help again?

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hello if you are a fellow human being who experiences the terribleness of periods plz help

i haven't had my period for about two months.
last time i had it was the beginning of october

should i be concerned?

some things to take into consideration before commenting and making assumptions:
1. i have a pretty irregular period schedule. instead of it being every 30 days, it's more like every 35-40 days but still it's normally not this late/irregular
2. my period has been late before because of stress but i haven't really been that stressed out lately
3. i cannot be pregnant so don't even mention that. i'm a virgin lmao
k that's all
plz give me advice or let me know what you think might be going on because i'm starting to worry a little

i'm sure my period will probably show up like two days after i publish this but it's fine :,)

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