Lucy Heartfilia, Goddess of Death or Black Angel

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(I wish the outfit wasn't so skimpy but I like this picture very much and it fits so. Meh, deal with the skimpiness then)

Lucy's POV

Why was I thrown in this position? I never did anything wrong! Then god practically sacrificed me to the evil demon below and that demon ruler threw me in this position after tainting me in darkness. ( Don't be dirty and I'm not religious sorry if that offends you in anyway. No hate plz) Now I see if the souls on earthland are light or dark. If it's light, I throw it up to the clouds. If its dark, I send the soul to hell. But there are those who commit suicide. Now I know suicide is a sin but that's not entirely true. People commit suicide either have darkness in their heart from being put in a bad position and go dark then kill themselves, or they kill themselves because they are forced to or cant stand the darkness in people's hearts. I'm thinking to much to do. I have to get to work.

I stand in front of the bed of an elder woman who was taking her last breaths. She had no family. "Are you here to take me young lady?" I smile softly at the old woman. "No. I witness last breaths of the kind and send there soul to the clouds. Those who are dark, I take their last breath from them and send them below. You have no darkness in you. So I ask you, do you have any last wishes seeing how you have no family?" Only the elderly, young kids, and animals can see me. "I have none. I have no regrets and just want to go in peace." I smile. "You will." "Thank you...." Her eyes close and a smile lingers on her face as she passes. I frown and ignore the tears. The woman's soul hovers above her body. I pick up the soul and kiss it before launching it in the sky. I hear a faint meow so I look down on the floor and see an old cat also taking it's last breath. I smile. "It is not my job to send animals to peace but I shall make an exception. The cat meows then I pick it up and set it next to the body of the woman. The cat passes and I kiss the soul before sending it up. I shake my head and head to my next job.

I smile sadly. "You are much to young to pass on but who goes and who stays is not my decision. I am sorry for you young child and your family." I motion to the sobbing parents of the infant girl. "Innocent should live longer but I cannot change that. I shall watch your last breath, Lana." The baby giggles and reaches for me but then goes limp. I wipe tears out of my emotionless eyes. I kiss the baby's forehead then soul. I send the soul up. I hear a bark and a growl. I look at the doorway and see a golden retriever. I tilt my head. "I did not finish her. I simply sent her soul to one of peace. Forgive me but it was not my choice for her to die." I float over to the whimpering dog and I pet it. "I can only promise you this. A family above shall adopt her as their own and take care of her soul for the rest of eternity." The dog wags its tail and swipes my hand with it's tongue. "Watch over them. They shall need comfort and dogs can provide that. Go young one" The dog seems to bow them walks over to the still sobbing parents.

I stand in front of a young man with a bullet wound in his chest. I lower a crystal ball above him and the ball turns black. I make the ball disappear and sigh. "Humans are either consumed by greed and hate or are caring and kind. I've never seen a between." I take my staff and stab it through the mans heart. I take my staff and take the soul off the blade of it and throw it to the ground and stomp on it, sending it to the world below. I shake my head then look at the lake next to the man. Long black wings and black horns. Small black chest piece and bottom piece. Black leg armor with golden swirls. A tattoo under my chest and long blonde hair that pools at my feet. I look at my blonde hair and brown hair. "You expect an angel of death to have black hair and black eyes but I have the opposite. Why?" I ask to myself but then I go to the next soul.

I tilt my head. "You are a strange man." "Right?" I blink in surprise. "You can see me human?" "Somehow." I look at the white bed with the pink haired man. "Are you here to end me angel?" I tilt my head. "I do not know what to do. You are equally bad and equally good. Its a perfect balance." "Heh. I kill those to protect the citizens and to protect my family. Is that why?" I tilt my head. "Perhaps. But what shall I do? Let you have your last breath or end you?" "Don't you have a boss? I don't care if I live or die honestly. I just wish for my family to live happily." I look down at the pink haired man. He has such determined eyes. He is strong. "I do. I shall ask." I touch the tattoo under my chest. "This had better be good Lucy. I'm in the middle of fucking a whore." "Sir, I have a human here with a perfect balance of good and bad. What shall I do?" "Hng. He shall be your assistant then. Ah, he is yours" "But sir-" He hangs up. I look back at the pink haired man who had pink on his cheeks.

"Assistant?" I tilt my head. "I am the Black Angel or Goddess of Death. I see if souls are good or bad. If good, I see their last breath and send them to the world above. If evil, I end them and send their souls to the world below." I walk closer to the bed. He had a stab wound on his leg and a cut slowly bleeding from his neck and face. The scar on his face matched mine. "Hold still. This may hurt. Open your mouth." "Wha-" I lean over him and blow a deathly cold air in his mouth. He gags then goes limp. He will be out for an hour or two. I pick up his body and fly out of the window then hear a meow. I look in the building and see a blue cat. "He is not dead nor alive anymore. I shall take care of him. The humans shall deem him missing. Do not worry." The cat meows. I nod. "I shall. Thanks for seeing me worthy. Happy was it? I shall let him visit once a month. Is that acceptable?" A meow. "Ok. he'll see you next month then." I fly us to a lake.

After I clean the wounds on the man's body and change him into clean clothes which consist of a black long vest that ends at his knees. The vest and the one sleeve end is bordered in gold and slightly swirls into the black. I washed his bloody and dirty scarf and put it back on him. I gave him some white puffy pants and sandals. I washed his hair as well. I sealed the wounds but the one on his neck and face couldn't disappear. Oh well. I fly quickly towards my next job.

An elderly man in a hospital with a mouth mask giving him air. An adult woman and man sit next to him while holding one of his hands. "Ah. My time has come Haishi, Toshi." "No Father! Hang in there." "It is ok dear daughter. Just watch over our family until we meet again." "I shall father." The man says to his father. I ignore the tears going down my face. The man's hand goes limp and the machine has a solid line with a constant 'beeeeeee-' I grab the elder's soul and kiss it before sending it off to the clouds. I fly to the next person, who was evil, and finish him before stomping on his soul and send him down.

I fly back to the man. He was standing and blinking in confusion. "How did my clothes change? How did I get here?" "I washed you up and changed you. I carried you here" "Huh. Well. Ok so what's your name?" "Lucy" "Mine's Natsu. So how did you get in this position?" "God sacrificed me to the evil demon king and he made me the goddess of Death." "How did you die?" I look at the water. "When we die, we don't keep many memories on how. But since I'm different, I remember. I was daughter of a rich man, the Heartfilia company created. I was kidnapped and held hostage for money. But my father changed after the death of my mother. He didn't care about me since I look exactly like my mother. He ignored the kidnapper. The kidnapper was mad so he torchered me until I died to let out frustration. No one knew so to this day I am still considered missing. My father sent out the search because I was needed to marry a man and have a son to take over the country."

"Wow, I'm sorry Lucy." I tilt my head. "Why?" "You just had a hard life and then you were thrown into this position." "I never had anyone feel sad for me before. Now we shall begin your training." "Training?" "Yes. If you are to become my assistant, you shall need to learn how to do this." "Ok?" I spread my pitch black wings. "Get on my back. You do not have wings so I shall be the one to carry you" "Alright?" He gets on my back. I flap my wings and head towards my next objective.

I land in front of an old man on a couch. Natsu hops off my back. I summon my crystal ball and hand it to Natsu. "This shall see if he is bad or good, white is good and black is bad. Just hold it to his chest." "Ok" "Are you the angel of death?" The old man asks. I nod. "I am. This is my assistant. He is in training if you don't mind?" I tilt my head at him. "Hahaha. Now this is a sight. So Mr. assistant, am I good or bad?" "Good. Now what?" Natsu looks up at me. I make the crystal disappear. "Now we ask him if he has any wishes and witness his last moments." Natsu nods. "Ok sir. Have any wishes?" "No. I have no regrets. Just treat my soul with care." I nod. "Always do." The man smiles. "Good." The he takes his last breath. "why are you crying?" I look at Natsu. "I do not know. It is something that happens when the good happens." I pick up the soul. I kiss it before shooting it up. Natsu wrinkles up his nose. "do I have to kiss it?" "No. This is just part of a wish a young girl asked me decades ago. To love every soul that I send up. I don't feel any emotions so I just kiss it." "Huh. Well what do we do with the bad?" "When we get there, I shall tell you."

After sending a bunch more good souls up, we finally reach a bad soul. It was a young man who got his neck cut. What he did, I do not know. "So what now Lucy?" I grab my staff from where it was resting on my back. "We end him." "Seriously?" I look at him then back at the dying young man. I twirl my staff for a second before I stab him in the chest. Natsu grimaces and flinches. I pull the staff out and the soul is stuck on the end. "No blood?" I look at Natsu. "We are only visible to young children, the elderly, and animals. It is only natural that the wounds don't appear." "But it would appear to us." "This staff only kills them instantly and stabs through the soul. There is no blood because that is pointless and this staff is a bit magical." I grab the soul then drop it to the ground. "Stomp it." "Why?" "that sends them to the world below." "Ok?" He stomps on the soul, sending it down.

"This is a pretty dark job." "Its why I had to be tainted first. That and I lost my emotions before I died." "Tainted? That boss of yours didn't rape you did he?" Natsu gets angry. I tilt my head. "No he said 'no use fucking anybody who wouldn't scream.' He simply touched my forehead with some dark magic." Natsu sighs in relief. I tilt my head again. "Why are you mad?" Natsu gets pink on his nose. "Anyone who rapes others should go to hell. But the guy is already in hell so I couldn't do anything." I shrug. "A person once fought the demon king. Got killed with a simple grin." Natsu's jaw drops. "Damn." I look off at the sunset. "When the sun disappears into the darkness, we have a break until daylight comes. Then we rush to collect souls that we didn't get at night." "How?" I shrug. "I use a spell that automatically filters the souls and send them to me. I just simply send them where they need to go after they come to me." I watch as the sun disappears.

"What do you want to do?" I ask Natsu. "Sleep?" "Not necessary but if you wish to." "Eating?" "Not needed." "Going to the bathroom?" "Useless since there is no reason to eat or drink." "Any human things?" "We really could do anything. Just what humans need such as eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom isn't needed." "Uh, play video games?" "" "Never mind. Another day. I promise I'll get you to feel again." "Why? So when I get emotions so I can scream while I get raped?" "I'll never let that happen." He walks over and pats my head. I tilt my head. "What was that for?" "Just wanted to. Can I feel your wings?" "No need to ask" He reaches up and touches one of my wings. "Will I be able to have wings?" "You can." "Cool!" I tilt my head. "I can make them appear. If that is your wish." "ok" I tap his forehead with two fingers. "This one shall have wings as it is his desire." I remove my fingers then kiss his forehead. Natsu turns pink. I remove my lips and then touch his shoulder blades. Then I spread my hands out slightly curving it up as well. A silver outline makes the design of the wings. I tap the outline before big feathery feathers appear.

"Why are they gray?" I lightly touch a gray wing. "Because you are neither good nor bad. White mixed with black. Gray suits your wings." "Hmph. Reminds me of an old frienemy."
"Frienemy?" "Another day. Can I fly with these?" "You can. It will be required anyways." "Oh how nice. Who are you two?" We look to the side and see an elder lady. "Oh! Is it my time yet? I don't remember any illnesses" I shake my head. "No. Your time is not now. You still have years to go. I am merely teaching my assistant. Ms...?" "Trista. May I watch?" I look at Natsu. "What do you think?" "She can watch. But what are you doing out here Trista?" "Just a midnight stroll. Need to keep these old bones working." I tilt my head. "You are interesting. You are facing two Angels of death in the face and you don't fear?" "I have seen many things dearie. Angels of death will never scare me." I tilt my head. "You are brave. There is a bench there shall you wish to sit down." "Oh thank you."

I grab Natsu's hands. "Now slowly flap your wings until you are off the ground." "Ok." He slowly moves his wings. "Young lady. Why are his wings gray if he is an angel of death." "He was to die today but he was neither good nor bad. I asked and was told that he is now my assistant." Natsu makes a face. "I'm not going up." "Flap your wings harder. Faster will get you nowhere. Put muscle into it to go up. You shall not get it the first time." "How can he be neither good or bad?" Natsu looks at Trista. "I killed and stole for my family. It was all for my family." "But that's still murder." I glance at Trista. "He killed to protect others. The sins he committed were evened out by protecting and loving others. If he were evil, he would of been a mass murderer with no heart. But as you can see, he has his. No killer has a heart. So he is a mixture of both." "Interesting." "I see now. Your are Tristen are you not? I thought your presence felt familiar."

"How do you know my real name? Who are you for real?" I let go of Natsu's hands and he falls to his butt while panting. "Lucy, I was Jude's daughter remember? You were one of the other noble children I would talk to at those parties." "L-Lucy? I heard you went missing but dead?" I tilt my head. "Kidnapped and torchered to death. The god that you humans call almighty threw me to hell and I was thrown in this position." I glance back at Natsu. "I never wanted him to do this job with me. I wanted to send him up to be reincarnated but I was told that he is my assistant." "Lucy!" Tristen hugs me. "Why do you feel sad Tristen?" "I missed you! You were my only friend for ten years. You have been missing for seventy years!" Natsu freezes behind me. "Tristen. I thank you for those fun times. But that is all in the past now. As you can see, I am not the Lucy you knew. I am the Goddess of Death." "Lucy...Did you know about your father? About how he..." I nod. "I was the one to end him. His soul went dark. In the end, he still never cared about 'me'. He just wanted me to birth an heir." "Lucy..." She reaches up and wipes my damp cheeks. "So you do still feel." I grab her wrist. "Only sadness, pain, grief, and agony. Only negative feelings. I do not feel things such as happiness or joyfulness. Just negative feelings under this emotionless mask."

"Lucy...What did you go through?" I tilt my head. "I shall show you if that be your wish. But shall you scream, not my fault." "I" She looks at Natsu. Natsu only sighs. "I don't know. I only found out hours ago." I tilt my head. "I shall tell you this, I still faintly feel what happened to me." "Lucy!" Tristen shakes her head as she cries. "I'll see. I have to know what you went through that was so bad that you feel even through death." I look at Natsu. "She may faint. Catch if she does." Natsu raises an eyebrow. "ok?" He walks behind her. I fold my wings back and grab my staff off my back. I spin the staff a bit then point the sharp end at myself. "Lucy!" I stab the staff through my heart. "LUCY!" I glow red before going back to what I originally looked like.

Tristen freezes and Natsu does too. I had one eye socket with my eyeball hanging out. Almost all of my teeth were pulled out. I had one foot and one arm. My hair was chopped bald in random patches. My tongue was cut off. My arm that was still on was twisted in all of the wrong ways. My head was snapped so it was touching my shoulder. Missing skin patches everywhere. My leg that was still on had no toes. I had a knife wound in my head. Tristen screams then faints, Natsu catches Tristen and sets her on the bench. "I never thought you meant that Lucy! How could someone do that to you! Actually, how did you survive long enough to live through that?" "The pain was too much and kept me alive. The man who did this stabbed my head and snapped my head at the same time. That was how I died."

My lip twitches. "I thought the same when I found myself dead. Why did this happen to me? I was just a girl who had an ignorant father because my mother died. Funny thing is, I ran away a year before that. Jude never even blinked. I was then found as Lucy Heartfilia and rumors started like 'We should kidnap her for money.' 'that will never work. She hasn't been reported as money.' 'Her clothes must of cost a fortune.' In reality I was never reported. I found a job and bought everything with my own money. I had my life set up until I was kidnapped. Funny. I was reported missing the day I was kidnapped." I shake my head. I can feel the mask hiding my emotions cracking. "What did I ever do? I was treated like a princess. I never wanted that. A princess' life sucks. You have your whole future planned out for you. You don't get a choice. I never wanted money. Just friends and a family." I furiously wipe at my tears. "Damn it! I told myself I would never feel anything anymore! I just, I just want someone to care..." I sob into my hands.

Natsu crouches and hugs me. I widen my eyes then clutch to his vest and sob into his neck. "I don't know Lucy. I don't know. I will never let you feel that ever again. I care and love you." He strokes my hair. "I care about 'you' Not the heiress, not anything else. Just you and only you. I'm here. I'm not going to ignore you. Not now, not ever. I love you. We can fulfil what you always wanted. We can have our own house. Own family. We can bring Happy too! We'll fulfill what you always wanted." I grip his shirt tighter. "I-I wish it. But first, you can teach me how to feel positive feelings." "Ok. I will. I did promise after all."

(I almost cried. I had to take breaks from this I was getting so emotional. I kinda want a part two. But I shall leave that up to you. Bye! T_T)

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