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(My Laptop is working! But please don't expect me to update often.)

Lucy's POV

"A man was found in the woods today. He was supposedly raised by wolves! But he won't let anyone near! He will be-" I turn the TV off as my phone rings. "Hello?" I answer it. "Ah yes Lucy! I need you go and see that wolf boy." "Eh? Why me?" "Because I said so." "Eh?" Master hangs up. I look at my phone in disbelief. I sigh then get ready for the day. I grab a basket then put a cloth at the bottom. I walk over to my fridge then I put all the meat I have in my fridge into the basket. I put some hot sauce then a slice of cake in the basket. I put a small blanket over the basket. I walk to my closet then grab a hoodie. I chuckle. "Red. How ironic. I'm red riding hood now." I slip the hoodie on. I slip on some boots then walk to the front door. I pet Happy then I leave, locking the door behind me. I put my hood up then head to where the reporters are, along with people who are 'attempting' to help, trying desperately to get internet famous.

I sneak past the reporters and find myself behind 'rescuers'. They were all trying to capture the poor guy. They were chasing them, trying to bribe them, or almost kidnapping him, most trying to sedate him. I grab the sedation guns and toss them towards the river. I push past the so called 'rescue team' and they all glare at me. How very friendly. The 'wolf man' stops and looks up at me, growling. I slowly walk up to him. He gets into an attacking position and I get on my knees. I push the basket forward after uncovering it. I lift my head up while tilting it. The man crawls over and takes the basket. He sniffs it then crawls over. The 'rescuers' walk backwards in fear. I stay still then close my eyes. I hear a bunch more growls then barks. I hear fearful screams and running. I feel a nose on my neck, sniffing. I hear a puff then I slowly open my eyes. A wolf grabs the basket then the man stands up then tosses me over his shoulder. I go limp, resisting means death, any signs of weakness means death.

I feel myself being laid on the ground. I open an eye. I was in a dimly lit cave. I slowly sit up. I look around. A wolf's den. There were around ten wolves surrounding me. I tilt my head up. They all sniff me. Then they all back off, deeming me unharmful. "Why...here?" I hear a voice say. It was the wolf man. I tilt my head. "My...leader... Sent me here to help. Those... er... humans were attacking yes?" I say The wolf man huffs. "Your name?" I raise an eyebrow. "Lucy. What's yours?" "Natsu." He says. "Natsu." I test the name on my tongue. I lean against the cave wall. I close an eye and look at Natsu, who was seeming to talk with the other wolves. I slowly doze off.

I slowly wake up. Glowing eyes stare at me from the dark of the cave. I look out of the cave. It was light out. I must've slept through the night. "Can I go home?" I ask the glowing eyes, which is obviously Natsu. "No." "Heh? Why?" He doesn't answer. I sigh. I close my eyes. "Why are you keeping me here?" I ask again. "Nakama and I decided that you will be my mate" "Your mate? Why me?" He doesn't answer. I lay down on my stomach and put my chin on my arms. "Fine. Don't talk then. But you can't keep me here forever." I hear a huff. "we go out. Make sure she no escape elders, watch pups." I hear Natsu say. I hear a few barks. "We back soon" I hear Natsu say. "Hmph" I look at the wall of the cave. I hear footsteps then paws hitting the ground. I wait ten minutes then I sneakily pull my phone out, thankful that the brightness was all the way down. I quickly type in a message then send it. I slip my phone in my pocket. I slowly close my eyes.

I open my eyes up. I see someone walk in the cave. It was Natsu. I finally get a good look of him. He had long, spikey hair that went to his butt. Greenish, onyx eyes. He had only some worn out pants on. He had battle scars on his body. Natsu looks at me then I look away. Some wolves walk in, dragging in a dead deer. I hear a bunch of tiny barks then I hear the wolves dig in. After a while, I hear Natsu sit next to me then the sound of meat dragging across the floor. "eat." I shake my head. "I'm not eating raw deer." I mutter. "Raw?" "Uncooked, or in your case, not over a fire and heated up until its brown." I explain. "Show us" Natsu says. I glance up at him then I sit up. "Make a fire first then gather a flat rock and a stick??" I say. "then show?" "yes" Natsu shoves meat in his mouth then stands up. After ten minutes, the stuff is ready.

I put a flat rock in the middle of the fire, almost getting burnt. I quickly set a chunk of deer meat on the rock then use the stick as a spatula. After the meat is cooked, I stab it with the stick then take it off the rock. I show it to Natsu. "Cooked." He looks at it in wonder, nodding. I offer the stick to him. "It'll hurt if you touch the meat now. So use the stick." I say. Natsu grabs the stick then takes a huge bite. I blink then giggle at his wide eyes. "You must be more immune to heat. Good?" I laugh at his furious nod. "Now you know how to cook. Enjoy" I say. I crawl back over to my own corner of the cave. I try to ignore my stomach then I open my eyes in time to see the stick of cooked meat in my face. "eat. You no starve." I nod and take it from him, eating slowly.

I open my eyes then hear Natsu and his wolf pack threatening something. I lean and look outside of the cave. It was the 'rescuers' and tv crews. I hear a bark at the end of the cave. It was the elders and the pups. I slowly stand up and walk towards them. One of the females curl around me then barks several times. The wolves and Natsu run back in. Natsu bushes a bolder and closes the cave. Natsu runs up and picks me up. I squeak and hang onto his neck. "Wh-wh-what?" I ask. Natsu growls and then they all take off running. I bury my face in his chest when he starts running. "Wh—where are we going?" I ask. Natsu glances down. "It no safe. New den." He murmurs. "Rest. We need your help later" He says. "I've been resting for the longest time-" "Just do as I say." I look up at him. "O-Ok" I relax. Something tells me to never anger or go against Natsu. But one questions still lingers in my mind. 'Why did master send me?'

...I forgot about Happy...

I snap my eyes open. "I forgot something! Let me go home!" I squirm in Natsu's arms. "Home? This home" I push on his face. "No! I have something important at home! He'll die! Let me go!" "is it that important?" "Yes! I'll even take you with me!" "then you come back?" "yeah...." Natsu looks at me intensely. He raises an eyebrow. "Can't have my mate sad. Fine. I come with." He says, setting me down. I hug him. "Thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!" Natsu blinks then pats my head. "Y-yeah..." I grab his hand. "Can we go now?" "Y-yeah. Lead the way" He stutters then he growls at the wolf pack. A few bark. "Lead" Natsu demands. I feel the hairs on my neck raise a bit. "R-right" Natsu squeezes my hand. I start walking, leading Natsu. "Where we going?" "My apartment." "Apart-went?" "Apartment. Its like a huge house but other people rent it out to live in their own mini home in a huge house." "Hmm."

I unlock my apartment. Natsu pushes me behind him and sniffs the air. I roll my eyes. "Its fine! No one has been in. You're probably smelling Happy" "Happy?" We hear a meow and Natsu jumps, growling. I push past Natsu and pick Happy up. "Aw I'm sorry buddy. I was busy." Me and Happy rub cheeks. Natsu growls. I set Happy down. "A-Ah. This is my pet cat Happy. He's not an enemy! He's harmless! Happy meet Natsu, Natsu meet Happy" Natsu looks at Happy. I walk over and put my hands on his chest. "He wont hurt you. Promise. He's my precious friend." I remember something I saw on animal planet. I bury my nose in his neck then nuzzle him. Natsu instantly calms down. Natsu nuzzles my hair. "Alright. But if he hurts you then he's dinner." "Thank you!" I pull back.

I pour some food in Happy's food dish. Then I grab a small plate and fill it with Tuna. I set it on the counter. Happy jumps up and starts eating. I sigh. I lean on the fridge and check my phone. I look through my texts. My phone buzzes. I quickly read the text. 'I'll watch Happy. Plus, your hunch is right. Have fun! Love, gramps' I sigh as I set my phone down. "Stupid old man." I mutter. I walk to the living room. Natsu was staring at everything in wonder. Now that I think about it, Natsu's hair is a mess. Like... Its all tangled and dirty. It even goes to his lower back. I walk over to Natsu. I tug on his hand. "I wanna clean you up. Plus doesn't all that hair get in the way?" I ask. He tilts his head. "Don't understand." I grab some of his hair and show it to him. "Doesn't this get in your face and bother you?" "Yeah?" "Come with me. I'll get it out of your way." I tug on his hand and lead him to the bathroom.

I grab a brush and gently brush through Natsu's hair. I run my fingers through it after, cringing, it was so greasy. Natsu purrs. I smile. "Ok. Now I'm going to get you wet then wash your hair." I say. Natsu tilts his head but doesn't respond. I grab the sprayer and get his head wet. Natsu flinches but relaxes. I run a hand through his hair. Natsu purrs louder. I grab the shampoo and squirt a lot into his hair. I set the sprayer down and rub the shampoo in his hair. I grab the ends and put as much hair into a ball as I can. I massage the hair then massage his scalp. I grab the sprayer and rinse his hair out. I repeat this process many, many times. Then I finally put conditioner in his hair. I rinse it out then I squeeze most of the water out of his hair. I pat Natsu's back. "Stay there. I'm going to cut your hair." Natsu only hums. I walk over to the sink and grab a comb and scissors, as well as a brush. I brush his mane then run the comb through it. I stop it when the comb reaches his shoulders then I use the comb as a guide then cut his hair.

I finish cutting his hair. I brush Natsu's new bangs out of his face then ruffle his hair. Natsu looks up at me. I tilt my head. "Better?" He moves his head around then tackles me in a hug. I squeak and pat his back. "I feel better!" He nuzzles my neck. I giggle. "No problem. Now go take a nap or something while I wash myself." "No" "Why!?" "You might get attacked." "Natsu I'll be fine! There's no way anyone or anything can get in besides the door!" "But-" "Natsu. You can guard the other side of the door so no one can get in." "But..." I run my nose up his neck, Natsu whines. "Fine." "I promise I'll be fine." I rub his head. I lead him out of the room. "I promise I'll be as fast as possible." He nods then sits on the floor, staring at the empty room. I close the door then take a quick shower.

I gently open the door, clutching the towel closer to myself. Natsu looks up. "I-I need to grab some clothes." He lets me by and I quickly grab new clothes from my dresser. I toss something to Natsu, who catches it. "Put those on." "why?" I look down at his...animal hide. "Just do it please." "If you say so" He stands up. I squeak and run into the bathroom with my clothes. I close the door and quickly get changed. I slowly peak through a crack in the door. I open the door. "You look good in those." I say. He tilts his head. I gave him a pair of boxers and white pants, Gray left them over don't get any weird thoughts. "We leave?" I look around sadly. "You're going to force me to live with the pack, aren't you?" I look down. "I'll uh let you visit-" "What about Happy?" I ask. "He come with" Me and Happy, who suddenly ran towards me, look at each other. "Uh. What about the wolves-" "We allow it. He's precious right?"

I try not to smile when Happy plays with the pups. I feel a nose on my neck. I glance down and see Natsu. "What?" "Almost full moon. Mate time soon." I whimper when I feel his tongue on my neck. "What do you do during...mating?" I bite my lip when he nibbles on my jaw. "Leave a permanent mark on the other then reproduce" I pull back. "W-why me?" "We just know." "Wh-when is the full moon?" "Later tonight" I turn red, looking away. "I-I'm not ready..." "Why not?" I bite my lip. "I-I don't want to live in a cave for the rest of my life, a-and I-I don't think I'll be any good as a mate..." I lean back so far I land on the floor. Natsu towers over me. I put an arm over my eyes. "Plus I was only sent here for a single reason. I found it out a while ago..." "Reason?" I look up at him. "We...we've known each other before. Years and years ago." Before I can cover my eyes, Natsu grabs my hands and pins them down. "Don't care about that. This now. You perfect for me. Pack love you. We build you house. Besides, I want no one else." I open my mouth then close it. "R-Right... F-Fine. I'll-I'll do it..." I look away. Natsu nuzzles my cheek.

(I'm not doing a lemon but I might in my lemon book. No promises though. Gotta convince me though)

~Time skip~ Six months

I rub my swollen stomach then tilt my head when I hear someone saying something. Then it gets louder. "She's in the second trimester! She needs a check-up!" "No! She stays here! Where she's safe" I sweat drop. "Your coming with stupid!" "Who are you calling stupi-Hey Lucy! I thought I told you not to get up!" Natsu runs towards me. "I needed air! Besides! Kil farted again!" I nod towards the cave. "He's shy!" "Its been six months!" We start arguing. Then we hear my stomach growl. We both look down at my stomach. "Oh?" We both look and see Gray. Natsu growls. I grab his ear, making him yelp. "Down boy! Gray, can you get me some chocolate and some.... Uh.... Uh... What am I craving..." I tilt my head, narrowing my eyes. "Uh... Oh OH! Get me some uh... I lost it." The boys sweatdrop. "I'll get you a bunch of stuff. Seeing as how your carrying this guys kid you'll need lots of meat." I sulk at his statement. "Yeah..." "Also, Erza is coming to forcefully take you for a check up." "Kay" I say.

I giggle when Erza drags Natsu by his ear, while Gray helps me walk. The sliding doors open. Natsu struggles against Erza as we all walk in. Me and Gray walk up to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you?" The woman asks. I rub my stomach. "I'd like a check-up" "Ok. Please sit down and wait. Shouldn't take too long" I nod and we walk to an empty bench seat. Gray helps me sit down. I wince when Erza shoves Natsu in the spot next to me. I sigh then take a deep breath. "Natsu!" I say, loudly. He looks at me. "Down boy!" I pat my lap. Natsu whines then lays his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair. "Now be a good boy. Nothing here can hurt me. Just relax." Natsu buries his face in my stomach. "This... part of the world is unnatural. It stinks and this weird part of the world scares me." He mutters. I smile. "I know. But this is to make sure the pups are safe. If you want... we can see the pup early." Natsu's head shoots up.

I shiver when the nurse rub the weird gel on my stomach. I sweat drop when Natsu growls, he has to be held back by Erza and Gray. "I'm sorry about him. He doesn't get out much." "Oh its alright. Now I'm going to put this scanner to your stomach so you can see the baby." Another growl. I sweatdrop. "Pups. Please call them pups. He hates calling our pups other things." I say. The nurse blinks then nods. "Sure thing. Now lets press this here" She presses the scanner to my stomach then we all look at the screen. "Oh my. Your pregnant with triplets." I blink. "Triplets?" Natsu manages to break free then grabs my hand. "Lucy! What does that mean?" He asks. I sweatdrop. "There's three pups inside of me." "Three?!" I nod. "Yay!"

Natsu holds my hand as we slowly walk to the cabin. About four months ago, I called the gang to help make me a house. It took weeks to convince Natsu to agree. It took two months to convince him to come in and live with me. It also took a month to convince him that the wolves wouldn't sleep in our bed with us. However, it took me a week to convince Natsu that I can move Happy in the cabin. Natsu didn't want to agree because Happy helps the pups. But then I told him that I'd add a doggy door so Happy can go in and out of the cabin as he pleases. The sound of a door opening shakes me from my thoughts. "Anyways you should rest. Don't want you to overwork yourself." Shit. I wasn't listening. "A-ah. Yeah. I'm also getting a bit hungry." Natsu picks me up and sets me on the bed. I lean against the wall. I sigh and rub my stomach. They're kicking. "What are you hungry for?" "Uh...um...Meat...I think. No... I don't know... Pickles? No... Uh... Just get me some of everything I guess." "Ok" 

I slowly open my eyes. I couldn't sleep. I look down when I hear snoring. I smile. Natsu fell asleep on my stomach again. I run my fingers through his hair. He purrs and nuzzles me. I hum. My life went from boring and dull to fun and exciting. Even if this relationship was forced at first. It became fun then I eventually fell in love. I couldn't ask for a better life then this. Oh well. Its going to be an even more fun ride when the pups are born.

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