Return to Camelot

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They traveled as quickly as they dared with the still-dizzy Gwaine. He continued to get small headaches from the sunlight, but there was nothing for Fira to do. Arthur, eager to return to Camelot, forced them on.

By the second evening, the patrol caught sight of the turrets of the citadel. Arthur urged them on even faster. None objected; they all wanted to get home for a good meal and some well-earned rest. As the horses trotted through the city, the people stepped aside for the king and his knights.

Merlin and Fira helped put the horses in the stables alongside the two twin servants, Mark and Michael. Mark most often worked as Gwaine’s servants, while his brother helped Sir Tristan. They were good young men.

“Find anything important on patrol?” Michael asked as he wiped down Galahad’s horse Hadwin.

Mark added, “You did come back pretty quick.”

“That's top secret,” Merlin laughed. “I'd have to kill you.”

But Fira was more forthcoming. “Sir Gwaine got injured.”

Mark looked at her in concern. “That isn't good. Is he alright?” He felt honored to serve Gwaine. The man didn't force him to do too much.

Fira, taking care of her own horse assured him he was fine. “He’ll just be having headaches for a few more days.”

“Sir Tristan was in a bad mood today,” Michael said as he switched to undoing Luagor’s tack. “Something about 'too many new recruits’.”

“You know how most of the knights dislike evaluating the prospects.” Merlin chuckled. “Since King Arthur started calling for mass training, it's been hard on the knights.”

“A new round of recruits for knighthood is said to arrive in the next day or two,” Mark added.

Michael grumbled. “I bet I could best more than half of them.”

Fira remained quiet, listening to the young men around her lament their lack of options in life. The twins didn't mind being servants, but they also would've loved to be able to defend their country in battle. As she finished with Aland and saw the rest had been wiped down already, she suggested they grab a meal together.

“I'm quite hungry,” she bemoaned. “Any of you care to grab food?”

Mark, Michael, and Merlin all instantly volunteered. Merlin asked them to wait a few minutes while he brought the King his dinner. Together Fira and the twins followed more slowly while Merlin rushed ahead to deliver supper to the monarchs.

“So you think you could beat the new recruits?” Fira looked at the twins curiously. “How?”

“Before we got here three years ago, we worked my mother's farm with our older brother.” Michael dove into an account of their days outside the citadel. “Mark and I, and James our brother, would defend the farm from bandits, wolves, things like that.”

Fira looked surprised. “How'd you end up here?”

“One day, James was killed doing that.” Mark bitterly shook his head. “My mother sold the farm and moved us here. We got jobs as servants to keep her afloat.”

“I'm sorry about the loss of your brother. But I'm glad you ended up here,” Fira said with a frown. “After all, Jetta has made sure I don't have friends.”

Michael agreed. “She’s no good. The other servants go along with her because they're afraid she’ll spin something against them.”

At last they reached the kitchens. The cook handed all three their plates for dinner. It consisted of a bit of chicken, two rolls, and some cooked leeks. They decided to meet Merlin back in Gaius’ Chambers. They were pleased that Merlin managed to catch up to them just as they entered the rooms.

“I hate leeks,” Fira muttered as she took a quick bite. “They're disgusting.”

“Better than sprouts,” Mark shook his head. “Those are worse.”

Merlin gobbled his food down without complaint. He was starving. He didn't miss Fira watching him in amusement.

“Guess what.” Merlin spoke up once their eating came to an end. “The new recruits arrived tonight. And so did the Horse traders.”

“Oh really?” Fira looked at him in surprise.

Michael leaned forward. “What did they say? Did they agree to the King’s request?”

Merlin smiled and nodded. “Yes. The Horsemaster is contributing thirty horses for compensation to the war effort.”

Mark clapped his hands together. “That's fantastic!” He then asked about the recruits. “We does training start? Shall I get Sir Gwaine up on time tomorrow?”

“No need.” Merlin laughed at his question. “Training starts tomorrow after lunch. So unless Gwaine sleeps that late it shouldn't be an issue.”

Fira shrugged. “I wouldn't put it past him, Merlin. Especially with the head injury.”

“It wasn't that bad was it?” Merlin looked alarmed.

“No,” she chuckled. “No, he’s fine. He is just going to enjoy training even less tomorrow.”

They all laughed. The servant spoke together a little while longer, mostly exchanging funny stories of things they had to do for their jobs. But soon enough, the time for bed came around. Mark and Michael bid them goodnight.

“Any idea where Gaius is?” Fira quizzed Merlin.

He shook his head. “No idea.”

She shrugged. “I'm going to bed.”

With a simple goodnight, Merlin left her to change and sleep in her little side room addition they’d put in. It was a converted storeroom, and rather small, but it worked. It had a bed and some storage and that's all that really mattered.

Her dreams became nightmares that night. The cursed dream Morgana had put in her mind ran rampant. But by this point, Fira learned to numb herself against that horrible dream. Besides that one, she felt haunted by the words of the White Stag she’d encountered on the way to Somerset.

Red eyes. Camelot in flames. A hooded and cloaked figure. An execution. Traitors. Betrayal. War.

It hurt her mind, trying to comprehend all the images the stag had communicated. Fira had yet to be able to sort through them all, to make any sort of sense of them.

“Beware of what you will become.”

That statement the stag had imposed on her terrified her. What was she to become? Perhaps a good thing, and she needed to guard against being greedy for more? More likely something bad.

But really it boiled down to the fact that she simply didn't know. Because of this, she refused to tell anyone, even Merlin.

When the sun rose the next morning, Fira rolled out of bed and slipped into a plain yellow dress. Her heart hurt from the pain of the dreams, but she hid it was a smile as she joined Gaius and Merlin in the common area.

“Good morning.” Gaius smiled at her. He held out a plate of food. “Are you going to watch the training today?”

“I plan to yes.” She nodded. “Unless you need me here?”

Gaius shook his head. “Actually, I only need your help this morning. We are going to do a check of the new arrivals, make sure they're healthy enough to participate.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” she agreed.

Merlin nodded. “I got the King his breakfast early today, so I should be able to join you mid morning. First I have to polish his armor.”

“King needs it spick and span,” Fira laughed.

Merlin made a face. “Yeah. I know.”

They finished breakfast and split their different directions. Merlin headed to the armory, while Fira and Gaius started towards the lower town. However half way there, Fira realized she needed to do something. She told Gaius to go on ahead and turned towards the knights’ rooms. She felt a twinge of guilt as she knocked on Gwaine’s door. He hated getting up early. But this was important.

After a minute of waiting, an exhausted, disheveled Gwaine answered the door. His shirt was half on, likely slipped on in a last minute decision to look decent. His hair was an absolute mess, a rarity for the knight.

“What do you want at this ungodly hour?”

Fira rolled her eyes. “Calm down, Gwaine. I have a favor to ask.”

He leaned against the door frame and gestured for her to continue.

“Ask the King to allow Mark and Michael to join the recruits.”

Gwaine raised an eyebrow in question. “Can they wield a sword?”


“Okay.” Gwaine nodded. “They're good men. I'll see what I can do.”

Fira smiled. “Great!”

Gwaine nodded and went back inside to change into decent clothes. Now that he was up, he decided he might as well go speak with Arthur. He slipped into a nice blue shirt and brown pants over which he pulled his boots. At last he set off to find the king.

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