12. Dwelling in past!

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• They told me to accept the fact that you left, I held my heart tightly because you'll be there kept •


Running away! Can never be a solution to any of your problem, Infact it'll take you towards depression and your destruction, Life is never easy for anyone, everyone is fighting an unknown war which you have no idea of. We often judge people by their smiling face or by their attitude in public but little do we know that those happy go lucky faces, those rude attitude can just be a mask only to subside their fear, pain, hurt or their loneliness.

Someone has rightly quoted once "Everyone has a secret!..". A secret- which they fear to disclose to their dear once, A secret- which is the reason for their tormented heart, A secret- which may have no relevance for other but explains everything to one.

Nandini is running on roads madly,insanely totally out of her senses. She faced that deteriorating truth today which she has buried in herself long back,which she had decided that she'll never disclose it in front of anyone, she'll keep her sister alive in herself. But as always happens destiny played the Trump card and apparently all her plannings failed. She never wanted to hurt her parents with this truth but after listening those heart wrenching words from her dad she wasn't able to conceal anything any further.

Aahana was not only her sister but her life , although Aahana was only 1 hour elder than her still Aahana treated Nandini as her baby all her life, Nandini's world was always confined to Aahana and Aahana only, that's the only reason when their father broke all ties with Aahana, Nandini never left her side. But that day, the day her sister, her best friend died it shaken her to the core, her last conversation with Aahana is still fresh in our heart and mind, how badly Aahana was aching to meet her parents , hug her dad once and ask for forgiveness.

Nandini sat down on the bench under the shadow of a tree, she has came to an isolated place which is covered with only trees, it seems like a very soothing and peaceful place but peace is far far away from this broken soul today.

She is badly shattered today, tears are not stopping even for a second, all she is doing is only weeping and weeping. Aahana was a part of her, how can she subside her loss? How can she believe that her sister who was always her support system is no longer with her?, She miss her every time when she breathe.

Nandini brought her phone out and instantly turned it to airplane mode, She is in a bad need of some lone time, she wants to be with her memories today. Slowly, she opened her phone's gallery and there are several pictures of her and Aahana, she looked at one of the smiling pic of Aahana which brought a smile but a faint smile on her lips.

(Mahira Khan as Aahana Murthy, gosh! Isn't this girl is so gorgeous? 😍❤ )

Nandini : "You had promised me that you won't ever leave me, you'll keep irritating me till eternity but you cheated Aahana, you left me, you broke your promise... "..She started complaining while crying inconsolably, her tone is shattered and she, she is broken beyond repair.

She hugged her phone tightly to her chest and started crying more badly with her eyes closed, no one can ever decrease her pain, she lost her sister the pain it caused can't be summarized in words.

Nandini : "Aahana come back to me please, I need you here with me, wherever you are just come back I can do anything to have you back in our lives, please god send her back. Please!"..And there she is broken more badly now, she is crying like a newly born cries for the warmth of mother, she is craving for the love of her sister like surface craves for the rain.

Pain of separation might be survival on the hope of getting back together one day, but the pain of perpetual separation is beyond suffering, it can never be lessen, it can never be frame in some few words.

• We grew up together, with a promise of being on side of each other but that darken weather took you away from me forever and ever.. •


Malhotra Enterprises:-

Far from the reality of Nandini's world, Manik is sitting in his cabin furiously.

Manik : "You all are a piece of shit, good for nothing!"..He shouted at peak of his voice on each one present in his cabin, and not even a single person dared to look in his eyes. Every one is shivering with fear because today devil is in his worst mood ever.

"Sir! We'll fix this.."..One of the research and development team member voiced out in low tone with his head low but this irked Manik more, he threw the file on the floor with a loud thud and stood up, which flinched all the 5 people in the room..

Manik : "You better fix your job, you all are fired. Get the hell out of here.."..He roared which shocked all of them but questioning him back will be like serving themselves raw in front of lion.

They slowly moved out of the cabin before Manik throw them out, after they all are out Manik lost his remained calmness, he threw all the materials placed on his table in utmost frustration and irritation.

He sat down on his chair again and brought his phone out, his anger still at its peak and no body dared to step in the den specially when lion is wide awake.

Manik : "I want a new R&D team in next 5 hours, people who are competent enough to complete the project by their own. And one last thing, I will sue whole HR team if this time I get any nonsense ..."..His opened threat made the head HR gulp the saliva down in fear.

"Sir, you'll get the best team within 5 hours time frame.."..He assured him in his shattering tone.

Manik : "Better for your health!"..He commented with the toxic tone and disconnected the call..

He closed his eyes in immense anger and irritation, just then he heard a knock on his door so he composed himself and asked the person to step in.

Arjun : "Good morning Mr. Malhotra.."..He greeted in his calm yet so professional tone and Manik nodded.

Arjun : "Sir, you have a very important conference in Bangalore. Should I ask Joseph to get the chopper ready?"..His voice holds no nonsense attitude just like Manik like.

Manik : "ahh! I totally forgot about it,thanks for reminding. Just ask Joseph and I'll be there in 5 minutes. ".. he told him in his soft business like tone and Arjun Nodded before leaving.

After Arjun left, Manik stood up from his seat, he took his coat which was resting on the seat, and he headed towards the door.

Manik : "Call someone to clear my cabin. "..He told one of the peon while walking out of his office, on which peon nodded. As soon as employees saw Manik coming out they all adopted silence as if one word from their mouth and he'll eat them raw.

He smirked looking at the scared faces of his folks, they all greeted him but he didn't paid any attention towards them and walked out of the office maintaining his toxic aroma.

• When people are afraid of getting tear, they always create fear.. •

After he came out, Arjun instantly walked towards him and took his coat. He opened the door for Manik, which made manik nodded in response, Arjun moved towards the driving seat after closing the door.

Arjun : "Mr. Malhotra should I ask someone to pick Mrs. Malhotra from Murthy's Mansion?"..He asked once he ignited the engine and this statement alarmed Manik. It's been 4 hours he left Nandini in the mansion and once he came to his office he was so busy and frustrated that he totally forgot about her.

Manik : "Yes! Ask George to pick her up.."...He told him while taking out his phone , and Arjun Nodded.

Manik instantly dialed Nandini's number to tell her that he's going out of town and will not return today. But to his dismay her phone is out of reach, he tried several times but Everytime he heard one single "the number you are trying to reach is out of coverage area" ..It really annoyed him, after such a shitty day he's aching to listen her soothing calm tone.

Manik : "Damn it! Where the hell is she?"..He thought in utmost frustration and irritation, but deep down in his heart he is getting worried as well.

Arjun : "Mr. Malhotra we are here.."..His tone brought Manik back to the world,it's been 15 minutes he was trying Nandini's number but no use.

Reluctantly he stepped out of the car, now he really has no heart to go away atleast not before talking with her. His concern is incredibly increasing minute by minute.

He walked towards the elevator and stepped inside with Arjun , but still he's trying to call her..


Isolated place..

Nandini is still sitting on the bench, tears dried in her eyes but the pain is still there. Her messy condition gives a clear view that how badly she is broken today..

Chithhi na koyi sandesh...
Ho... Chithhi na koi sandesh
Jaane woh kaun sa desh jaha tum chale gaye
Chithhi na koyi sandesh
Jaane woh kaun sa desh jaha tum chale gaye
Chithhi na koyi sandesh
Jaane woh kaun sa desh jaha tum chale gaye
Jaha tum chale gaye
Is dil pe laga ke thhes jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jaha tum chale gaye...

She looked at Aahana's smiling pic, tears fell down from her eyes on the screen. She feels helpless today, helpless than ever. She recalled all their happy days, how Aahana used to tease her, pulls her hairs, tickle her badly, their never ending pillow fights, Nandini making dinner and Aahana teasing her by sitting on the slab of kitchen. A smile touched her lips when those memories flashed in front of her eyes..

She found some shadows in front of her, Aahana and her shadow both her playing. Nandini is trying to catch her while Aahana is running all around in the mansion.

Aahana : "Come on catch me, catch me. You idiot stop glaring at me and catch me.. hahahaha.. you can't catch me kiddo...".. she teased her to the core while Nandini is passing deadly glares to her..

(P.S: that's the same scene she was dreaming this morning before Manik came.. this special note is for those who thought Nandini was dreaming some MaNan moment 😂😂)

Nandini : "Aahana! I won't make dinner for you today.."..She threatened and this made Aahana stop in her track,thus Nandini caught her. And started laughing loudly while Aahana now started chasing her in the whole living area.

Shadow vanished when Nandini tried to touch her, that smile also vanished from her lips which appeared because of memories.

Ek aah bhari hogi hamne na suni hogi
Jaate jaate tumne awaaz to di hogi
Har waqt yehi hai gham, us waqt kaha the hum
Kaha tum chale gaye
Chithhi na koi sandesh jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jaha tum chale gaye jaha tum chale gaye
Is dil pe laga ke thhes jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jaha tum chale gaye...

She shut down her eyes tightly as she recalled that day when she died, her screams, her pleadings, her vulnerability still haunting her. And this made her cry even more, she recalled her last words to her "Kiddo! I really love you all, please tell Dad that his princess always loved him, she still do, please ask him to forgive me Nandini. Please..".. her last wonders made her cry even more now.

Nandini : "Aahana come back please, I will die without you, I need you Aahana. Your kiddo needs you. "..She started crying when she felt a touch on her hand. And she looked in her side to found her there with a smiling face.

She wiped off her tears and nodded a no, she gestured her to smile but before Nandini hold her hand, her diminished figure vanished and this made her more vulnerable and broken.

Har cheez pe ashkon se likha hai tumhaara naam
Ye raste ghar galiyaan tumhe kar na sake salaam
Hai dil mein reh gayi baat, jaldi se chhuda kar haath
Kaha tum chale gaye
Chithhi na koi sandesh jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jaha tum chale gaye jaha tum chale gaye
Is dil pe laga ke thhes jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jahan tum chale gaye...

Nandini : "You did wrong Aahana, you really did wrong, I will never forgive you. How could you leave me alone?, You said you'll never leave my hand, you cheated me. You cheated your kiddo."..She cried while tracing her loving smiling face.

Tears eloped from her eyes as if they really wanted this freedom since ages but she never allowed them to come out. Nandini is caressing her beautiful smiling angelic face when she felt a hand on her chin and Aahana raised her chin to look at her, she's bending down a little to look at her, she has a smile on her face. Nandini's eyes are filled with tears only.

Aahana : "You look horrible when you cry..."..She commented with a teasing smile and winked at her.

Nandini tried to hold her hand but she once again vanished, leaving a shattered and broken Nandini behind.

Ab yaadon ke kaante is dil mein chubhte hain
Na dard thhaherta hai na aanson rukte hain
Tumhe dhhundhh raha hai pyaar, hum kaise karein iqraar
Kaha tum chale gaye
Chithhi na koi sandesh jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jaha tum chale gaye jaha tum chale gaye
Is dil pe laga ke thhes jaane woh kaun sa desh
Jahan tum chale gaye...

Tears fell on the screen of her phone, when she looked at her pictures. She heard her voice, when she raised her face, she found Aahana standing there with a big grin on her smile and showing her tongue, this made her smile.

Next she found her own figure standing in front of Aahana, and asking her to come down as Aahana is standing on the couch and throwing all the feathers in the air while ripping the cushions.

Nandini : "Oh god! Some times I feel like am your elder sister. Aahana stop being childish and come down.."..She scolded but Aahana didn't paid any heed.

Aahana : "kiddo! Am very happy today..Yippee.."..She shouted and out of excitement she was about to fell down the sofa.

Nandini : "Aahana!"..She shouted and forwarded her hand to hold her but nothing was there, she realized she's sitting on the isolated road, which broke her down in zillion pieces. She stood up and started walking with painful steps.

Ho Kahan tum chale gaye..
Ho Kahan tum chale Gaye..
Ho Kahan tum chale Gaye..

Nandini fell down on the road with her head low and tears cascading down her eyes, everything around her destroyed in a blink and she wasn't able to do anything, she wasn't able to save her sister that day, the thought itself made her guilty, and broken. She started crying more badly now, while her loudest screams echoed in the atmosphere, which left even Almighty vulnerable.

• I wish I could save you with that burning Ray, but honey I was very helpless that day.. •


On the other hand, Manik is still worried for Nandini, her phone is constantly going out of reach and this is bringing all the worst thoughts in his mind now.

He was about to step in the chopper when his phone rang and he instantly picked the call without even looking at the caller.

Manik : "Nandini, where the hell are you?"..He shouted not even realizing that she is not at the other end.

"Manik! Nandini isn't with you?"..She heard a scary and concerned filled tone of his dadi..

Manik : "Dadi! "..He said with a surprising tone and realized he had answered the call without looking at the caller ID.

Dadi : "Manik, Nandini's parents called me, they said Nandini went out 4 hours back, but didn't came back yet and moreover her phone is out of reach. They are really worried, I thought she must be with you.."..Her concerned tone scared the hell out of him now.

Manik : "Nandini isn't there?"..He murmured with a weak tone, for the first time he feels like something stopped functioning inside him, as if his cold heart suddenly stopped beating.

Dadi : "Manik am very scared, I don't know where she is, darling! Please find her.."..She asked him in her low and weak tone.

Manik : "Don't worry dadi, I will find her.."..He assured her and disconnected the call..

Manik : "Arjun cancel the conference.."..He ordered and started walking towards the elevator while dialing some numbers.

Arjun : "But it's very important deal Mr. Malhotra.."..He tried to stop him and this angered him more.

Manik : "I don't give a fuck, even if my whole empire is at stake then also am not concerned about it. Handle it! My priority is my wife. ".. he roared and left from there after giving a deadly glare at him.

Manik : "Manik Malhotra here, I want you to track a number."..He talked on the phone while entering inside the elevator, once the elevator took him down the basement , Arjun is still standing there shocked, surprised but amused as well..

Arjun : "The person who never cared about anything other than his business, today he doesn't care even a bit if all this slip off his hands, seems like he is changing, seems like she is changing him.. "..He thought with a smile on his face..

Screen divided in two parts, Manik concerned face and Nandini's devastated state..


Am hell busy these days, so much work to do so no one will ask for an instant update as it's not going to happen, I'll come as per my convenience.

And people! Have a very peaceful navratre! ❤❤


Your storyteller ❤😘

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