Mad Father

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(Got bored and is currently watching PewDiePie play Mad Father so why not)

Lucy's POV (Or Aya)

"Father?" "Yes Lucy?" "Can we play?" "No, I'm to busy in the lab. It's getting late. Go to bed Lucy" "Ok" I look down sadly and walk back upstairs. I go into my room. "Plue, does father still like me?" He makes a squeaking sound. I sigh. "I'll go to bed. Night mom" I curl up in bed then go to sleep. I hear a scream. I jolt up. "Father!?" I run out into the hallway then freeze. "Wh-what are you!?" I run back into my room. "Give her back!" A white haired doll screams. I scream and run out into the hallway. "This way" I hear. "Come over here" I decide to follow the voice. I walk down another hallway. I see a boy my age with pink hair. He was wearing a vest and white pants. He had a white scarf around his neck. "This way, I'll lead you to safety." He turns his head. I freeze then scream. He had no left eye! "Kya!" I run away from him. I run back into my room then freeze. "Who-who are you?" "Me? Oh, my name is Ichiya (Omfg) It seems this place is cursed." "Cursed?" "Yes, by a woman who wants revenge. Every corpse here wants revenge on your father." "F-father? But why?" "Because he's killed them all." I look down. I knew he did stuff with people that caused humans and animals to scream. I run out of the room.

"M-mom?" She was standing behind my collapsed father. "There's no mistaking it. MOM!" She drags my father into the door behind her. "Father!" "Lucy!" I run but it's too late. "How was she?" "The curse of course." "The curse?" "Every dead thing in this mansion is powered by the curse." I look at Ichiya. "Even my mother? I don't see that she has a reason why to get revenge." "Probably because of your father's mistress, Cana" (I have nothing against her but she was the only person I could think of with brown hair.) "Cana? What did she do? She's just a drunkard and my father's assistant." "You'll understand later." He disappears into the shadows.

After getting choked, I wake up. "Huh? But I" "Are you awake?" I sit up. "you-" "Don't worry, I'm your ally" His empty eye socket was covered by a bandage. "Did my father do that?" I touch the bandage. "That's in the past." "Do you hate my father too?" "... Lets go" He grabs my hands. "But I can't leave my father" "Give up on your father!" I gasp when an arrow shoots into his chest, he collapses. "Lady Lucy!" "Cana!" She walks up to me. "Leave your father to me." "But-" She walks over the boy's corpse. "it seems like Lady Layla is going to meet me. I shall handle this." "Can-" She walks into a door. I look down at the boy. Not moving. I go through the door Cana did.

I have a flash back. I run in circles around my mom. "come here Lucy" I hug her. "your so warm mom." "Close your eyes." So I do. I feel something soft and warm press against my forehead. "What was that?" "A good luck charm." "For what?" "To always keep You safe" "Ok!"  "Lets go inside and play with your father ok?" "Ok!"

I look at the portal in the glass. "That will take you to the other world." "What's this mister?" "Magic water" "That sounds fake" "It will no doubt help you, your mother and your father." "Thanks mister" "I pray for your safety." I walk to the glass and hop in. I walk down the red path. "Mother!" "So you came Lucy" "So it's really you" "M-mo-" "you shouldn't have come." "But, But why?" "You've seen it on your way here, haven't you Lucy? The sins your father committed." "You Lie! It's Cana you don't like! I know how you feel. Like she was taking Father away." "Hahaha So you do. I couldn't stand seeing those to together." "Then why are you making him suffer!" "I don't want to make him suffer, I want him for myself." "Without him, I'll be alone. Take me with you!" "I want you to live and be happy." "I cant without you two" I run towards her. But go flying back. "Now let us go"

"Father" "Lu-cy" I run towards him. A flash appears and father is suddenly next to me. "Why won't you let me have him!?" "Mom...Stop..." She teleports in front of me. "HE IS MINE ALONE" I shake my head before remembering the 'magic' water.

I decide to save father. I throw the water at her. "STOP LUCY" Mom screams. "IM FADING, MY BODY IS DISAPPEARING. LUCY!" "No! Don't go!" I run after her. She's only a foot away, she's glowing. She disappears. I collapse on my knees and cry. Then everything goes white. I wake up in the real world. "Hm? Was I...Saved?" Father sits up. "Lucy?" "Father" I hug him. "Sorry Lucy, I worried you" "We'll visit her grave later. I feel something enter me. I see a flash and suddenly I'm transparent and I see father and Cana in his lab. "What!?" "A fine sample" "I shall dispose of the rest" "Come Cana" "She's aware." "She's fine. She's only 15. Be kind to her, because she's my most precious doll of them all." I freeze.  Now I'm outside of the room and I see my mom walking up. "I'll make her my most precious doll" Mom freezes. "Make her a doll? I'll never let Jude turn Lucy into a doll." She storms into the room. "What are you thinking?! She's our one and only treasure!" "Exactly! She's a wondrous daughter! I want to make her eternally so! And yet she will someday be dirtied...I cannot bare to think that" "I cant believe this. I'm leaving" "What?" "I'm taking her away" "I wont let you!" I run in. Just in time to see my mother get stabbed by father. I scream. Cana runs to mom. "Mistress!" "Don't speak of this to Lucy." But-" "She was already feeble, say she passed away from a fit." "I can't tell her." "Are you refusing me?" "Fine, I'll do it." They leave the room. I walk up to my mother's dead corpse. Is this a dream? "It's no dream, this is a reality." She stands up. "I'm sorry but know this, your mother still loves you. Run away from him." I see a flash.

I sit up and see my father on the ground still. "Ah!" I stagger back. "Lucy, whats wrong?" "NO!" I bump into a glass and knock a blanket off when father stands up. I turn around. "No...Mot...her?" I see her naked, dead body floating in the glass. "Lucy" "was that the truth?" "Very well. Don't you think your mothers beautiful?" "Yah!" "I suppose its much to take in. I wanted more time." "Are you going to make me a doll?" "Yes, look how beautiful these people were! I turned them into dolls! So beautiful!" "Stop..." "Ah yes.. I'll dress you up nicely." "No!" I run into the next room. I walk towards the next door. "LUUUCCCYYY~" "The doll moves in front of the door behind me. The door in front of me is locked. "LUUCYYY~" I hear a chainsaw. I try to open the door. My father uses the chainsaw to cut open the door, the doll in front of it gets cut in half and blood goes everywhere. My father walks in and laughs madly. "HAHAHAHAHahAHHA" I try to open the door. I open it and run across rooms.

I run into Cana. "CANA DONT LET HER ESCAPE!" I run into the next room. The door is locked. I hide under a bloody blanket. I hear footsteps. "I lost sight of her." "WHAT" "YOUR USELESS" I hear a cut and running footsteps. "LLLUUUCCCY~" I get off the table and see Cana covered in blood. I turn away and run out. My father appears. I run away. A doll grabs my leg. "Kya!" "Lucy~" I scream. "LET ME GO!" "I don't want to hurt you" "We will always be together now." He swings the chainsaw down.


"Lucy, your new dress looks good on you." I was in a pink dress. I was a soulless doll. My father walks out of the room, turning off the light in the process.


(Still in the darkness world) I granted mothers wish. I let mother have father. "I'm sorry" I look down as Father reaches out to me. I walk out of the room after leaving the darkness. "Cana!" I help her up. "Lucy? Where's the doctor?" I look down then tell her everything. After that, we walked to the church like place. I walk out after talking for a while. Cana knocks me out. I wake up later. "Doctor, you are no longer with I will carry out your wish for Lucy" I pass out again, never to wake up."


I help Cana by bandaging her wound. "This should help" "Leave me" "Can you stand?" "Let leave together" "What?" Cana frees. "We've been abandoned" Cana hugs me. "Yes I'll leave with you" I help her stand and we walk out of the room. We start running when we hear father's voice. Cana trips. "Leave alone, I'll follow later" I nod then run out of the room. "Lucy~" I trip in the church place. A doll keeps me in place. Father raises the chainsaw. "I love you" A dagger hits his chest. "Lucy..." He collapses when one lands in his head. Cana staggers in. She cuts the doll off my leg. "Lets go" We hug each other. Father stands up and raises the chain saw. The pink haired boy stabs the back of father's head. "Glad I made it" He smiles sadly.

"My name is Natsu. I don't need thanks, I was only doing what your mother asked of me." "My mother?" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you after getting injured." "That's ok" "She wanted to see you again. She's always watching. The curse is wearing off. I need to burn this place to get rid of the evidence" "Did Mother want that?" "Yes" "Lucy" "Dont worry Cana, my memories of this place will always be in my heart." "Lucy, keep the memories of the people who were sacrificed. We had no family. No one looked for us." He walks towards me. I blush when he kisses my forehead then my lips. "Heh, Even though I'm dead, I fell in love with you." Tears flow from my eyes. "I fell for you too." He hugs me. "I love you. Now leave. I need to burn this place now" Flames randomly appear around us. I kiss Natsu one more time. "Run, now" I nod. Me and Cana run out of the place.

Cana went on ahead of me. "Plue? Is that father's journal?" He makes a noise. I grab the journal then run up to Cana. "Lets go!" She smiles. I run ahead. Unknown to me, Cana says, "What's this uneasiness I feel?"


(I'm fucked up in the head, don't judge)

Years later, I found Natsu's corpse and turned him into a doll and found him a replacement eye for his missing one. I know he would be disappointed but I couldn't leave him like that, even if he was already dead or not. I was a doctor for a small clinic and Cana is my assistant. "It runs in the family, doctor." I hear Cana say. While I was hugging the Natsu doll on my bed. I bury my face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry Natsu, this isn't what you wanted. But I love you too much to leave you." My now short hair pools my shoulders. "Its fine" Natsu's ghost randomly visited me, by possessing the doll I made of him. I feel his doll put his chin on my head. "I kinda miss the long hair ya know" I frown and look up at him. His usual glassy face had a more human look to it. "It got in the way when I put you back together." Natsu rolls his eyes and kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss back. "Lucy? Dinner's ready!" I hear the door open. "Oh... Hey Natsu. Long time no see" We pull back. "I told you not to walk in Cana!"  She giggles. "Sorry, sorry. But your already..." I look down. "Your crazy Lucy" I look back up to Cana. "Says the woman who helped me." "Says the lady who got herself pregnant from a dead boy" I pout. "I wanted kids with him but he was dead. Your the one who suggested it."

Natsu chuckles and puts a hand on my swollen stomach. "Hm~ Me and Lucy's baby." I ate then came back. Natsu was a doll but he came back a few minutes ago. I lay down on the bed. "Am I crazy?" Natsu buries his face in my stomach. "No. At least not to me and Cana. But to normal people yes." I pout and run my fingers through his pink hair. "How much longer do I have to deal with this?" "Deal with what?" "This moodiness, morning sickness. I can feel her kicking and she has one hell of a kick" Natsu nuzzles my stomach. "I can't help with your moods or morning sickness but she gets the kicks from me." I giggle then frown. "Hey Natsu?" "Hm~" "What was your past like?" Natsu freezes. "Where did that come from?" I glance down at him and meet his eyes. "I don't know. It just popped in my head. Natsu sits up, so I sit up as well. He looks away. "Alright." (I don't know what I'm doing so I'll just continue this as much as I can.)

"I was four. I couldn't talk. My original parents abandoned me. I don't remember much about them besides that I had a brother. A man named Igneel found me. He took me in after finding me crying on the streets. He taught me how to talk, read, and much more. But when I was seven, he just disappeared. I was eight, trying to find Igneel when your father kidnapped me. He-He....Stabbed my left eye. He was going to do some of experiments on me until Cana came around. Then he forgot about my corpse completely. I started to rot until the ghost of your mother made me not able to rot. She told me that I had a mission to protect you. She disappeared then went after your father, you know the rest"

Natsu looked away partially in his story. I was crying. I hug him. "I'm sorry" Natsu hugs me back slowly. "Its in the past. We need to focus on the present and on our child." I nod. Natsu wipes my tears away. I grunts. "She's kicking again." Natsu quickly pushes me down and puts his ear on my stomach. "Wow" "What?" I run my fingers in his hair again. "I can feel her clawing at my cheeks. Look" He lifts his head and I glance down. I gasp. "Wow" I could see her tiny hands moving. (Look it up, it can happen) I put a hand on my stomach. I feel a hand under mine. I smile. Natsu hovers above me. I lean up and kiss him. He kisses back. We pull back. "I got to go" I pout. "Already?" He nods. "Yeah. I can't stay much longer." I frown. "But-" "I'll come back tomorrow, don't worry." I peck his lips. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." He smiles before going limp. I sigh and hug him. He's back to being a doll again. "I love you Natsu" I sit up and put his doll back so it's leaning on the wall. I sigh and brush his bangs out of his face. I stand up then walk out of the room.

"Lucy? Did Natsu leave?" I look at the brunette and nod. "Yeah..." "What's wrong." I look down. "He told me his past, before..." "Really?" I nod. "Yeah. It was sad, really sad." "Anyways.." She clears her throat. "Do you want to know the gender of your baby?" I smile and nod. "Sure!" "Sit down on the table then." I hop on the table. "Ok..." She grabs a machine and rolls it over. She puts a pad on my bare stomach. I gasp as I see my baby on the screen. Cana squints. "Its..............a girl!" I widen my eyes. I smile. "Oh Natsu will be so happy!" Cana hugs me. "I can be a grandma!" I giggle. "Yes you can, but try to stop your drunk habits please~" Cana winks and takes a sip of her whiskey. Cana takes the pads off my stomach and I pull down my shirt. I hear a knock. We both look at the front door. I walk over to it with Cana trailing behind me. I open the door. No one was there. Before I close it, I hear a meow. I look down. "A cat?" Cana coos behind me. "He's so cute!" I pick the blue kitten up. "I'll name him Happy!" "Happy?" I nod and close the door. "I'm so happy right now so why not?" Cana smiles. "Alright, I'll head into town tomorrow for supplies for him." I carry Happy into my room. I set him down on the bed. Happy paws at Natsu's doll form. I get underneath the covers, Happy walks onto my stomach and curls up into a ball. I smile. "You already like me huh?" Happy purrs in response. I yawn then fall asleep.

I wake up and see Natsu leaning over me with Happy on his head. "you up yet sleepy head?" I yawn and reach my hands out. "Help me up?" He grins and pulls me up. "Cana explained Happy. She also said to wake your sleepy ass and get some breakfast." I giggle. "sounds like her. Lets go!" Natsu helps me off of bed. I look up at Natsu. "Hey" "Hey what?" I smile. "We're having a girl" Natsu blinks then laughs. I squeak when he picks me up from my waist and spins me around. I hug his neck and put my forehead on his. Natsu slowly stops. Then I widen my eyes and hold my mouth. Natsu widens his eyes. "Shit, forgot about that" He runs over to the bathroom. He sets me down in front of the toilet. I start puking. Natsu holds my bangs back. I sigh after a minute before puking again. Happy paws at my back. I stop then hold my mouth. "Done?" I raise a finger. I puke for a second. "Ok, now I'm done" Natsu flushes the toilet then hands me a cup of water. I stand up and swish the water around. I spit it out in the sink.

I moan in delight as I eat a mouthful of pancakes. "Mm~ You can cook" Cana giggles. "You can count on me" She puts the spatula on her shoulder. Natsu chuckles and I giggle. Then Cana looks at me and Natsu with a serious face. "9 months pregnant and it's been ten years since then. I think it's time you two live by yourselves" Me and Natsu widen our eyes. "B-but Cana! We've always been together since we've left! Natsu can't be here forever you know!" Natsu nods. "She's going to need a job since I can't. The most I can do is watch over our baby girl while she's out!" Cana sighs. "I know, but I feel like I'm in the way." I  stand up then gasp. "Lucy?" I grit my teeth. "Bad...timing!" "Shit! Natsu, get her to the examination table!" "Ok!" My legs are wet and shaking. Natsu picks me up bridal style. "AH!"

I pant and collapse. I hear a baby crying. Tears fill my eyes. "You did great Lucy!" I smile and look at Natsu. "Here ya go Lucy, Natsu" I reach out for my baby. "Nashi." She had pink hair. Natsu kisses her forehead. "Couldn't be better" I turn my head and kiss him. "There" He blinks and takes Nashi from me. "Never mind. Hey Lucy?" "Hm~" I yawn. "Can we have another one?" I giggle. "Yes you idiot" Natsu kisses me. "Lets hope Nashi here gets a brother." I smile then yawn. "You...can hold her Cana." "Ok, you need to rest. Get some sleep Lucy" I yawn then fall asleep. I love Natsu, even though he's dead. I love Nashi, half ghost, dead, or whatever. Don't worry. Natsu is the only human doll I made.

(I got bored)

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