Artist and Singer

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(I don't fucking know anymore. Natsu is a pop singer, sorry no songs this time. Lucy is an artist, who is Natsu's girlfriend and his makeup artist and his costume designer, basically she's his designer. I got bored and came up with the idea at work.)

Lucy's POV

I put the finishing touches of Natsu's make up on. I could hear the crowd roaring in excitement. I set my makeup brush down. Natsu kisses me. "Thanks babe! You're the best!" I smile. "Just don't ruin it." "You're going to watch right?" "Of course. You're music gives me inspiration." "Good. Where will you be sitting?" I put a finger on his lips. "Doesn't matter. You shouldn't focus on me." "If you say so." I pat his cheek. "Now go do your think before the fangirls go nuts." "Aren't they already?" I roll my eyes. "Dork. Go put on that show." "Aye!" Natsu kisses my forehead and grabs a microphone before running on stage. I roll my eyes when the girls scream. I walk over and grab my sketch book and pencil. I walk to a spot where I can draw without getting hit in the crowd but still listen to Natsu's music.

I smile and set my pencil down. I reach into my bag and grab my markers. I start coloring. Natsu's music is just amazing. It cheers me up, gives me inspiration, and gives me a reason to draw. "Whatcha drawing?" I blink and glance back. "Hey Gray. I'm a drawing uh..." I look down at my sketchbook. "Spacing out again?" "Yup. It looks like Natsu's singing bringing color to the world or something." "Cool. I don't understand how you do that." "Do what?" "Draw and color without knowing what you're doing?" "Ah. I don't know. I only draw what I hear." "So, if Natsu sings a song about death you'd draw death?" "Most likely. But Natsu isn't going to sing about death." I say, continuing to color. "Right. Well it's nice to see ya again Lucy." "You too Gray." "How long you staying in Magnolia?" "A couple days. Natsu wants to see how everyone's doing and take me out on a date." "Sweet. I'll gather everyone. When do you want to meet up?" "On Saturday. That way people don't have to worry about taking a day off work." "Roger that. I'll leave you alone now." "Ok. Bye Gray!" "Until Saturday Lucy" I wave at him as he leaves the concert. "Wait a minute why was he even here? He could've texted me." I mutter. I shrug then continue coloring.

I was coloring a new piece. I cap my marker then put it in my bag. I look at my artwork. I blush. It was Natsu sweeping me off my feet with a heart above us. I shake my head and close my sketchbook. The concert was over and Natsu should be signing autographs by now. "Miss? Are you in line for the signing?" I hear a body guard ask. I shake my head and show him my pass. "Ok. Sorry mam. Just taking precautions." I nod and smile. "You're doing a good job. Have a nice day." "You too Miss." I walk back stage. I see people lined up for autographs and the staff cleaning up the stage. I walk past the line. "Hey Lucy! I have some fans who have questions for ya!" Natsu says. I blink and walk up to him. There were three girls waiting at the side of the booth. "Yes?" I ask. Natsu snickers at me. I roll my eyes at him. I feel a smile crawling on my face when they argue about who should talk to me. Then one gets pushed forward. "We, um, love your artwork, costumes, and make up! We were wondering if we could get an autograph? Also, we want to see you do his make up." I smile. "Thanks! Of course, Um, Natsu do you have an extra marker?" Natsu tosses me one. "Thanks." I catch it. "Where do you want me to sign?"

"If you want to see me do make up then you'll have to wait." "That's fine!" The three girls squeal as I sign a few things of theirs, such as a makeup box, a picture of Natsu, which Natsu already signed and different pictures of my artwork. "Thanks!" I smile. Then a staff member, a teen named Romeo, brings up some chairs. "Ah, thanks Romeo!" I say. "No problem Lucy-nee!" I set the chairs up. "Come sit. We have time. At least until the fangirl line dies down." "Kay!" They all cheer then sit down. I look through my recent drawings. Natsu bringing color to everything, Natsu leading me somewhere, then finally to Natsu carrying me. I blink. I don't remember the second one. I close my sketchbook. The girls all do something on their phones. I feel my phone buzz. I take my phone out of my pocket and answer it. "Hello, who is this?" I ask. "Lucy." I tense up. "How did you get my number?" I ask. Natsu glances at me from his table. "I have my ways. How long are you going to run away? You can't avoid me forever." "Yes I can! And you don't control me!" I hang up. I go through my settings and I block that number and a few other numbers.

Then the autograph line ends. Natsu instantly jogs up to me. "Was it him?" He asks. I nod. "I might need a new phone number again. He could use my phone and my other online accounts to track me down." "Lucy, we are on a worldwide concert. He can't get to you" "I guess you're right." I say. Natsu kisses my forehead. "It'll be alright. Now help me get this makeup off so you can redo it." I smile. "Alright. You ready girls?" They all cheer. After an hour of two of showing the girls how I do Natsu's makeup and mine, they finally leave. I sit on Natsu's lap and take a makeup remover wipe to wipe his makeup off. "I don't understand why he keeps chasing us, well, me at least." I mutter. "He could have his reasons." Natsu suggests. I scoff. "He only wants me back so I can marry some rich kid and produce a male heir. He only cares about money" Natsu grabs a makeup wipe and starts wiping the makeup off my face. "Well you're mine." I close my eyes and smile. "Only yours"

I hear my phone ring. Natsu moans and turns over. I slam my hand on my phone then answer it. "Hello?" I groan. "Hey Lucy." "Erza?" Natsu leans up on a hand when he hears her name. "Did I wake you up? My apologies." "Its fine Erza." I yawn. "What's up?" I ask. Natsu rubs his right eye. "Gray told me that we're meeting up Saturday" "Uh huh" I cover my mouth and yawn. "Where are we going to meet up?" Erza asks. Natsu kisses the side of my head before going back to bed. "You know. Fairy Tail. Where we all met." "Ok. Sounds perfect. Also, isn't your birthday coming up?" I yawn. "Is it?" "How can you forget your own birthday? Yes, your birthday is on Sunday. What would you like for your birthday?" "I don't really want anything but I could use some more inking pens, artist markers, blenders, and a tracking-safe smartphone." "You can have Levy and Freed help with the phone. Is there a certain type of cake?" "Let's go with a multiflavored cake." I yawn. "Multiflavored?" "Yeah. Like one part is chocolate, the other vanilla, the other strawberry and maybe some lemon? Just different flavored areas." "Sounds fun. I'll see you on Saturday, sorry for waking you up." I yawn. "No, you're fine." "Bye Lucy" "Bye Erza." I hang up and set my phone on the table. I curl up to Natsu and fall asleep.

I blow dry my hair while brushing it. I turn the drier off and brush my hair. I get dressed in some black pants and a white shirt that showed off my shoulders and black bra straps. I pull half my hair back and put it in a red bow. I start putting on makeup. Natsu gets out of the shower. "Look hot babe" "Thanks" I reply. Natsu puts on some black pants that has a chain and then he slips on a red shirt. He puts on a flame necklace. I stand up and brush his hair. "Think we can go out without any fans?" I ask. "It's been a day and they don't know what hotel we're at. Plus, there are rumors that we're in clover town. So they're probably chasing that rumor. Plus, we've lived in Magnolia before. The most we'll get is 'Hi' and 'can I get an autograph'" Natsu murmurs into my hair. "Perfect. Let's get our shoes on then we'll go wherever you're taking me" I say. "Aye!"

Natsu grabs my hand and we run through the town. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see." He replies. We stop at a hill. "I was wanting to take you here one day. But with how much we travel I never got to." Natsu says. "Where are we?" "This is where I went first when Igneel disappeared. We used to come here a long time ago. This is where I first sang" I look up at him. He reaches into his pocket. "And this will be where I first propose." I instantly cover my mouth when he gets on his knees. "Marry me Lucy?" "YES!" I hug him. He falls to the ground, hugging me back. "Oh my god. I was scared for weeks!" "I would never say no!" "Ugh I had to go undercover and it took hours to find out the right one!" He puts the ring on my finger. I sit up and look at it. It was a simple silver ring. "I already have the wedding rings planned. But we'll do all that later." I kiss him. "You surprised me dork. When did you get so romantic?" "I was always romantic!" I smile and get off him. "What else do you have planned?"

He planned dinner! We were at a fancy restaurant. We have some stares but that's fine. I smile when Natsu digs into his giant steak. I dig my fork into my pasta. "Good choice" I say. Natsu only grunts. I get full and slide the rest to Natsu. He finishes it. I giggle when he burps behind his hand. He pats his stomach. "Mm. So good! Check please!" A waiter comes by with the check. Natsu grabs it and sets his bank card on it after signing it. The waiter takes it. "Enjoy yourself Lucy?" "I did. Thanks for taking me out." "Anytime. We don't get these kind of chances." "We don't." The waiter comes back with Natsu's card. Natsu stands up and grabs my hand then we leave the building, hand-in-hand. 

Natsu swings our hands. I giggle when Natsu rubs his nose against mine. "You dork. What's got you so excited?" I ask. "My girlfriend just turned into my fiancé! Of course I'm happy and excited! You're going to be Lucy Dragneel in the future." I blush. "I like the sound of that." He chuckles. "It's a damn fine name. Wanna get back?" I nod. "We're working on your new song. Could be fun" I say. Natsu kisses me quickly. "Race ya?" "Race ya!" I agree. Me and Natsu start running to our hotel. Natsu wins. I pant while holding onto my knees. "Cheater." I mumble. "All's fair in love and war!" Natsu says while rubbing my back. I squeak when he picks me up. He kicks the door open. I giggle when he tosses me on the bed. "How about a movie?" He asks. "Sure! What kind?" "Hm~ The hotel doesn't have a DVD player so we'll go out. How about a comedy?" "No. Serious? Like assassinations?" "Nah." Then we both look at each other. "Horror!" We both shout. Natsu pulls out his phone. "Hrm...Look at these." He shows me the options. I hum. "That one!" I point to one. "Ooh~ Nice choice!" He says, grinning.

I snuggle into Natsu's chest during the credits. "Nice choice Lucy!" I hum. "To the arcade?" "Hell yeah!" I squeal when Natsu picks me up and runs to the arcade. Natsu sets me down and reaches into his pocket. "you know you don't have to pay all the time right?" I say. "Yeah but you don't make as much money as I do plus I like treating you" "Yeah but-" "No buts! Screw the critics!" Natsu leans towards me so I can feel his breath on my face. "Plus we both know you'd never take advantage of me and I'd never take advantage of you" I blush then boop his nose. "Don't take that tone with me!" "What the 'sexy' voice?" I blush harder and push his face away. "Natsu!" He laughs. "Alright, alright! Lets get the tokens then play!" "Yeah!" We both cheer.

"Cheater!" "I wasn't cheating!" "Cheater!" I pout. "Aw come on babe! Don't be a sore loser!" Natsu says. "Sore loser! You call me a sore loser!" I yell at him. "Oi! I'm sorry! Here!" Natsu hands me a pink teddy bear. My cheeks turn pink slowly. I hug it. "You're forgiven." I mumble into the bear. Natsu sighs in relief. "I didn't mean to cheat, honestly. It was a mistake." "It's ok." I mumble. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "Just tired." "No, what's wrong?" He asks, seriously serious. (lol) I look up. "You're oblivious." "Huh? Just say what's wrong" I grab his shirt and pull him down. I kiss him. I pull back smiling . "I feel better. I needed that." I lick my lips when he blinks. Then he grins. "Glad you feel better. Lets get back to the room." I nod.

I hum and lift my phone above my face as I lay on the bed. "Come on Lucy~! Play with me more~!" Natsu says, crawling towards me. "I already did! I'm busy!" "But I wanna thr-" "No!" I squeal and hit him with a pillow. "So I can't say it after but I can during?! You don't even seem to care that you're naked!" I throw another pillow at him. "Don't say it like that!" I go back on my phone. I hit send. Natsu's phone buzzes. "Huh? Who could be texting at this hour?" He walks over and picks his phone up. I toss my phone on the bed. Natsu looks at me. I hum and close my eyes. The text read 'We're being followed. Don't be alarmed.' "Who was it?" I ask. "Huh? Oh it was Gray. Wants to know what's up." "Tell him I said hi." "Kay!" Natsu pretends to hit send then he sets his phone on the table. I giggle when he crawls on me and sets his head on my chest. "Mm. I should make more songs, but I don't wanna." He pouts. I run my fingers through his hair. "I could help you. But I'm tired" "Because I wore you out-" "Natsu!" "Aw~ My Lucy is so cute~" "Natsu~!" I whine.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Me and Natsu both jump. "Everyone! Thank you!" I say. "Good to see everyone!" Natsu says, then we both sweatdrop when a line forms. People were in line with Natsu's new album in hand. "Yeah yeah! Go have fun Lucy." "Kay" I nod. "Lucy" I hear someone say. "Erza! Gray!" I say, excited. "Come on. We have to catch up. Its been a good few years." Erza says. I nod. "Yeah!" Then I start telling everyone about me and Natsu's lives these past few years. An hour later, Natsu wraps his arms around me from behind. "You tell them yet?" He asks. I look up at him and shake my head. "Good. I wanna tell them" "Tell us what?" Mira asks. Natsu grabs my left and kisses it. "Is that a new-OH MY MAVIS!" The girls all squeal at the sight of my engagement ring. Natsu grins then kisses the ring. "She's mine." Natsu kisses my head. I blush when the girls coo.

I take a bite into the cake. "Mm~ Never thought lemon cake would be this good!" Natsu moans. I hum and nod in agreement. "I got strawberry." I say. I glare at Natsu when he takes a bite. I stab my fork into his cake. He glares at me. I eat some of his cake. "Payback" This is some good cake. I stick my tongue out at him. I jump when he bites it, not hard but just puts it between his teeth. "Nashu!" I whine, with a slur. He chuckles and licks the tip of my tongue. I blush then he lets my tongue go. "I'm just playing with you Lucy. Don't take it so hard" I pout at him. "Meanie!" He pats my head then kisses me. I kiss back then he pulls back. I grab his shirt and kiss him again. Natsu kisses back then I hear someone clear their throat. We pull back and both blush. "I think its time for presents, if the lovebirds are done making out" Laxus says. "Ah, right! My bad" I say.

I got brand new markers, inking pens, a feathered pen, sketchbook paper, blenders, makeup, lingerie, flavored condoms from Gray and Gajeel, and a bunch of other stuff that made everyone blush. I put everything in my new suitcase. Natsu grabs my waist. "Its been a long day guys but we have to go. Its going to be a long morning!" Natsu says. "Alright! See you guys!" Levy-chan waves. Everyone says bye and Natsu drags my suit case to the door. "We're going to use some of those later..." Natsu mutters. I squeak and cover my face. "Natsu no!" "Natsu yes!" In the morning, we pack our stuff. Romeo and a few other staff members help us take our stuff to the tour bus. We didn't stay in the tour bus because that's where the staff and supplies stay. Plus we need our privacy, for many reasons.

"We should do a song together!" I spit out my coffee at Natsu's statement. Natsu wipes his face. I wince. "sorry!" He shakes his head. "I mean, Levy did say that you used to sing in the shower." I pale. I'll get her later. "Er...yeah..." "You don't want to?" "Not the puppy eyes!" I whine. Natsu rubs my head. "I'm not gonna force ya. It was just a suggestion." I feel guilty now. "Alright! I'll do it!" "YAY!" Natsu tackles me in a hug. I hug him back. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" He says. "Mm. But on one condition." "What?!" He pulls back, excited. "You wont hear me sing until the day of the concert." "WHAT?!" "I want to surprise you" I draw imaginary circles on his chest. "Meanie." He pouts.

~Time skip~ Day of the Concert in Crocus

I walk on stage in a red dress that's short in the front and the back drags on the floor. I had red makeup on, red lips and red eye shadow. I turn the microphone on. I blush and start singing. Natsu stops singing and his jaw drops. The crowd goes silent then cheers. Natsu grabs my hand then starts singing as well. He twirls me then the crowd lights there phones and lighters when the lights shut off. Then comes my solo... Natsu slowly stops singing and the light shines on me when I sing solo. I glance at Natsu and he smiles. I blush harder then I slowly end the song. The light goes out. I turn off the microphone. Natsu grabs my hand, the lights turn on and we both bow then clap, laughing. Natsu hugs me, I laugh and hug him back as he twirls me around. Natsu sets me down, keeping an arm around my waist. "Thank you! Thank you very much!" (I read this as Elvis in my head, lol) "Come see our show on Galuna Island!" I say. Me and Natsu both wave before the lights turn off. Our adventure is just beginning! Also my dad never caught us and he gives up in a year.

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