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(A/N: Naruto is on Netflix and I'm currently watching it so I thought. Eh, why not? So Enjoy!)

Lucy's POV (She is Naruto in this, Natsu is Sasuke. Happy will be Sakura. That is her outfit, above)

I sink deeper in the water. You really want to kill me, eh Natsu? My eyes snap open, glowing red and slitted. I charge out of the water. Red Chakra was surrounding me in the form of a fox with a single tail. "Wha- What are you!?" Natsu yells at me. I bring an arm up. "I'm your friend!" Natsu gasps in shock. "That's why I'm telling you! I won't let the likes of Zero get ahold of you!" I slowly stand up. I swipe my arms out and away from me. "..." Natsu steps back. "Why Lucy? Why would you go this far for me?" I close my eyes then open them again. "Because, this is the first time I had a bond like this.." "Bond?" "That's why I'll do anything I can to stop you..." "..." He closes his eyes. "A bond" I narrow my eyes as he spreads the curse mark from Zero. "If that's how it is..." His pink hair flies up. I clench my teeth. He grows red scales along his body and his eyes glow yellow. "Then I'll have to sever that bond!" "Natsu!?" He swipes his now claw hands. I glare. "So your special huh? Not when I'm finished with you!" he chuckles. "There's no way I'm going to lose. No more talking!" I charge forward.

I drag my hand, which is covered in red chakra, through the ground. I swipe my hand, which has really sharp finger nails, at him. We crash into three walls. I wait for the dust to clear. I widen my eyes. He now had red dragon wings. His wings twitch. I widen my eyes again and jump back, only to get hit with one of his wings. I go flying back. I crash into the stone statue. I land on my back. I slowly sit up. I widen my eyes. Natsu was spreading his wings out. "Natsu, your a monster" He looks up at me wit narrow eyes. He then seems to be in pain. He looks up at me again and narrows his eyes. I look down at my left arm. I can't feel it anymore. "That power of yours, by using it, your taking a risk, aren't you?" I glance up at him in time to see him close his eyes. "Look around you" I don't, I only keep my eyes on him. "This place is called Final Fountain. A  perfect setting for this fight." He looks back at me. "Isn't it? Lucy" I face him again. "Well? Oh right of course. I said that there won't be more talking didn't I? In that case... This is fit for the end. The end of this fight." I tilt my head. "And all of the fights up till now" I get a flash back.

"Team 7. Lucy Heartfilia" I pick my head up. "Huh?" "Happy Exceed" "Eh?" "And Natsu Dragneel!" I blink in shock. Happy cheers, he always looked up to him. I look down. I'm doomed. "Don't get in my way, loser" I glare at him. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I think of a different time. "You said that there were three of us! That's what you said! Lucy and Happy..." Natsu looks down at me, he was tied up against a stump. I look away. "We're all on this squad and we're all in this together. Happy looks up at our instructor. "Yeah that right! We gave our lunch to him because the three of us are one!" I think of another time. Natsu looks back at me. "Hey" I look at him. "Yeah?" "Your not hurt are ya? Little girl~?" A different time. I stabbed the giant snake Zero sent to attack us. I look up at Natsu. I was panting and my eyes were red. "Hey kid. Your not hurt are ya?" I say to him, while he was shaken up with fear. Different time. We were beat up. "Your one of the ones I want to fight the most." "Huh?" Another time. "Hey Natsu! Don't lose. Cuz I want to fight you myself." And again. "I never want to see that again. My trusted comrades, falling right in front of me." "Summoning Jutsu!" I yell. I summon a giant orange cat, as big as the village. "Happy, I swear I'll protect you." And again. "What's so funny?" "I'm not laughing because it's funny. I'm just excited. Because today is finally the day I beat you." "What did you say? Don't talk nonsense loser" "I won't be such a loser when I win today. Will I?" "Lets just do this" "Put on your headband and we will. I'll wait." "Don't worry, I don't need that thing." "LUCY!" "NATSU!" We charge at each other. "I'll win no matter what!" "I'm not finished with you yet!" Happy yells. "STOP IT!"  The flash backs ends.

Natsu snaps his eyes open and makes some hand signs. "Chidori!" I look down. I gather chakra as I look up. "Rasengan!" Natsu's lightning turns silver. We glare at each other. We jump and head towards each other. We ready our attacks. We say our moves at the same time. Our attacks collide. Blue against red. Our chakra turns purple. I scratch his headband, putting a line through the Fairy Tail symbol. Natsu punches my stomach. The ball of purple chakra expands, then turns black. The ball expands even further, crashing into the walls of the waterfall. Water explodes up. The black ball cracks then glows white. Me and Natsu stare at each other. We both look guilty. We both bring out two fingers and wrap them around each other. We look younger. The younger us smiles at each other. Everything goes white. A beam of light looks down at us. I was laying on my back while Natsu was standing. We were back to normal. The beam fades away. I'm not unconscious. I can't move or open my eyes. I hear Natsu untying his head band and the sound of it hitting the ground. "Lucy... I'm-" It starts raining. I hear him in pain. I hear him cough up blood and fall to his knees. I know he's leaning over my head. I feel his lips over mine. I gather what's left of my strength and kiss back. We pull back but he kisses me again quickly. "I'm sorry Lucy. Bye." I open my eyes, which are full of tears. I pull his head down again and kiss him deeply. I pull back with tears pouring out of my eyes. "Please. Don't. I can help you." He shakes his head. "I'm afraid not. Bye, for good Lucy" He pecks my lips quickly again and stands up. I manage to stand up and hug him from behind before he disappears. "I said bye Lucy. This won't be the last time you see me. Trust me." I shake my head and put my forehead on his back. "I love you. I fell in love with you when I didn't mean to." "so did I. But I have to kill Zeref. Then I'll come back."

"By turning evil and going with Zero!? That's not how you do it!" "But it is!" He turns around. "He is powerful and will help me! I'll gain all the power I can from him then kill him, then go after Zeref for killing of the Dragneel clan!" "THEN WHAT!? COME BACK OR FOREVER BE EVIL! I ALREADY KNOW YOU WON'T COME BACK!" He shuts me up by kissing me again. "I'll come back. If I don't then you'll come after me right?" I hug him. "Of course I will. I'll give you a year before I come after you alright?" I feel him nod against my wet hair. "Alright. Leave, please. Its time for me to go completely." I nod then kiss him again. "Love you" "Love you too Lucy" I let go of him. He pecks my lips again then disappears into the trees. I collapse on my knees and sob into my hands. Then I feel the rest of my energy leave me. I collapse on my face. "Damn it. You better come back Natsu" Then I pass out.


He didn't come back. I knew it. Now I have to go get his ass. Me and Erza, our instructor. Were facing Natsu, who was facing a panting Happy. I narrow my eyes. "Happy!" Erza shouts out to him. I chuckle and shake my head. "Team 7 finally all together again. But things have changed. I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU'D COME BACK!" Natsu looks at me. I take a step forward. Erza uses the chance to get Happy away from Natsu before he killed him. Natsu tilts his head. I shiver slightly but no one notices. Natsu's eyes were cold and heartless but only I could see the slight shine from the old Natsu. Natsu had killed Zeref a while ago. Some guy named Mard Geer Told me the truth about Zeref. "Mard Geer told me the truth about Zeref! I have no idea if it's true or not but... I get it" Erza and Happy widen their eyes. "Huh?" Natsu frowns. "How could you...possibly understand?" I only stay there blank faced. "You, with no parents or siblings understand? Why don't you shut up! Only a while ago, I got revenge for Zeref, on a leaf elder. Elder Bob" Erza gasps. Natsu raises his hands. "I've never felt like this before. I feel the Dragneel name slowly being cleansed." He clenches his fists. "Being freed from this ninja world. Isn't this what you leaf ninja wanted all along?" I grit my teeth but he continues. "You've always looked down on the Dragneels haven't you? So fine, I'll erase the Dragneel name from your memories" He's wrong. No one looked down on the Dragneel clan. In fact, I think people looked up to the Dragneel clan.

Natsu spreads his arms out. "By crushing all of you and by destroying the leaf!" "..." "The severing of bonds is the ultimate purification. And that will lead to the Dragneel restoration!" He's going mad. "Lucy, that's enough. Leave Natsu to me" I hear Erza say. I narrow my eyes. I slowly walk forward. "No, I need his answer." "Lucy..." "Erza, leave this to me." "What are you saying?" I continue walking. Natsu grabs my arm and pulls me to him. "Lucy!" I hear Happy yell. Natsu quickly kisses me. I kiss back before we pull away. "I've missed you Lucy" "I've missed you too Natsu. But you know what has to happen." "Yeah..."  "Lucy?" I hear Erza and Happy say. Natsu puts his forehead on mine. "I don't want to kill you Lucy. I really don't" I sigh. "You have to unless your just going to come with me peacefully" Natsu pecks my lips again. "Nope. This will be a challenge. Got that?" I giggle lightly. "Ok. Lets start the battle then." "Alright." We both jump back. He pulls out a sword and I pull out a kunai knife.

We charge forward and our blades clash. Natsu manages to cut my headband off my head. I have flash backs of training with Mavis, one of the strongest three ninjas. Training for three years. Natsu, no matter how much you want revenge over the Dragneel clan. No matter how much you try to leave us, leave me. Our bond that took so long to form, isn't going to sever no matter what. I know your secretly trying to. No matter how much you want to sever them, you won't be able to. I have flash backs of our last battle.

"Natsu, you know Zero wants to use your body like a new set of clothes." "Hmph, as long as I get my revenge he can have my life" The flash back ends as I dodge a shriken. "What about your dream of being hokage Lucy?" I dodge his sword. "If you have time to chase me around, why don't you use it to train instead?" "You think I can be hokage if I can't even save my friend? Do you Natsu?" In an instant me and Natsu start running in one direction. We clash sword/kunai as we continue to run. Our weapons clash and Natsu struggles to stab me. I tilt my kunai down, making his sword hit the ground. I run up the Cliffside as Natsu shoots fireballs at me. Natsu flies at me, intending to swipe his sword at me. I bring my kunai up. Our weapons clash again. I hear my kunai crack. I look down at it then jump up to dodge his sword. I land on the bridge. I widen my eyes.

I duck down to dodge his sword. I back flip then jump back, his sword barely missing me. His sword starts glowing. I catch the blade between my hands. I throw Natsu and the sword away. I jump at Natsu. He cuts me, only for me to disappear. He gasps. "A shadow clone." It was a distraction. I punch Natsu in the face, hard. Natsu crashes into the water then backflips up. I jump into the shallow water. We both pant. Natsu grabs his left arm. His arm gets covered in lightning. "Its time to end this." I hear him say. I close my eyes. I use my jutsu to summon a shadow clone. I make the clone make a Rasengan in my hand. I open my eyes then we charge at each other. I  think back to our first fight to the death.

Natsu was leaning over me before he kisses me. You know Natsu... an image of me leaning over Natsu then kissing him appears in my head. You and I... Our roles could have been reversed. I think that in the second before our chakra clashes. Our chakra finally clash. We struggle for the strongest chakra. As we fly back...Me and Natsu stare at each other with sad eyes.  Our hands reach for each other. We put two fingers out for the promise we made long ago.


I sob and curl up into a ball. Why? Why us? I just want to live in peace with Natsu. But he's in a cycle of hatred and sorrow. I hear a knock on the door. "Lucy?" It was Happy. I wipe my tears and walk over to the door. I open the door and see Happy in his pjs. His blue hair sticking all over the place. "Happy?" "Can I come in?" I nod and let him in. Happy was at least four years younger than me and Natsu so he was like a little brother to us. Happy walks over to the bed and plops down. I close the door. "Can you explain a few things Lucy?" "sure" "What is your relationship with Natsu?" I stop mid-step. "Natsu and I are...We are..." I shake my head and walk over to the kitchen to make some tea. "I don't know what we are Happy. All I know is that we love each other." "Then why does all of this have to happen to you two then? Why doesn't he come back?" I stop pouring the tea. "He... Still has things to do. Why it has to happen to us... I'm afraid I can't answer that. I have the nine-tails inside of me and he is the lone survivor of the Dragneel clan. I guess we're too special. I guess...." I look down at my reflection in the tea.

I take a sip of my tea as tears flow down my face.  "don't be sad Lucy" I set my empty cup down. "I can't help it. It's only been a day and I already miss him." A flash back comes to mind.

"Lucy..." "Natsu..." "This battle is over." "Yeah." "Come here" I stagger over there. I hug Natsu and sob into his scarf. "Na-Natsu. Why us?" "I don't know Lucy, I don't know" I feel him nuzzle my hair. "I don't want to forget your scent again Lucy" I pull off my glove from behind his back. I pull back slightly and slip the glove on his left hand. "Here" "What's this for?" I smile up at him. "So you always know what I smell like. My scent will never fade out of that glove." Natsu grins at me. "Here, to repay the favor." He slips his scarf off his neck. I widen my eyes. "but tha-" "Its fine! I can trust you with it right?" I nod. "Of course!" He wraps the scarf around my waist. "There. Now you will always know what I smell like." I giggle. "Ok" Then I frown. "But we-" He slams his lips on mine. "Lucy. I have to go soon" Tears fill my eyes. "Why?" He pecks my lips quickly. "I have to avenge my brother." I bury my face in his chest. "By killing the elders of the village and destroying the village?" "Yes" "But what about the innocent? The kids, women and elderly? And what about the rest from our class?" "I don't know. But I'm tired of this cycle. I just want it to end" I wrap my arms around his waist. "Revenge and hatred only lead to more hatred. Your hatred will lead to other people hating you and then the cycle will transfer to others then the whole world will be sucked up in hatred." "I know but-" "You can't help it." "Yeah..." "I have to go Lucy." "I know." "Mard Geer is calling me" "I love you" "Love you too" He kisses me deeply. I kiss back and close my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue forces my mouth open. I groan and slip my tongue in his mouth as well. We pull back with a trail of saliva from our mouths. I swipe the saliva trail away. "Bye Lucy" I wave at him as he walks away. Happy and Erza were already heading towards the leaf village.

I sigh and flop down on the bed. I bring the scarf up to my nose. I smell it then smile. Cinnamon and smoke. "Lucy? I'm done in the bath" "Oh Happy. What do you want to eat?" "soba" "Ok!" I sit up and wrap the scarf around my neck. I head over to the kitchen. I start cooking.


I lay in bed as Happy was curled up next to me. I had my arms behind my head. After all of the times I've seen Natsu during my adventure, I'm still in love with him. Even if he does have serious mood swings and turns evil. I will always love him. No matter what. Even if he looks at me with cold eyes then kisses me quickly then disappears. Even if I never see him again. I will wait for him, even if I have to wait for eternity. And even beyond eternity.

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