5. His dark world!

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• My life is darker than a moonless night, there is no space for any light but as you stepped into my world, things are working fine.. •


Nandini has packed all her stuff and now she changed her dress in a very beautiful mid length pink color gown, which grandmother has brought for her as a wedding gift, and she is looking exceptionally stunning in that beautiful gown with her wedding bangles in her hands, her hairs open hanging on both her shoulders covering her upper frame efficiently.

She looked herself in the mirror for once and then walked out, she knew Manik is already waiting for her downstairs.

She came down and the first thing she witnessed is her husband who is looking extremely hot and sexy in his very formal attire.

He is standing there in white shirt paired with dark grey jeans and those black aviators on his eyes increasing his charm.

She composed herself, walked downstairs totally ignoring him as if she didn't saw him there. Everyone is present there already, Dadi, Manik's parents and some servants as well.

Manik's eyes fell on her and he looked stunned , she really took his breath away. He removed his aviators and looked at her while she tried to her best to ignore his shameless gaze on her. Her whole body started burning under his sharp gaze, she feels like he is ripping her clothes by his eyes only and that feeling of making love visually is something brought heat inside her.

Gosh! She looks mouthwatering , I wish I can take her across my knees right here. His subconscious started doing salsa.

Dadi : "You look extremely gorgeous Nandini!".. she complimented after kissing her forehead and Nandini smiled while Manik is still gawking..

Raj : "Will miss you darling!".. he stated with a warm smile and Nandini hugged him tightly , this irked Manik but he composed himself ..

Nyonika : "Take care of yourself and him as well..".. she said after taking her in her warm embrace..

Nandini : "I will mom! ..He is my responsibility now. ".. she assured her and her words brought immense happiness to Manik's parents..

Dadi : "Manik! I hope you'll be here tonight, I have planned a grand party for you both. You'll be here right?".. she asked with some assurance but he hugged her sideways.

Manik : "I already told you Dadi, your wish is my command..".. his playful smile made her grin.


In the car.

Manik is driving calmly without saying anything while Nandini is constantly looking outside. But when he increased the voice of music system she looked at him.

And the car is filled with the passionate voice of Calvin Harris .. She looked at him amusingly while he can feel her intense gaze on him, he too smirked but didn't looked at her..

She heard the lyrics and nodded her head in a no but started looking outside with a sheepish smile.

I want you to breathe me in
Let me be your air
Let me roam your body freely
No inhibition, no fear

He decreased the volume but didn't said anything and this time she looked at him as he changed the song once again..

This time the song is more erotic and she knows his intensions clearly, she knows he is doing intensionally. The lyrics echoed in the atmosphere making her shudder.

From your lips to your hips to your fingertips,
I wanna kiss your body all over, from the goosebumps on your skin.

The song built the atmosphere inside the car more passionate and intense. She eyed him while he still looking straight.

Fine! Have your ways Mr. Malhotra. Her subconscious smirked and she again looked outside the window, Now this really irked him.

He again slowed down the volume and changed the song once more.. And this time she looked at him with shocking expression while he drink in the lyrics..

All I wanna know is, sexy can I.
Sexy can I, hit it from the front,
then I hit it from the back.
know you like it like that.
then we take it to the bed, then we take it to the floor
then we chill for a second, then we're back at it for more.

She flushed and stopped the music right away, he smirked evilly but didn't looked at her, but he also know the fact that he really crossed the barrier and now she'll definitely response but much to his surprise, she didn't said even a word to him and again started looking outside.

What the hell?.. Why she is so unexpected?. It's hell frustrating!! .. his subconscious started shouting in frustration, anger and what not.

He applied the break forcefully and the car stopped with a jolt, she looked at him with confusion.

Nandini : "What's wrong Mr. M?".. she asked innocently and her question brought immense fire to his anger.

Manik : "why are you so quiet?, I was trying to.....".. he stopped abruptly as he realized that he actually tried to approach her with his wicked choice of music but to his surprise she didn't responded.

But the biggest question arises over here is that , the Manik Malhotra who never chase any woman, who never get affected by any random woman, who knows how to have it his ways , then why suddenly today he started caring? , Why her quietness started haunting him, why he became so impatient by her coldness?.

She raised her eye brows,and he closed his eyes, for a brief moment he realized that she really affects him badly, she is becoming a threat to him. He can feel unknown feelings brewing inside him for her, which is so mysterious to him, so unsettling , so uncontrollable and so very dangerous..

Nandini : "Speak up!".. her cold voice made him come out of the pool of his thoughts and he opened his mouth to say something but closed it..

Manik : "Nothing! ".. he stated and she shrugged her shoulders as if she was never interested in listening to him..her nonchalant behavior stunned him.

Manik : "You really do all this purposely. Don't you? "..he asked honestly.

• Things change so fast, in one moment am all you need and want, and in other am a big nothing.. •

Nandini : "Mr. M are you really so free to think all this?, I thought you are the busiest man. ".. she mocked which made him forget all the shit he was thinking before..

How she always manage to disarm me? .. his subconscious is in deep deep thoughts.

Before he could answer her back, his phone started ringing and she looked at him amusingly.

Nandini : "Told you.. busy man!" ..She commented but with mockery and he glared at her , she lifted her arms in her defense and made I-haven't-said-anything look..

And on the reply he made that's-better look..

Manik : "Yes!".. he answered the call while she started playing in her mobile .. "No! Let George handle this..... yes! It could be better...... Not today but may be tomorrow, I'll let you know.. ".. he is busy on his call when he suddenly noticed she is grinning while looking at the screen of her mobile.

She looks much younger like this .. his heart suddenly started looking at her and anyone can see hearts in both his eyes, unknowingly a small smile drew on his face from which he is totally unaware.

Manik : "Oh yes! ..No no am here only..".. he answered when the person from other end called him while he was busy in gazing at the beautiful lady sitting right beside him..

Manik : "Okay! Keep me updated.."..,he hang up and looked at her, she still grinning like a teenager and suddenly he is insecure, possessive as to whom she is talking with such chilling mind and he is back to monster mode ..

Manik : "Something amusing you?".. he asked with his head leaned on the seat and placed his hand on her bare thigh, she looked at him as if he ruined a beautiful peaceful time of her..

Nandini : "I like privacy Mr. M.. ".. she snapped furiously and started looking at her mobile once again.. he looked at her with widen eyes, filled with shock. Did she really snapped?


• No one ever dare, none ever care but there is something in her which is very rare.. •

Manik : "You know what..".. he sounds very honest but he stopped as she looked at him with all the seriousness..

Nandini : "hmm??".. she asked but he didn't uttered even a word..

He is really out of words, what he is suppose to say? , That none ever talked this rude to him? , Or he finds it exciting whenever he defy him? Or he really likes her giving back to him ways? .. Why it's all so so unsettling?.. It's like she has made his world upside down in a blink.. It's been only 24 hours  or so that she entered in his world full of dirt and darkness but she managed to pull all the strings and snatch the floor beneath him.

Manik : "Nothing! Continue!".. he stated and she looked confused.

This is not what he was about to say.. her subconscious peep out from the big glasses on her eyes and looked thoughtful..

He ignited the engine and headed North , but struggling with his inner demons, hanging between his own emotions which are very much new to him and he finds it very much uncontrollable, which causing worry to him.


The rest of the journey passed in the silence, neither he said anything, nor he tried to pass on her. She sensed his restlessness but has no idea about the reason behind his indifferent behavior, Soon she realized that he has been driving towards a very secluded area, she feels weird, she really want to question him but sensing his uneasiness she held her tongue back.

Manik : "Don't think this much, your mind will explode"..he commented suddenly without looking at her, and his statement left her bemused.

Nandini : "Mr. M you're driving me crazy.."..she stated blankly and he looked at her instantly.

Manik : "Do I now?"..he asked with a spark in his eyes, and she can feel heat radiates off her body.. His one glance on her has a very big impact.

Nandini : "Yes you do.."..she answered honestly and he smirked evilly, he again turned his gaze to the road.

Nandini : "We've been driving since long, its almost an hour or so when we'll reach?, I just want to crash on bed."..her voice lower down at the end of the sentence, and he felt the tiredness in her tone.

Manik : "We are almost there Mrs. M and about crashing on bed, I have several ideas. Wanna listen some?"..and here is the return of playful witty Malhotra. She just rolled her eyes and leaned back on the seat, she closed her eyes and kept mum, she really didn't wanted to answer him.

He smiled at her reaction and drove in the silence, He had no heart of waking her up, her soft breath can be easily heard in the pin-drop silence of the car. He feels like something hard is pushing him towards her, but as soon as he realized that he has been checking her out, he took his gaze off her.

Holy crap! what's wrong with you Malhotra?. His subconscious scolded him.

What I was before i met you?, I was complete or empty without you?. 


Manik stopped the car outside a huge building, and Nandini woke up as soon as he applied the breaks. She looked outside the wide while Manik removed the seat belt..

Nandini : "Mr. M if you wanted to accommodate yourself in a hotel then you could have come your own, I was fine in the Malhotra Mansion only. ".. she cribbed after looking at the building and he looked perplexed..

Manik : "Hotel? What are you talking about Mrs. M?".. he asked with confused face and she pointed towards the huge building in her side. He smiled after realizing what she want to convey..

Manik : "Mrs. M that's not any hotel, that's my building. Look in your side.."..He made her look at the side banner and Malhotra's is written over there in a beautiful font with golden and silver plating ..

Nandini : "Seriously? ".. she asked totally dumbfounded and he just nodded with a smirk.


They entered inside the building and Manik took her in the lift, which stopped at the last floor of the building i.e 30th floor.

Manik : "Come I'll show you the place.."..He took her inside his apartment and she is bewitched with the beautiful architecture.

They passed living room and she has a very beautiful smile playing on her lips, while unknowingly his heart swell with joy!

Manik : "Well! That's the kitchen, if you need anything then just call Arjun. He'll get back to you!".. he told her while she looked all over in the kitchen but his words drew her attention to him.

Nandini : "Arjun?".. she asked with narrowed gaze on her.

Manik : "My driver!".. he told her after holding her hand. "I still remember your wish to crash on the bed!"..His hoarse voice indicates his motives.

Nandini : "but I want to see what's upstairs?".. she asked after looking at the beautiful round stairs in the side.

Manik : "Mrs. M it's your place now. You can explore later , right now we both need bed. Come. ".. his commanding tone irritated her, but she really want to sleep after a tiring journey.

So she followed him while he entwined their fingers and took her inside his bedroom..

Manik : "That's my bedroom.".. he told her and she looked all around, it's so serene, simple yet to comfortable.

The whole apartment screams luxury, but still it's very soothing and peaceful for her soul.

She was so busy in admiring the interior that she didn't even realized that her husband is gazing at her with naked eyes.

Manik : "I don't think I can ever have enough of you!".. he said after wrapping his arms around her belly and nuzzled in her neck, she shivered under his alluring touch. Closed her eyes briefly in anticipation and drink in his words.

Manik : "I want to have you right here like this."..He pressed his growing errection behind her, she gasped but before she could understand anything. He turned her around and slammed his lips mercilessly.

His sharp turn froze her on the path, and soon he took her to the ecstasy, drinking her saliva. Kissing her with urgency, need, want, desires, passion and something unnamed.


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