21. Her biggest lie!!

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• There are various ways to withheld the truth but the hardest and the easiest one is to LIE.. •


Cabir : "You lied, didn't you?"..he walked straight to her while she is looking at him in bewilderment, she got that ugly feeling already from his unannounced visit and next what she saw in his hand totally messed up in her head..

Sahir : "Wait a minute, what's going on guys?.".. he asked as he found Cabir accusingly looking at her while her silence has absorbed his accusation positively..

Cabir : "Guess she withheld the truth from you as well.."...he answered while looking at Nandini and she is standing there all quietly gazing at him with only pain of hiding such a big thing from him.

Sahir : "Nandini, what he is talking about?"..he asked her in his calm tone but impatiently as she is standing there all quiet ..

Nandini : "Cabir I can explain.."..she said softly but little did she know he is mad on her than ever in his entire life.

Cabir : "Trust me, you can't!"..he curtly replied and her eyes welled up with tears.. "I never knew you are going to hide such a thing from me, you said you married to him for your father's business, you really cooked your story well but forgot to put salt in it Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra.."...his formal tone with fury in it pierced Nandini's heart. Meanwhile Sahir adopted silence as he thought it won't be good to interference right now ..

Cabir : "I called Shabd Uncle this morning and guess what he told me?"..he stopped as the past events crossed his mind while she is all quiet as she got to know that he might have got all the lies she ever told him including the one dark secret of her.


Cabir : "How are you uncle?"..he called him while relaxing in the garden area whereas Navya and her mother is walking a bit far from him.

Shabd : "Am good, It's too early over here Cabir, but am glad you phoned.."..he mocked in start and cabir noticed the time in his wrist watch. And realized it must be only 6.30 a.m in India.

Cabir : "Extremely sorry I totally forgot am ahead in time over here.."..he apologized innocently but Shabd scolded him to apologise as he consider him as his son only.

Shabd : "So how's your mother in law?, If you need any help please let me know.."..he offered out of humanity and also considering him as his own family. But his offer made cabir suspicious..

Cabir : "Uncle, why you didn't told me about the loss in the business? That you were almost about to bankrupt.."..he honestly and straight forwardly asked the question which made Shabd confused and startled.

Shabd : "What you talking about cabir? Who has given this wrong information to you? My business is running quite well and there is no point of going bankrupt any time soon and to be honest with you even if I shut down my whole empire then my 3-4 generations can also survive with all luxury.."..he told him honestly but almost shocked with his sudden approach and his answer left Cabir stunned, he is not only shocked but he felt betrayed.

Cabir : "I'll call you later uncle. Take care.."..he disconnected without any further interrogation but till now several questions crossed his mind, Why she hidden the truth? What she is hiding from him? And most importantly why the hell she lied to him?

(Flashback over)

Nandini is all quiet by the confession he made to her, she is looking for the apt words which she can throw in his way to justify her acts but down the line she knows that whatever lie she'll throw in his way he won't going to buy that for sure.

It's high time for her to spill out the beans and let him know the facts she has been hiding all this while. Whereas​ Cabir is looking at her sternly as his gaze accusing her but it also filled with agonizing pain. Even Sahir is shocked with the truth served to him and he has no choice other than gulping down the bitter food.

Cabir : "What? Don't you have any more stories to cook?"..he accused while tears started brimming in her eyes but her head hung low as the sign of absorbing all the accusations..

Nandini : "Listen to me.."..she tried to explain herself but next he hand over the red diary he has been holding all this while. She looked horrified now.

Cabir : "Justify this as well.."..his eyes spitting fire whereas she is scared to death now, she looked at him suspiciously and next she found out that he must have read everything written in her journal.

Sahir : "What's going on guys? Care to explain."..he is most impatient and curious with the eye communication they both are having all this while.

Nandini : "Yes I lied!"..she muttered underneath her breath with her eyes shut tightly and when Cabir heard her accepting the accusation, he moved backwards and punched the wall nearby which made his hand bruised and blood started coming out of it, Nandini looked scared by the intensity of his anger meanwhile Sahir ran towards​ Cabir to abstain him from harming himself..

Sahir : "Have you lost it totally?"..he shouted on him after taking his bruised hand in his, but Cabir snatched it from him and looked at Nandini who is crying while looking at him painfully..

Cabir : "Why you lied Nandini? Why you hidden such big thing? I'm asking you WHY?"..he shouted on her at the end and she closed her eyes in pain as absorbing his wrath is torturing her to the core, she don't even remember when was the last time he has been this mad on her, perhaps! Never..

Nandini : "I lied because there was no other way, I lied because I wasn't capable of telling you that the person whom am marrying is actually the love of my life.."..she spit out everything she had in our heart while Sahir is shocked to hell with her outburst. While Cabir is still looking at her angrily.

Wait! Nandini loves Manik? When did this part came in the picture??.. Sahir's heart and mind asked him with only confusion.


Meanwhile, Manik is feeling restless and helpless now as he isn't able to trace her location and the feeling of worry is infuriating him, instigating him to do something worst.

Just then Arjun called him and informed him that he found some more information about khawab but for that he has to come to the office instantly as he has something very important to show him thus vehemently Manik obliged to his wish but not before strictly instructing his security members to locate her anyhow.

Arjun : "I sent him in the office, now you can go to his building."..he told the man standing right next to him after disconnecting the call.

"He is still looking for Khawab?"..he asked with uncertainty on which Arjun nodded positively. And then without initiate anymore communication, that man drove away in his Mercedes-Benz​ after that Arjun too signed off..


There is pin drop silence in Sahir's apartment, but that Silence is suffocating each and every person present over there.

Nandini : "Am sorry Cabir.."..she murmured after holding his bruised bleeding hand, he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

Cabir : "You don't trust me Nandini."..he said in a matter of fact tone which really pricked in her heart, she looked at him apologetically but this will be understatement as what she is feeling right now can't be summarize in words.

Nandini : "I do, but ..."..she tried to justify herself once again when this time Sahir cornered her.

Sahir : "I thought am the closest to you, after Aahana if you share anything with anyone then it's me. But thank you for opening the blindfold and make me see the reality Nandini. Thank you..".. although his voice is calm but his tone is something which hurt her badly, two people whom she loves the most is standing in front of her totally mad on her and on top of that hurt beyond measures..

Nandini : "Please don't say this Sahir"..she was cut by Cabir as he snatched his hand from her.

Cabir : "You thought we won't understand? You love someone there is nothing wrong in it Nandini, but yes! The one whom you love there nothing right in it either.."..he came to conclusion without listening her side of story and she knew this will happen for sure.

Nandini : "Cabir, I said I loved him, I never said I still love him.."..there comes the stern yet so determined tone which made both of them baffled.

Cabir : "What do you mean?"..he asked straight away as he is really tired of this suspense drama and now he can't take this anymore.

Nandini : "I will tell you everything but for that I want you both to listen to me patiently and you won't ever ask me to step back."..she asked for a promise after forwarding her palm in front of them, they both for a moment exchanged glance, then placed their hand on her palm and sealed the promise. She smiled weakly.

Nandini : "To start with the scratch, I want to tell you something Sahir."..she stopped just to make sure she has their full attention and when she found them looking at her keenly with their ear stand she continued.... "you told me that Manik is looking for someone named as khawab right?"..he nodded on her question, she stopped speaking and looked at both of them, then she closed her eyes tightly and uttered the most shocking truth till yet.. "I am Khawab!"..

Her sudden confession left them hanging on the edge, they both looked baffled while Sahir has a horrifying expression on his face, he can't believe on his ear what he has just heard while Cabir too is understatement at this particular moment.

There are so many truth in her heart which she'll spill out today and all she ask for the power from the supreme father to tell them something she shied away discussing from herself as well.


In Malhotra Enterprises:

Manik is talking with Arjun where Arjun showed him some papers which verified that khawab's last location was New York only and according to the documents he is holding in his hand it states that khawab never left the city, she was there only till 7 December 2015.

Arjun : "She was there only, you were right but surprisingly there is no more entry on her name from then on, she vanished in the thin air like she never existed.."..he spoke slowly without realizing that Manik is burning in anger beside him.

Manik : "I want her at any cost Arjun, if it takes someone's life then take it but I. Want. Her.."..there is power, anger in his tone while his eyes are only spitting fire as if he is burning in hell and he can burn the whole planet with him.


After a hour or so, Nandini reached Malhotra's building. She is standing outside the premises when she nodded a bunch of security members ran towards her, she get confused by their sudden act as none ever dare to cross her path earlier then what's so special today.

"Mrs. Malhotra please come with us.."..the head of security department told her firmly which made her confused, already she had the worse day of her life and now this shit is getting on her nerves.

Nandini : "Wait a minute, what's going on here?"..she chided all of them in her stern tone which made all of them freeze on their way but none dare to explain anything to her.

"Ma'am please lead the way, these are Mr. Malhotra's order. Please follow.".. the head tried to explain things to her but as soon as he heard Mr. Malhotra's order, she totally lost her already loosen calmness, she gave them a deadly stare which made them look down instantly.

Nandini: "I don't give a shit about his so called orders. Do whatever you want, am leaving.." ..she stormed out of there without caring a bit to their non stop calling.

But as she walked only 1 know from the main door to the entrance door of the giant building, she found a hard frame standing right in front of her way, burning in the fire of fury and shooting daggers on her, if looks can kill then she is the first one to die over here.

Manik : "Where the hell were you whole day? And where is your god damn phone?"..he shouted on her as soon as she came in his vision, while she look totally uninterested in his Q & A session..

Nandini : "Listen Mr. M.."..she tried to pass one sarcastic filled statement but this time he has totally lost the hold on himself. He grabbed her hand and yanked her closer, his sudden move left her in shock.

Manik : "You listen to me very very carefully, none ever dare to mess around me, none ever dodged my calls and here you are standing in front of me, looking straight in my eyes, making things look like it's not a big deal for you but It's really a big deal for me.".. although his voice is lowest than ever but still his dangerous tone manage to send shiver down her spine..

Nandini : "Where I go, with whom I go and when I come back, all these things shouldn't concern you Mr. M, if you are forgetting then let me remind you, you were the first person to be clear on our wedding day that there is no feeling involve in our relationship and if you want this to work out then make sure you stick to your own established rules."..she scowled with a rigid expression on her face as if none of his words affected her, as if his worry for her didn't touched her heart at the first place.

She walked inside the building after pushing him off as he was totally lost in her mercurial nature she manages to get out of his hold and walked straight ahead.

He turned his face to the nearby wall and punched hard on it, leaving his hand bruised and in pool of blood but he cares the least to the physical pain he experienced as every time this woman whom he married just a week ago hurt him badly with her cold statements, although he is trying his hard to curb the feeling brewing inside him but eventually Everytime he fell right on his knees and this feeling is not only unnerving but it's actually making him insane to the hell..

Screen freezes on his angered and hurt face.


Hey everyone how are you all? Hope you all are doing good. I know many of you are expecting frequent updates but I'm here to tell you something very important, I can update one story in 1 week only that too either on Saturday or Sunday as my office is closed on weekends. Thus I can spare some time for writing as well, and am not going to rush the storyline I'll stick to the part only which I had prepared in mind before starting my stories.

Hope am clear to you all, and you people are ready to adjust with me.

Your storyteller ❤😘

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