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A/N: Welcome to the story Flames of War. This is the direct sequel to my story Blood Bonds. These stories are heavily inspired by Arthurian legend including the Original Characters. I've added the majority of Round Table knights from the tales. A few things to know without reading the other one:

Last story included a magic reveal for Merlin. All the core knights + OCs Sir Gareth, Sir Gaheris, Sir Galahad, Sir Tor, and Sir Morholt, all know about it. Arthur and Gwen also know.

The main OC is Fira. See the opening A/N in Blood Bonds for details on her role. She is not a romance for any core character.

This series is an AU where in Lancelot never came back. It pissed me off that his return had so few long lasting consequences. So I'm doing it right this time.

Gwaine has two half brother (Gaheris and Gareth) and is Arthur's cousin through their moms. The entire previous story revolves around this plot point.

This takes place 6 months after Blood Bonds

So without further ado, Flames of War, a Merlin fanfic inspired by Le Morte D'Arthur.

Flames of War

By Silmarilz1701

"The joy of love is too short, and the sorrow thereof, and what cometh thereof, dureth over long."

- Le Morte D'Arthur

The Rising Sun bustled with activity. At that late hour, only six patrons sat drinking, all of them Knights of Camelot. A roaring fire lit the large room, sending off waves of heat along with light. A man, dark haired and animated, told his story to the others. At the close, one of his companions laughed raucously before shaking his head.

"Gwaine, there is no way that is what happened!" Tristan continued to chuckle as he sipped his tankard of mead.

Gwaine objected, standing tall at the head of his seated friends. He raised his drink. "It absolutely is! Ask Fira some time, she'll confirm it."

"Go home Gwaine, you're drunk," came Gaheris' sarcastic response. He sat beside Tristan and the two clinked mugs.

Mordred and Galahad shook their heads at Gwaine's antics. Beside them, Percival merely smirked as he put his drink to his lips. Glancing outside the window up at the moon, he turned to the others.

"I'm heading to bed." He looked at Gwaine. "I suggest you do the same. We have patrol in the morning."

Gwaine groaned and set down his tankard after taking a last swig of mead. "I was trying to forget."

Percival chuckled but he followed Gwaine out of the tavern. The others trickled out soon after, leaving the tavern closed for the night. The knights passed the night guards and nodded to them in greeting.

Each member of the group was eager for bed, as they had been busy all day with council meetings. Hence why the ended up in the tavern. Gwaine more often than not fondly reminded them all that he was driven to drink because of the idiots on the Council.

All the knights slept soundly that night.

The next morning, Fira found herself woken by Merlin. The king's manservant stood at the foot of her bed with a comical expression plastered across his face.

"What do you want?" Fira groaned.

Merlin laughed. "The King awaits us for a patrol. Remember?"

Fira shot up in bed. She rubbed her eyes and kicked off the sheets. Light had just begun streaming in through the windows of their chambers, which meant she wasn't too late.

"I completely forgot," she muttered, standing up from her cot and pushing Merlin out the door. "I'll change and we can go saddle the horses."

Merlin nodded. "I left some food out for you. I'm going to start on the horses while you change and eat." He ducked out before popping his head round again. "Don't forget to eat!"

Fira slipped into her riding clothes and fastened her black cape around her neck. She tossed her nightgown onto her bed before dashing to the table. There she found a piece of fresh bread and a handful of strawberries. Gobbling up the fruit, she didn't even sit to eat. Instead she stuck the bread wedge half into her mouth, slipped on her boots, and dashed out the door.

The hallways were bustling with activity. She tried as hard as she could to avoid bumping her fellow servants, but failed more often than not. As she ran across the courtyard, she dodged her cat, Nada. The feline let out an irritated meow and Fira yelled back an apology.

There was a breeze that morning which cooled the air. Summer in Camelot was never excruciatingly hot, but it could get quite warm. Today felt much more bearable compared to recent weather.

She panted, skidding to a halt outside the stables. The king's horse Hengroen stood ready, tied to the stables outside. Luagor, Lamri, Hengist, and Hadwin stood next to him. Fira finished her bread wedge and slipped inside. She found Merlin with Gringolet.

"No sign of the knights yet," Fira told him with a smile. "I thought I would be late!"

Merlin shook his head with a smile. "You're lucky."

"Destiny, my friend," she replied cheekily with a wink. "Not luck."

Merlin laughed and led Gwaine's horse outside to join the others. Fira started work on Aland.

"Good morning sir," she said to her horse with a smile. "How are you this fine morning?" The horse neighed, and Fira laughed. She pet his nose. "Just because you're last doesn't make you least important. It's the place of honor."

Once Aland was ready, Fira led him outside the stables. There she found Merlin, Gwaine, and Galahad laughing about something or other. Gwaine and Galahad nodded to her in greeting. She made her way to them.

"Surprised you're here early." Fira poked Gwaine in the arm.

He smirked. "Yeah well, I can be responsible once and a while."

"Gwaine and responsible in the same sentence?" Percival laughed as he came into view. "That'll be the day."

Fira nodded along. "So where are we headed today?"

Percival, Gwaine, and Galahad all turned serious in an instant. Their reactions we're enough to worry Fira, but the response made it much worse.

"We finally have a lead on Morgana," Gwaine replied, a deep seeded anger audible in his voice. "Gaheris' patrol got back from our northern border yesterday with reports of massive troop movements."

"Same as always. We already knew about the increased activity." Merlin put his hands on his hips. "What's new?"

"We finally have a name," Percival said simply. "Dunnottar."

"That's in the northern wastes," Merlin gaped. "You really think Morgana's there?"

Galahad shrugged. "Where else could she amass such a large number of spellswords and Saxons?"

Arthur, Elyan, and Leon interrupted the group upon their arrival. They mounted without much to do, Arthur leading them out quickly. Once they crossed out of the city, Merlin spoke up.

"You can't be leading us to Castle Dunnottar," Merlin asked, riding up next to Arthur. "That's weeks away."

"I'm not an idiot, Merlin." King Arthur rolled his eyes. "We're not going to Dunnottar."

Leon spoke up when Arthur didn't elaborate. "Gaheris' patrol finally managed to single out the route Morgana's Saxons take to get there. We're going to investigate."

"Investigate?" Merlin leaned forward in his saddle to look Arthur in the face. "Sounds like a suicide mission."

"Don't be such a girl's petticoat," Arthur glared. He lowered his voice and poked Merlin in the arm. "After all, you can kill without even lifting a finger."

"I prefer not to."

Arthur laughed. "Of course. I forgot."

Fira rolled her eyes from where she rode as rear guard with Elyan. Arthur really was a prat sometimes. She saw Elyan smirking at her and she objected.


He shrugged with a laugh on his lips. "You just get all defensive over Merlin and it's funny."

Fira went to object. "I don't get-"

"Yes you do," Percival replied from in front of them. "Don't try to deny it."

Fira grumbled inaudibly. Her eyes flashed gold and a tree branch fell in front of Percival's horse. His steed sidestepped, jostling Percival slightly. The knight turned in his saddle and glared. He was met with a smile.

The day wore on and soon evening fell. The forested area they rode through had already darkened beyond what they could deal with so Arthur called a halt. He sent Leon and Gwaine out hunting for dinner. Merlin and Galahad started gathering wood for the fire while Fira dealt with the horses.

"I know today was a long one," she soothed Gringolet as the horse dragged his feet in weariness. "I'm taking you to drink. Come on."

The horses followed after her obediently as she took them not far from camp to where a stream rushed through the forest. Percival was there already, filling the waterskins. He looked up when she came towards him.

"I still won't get used to that." He pointed to where the horses stopped as she stopped.

Fira giggled. "What can I say? It pays to be able to communicate with animals."

As she spoke, a red fox broke into the clearing, barking and chittering as only foxes can. Percival stood up and drew his sword. The horses, startled by the fox's sudden appearance, scrambled back.

"Woah!" Fira threw out her hands. "Calm down. It's alright."

Once the horses were under control, Fira turned back to the fox. It stood obediently, staring at Percival in confusion. Fira knelt down in front of it.

"Cwidde," she commanded in the language of the Old Religion.

The fox bowed his head. Now given the ability of human speech, he delivered his message.

"My brethren have kept watch in the wilds as you command, Lady Nyx." He allowed his gaze to land warily upon Percival before looking back at Fira. "I bring tidings."

"What news?"

"My brother Stiv recently died delivering word to me," lamented the fox. "He brought me tidings that the witch has a powerful ally."

Percival spoke up. "Who?"

"Aithusa, a white dragon." The fox trembled. "She watches the skies. Beware of open ground. The witch has spies everywhere."

Spies everywhere. Fira feared as much. But she had not anticipated a dragon. She'd need to speak to Merlin of this. Perhaps he knew Aithusa? He was a Dragonlord after all.

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