "I love you too."


I still remember that day four years ago. Natsu left the morning after before I woke up. But he left his scarf with Nashi. Anyways, Nashi is now 4 and a half years old. We were walking around the city, because Nashi wanted to, then we see at an ice cream stand. "Ooh~! Mommy! Can we get ice cream!?" I smile and ruffle her long, some what spikey pink hair. "Sure." "Yay!" She grabs my hand forces me to run with her up to the old man at the ice cream stand. "Hello, what can I get you ladies?" Nashi looks up at me. "Mommy, I want a spicy chocolate!" I giggle and nod then look up at the man. "I'll take a strawberry and a spicy chocolate ice cream cone" "Ok" he reaches into his stand and grabs two cones then scoops the ice cream on it. "Any toppings?" I look down at Nashi. "Hm, nope!" I shake my head at the man. "No thank you." "That'll be 200 jewel." I reach into my purse and pull out my wallet and hand the man 200 jewel. "Thank you, here you are" I grab the cones from the man. "Thank you mister!" The old man smiles at Nashi. I nod as I hand Nashi's cone to her. "Thank you" "Anytime" We walk away and towards the park. "Don't get ice cream on your scarf Nashi" "Ok!"

We sit on a park bench as we eat our ice cream. Then a family with a small boy and his parents walk by us. "Look daddy! Ice cream!" "Lets get some honey" "Ok! But don't spoil your dinner too much!" "Ok!" I look down at Nashi, who is almost finished with her ice cream. Nashi looks up at me. "Mommy?" "Yeah?" "Do I have a daddy?" I sigh, I saw this coming. "Yeah." "I do!?" I nod. "Yeah." "Where is he then?" I take a bite of my ice cream cone. "He's on a journey." "A journey?" I nod. "Yeah. He's on a training journey." "So my daddy's strong?!" I giggle. "Of course. He's one of the strongest in Fairy Tail!" "Cool!" I smile and finish my ice cream cone. "What does he look like?" I ruffle her pink hair. "He has your pink hair, dark green eyes and a scar on his neck." "Cool! Wait, why is his hair pink?" I giggle. "Same reason yours is. It's natural." "Oh? Look here boys. A hot mom and her cute daughter." We look up and see a bunch of drunk men. I stand up. "Is there a problem?" Nashi hides behind me. They slowly surround us. "Oh? We just want to have fun~. Who wouldn't?" I narrow my eyes and put a hand on my keys. "Hold onto me Nashi." "Ok" She holds onto my waist. "Get them!"

"Open gate of the Lion! Loke!" He appears out of the air. "Hey Lucy, run into a problem?" "They ran into me. Please Loke!" "Ok!" He rushes towards the drunk men. "Regalus Impact!" He punches one in the face as his fist glows. "Gah!" I pull out another key. "Taurus!" Then the giant cow/bull appears. "Moo! I will protect Lucy-san!" He swings his axe around in the air. I get out my whip and turn around, with Nashi still holding onto me. "Never mess with Fairy Tail! Or me and my daughter!" I use my whip to knock a bunch of them to the ground. After a minute or two, they're all defeated and unconscious. "Thank you Loke, Taurus." "Moo! Any time Lucy-san!" Then Taurus disappears. "Call me any time Lucy. I'll take these guys to the council for you." "Thanks Loke" Then he manages to grab all of the unconscious guys and carry them off to the council. "You were awesome mommy! Lets go brag to Tetsa-chan!" I giggle. "Alright." Tetsa-chan was Levy-chan and Gajeel's daughter. (Who has black hair and has brownish reddish eyes. Who is age 3) I grab Nashi's hand. "Ok. Lets go to the guild." Nashi nods then we walk to the guild.

I open the guild doors. Me and Nashi dodge a flying table and walk over to Levy-chan and Tetsa-chan, who were both reading. Nashi runs over to Tetsa-chan, who turns around and stands up, and hugs her. "Tetsa-chan!" "Nashi-chan!" Me and Levy-chan giggle. I sit down next to Levy-chan. "Hi Lu-chan." "afternoon Levy-chan." She hands me a book. "Here is the book you wanted to borrow." "Oh thank you" I grab the book from her and start reading. Then I overhear Nashi talk to Tetsa-chan. "My mom is so awesome! She used her magic to beat a bunch of bad guys!" I hear Levy-chan giggle as Tetsa-chan say. "Well my mom can make magic words from thin air!" Then they start arguing. "My mom is better!" "No my mom is!" I look at Levy-chan and we sweat drop before we start laughing. Then I hear Gray walk over and say. "No, Juvia is better!" "NO ONE ASKED YOU ICE POP!" I drop my book and slam my hand on the table and burst out laughing with Levy-chan. "Oh-oh my god that is too good." "N-no kidding" I wipe my tears and look at a pouting Gray. "I wanted Silver to join in but he's too young to talk" I giggle. "He'll get there." "He'll be better than you two combined" Nashi waves a hand. "Nah, Ice will never beat fire" Gray glances at me then smirks at Nashi. "Oh? Prove it pinkie" "I will! Fire Dragon's roar!" I feel a smile growing on my face when Nashi shoots Gray in the face with a fire ball. Gray grabs his face. "Not again!"

After Nashi and Tetsa-chan go play with Elfman and Evergreen's daughter, Sakura, Gray sits across from us for a serious talk. "Lucy." "Yes?" "When has Nashi been able to use Natsu's magic like that?" I look down at my hands. "Just now. I mean, we all knew from the beginning that Nashi would be a dragon slayer but who would of taught her." "But we never told her. She knew she had magic but we never told her about it. So how did she just do that?" I sigh at Levy-chan's statement then think about earlier. "Maybe it was because Nashi asked me of her father." "She what?!" I sigh. "I knew she would. But not this soon." "Lucy?" I blink up at Gray. "Hm?" "Are you ok?" "Yea-" "Really? Are you ok?" I blink then look down. "I-I guess. It's been four years since he left. Yeah I have Nashi and she's my world. But she's not Natsu. Then there's the fact that she has his magic and acts like him most of the time." I break out in tears. "I miss him so much!" Levy-chan quickly hugs me and rubs up and down my back. "Shh, it's alright Lu-chan. Its alright." "Why don't you go home Lucy? Go and take a bath or something." "O-ok" Levy-chan lets me go. "Alright, I'll call Nashi over so you can go home." I wipe my tears and nod.

After Levy-chan calls Nashi over, I stand up and grab my purse. I then hear Nashi call me. "Hey mommy! Why are we leaving early?" I smile and look down at her. "I have to make dinner. And you have to take a shower missy" "Hey! I don't stink!" I giggle. "I never said that." "What are you making? Something with meat?" I nod as we start walking out of the guild. "Of course! Can't go without meat right?"  "Meat is everything!" I smile and tilt my head. "But it will be with vegetables, which you have to eat!" "But mommy!" "Don't mommy me! Now come on, race you there!" "Hey! That's cheating! You had a head start!" I giggle and glance back at her as I run. "All's fair in love and war!" "Meanie!" I smile and run faster. "Catch up Nashi!" "I am!" After minutes of running nonstop and Nashi somehow managing to win, we walk in the house while panting. "I...won mommy.....what's my prize" I glance at her. "Extra....meat I guess" "Y-yay!" We both plop down on the couch, still wheezing and panting for air. "Go...take a shower....While I make.....dinner" "F-fine" She slowly stands up and walks to the bathroom. I walk to the kitchen and start cooking.

After cooking, Nashi getting out of the shower, eating, Nashi now sleeping, and a nice, hot bath, I walk towards the bedroom. I sit at my desk and look out the window. It was pitch black with stars out and the moon was full. I hear a creak so I turn my head. I see a shadow walk in the hallway. I stand up and grab my whip. "Who's there?" The shadow steps into the light of my room. It was a tall person with a cloak. I narrow my eyes as the figure reaches up to the hood and slowly pulls it down. I drop my whip. Long, shaggy pink hair with a blue cat hidden in his cloak. "Na-Natsu? I'm not dreaming again am I?" He smiles and walks towards me. "No. I'm back Lucy. For good. See? No END features. Just me" I tackle him in a hug and cry into his chest. "Natsu~ It is you!" "Aye! Don't forget me!" Happy pops out from between us. "I missed you too Lushi! Ah! I FORGOT CARLA! WHERE IS SHE!" I see Natsu wince and I roll my eyes. "Probably sleeping." "IM COMING MY BELOVED CARLA!" I giggle then I grab Natsu's cheeks and pull him down for a kiss. He groans and kisses back. We pull away a minute later. "I'm going to cut your hair while you tell me about your adventures." "Ok"

I narrow my eyes in seriousness. "So, you had to face Zeref alone? Why would you do that?" He sighs. "I had to get back to normal so I could come back to you. But don't worry, he didn't hurt me or anything. He only said that he will only for..." "For?" I snip the last bit of over-grown hair and put down the scissors. I grab a brush and brush his hair, cut hair falling to the towel covered floor. "If I, ahem." I raise an eye and run my fingers through Natsu's soft hair. "Natsu~. Tell me" I say in a warning voice. He squeaks and shakes his head. "I-um-I promised him to fight him. To the death." I drop the brush. "N-Natsu! Why would you do that! Wh-what would I d-do without y-you?" He stands up and hugs me. "Don't worry. Its why I took an extra two years to train. Don't worry besides he said whenever I'm ready." I groan. "Natsu you idiot." Natsu sighs. "Look, can I see Nashi?" We pull out of the hug and I nod. "Yeah, but she's asleep." "That's alright, she might not remember me" I drag him down and kiss his forehead. "No, she won't but she knows what you look like." "Really?" I nod. "Yeah. She asked about you this morning" "Ok, Lets go see her."

"That's....Nashi?" I nod. "She's grown up since you've seen her last right?" He nods slowly, still in awe. Then Nashi shoots up. "KYA!" In instinct, I rush over to her. "Nashi! What's wrong?" She grips my shirt and buries her face in my chest. "N-nightmare." "Shh, shh, shh. Calm down. You want to talk about it?" She nods slowly. I glance up at Natsu in the door. "I-I was being chased by this m-monster. I-it chased m-me for days. Th-then it a-ate me." She sobs. I run my fingers through her long hair. "It's ok. Mommy and Daddy are here now" "D-daddy?" She looks up at me. I smile and tilt my head. "Yeah, come in Natsu, also turn on the light." I hear a grunt and the lights flight on. Nashi and Natsu stare at each other. I stand up and lean on a wall as they have a stare down. I roll my eyes, smack my forehead and groan. "At least hug." Nashi looks at me then looks at Natsu with narrow eyes. Natsu eyes the scarf he gave her years ago around her neck. "Fire dragon's roar" Nashi uses her magic at Natsu. I squeak. "NOT IN THE HOUSE!" Natsu grins and sucks in the small flame. "That all you got kiddo?"

"Oh? I got more alright!" She starts roaring a bunch of mini fires at Natsu, who only puts a hand on his hip. "Bring it kid" He sucks up all of the fire. I sigh and wave a hand. "I'm going to bed. Try not to burn the house down." I walk out of the door and towards my bedroom. I hear Nashi roaring and Natsu laughing. I smile and then sit on the bed. I then lay down while getting under the covers. "Lucy?" I look in the doorway and see Natsu and Nashi peeking in. "Yeah?" "Can we sleep in the same room? Nashi doesn't want anymore nightmares." I smile. "Of course. However....did you burn the room?" I see Nashi start sweating. I groan. "You're lucky Natsu is back otherwise no books for a month." Nashi widens her eyes. "But Mommy~!" I giggle and roll my eyes. "Your off the hook, for now. Natsu on the other hand.." Natsu pouts and whines. "but Lucy~" I yawn. "I'll figure something later. Come here you two" They rush over and pounce on the bed. I giggle. Nashi is between us with Natsu's arm around us both. I smile. "Night guys." "Night" I turn the lamp off and both pinkies start snoring really loud. I giggle and kiss both of their foreheads. Then I lay my head back down and fall asleep.

(I'm sorry. For many reasons. One, I'm sorry I took so long. Two, I don't want to keep this going forever, which I could if I wanted to. Anyways, hope you enjoy, see ya!)

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