Disney One-Shots

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(This will only have parts from my favorite Disney movies, not the whole thing)

Lion King

Natsu's POV

I could hear Plue and Happy's screams. So I charge and start fighting the familiar blonde looking lion. We claw and scratch each other. That's when we roll down on the hill. I land on my back and the blonde lion on top of me. I freeze and widen my eyes. She was growling. I blink. "Lucy?"  She quickly gets off of me. "Who are you?" I get up and walk towards her. "It's me, Natsu" She tilts her head. "Natsu?" I smile and nod. She smiles. We but heads. "Oh~ Its been so long!" We circle each other. "Wha?" I hear Happy say but I ignore him. "Where did you come from?" "I always been here" "WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" We look down at the small blue cat. "Oh Happy! This is Lucy, my best friend!" "Oh?" "Hey Plue! Get over here!" The small snowman thing walks over. "Puun!" "Lucy this is Plue" "whoa, whoa time out. You two know each other?" "To think you would be here all this time. And you're alive. What will Master think?" "He doesn't have to know I'm here." "Oh but they have to know. Zeref told us about the stampede." I look away. "What else did he say?" "It doesn't matter, you're alive. That makes you king" "King?" I ignore Happy. "Come on, lets go" "Ok"

We chase each other around. We stop by a lake. We sit down. Lucy lays her head on my shoulder. "Ow!" I blink and we pull back. She had a thorn in her side. I pull it out and smile. I spit it out then hear an "OW~!" I blink and jump when Lucy suddenly nuzzles my chin. I nuzzle back. We stand up and walk.

We were now play fighting. Lucy suddenly trips and we go tumbling down a hill. (Omfg I'm dead) We land into a field of butterflies. We rub our faces together. Lucy pulls back and walks in circles around me. She leads me up a hill of flowers. Sometime later..."Why don't you just tell me?" "Forget it" I walk away. "Fine" She runs off some where. I run off in a different direction.

Lucy's POV

"What do ya mean he's gone?" "It's just as the baboon said, the king has returned." "Repeat that" "Natsu is the rightful king but after he disappeared, Zeref proclaimed himself the king and joined an alliance with the Hyenas. So Natsu has to go back, defeat Zeref, and claim his rightful place on the throne." I look at the two frozen animals. "Ooh! He needs us now!" I run off.

Normal POV

Happy and Plue were watching Natsu and Zeref 'talk'. "Oh good, they're talking it out" Natsu slips off the rock slightly. "Everything is going to be just fine" Lightning strikes and fire surrounds the bottom of the rock. "Lets go help them." "Pun~"

Natsu's POV

I was chasing Zeref with his hyenas on my trail. I jump into the flames and into the final battle ground. "Murderer" "Natsu Natsu please." "You don't deserve to live." "Natsu I-" I walk to him. I tower over him. "Everything you ever told me was a lie." "What are you going to do? You don't want to kill your own uncle" (Small lie but deal with it) "No, I'm not like you." "Oh Natsu thank you. What can I ever do for you?" I glare at him even more. "Run, run far away Zeref, never return." "As you wish your highness" He kicks hot rocks in my eye. "Ah!" He bites my neck. That's when the real fight begins. After a while, he charges at me. I use my back legs to kick him off the level of rock we were on. He falls on his side then stands up. The hyenas corner him. "Ah, my friends" "Friends? I thought he said we were enemies." "Yeah!" The crazy one laughs. More surround him.

Fairy Tail rock is covered in fire until it starts raining. I walk down and find Lucy, Gramps, and the others. Lucy nuzzles my wet, pink head. I smile. I hear a rattle. I look up and find the baboon, Yajima (Lol) pointing at the top of the rock. I walk up to him. He bows. I grin and use a paw to hug him. "It is time" I nod and walk to the tallest rock. I look up. I look in front of me then roar. The others roar with me.

I nuzzle Lucy's head. She smiles. I look behind me and see Yajima with me and Lucy's cub. A pink little girl. Yajima raise the cub to the air. Showing off the cub.

DONE (Eh, I figured why not do the ending of the movie.)



(This is only the ending)

Lucy's POV

I look down at the purple cloth with the Fairy Tail symbol. I remember that Natsu took me to the town and, and...How I fell in love with him. Happy, my blue chameleon, puts his face on me and turns into a grayish blue. I fall back onto my bed and hold the cloth to my chest. I look at the ceiling and blink. I look at the cloth and slowly sit up. I stand up and continue to look at the ceiling, which seems to glow with the Fairy Tail symbol. Then I get a flash back of me as a baby, looking up at my crib and into the Fairy Tail symbol. Then me looking at my parents, the collage, then the blonde haired baby, me. Me trying the crown on. I gasp and collapse on the vanity behind me.

Natsu's POV

Guards were escorting me to the execution cell. I look into the cell and see (Lol) Mard Geer and Deliora. (Play along with it please) I headbutt the guards in their heads. I grab Mard Geer and pull him to the cell. "How did you know about her?! Tell me now!" "It wasn't us! It was the old man!" (So fucking bored, deal with this.) "Old man?" The guards grab me. I struggle. "No! Wait! You don't understand! She's in trouble!"

Lucy's POV

I pant and look down. I walk out of my room and see father, Zeref, there. "It was me" I whisper. "Oh stop with the mumbling Lucy, you know how I hate it" "I am the lost princess, aren't I?" He widens his eyes. "Did I mumble Father? Or should I call you that?" He seems to panic. "Oh Lucy can't you even hear yourself? About that ridiculous idea?" I shove him out of the way. "You! It was all you!" "Everything I did was to protect you" I shove him out of the way again and storm downstairs. "I spent my whole live avoiding things when I should have been avoiding you!" "Where will you go? HE won't be there for you" An image of Natsu struggling appears in my head. "That criminal, is to be hanged for his crimes" I gasp. "No!" He tries to pat my head. I grab his hand. "No! You were wrong about the world. You were wrong about me! I will never let you use my hair again!" He snatches his hand back. I walk to the tower entrance. "Fine, you want me to be the bad guy, I'll be the bad guy."

Natsu's POV

I continue struggling until I see a strawberry cake in a window sill. I widen my eyes until the doors around us close. The guard pounds on the door. "What is this? Open up!" "Whats the password?" It was he drunkard Cana! "OPEN THIS DOOR!" "wrong" An ice hook is lowered and a guard disappears. "I GIVE YOU TO THE COUNT OF THREE!" A muscular hand grabs the other one's face and into a door. The guard in front of me looks back. "Three..." I shrug. Erza walks through the door and knocks the guard out with a frying pan. Guards bust through the door in front of us. Erza grabs my hand and drags me outside. "Hands in" I do it. "Knees apart." I do. "Wait whaAAAAA!" I land on the white horse, Plue. He starts running. Arrows shoot at us and guards come at us from all sides. "Wait Plue!" He charges through the town.

I hop off Plue and arrive at Lucy's tower. "Lucy! Lucy let down your hair!" Tons of blonde hair comes down. I grin and use it to climb. I hop in the window and see Lucy in chains. "MMPHMMM!" I get stabbed in my side. "Now look what you've done Lucy, oh don't worry. Our secret will die with him" I collapse on my side, clutching the stab wound. Lucy's so called father, steps over me. I look at Lucy as she struggles to come to me. Happy, Lucy's lizard, pulls on Zeref's leg. "Stop fighting me!" "No! Every minute of my life I will not stop! But if you let me save him, I won't" I look up at her. "No Lucy!" "I'll never run, I'll let you use my hair as much as you like."

Zeref chains me to a pillar. Lucy runs over and grabs my face. I cough and grab me side tighter. "Let me heal you!" "I can't let you do this." "And I can't let you die" "But if... you do this...you will die" "Sh~ It's going to be alright" I secretly grab a glass shard. I run my hand through her hair. She leans forward. I act like I'm going to kiss her, but cut her hair at shoulder length. I drop the shard and look up at her as her hair turns a darker shade of blonde. She grabs her hair. "Wha?" "No!" I look at Zeref, his hair turns white and gets wrinkled. Happy trips him, which makes Zeref fall out of the tower. Zeref turns into dust.

Lucy's POV

I pant. I look down at Natsu who has fully laid himself on the ground. "No, no, no, no, no" I grab his face. I force his hand into my hair. I try to sing but my hair doesn't glow. "Lucy, your mine" "And your mine" Tears fill my eyes as he goes limp and his eyes close all the way. "Save what was lost, bring back that once was mine. What once was mine." A tear falls on Natsu's cheek. His stab wound starts glowing. I widen my eyes as the glowing spreads to the rest of the room. I widen my eyes and look at the wound. I look at Natsu who slowly opens his eyes. "Lucy?" I loo down at him. I hug him and roll us. I grab his vest and kiss him. He grabs the back of my head in response after kissing me back.

We wait outside the castle. We hear the doors open so me and Natsu turn around. We see a tiny old man, who was the current king, apparently my parents died of a carriage crash. He walks up to us and smiles. "You look like your mother. And you my boy, welcome back." We blink. Natsu grins and wraps an arm around my waist. The old man chuckles. "My name is Makarov, I'm sorry your parents couldn't be here. Come inside and let me explain everything.

Elfman became the MAN he always wanted to, by proposing to Evergreen. Erza became the most famous bakery chef. Gray found Juvia, and got married. Plue got all the lollipops he wanted. Happy, never changed. Natsu became my husband. I didn't want to be queen so I became a writer, Master or Makarov supported it fully. Natsu became a pyrotechnic. The End.



(Those are my favorites and I'm too lazy to do others. Maybe some other time. I also refuse to do the little mermaid because that is what my one shots, the mermaid and the human/dragon is kinda like)

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