Valentines Day

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Lucy's POV

I mix the hot peppers in the chocolate. Oh, he's going to love this. I pour the chocolate into the molds. I sprinkle some chili powder on top. Chocolate can't be set on fire but I can make it spicy!  I put the molds in the freezer. I look around in horror. I had chocolate everywhere! I clean up the mess, or attempt to, as the chocolate cools. "Hey Lushi!" "H-Happy!" I squeak. "Whats- What the heck!" He shouts. "I-I made some chocolate and I ended up smearing it." "Why don't you have Natsu melt it and-" "NO!" "No?" "I just. Um. I don't need his help! I got it! Where is he anyways?" "He's uh. Waiting by the canal." "...Why?" "Just get dressed! Uh, in something nice. I'll clean this up." "Eh?" I blink. "Ah, ok?" I quickly put the shaped chocolates in a fancy box and get dressed.

(Insert pretty dress here. I'm using my data to post this so the pic isn't showing up.)

I walk out of my apartment. "ah, hey Lucy!" "Hey Natsu" He was wearing a tux, with his scarf instead of a tie. "Y-you look nice" He says, nose buried in his scarf. "T-thanks. You two." I stutter.  I had the box hidden behind my back. "D-Did someone set you up to this or...?" I ask. "Er. No. You've always talked about valentines dates and whatnot so I thought, why not?" He says, blushing. He holds out a hand. I take it and shift the box so he doesn't see it. "Wh-where are we going?" I ask. "Somewhere." He replies. We stop at a Cliffside. "So I know I-its not a fancy restaurant and I didn't want to embarrass you so I chose somewhere private and-" "Its perfect Natsu" "Good." He sighs in relief There was a blanket layed out with a picnic basket and a white rose in a mini vase. Natsu leads me over to the blanket and lets go of my hand. I sit down on the blanket, hiding the chocolate box behind me.

"Um. I had Mira help me make the, uh, sandwiches. I only brought water bottles for drinks because this was last minute and-" I cut him off by giggling. "What's so funny?!" I burst out into full laughter. "Y-You are just so a-adorable! Natsu, I don't care if its perfect or not. Just be yourself you dork. I'm not expecting sparkles or a bouquet or a prince on a white horse." "A-ah. Right. Uh, you hungry?" He asks, red faced. "Yup!" I nod. "Ok. Let me just uh. Get these out-" "Why do you keep saying uh?" "-I'm nervous. Here we go" He reaches into the basket and pulls out two sandwiches and two water bottles. "Looks good." I comment. "Ah Mira made them, mostly. I just added hot sauce to mine." He chomps into his sandwich. I munch on mine.

(Ugh, my dog wont leave me alone to write in piece. Gotta love my dog though!)

"Thanks for taking me out Natsu. Here" I hand Natsu the box. "F-for me?" "Yup! I spent hours on these." He opens the box. "That's so cool! Theres a dragon, flames, the fairy tail mark! Fuck yeah! I can eat Igneel!" I smile. He's so adorable. Playing with chocolate. Glad I froze them. Natsu pops one of them in his mouth. "Pepper?" "yup! Can't set chocolate on fire so I made it spicy." "Mm. They're good! Thanks Lucy!" "Of course!" "Oh come here!" He hugs me. I hug him back. He pulls back and looks down slightly. "u-Uh. Here!" He shoves the white rose in my face. "A-Ah. Thanks." I grab it and put it behind my ear, since there's no thorns. He looks at my lips and back up to my eyes. "oh you dork" I mutter. I grab his scarf and pull him down. I close my eyes and kiss him. He kisses back. We pull back. "Happy Valentine's Day." We both say. We both smile, blushing hard.

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