Recovery Hurts

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Elyan and Percival stood chatting outside a door in the knights' wing of the castle. Elyan sighed and knocked on the door again.

"You coming, Gwaine?"

As if in response, the door swung open and Gwaine appeared in comfortable clothing. He shut the door behind him.

"What, you get bored waiting?" He laughed. "Come on."

Elyan and Percival flashed him dramatic eyerolls before they followed the man through the citadel. Tonight they were joining a few friends in the Rising Sun to relax. A week had passed since their return to Camelot, and it was time to begin preparing for the next battle. And of course the best way to prepare involved drinking their sorrows away.

"Where's Leon?" Gwaine asked suddenly as they walked together through the lower town as evening fell.

"He's busy with Arthur," said Percival. "He's going to join us later."

"Good. He'll need a drink after all that work," Gwaine chuckled.

As they reached the Rising Sun, the light had gone from the sky. Inside the tavern, a roaring fire illuminated the room comfortably. They proceeded to the bar and bought drinks before joining the other knights at the large table.

Tristan and Bedivere sat together across from Tor and Morholt. Upon the arrival of the three men, tankards were raised in greeting.

"Now the party can really start," Tristan laughed as he scooted down the bench for Gwaine. "What took you boys so long?"

"This guy." Percival pointed at Gwaine.

Gwaine rolled his eyes. "Anyone seen Merlin tonight? I invited him down here. God knows he could use a break."

"He still busy helping Gaius treat Fira?" Bedivere asked.

Elyan nodded. "More like busy keeping us out. He won't let us even see her."

Tristan laughed and shook his head incredulously. "I don't know how he gets away with half of what he does. Not that I mind of course. I can't stand the servants who let themselves get pushed around."

Suddenly Tor looked up and saw the man they all spoke of. He raised his tankard. "Speak of the devil!"

"Hey guys," Merlin grinned. "Long day?"

"You have no idea," Gwaine replied with a nod. "Arthur called a council meeting today. Talk about boring."

The others grunted their apologies to him for his misfortune. Gwaine handed Merlin the extra tankard of mead he'd bought, insisting the warlock relax. The man took a drink immediately.

"How's your patient?" Elyan asked him quickly.

Merlin sighed and shrugged, putting the drink down. "You know, she's doing pretty well for almost dying. She should be fit to go to Camlann if she wants to."

"Her talents would certainly be welcome," Bedivere nodded.

Percival agreed but still look hesitant. "She shouldn't rush back into fighting. She was pretty shaken."

"If it was up to me, she'd never see combat again," Merlin muttered. He took another drink. "But it's not up to me. It's up to her this time."

"All I know is this." Gwaine took a swing before slamming his tankard down in emphasis. "Now that she's back, I'm going straight for Lancelot. And I'm gonna kill him."

Nods of agreement showed how much they all understood. Gwaine, though visibly in a better place than a week ago, still blamed the resurrected knight for his brothers' deaths.

"I for one can't wait to find Mordred and kick his ass," Tristan muttered. "That traitor..."

Tor nodded. "Agreed! He deserves nothing less than death for his treachery."

Several hours later, Elyan and Merlin both made to leave. Together they walked back to the Citadel. It was dark out, but a few sconces lined the road and provided some light to walk to.

"Merlin, is Fira fit for visitors yet?"

He sighed. "Probably?" He turned to Elyan. "If you want to come by tomorrow, mid morning, you can see her."

Elyan nodded quickly. "I'll be there."


She sat in her chambers alone, sipping a mug of hot blackberry tea. Her eyes traveled along the surface of the wooden table, tracing and outlining every twist and turn of the knots and dips. Though her pain had lessened since they'd rescued her a week before, she still felt stiff and wobbly on occasion.

None of the knights had come to see her since their return to Camelot several days prior. She didn't mind the solace that came from quiet isolation. She didn't know Merlin was to blame for this solitude. He had ordered them to keep away from her, for her own sanity, as Gaius' interim assistant. He knew she felt guilty for everything that had happened and didn't want the knights inadvertently adding to that.

On top of the guilt she felt for the several murders in her wake, Fira wrestled with questions. Morgana had shown her things that were real. Real suffering, real pain, of their kind. Wasn't it her duty as a person of magic to protect others like her? Morgana had an evil heart, but her mind remained on the right idea. And Fira was beginning to doubt Arthur would ever lift the magic ban.

A tiny knock on the door interrupted her ruminations. She stood from the table slowly, wobbling slightly from her weakened state. As she approached the door, she posed a question in a small voice.

"Who is it?"

After a moment, an equally quiet voice responded. "Elyan."

Fira sighed but opened the door. Merlin stood beside him, looking not particularly happy. But evidently he had allowed Elyan this chance to speak to her.

"Come on in," Fira smiled sadly. "What do you need?"

Elyan chuckled as he and Merlin entered. Merlin did not like letting Fira out of his sight these days.

"I don't need anything." Elyan sat down at the table. He noticed her drink and looked at it. "Oh, what kind of tea?"

Fira sat back down in her spot and Merlin sat at the other side. "It's blackberry."

"Smells good."

Merlin smirked. "Would you like some? Is that what you're trying to say without saying it?"

"Yes please," said the knight sheepishly.

The older warlock shook his head and laughed. "At least Arthur tells me what he wants."

"Orders, more like," Elyan reminded him.

Merlin made a face. "True." He went to the stove and found there was enough water for two more cups of the tea.

"So," Fira began quietly, running her finger along a crack in the wood table with all her concentration. "How's everyone doing?"

Elyan took a deep breath. "Well. Arthur's busy trying to organize our remaining forces for the next battle, and Leon's helping him. Gwaine's been drinking quite a bit." He sighed. "Not that that's a surprise. Percival and Galahad have been trying to make themselves useful around the city. It's the same for Tor and Morholt too."

Fira nodded, still not meeting Elyan's gaze. "Good. Glad to see everyone keeping busy."

"Yes," the knight agreed. "The city is on edge. It's ready to explode. We need to kill Morgana soon, or things might get worse."

Both Merlin and Elyan noticed how uncomfortable Fira became, shifting in her seat slightly and tapping the side of her cup absentmindedly.

"What's up?" Merlin looked her in the eyes.

She sighed and continued to play with her drink. "What if... what if Morgana has some truth on her side."

Both men startled. "What?!"

"Morgana showed me things. Horrible acts of violence against magic users, men, women, and children of all ages." She frowned. "And they weren't lies. The treatment of those of us with magic is unfair, and the King showing favor on myself and Merlin hardly helps his case."

"What are you saying?" Elyan looked at her in surprise.

She shrugged. "Honestly? I don't know. Morgana wants to help us. People with magic, I mean. Is she evil? Yes. Does she deserve death for her crimes? Yes. But can we learn from her too? Yes." Fira sighed again and shook her head. "Arthur would do well to realize this war is happening because he and his father before him ostracized and persecuted an innocent group of people. It can only improve when the persecution ends."

Merlin watched Fira closely before he too let out a sigh. "You're not wrong. But Morgana is too far gone to reconcile with us. We need to destroy her before she destroys us."

"Perhaps." Fira nodded. "And I will do as my king commands. But when this is over... I don't know what I'm going to do."

"What do you mean?" Elyan shook his head.

She chuckled ruefully. "I mean I might leave, go somewhere I won't feel the need to lie every day to save my life. Once Morgana is done, so is my purpose."

"Your purpose," Elyan said, placing a hand on her own, "is to be our friend and we to be yours. Have faith in Arthur. Have faith in us, Fira."

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