Lucy's Unexpected News

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(For my buddy livy_redfox ! She/he requested this so here you go my friend!)

Lucy's POV

Its been a year since Natsu left for his training journey with Happy. After Tartarus, Natsu came over and told me about Igneel, I told him about Aquarius. In our sorrow, we....yeah. Anyways Natsu left the morning after and it was a few weeks later I found out. Now it's a year later. I have one daughter, Akari. She's only four months now. Anyways I have Aries babysit Akari, because I can't trust Loke or Virgo for various reasons, when I go to work. But today, I have an opportunity to take her to work with me! This year's Grand Magic Games is where I'm at. I'm a reporter and I work with Jason, you know the COOOOL guy, yeah, him. Anyways I take a bath with Akari and dress us both. I set Akari in her playpen as I put on some makeup. After, I make myself some breakfast then eat while breastfeeding her at the same time, meh it may sound disgusting to some but it works and saves time. I put my keys and whip on my belt and pick Akari back up and walk out, locking the door behind me. I start walking to coliseum. (I forget the name sorry!)

I meet up with two guards. I dig into my purse with one hand and try to find my pass. "Don't worry miss. Just go in" I blink and look up. "Ah, sure" Akari giggles and reaches out for the men. They blush at her cuteness and wave. I make Akari wave back. I walk in the coliseum and look around. "Lucy-chan~!" I run towards the voice. "Ah hi Jason-senpai! Sorry I'm late!" "Don't worry about it! And is this the famous Akari?" I smile and nod as Akari giggles and waves at Jason-senpai. "Yup! Daughter of the famous Salamander!" He grins at me. "She's bound to grow up strong! Anyways lets go!" I nod. "Yeah!" I follow him to our seats.

I bounce Akari on my lap as I watch the match. "COOOL!" I hear Jason-senpai yell. Akari simply looks at him in wonder. She was a weird one alright. She smiles at the loudest sounds and giggles at a fight. She's Natsu's daughter alright. Pink hair was her hair color, she has my eyes and a mixture of me and Natsu's face. She was absolutely adorable. "Who do you think will win Lucy?" I hum. "Skull Milione." (Is that right?) "Why's that? They're the weakest one's here!" I glance at him. "I think they're hiding their true colors. They're just in it for the money." Akari claps as the members of Skull Milione beat down the other team. "WHOA! SKULL MILIONE MADE A COMEBACK AND WON THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES! THIS IS UNBELIVABLE!" the announcer yells. Jason-senpai stares at me in shock then "COOOL! You predicted it!" I smirk then narrow my eyes as someone with a cloak enters the arena. "A MYSTEROUS MAN HAS ENTERED!" I pick up Akari and stand up. "Jason-senpai! Get everyone out!" "What?" "This man...he's-!" Then as the man punches a guy in the face, the arena starts melting along with everyone's clothes. After everyone except Me, Akari, and the announcers leave I hear "Long time no see Lucy!" I turn backwards and see "Happy?! Then that's Natsu!" "Yup!" Sure enough, the hood of the cloak comes off and showing Natsu's face. "ITS NATSU DRAGNEEL!" the announcer yells.

As Natsu beats up Skull Milione, Happy stares at Akari who giggles and reaches out for Happy. "Who's the baby?" I shake my head. "Not now!" I stare at Natsu as he finishes the last one. He closes his eyes then looks up at me. He widens his eyes then  grins. "Yo Lucy!" I smile. "Hey!" He runs over to the wall and jumps up. I widen my eyes when he lands in front of me. Akari laughs and reaches for him. I take a few steps back and Natsu gets off the edge. He points to Akari. "Who's the kid?" I sigh. "First you go and apologize to the king then I'll explain over dinner." "You're the best!" I smile then walk towards the exit.

After the whole fiasco with the king and princess Hisui, we went to a restaurant. I was breastfeeding Akari while Natsu and Happy ate and made everyone stare at us. "Oi Lushi, are you sure you should be feeding her in public? People are glaring at you." Happy says. I shrug then say loudly so the whole restaurant can hear, "So what!? People use breasts for advertisement but I can't feed my baby!? People need to stop being so judgmental!" Everyone looks away but I continue. "IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, STOP STARING!" I sigh deeply. "You alright?" I look at Natsu, who looks concerned. I nod and look out of the window. "People can be so cruel. Plus I want to hear about your guys' adventures but I cant exactly do that in the bathroom so why not? Ah, I'm going off. Yes I'm fine." Natsu and Happy look at each other then start telling me about their adventures, me laughing and smiling the whole time.

"So... About the kid..." Natsu hesitantly says. I stop feeding Akari and pull the pulled down side of my shirt up. "About her or who the father is?" "About her" Happy says. I smile as I burp Akari. "She's only three months old. She's a weird one. Her name is Akari." After I burp Akari, she slowly falls asleep so I hold her. "That's all I can think of. want to know who the father is stupid?" Happy catches on and his eyes sparkle. "Really Lushi!? I'm an uncle?!" I giggle and nod. "Yup! Even if this idiot wasn't the father you'd be an uncle!" Natsu freezes and his eyes seem to swirl, his head processing the news. "Miss? Here's your bill." I smile and nod at the waitress and take the bill and pay her, ignoring the price. "Have a good day!" "You too!" I stand up and pat Natsu's arm. "Let's go. I'll let you take it in better at my place. And by the way, we're parents." I walk out of the restaurant with Happy carrying a still frozen behind me.

Later that night when I was sleeping, I hear Akari cry. I slowly sit up and walk over to her room while rubbing my right eye. I yawn the reach down and pick her up. "Shh, shh, shh. It's ok." I bounce her in my arms and sing a tune my mother sang to me. (Not creative enough to create songs sorry!) "Lucy?" I hear Natsu say from the doorway. I walk over to him. "Take her." I say over Akari's screaming. "M-me?" I nod. "You are the father. Your turn." Natsu reaches out then pulls his hand back. "But I'll hurt her." I roll my eyes. "No you wont" "I'll burn her." "She's your daughter and already has the signs of having your magic, you're fine~" "F-fine" Natsu gently takes Akari. Akari instantly stops crying and curls up into Natsu, who blushes and looks at Akari in amazement. I yawn while covering my mouth. "See? She loves you." "B-but-" "No buts. She loves you even if you weren't there for the birth. Her life is still new so just love her how you want. If you don't that's fine just be there for her." I say then walk out of the room yawning.

After almost falling asleep, Natsu pushes me gently, thinking I'm asleep. I was facing the opposite direction of him. I act asleep and turn myself over so I'm facing him. I feel his fingers running down my cheek. I smile and scoot over to him. His breath hitches and stops then continues running his fingers down my cheek. He sighs then the bed shifts and he puts all his weight on the bed. He wraps an arm around me and brings me closer, his nose buried in my hair now. I open my eyes and get an eyeful of his bare chest. I move my head so I'm looking up at him. He grins. "Knew you weren't awake. I thought you'd kick me out." I smile and put a hand on his chest. "Nah~"

"I'm sorry" I stop drawing imaginary circles on his chest and look up at him. "What for?" His long bangs cover his eyes. (Forgot to mention Natsu's longer hair! Bleh oh well) "For leaving you and Akari." I put a hand on his cheek. "Hey look at me." He does and I continue. "I understand why you left. If you would've know about my pregnancy you would've stayed. But you had to get stronger and I understand that. Especially after...." I close my eyes and open them. "But what hurt me most is the guild disbanding. I had no one. I did keep in contact with Levy-chan but then she told me that she's been working for the council and I eventually stopped talking to her. She doesn't even know about Akari. Anyways, You're here now and that's all I need." He hugs me and buries his face in my hair. "I'm here Lucy, I'm here." I smile and pat his chest. "We're parents now. You don't want our daughter seeing you cry do you?" He sniffs and nods. "I-I guess." I giggle and pat his arm. "Dork. Now lets go to sleep. " "We're parents." That's the last thing he says before falling asleep. I smile at him and fall asleep.

(Longer than I thought but oh well! On to the next request because I have no life!)

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