Quiet Lies

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A shadowy figure slipped unnoticed into the tunnels beneath Camelot's citadel. She snuck along the stone walls, using a spell to grant herself the ability to see in the dark. Morgana had called it "Night Eye" when she taught it to her.

Red eyes gleamed in the dark as Fira reached a corner. She closed her eyes for a moment and reached out with her magic. She felt a single presence nearby. Evidently a guard stood around the corner. Fira drew her dagger blessed with the waters of Avalon. She opened her eyes.


Her red eyes flashed gold for a moment as the dagger flew from her hand when she stepped around the corner. The guard, not far away at all, barely registered her presence before the dagger imbedded itself in his neck. He dropped dead to the ground.

Fira drew the dagger from his neck as she stepped over his body. She wiped the blood onto her clothing to clean the blade. Then she slinked onward.

The one spell she needed to continue refreshing was a warding spell. It kept her hidden from Galahad and Merlin, the only two people capable of sensing magic that she knew of. She had a job to do, and could not allow herself to be sensed.

Fira crept forward stealthily. She reached a stairwell up and heard voices at the top. Using her magic to distract them, she ran upwards and ducked to the right down hallways she was familiar with. It was a few hours past midnight and even the servants slept. Only guards wandered the hallways.

Her mission tonight remained two-fold. First she needed to create a distraction. She needed to get the guards, the knights, the king all unsettled. Then she could, quite literally, work her magic.

For the second part of her job would be to enchant the Queen. Morgana in her wisdom insisted Fira not kill her. Instead, she was to order the Once and Future Queen to sleep with Lancelot. This would cause much more damage than a dead queen ever could.

Fira found herself eventually in the servants' quarters. It was silent, nothing stirring but Fira's light steps on the stone floor. She knew where she was going. Before long she reached the door in question.

Fira flicked her hand and used magic to unlock the door. She listened carefully and heard someone stir inside. Fira opened the door with a flash and closed it behind her. She came face to face with Jetta.

"Fira?!" The servant stared at the broken young woman before her in shock. "What the hell?"

"People like you are the reason my kind suffer," Fira growled and hissed. She took a step forward towards Jetta. "You're the reason people like myself live in fear. Why we are executed for nothing!"

Jetta's eyes widened in terror as Fira drew her dagger. She went to scream but the sorceress was too fast. Fira, holding the knife with a reverse grip, slashed Jetta's throat violently, slicing the jugular. Instead of a shriek, a gurgling noise escaped Jetta's torn throat from where she lay on the ground.

Fira looked down in satisfaction at Jetta's corpse. A pool of blood seeped into the cracks of the stone, towards the door. The sorceress reached down and lay a note on the girl's forehead, untouched by blood.

With a scream to rival a banshee, she alerted the castle to the violent act she'd just committed. She used her magic to vanish, another spell taught to her by Morgana and her druid priests. Fira found it incredibly useful. By now, the blood had soaked the bottom of the door and out into the hallway. Scuffling of feet sounded outside the door and shouts of shock filled the air.

The door swung open as a guard ran inside. Fira watched as he bent down near Jetta's head and shouted down the hall as servants crowded the door. He called for his partner to hurry up.

Galahad and Leon arrived on the scene a few minutes later, faces etched with exhaustion. Fira cursed silently, adding to her warding spell so to be certain it would hold against Galahad. She watched with hatred as Galahad cleared the hallway and Leon surveyed the scene.

Leon looked down, trying to avoid the blood at his feet. He noticed immediately that a note lay on the girl's face. Perhaps it would reveal a motive for this murder. He picked it up gingerly and opened the letter. What he saw dismayed him.

Runes of the Old Religion lay in black ink on the paper. Magic. He quickly stuffed the note in his satchel and stood back from the corpse. He turned to find Merlin standing behind them.

He struggled to catch his breath. "I heard a scream! What-" He stopped upon seeing the bleeding body of Jetta. "Gods..."

Leon looked around and made sure Galahad had cleared the hallway before nodding to Merlin. The knight drew out the note and showed it to Merlin. "I can't read this."

Fira watched in bitter rage as Merlin took the note and examined it. Alarm filled his face.

"It says 'Revenge'." He shook his head. "Signed 'M'."

"Morgana?" Galahad whispered, coming to stand behind Merlin.

Leon nodded. "Most likely. We need to get this to the King!"

Fira froze as Merlin looked straight at where she stood invisibly. She glared at him, wishing Morgana had given the okay for her to attack Emrys head on. The man was a traitor to all magic users. He continued the cycle of persecution for his own kind.

"What's wrong?" Galahad murmured to him as he and Leon watched Merlin with concern.

Merlin sighed and continued to glance around the room. "I don't know. Something's wrong."

"There's a dead girl on the floor." Leon pointed to the corpse.

Merlin rolled his eyes. He turned to the body and suddenly startled. "That's Jetta..."

"Who's she?" Leon asked quickly.

Merlin hesitated. "I'd rather explain when the King's here. This might've just gotten really complicated."

Fira saw her chance to leave the room as Merlin reopened the door and waited for a moment. She dashed out silently and followed the group to the King's chambers. As they walked, the warning bell sounded.

"More?" Galahad sighed. He turned to Sir Leon. "I'll to check with the guards?"

Leon nodded as he and Merlin rushed to the King's chambers. Fira decided to follow them. They ended up meeting Arthur, Percival, Gwaine, and Lancelot together in the hallway to the King's Chambers.

"Report!" Arthur demanded, adjusting his sword.

"Galahad's looking into the warning bell," Leon told him quickly. "The three of us were investigating a murder on a servant when it happened."

Merlin glanced around. "Morgana and Magic are definitely involved." He held out the note Leon had given him and translated it. "The dead servant is Jetta."

Arthur shook his head and gestured with his hands that the name meant nothing. "And she was...?"

Merlin sighed and still nervously shifted where he stood. "It would be best we talk about this elsewhere I think, sire."

Arthur watched him carefully but nodded. Still he was worried about the safety of his Queen. "Someone needs to stay with Guinevere."

"I can do that, my lord," Lancelot nodded. "I'm out of practice with a sword but I'll be fine in a pinch."

"Good." Arthur seemed satisfied as he gestured for his knights to follow him.

Fira allowed herself to drop the invisibility as soon as they were out of sight. Tired but eager to continue, she adjusted the pendant Morgana had given her to help with all the magic she was expending. She followed Lancelot inside as he nodded to her.

Guinevere stood at the window, fiddling with a necklace she wore worriedly. Her eyes darted back and forth at the ground, down in the courtyard. Guards ran to and fro. Upon the door opening, she turned and looked in surprise at Lancelot. She didn't yet see Fira, as she stood hidden behind him.

"Lancelot," she smiled affectionately. "There really is no need to protect me."

Fira smirked and walked out to where she was visible. She didn't miss the horrified expression on Guinevere's face as she spoke from beneath her hood. Fira adjusted her voice slightly to mask her identity. "Oh but there is. You are the key to the Pendragon King."

Guinevere went to scream but Fira thrust out her hand and the Queen felt her throat clench. Lancelot guarded the door but Fira gestured for him to come forward. She pointed for him to stand in front of the Queen.

"Synnlust Lancelot ond ofergietan." She chanted slowly before completing Lady Morgana's spell and flashing her eyes gold.

Fira dropped the queen, releasing her. But when she stood up, Fira had gone invisible once more. The Queen looked on Lancelot with only lust in her eyes. He watched her hungrily.

The warlock left them to be. Lancelot had a job to do.


Gwaine stood with his arms crossed. "Who is Jetta?"

The Knights of the Round Table all stood in the Throne Room. Gareth, Gaheris, Tor, and Morholt guarded the doors, but listened intently. Leon and Percival and Elyan stood close to the King, but Gwaine paced opposite Galahad. Mordred leaned against the wall. Merlin, frowning, stood next to the King Arthur.

"Jetta was an infamous servant," Merlin began. "Ask Mark and Michael. They'll back this up. She enjoyed blackmailing and picking on other servants, especially one."

"Who?" Arthur seemed highly interested at this point. "They might be a lead."

"Fira." Merlin sighed and paced slightly. "She threatened Fira multiple times, always reminding her of the fact that she was a druid and that druids were unwelcome in Camelot... Among other things."

"That's not true," Elyan objected.

"It's truer than you think." The warlock glanced from Elyan to Arthur. "You may have officially welcomed the druids back, but the people, most have not."

Arthur nodded sadly. "What other things?"

"Jetta liked to spread rumors that..." Merlin paused and glanced at the knights.

Leon tapped his fingers on his arm impatiently. "What?"

"That the only reason you all kept her around was to sleep with her," Merlin murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't think Fira knew that I know this. She never brought up the bullying with me. Jetta also liked to say she had the king enchanted."

The knights were stunned into silence. No one had any answers for either accusations. They felt completely lost.

"So what does this have to do with a lead on this servant of Morgana's?" Arthur finally reeled them back in and focused on the issue. "How does this help us?"

"When we were in the room with Jetta's body, I felt something." Merlin frowned. "It's hard to explain. It felt like a presence, but it was strong enough for a person."

"Unless they shielded themselves," Galahad added quickly, catching on. "You think someone is hiding in the castle?"

The room leapt to attention, immediately on edge. Arthur tried to hold them at attention. He gestured for them to settle down.

"Invisibility is a very complex spell. The power needed to hold that and a ward against detection is immense," Merlin began to mutter as he paced. "I could do it, I'm sure. Probably Morgana. And one other person."

Gareth piped up from his spot at the doors. "Fira."

Merlin nodded. "Fira could, yes."

The room exploded in shouts and objections after a brief moment of stunned silence. Gwaine looked pale as a ghost, silent while others vied for a word in edgewise.

"No one is safe if this is Fira," Merlin spoke quietly, the color drained from his face as well. "If she is working for Morgana, I can stop her, but no one else can."

"The queen," Arthur barked. "Merlin, we need to protect the queen. The rest of you, make yourselves useful. Find Gaius and tell him what's happened, and ask how it's happening. He might know."

Together the two of them rushed off to the royal chambers, Arthur with his blade out. As they reached the doors, Arthur burst in.

And found Guinevere in bed with Lancelot.

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