16. It all started when....

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Thank you so very much for the inline comments on the last update, I really enjoy reading it 😝😋.. Am looking for inline comments in this update as well 😝😝 (greedy me)..

(Edit on these two after a very very long time.. how's it? 😅)

• The more I try to forget those memories, the more they start haunting my peace.. •


~ Aahana's room ~

Nandini walked towards the side table and picked their picture from there, she stared at that particular picture as if she wants to enter in it anyhow and leave this world right over here.

(I really paid lot of efforts to make this pic, how's it?? 🙈🙈 )

Nandini : "Dad was here di, he himself unlocked​ this room today. After one year he stepped in this room and you know what everything is on it's place just like you left ..." ..She trailed off as she fell on the ground, tears started flowing out of her eyes and she started recalling her past life which has all the answer to her present circumstances..


1 year ago..

Nandini is looking for Aahana everywhere in the Mansion, she asked every servant but none has seen her after the breakfast.

Nandini : "Jerry! "..She shouted on top of her voice while going upstairs towards the terrace, she knows that Aahana will be in her small garden on rooftop, she exactly​ knows her craziness towards gardening..

Aahana : "Stop screaming Miss. Loudspeaker.."..She answered when Nandini arrived on the terrace and as expected Aahana is busy with her plants.

Nandini : "That's your hideout, isn't it?" ..she asked after coming towards her which made Aahana laughed..

Aahana : "Technically yes, but you always manage to find me. "..She sat down on the couch nearby and started reading her favorite novel The secret!!.

Nandini : "Di!".. she called her in low and nervous filled tone which made Aahana look at her with horrifying expression..

Aahana : "You're scaring me!!"..She made the word scared face which made Nandini show her 32 teeth, Aahana raised her eye brows to look at her carefully..

Aahana : "This is more scaring kiddo..".. she made a scaring face while Nandini narrowed her gaze on her..

Nandini: "Di listen na please.."..She cribbed like a small baby..

Aahana : "Whenever you call me di, either you've land yourself in trouble or you have full plan for my murder.."..She mocked but still she is making faces like she is really scared, her statement made Nandini grin like a stupid teenager..

Aahana : "Come directly to the point.."..Her stern and strict tone made Nandini smile and she sat down beside her on the couch.

Nandini : "Actually I want you to talk with Dad today please. "..She answered in one go and her statement made Aahana surprised she looked at her with wide eyes, but then composed herself..

Aahana : "Kiddo! I'm not going to do that, you know him if it's in his hands then he won't even let us go away from his eyes so sending you to New York is far distant vision."..She tried to explain her calmly.

Nandini : "Di please for the sake of your kiddo, talk with him na.."..She tried to play the innocent card..

Aahana : "no ways!!".. she strictly denied..

Nandini : "pretty please"...She pleaded again when Aahana started reading her novel..

Aahana : "I said no!"...She answered strictly and straight forward which made Nandini sad, she made a grumpy face which always melts Aahana's heart..

Aahana : "okay okay! But stop making these sad faces...Fine! I'll talk with Dad.."..She rest her case as she can bear anything but Nandini's sadness. Nandini looked at her with a big grin on her face..

Nandini : "Ahhhh! You're the best Aahana I love you.."..She jumped on her and took Aahana by surprise..

Aahana : "Wohho! What a change of direction, direct jump from di to Aahana.."..She complained but Nandini hugged her tightly and she too reciprocated with equal fervor..

Nandini is Aahana's world, she can bear the wrath of whole world for the sake of her baby sis.


Aahana : "Dad I think you should let her go, she wants to pursue her career in interior designing and the best part is she got admission in such prestigious college of New York.."..She is trying her best to convince their father from last half hour whereas he is all stubbies meanwhile Nandini is sitting on the other side of couch quietly.

Shabd : "Princess, Angel is so small I can't let her go alone and moreover I don't want my daughters to go away from me, if she wants to study she can study here but please don't ask something I can't give to you.."..He told them in very calm and subtle manner which instantly made Nandini's face fell and this is the last thing Aahana can see.

Aahana : "Dad! I know you love us, and you've always been there for us but please let her go, for my sake.."..She persuade him in her ever so expressing tone, and the innocence which lies in her eyes made Shabd rest his case.

Shabd : "Okay! Angel can go..".. he finally got agreed and Nandini's face light up with thousands of bulbs intensity gleaming all around her.

Aahana : "I love you king.. thank you!"..She jumped on him and Nandini too joined them, he took aback by their sudden approach but hugged his daughters tightly who are pride, his apple of eye...


Everyone is having dinner together as a rule of Murthy mansion. Yeah! Eating together, praying together is the rule of this Villa but most importantly it has been set only because Shabd believes that the family which eats together, prays together, stays together!! And for him, family means world.

Naina : "Stop it Shabd, what's so interesting in the newspaper? Atleast leave this for tomorrow morning.."..She scolded him while Nandini and Aahana both giggled silently, they both have seen their parents madly in love with each other.

Since childhood they have witnessed only happiness and love all around, Naina and Shabd has always covered their daughters in the warmth of love and has kept them away from all the pain and sorrows. It's like Nandini and Aahana is living in their own paradise which is created by their parents.

Shabd : "I don't understand why these days people are so attracted towards this glamorous world, can't they see the darkness underneath.."..He muttered while looking at the newspaper and this made the women alert.

Aahana : "All okay Dad?"..She asked as she saw frowns on his head, it's indeed a reality that Aahana is Shabd's heartbeat and she knows her father far better than he knows himself.

Shabd : "Look at this new"..He passed the paper to Aahana and she started reading, while he continued with talking .."it's written that the modelling world is showing it's darkest side ever, a girl who wanted to be the leading model she hanged herself in her apartment because of casting couch, and story doesn't end over here that stupid girl had left her home for this field and at the end what she got nothing.."...He started getting agitated with the news as he narrated them, Nandini noticed Aahana getting tensed bit by bit..

Naina : "It's okay Shabd! You've your food.."..She tried to change the topic, meanwhile Nandini held Aahana's hand beneath the table..

Shabd : "Am very happy that my daughters choose business world, Aahana has completed her MBA and now Nandini is ready to pursue her career in interior designing. Aahana has already taken my business on her shoulder and made me proud.."..There is only honesty in his voice while his eyes is filled with only pride, Aahana gave him the forced smile and Nandini has seen all this..


Aahana is sitting in her room working on her MacBook when Nandini peaked inside her room, she noticed Aahana is doing work but her mind and heart aren't in one place..

Nandini : "Is am allowed to step in?"..She asked in her innocent voice, Aahana raised her face to look straight and found her baby sis on the door, she smiled and called her in..

Aahana : "What?"..She asked in confusion as Nandini stared at her cautiously..

Nandini : "You are very bad in hiding your emotions, especially in front of me.."..She stated blankly and sat down in front of her, Aahana placed her MacBook in side and held Nandini's hand.

Aahana : "So what am suppose to do?, Kiddo! Dad will never give permission and I can't break his heart.."...her tone is full of despair and Nandini felt that defeat in her tone even before fighting the battle..

Nandini : "Di!"..She suddenly called and Aahana knows that she is damn serious now so she listened her baby sis calmly..

Nandini : "Di it's your dream, and you can't back out just like that. Dad always listened you, you mean everything to him. He won't ever deny your wish, I know he is against modeling career and it's only because of his mindset, his perception. But am sure Dad will definitely listen to you, atleast don't loose hope without trying for once."..She explained her patiently in her clear accent, and this left a huge impact on Aahana. She hugged Nandini tightly.

Aahana : "Dad's happiness is my first priority and it'll remain forever..."..She answered her and Nandini hugged her more tightly...


~Back to present~

Nandini : "It was my fault di totally my fault, if that day I didn't asked you to go for your dreams then today you must be here with us. I shouldn't have provoked you. Am sorry!!"..She cried her heart out while looking at the pic in her hand..

On the other hand, Manik is all restless without Nandini, he can't believe that in just 24 hour time frame she has taken all his peace from him and left him hanging in mid of deep chasm. It's not like he isn't able to feel the changes in his own system but it's like he isn't ready to adapt those changes because from always Manik Malhotra has ruled, he never let anyone take decisions for him, he never let anyone enter in his boundaries but she has shaken his whole world and that's the basic thing he isn't ready to accept. Perhaps! his ego is far big than any emotions brewing inside his cold heart.

Manik: "Should I call her?, but she'll assume me as one desperate soul which surely I am right now."..he muttered to himself while lying alone on his bed in mid night with sleep far away from the doors of his eyes.

Just then his phone started ringing and he answered within a blink without even looking at the caller ID.

Manik : "Nandini!"..the impatient tone escaped from his mouth but to his dismay the one who is on other end is definitely not the one whom he want to listen at this odd hour.

Arjun: "Extremely sorry Mr. Malhotra for disturbing you."..he apologized in his professionalism tone and this made Manik look at the caller ID instantly, he cursed himself for being impatient.

Manik : "Ahh! It's fine Arjun, what happened? "...he instantly came back to his business like tone and sat down on the bed.

Arjun : "Mr. Malhotra we got the lead but to be sure I need to leave tonight only, actually I already arrived at airport I thought it'll be better if I tell you everything before hand. Once I get some thing good in my hand I'll give all the details to you."..he told him calmly and surprisingly Manik listened patiently.

Manik : "Arjun! I want results this time.."..he muttered in his jittery but exasperation filled tone.

Arjun : "Hoping for the best sir.."..he answered sternly and Manik nodded.

He disconnected the call but his mood has changed totally, he opened his gmail account and checked Important marked emails, as soon as he opened his whole body tensed, but then he closed his eyes and Nandini's face flashed in front of his eyes which instantly helped him to calm a bit.

Manik : "The story has not over yet, it's just the beginning.."..he said after opening his eyes and gripped his mobile tightly in his fist.

The anger is clearly visible in his dark eyes...


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