Chapter 5

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At Last, the update!! (I'm writing what I want to say in bold (: )

  Flamekit nudged Frostkit, Maplekit and Lightningkit, fur fluffed out with excitement. "Wake up!" he cried. Frostkit mumbled something, Maplekit turned and Lightningkit stirred. "Why do we have to wake up so early?!" Maplekit grumbled.

  "Did you forget? It's our apprentice ceremony!" Flamekit mewed. He bounced onto Ripplenose,  who was already awake. His littermates immediately shot up, now fully awake. Ripplenose purred and bent down to lick their ruffled fur, getting protesting mews from the kits.

  "It's your apprentice ceremony, you don't want to appear to be untidy!" Ripplenose began fretting over the kits.

  Flamekit proudly trotted out of the nursery, his siblings strutting behind him. Every cat smiled as they knew what will happen.

  "Let all cats old enough to hunt gather under the Thunder Rock!" Oakstar yowled. Flamekit looked up expectantly and pelted towards the base of the Thunder Rock. Maplekit, Frostkit and Lightningkit happily trotted towards him too. Fennelkit, Longkit and Burnkit followed the siblings, eyes widened with excitement. Oakstar continued. "Longkit, please step forward." Longkit, unable to hold it, grinned. He eagerly stepped forward and looked up at Oakstar, who continued. "Longkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Longpaw. Your mentor will be Skyleaf." Oakstar then said, looking at Skyleaf. "Skyleaf, you are ready to take on an apprentice. Treeshade had taught you well and you have shown yourself to be skilful and loyal. You will be the mentor of this apprentice, and I expect you to pass down all you know to him." Skyleaf smiled, eyes marked with happiness and determination. Flamekit saw his ears flick towards the elders' den, where Treeshade was sitting with the other elders. He must be wondering if his former mentor is proud of him. Either way, Skyleaf's own eyes were flooded with fierce determination and pride. He touched noses with Lightpaw, almost as eager as the newly-made apprentice. Then, both of them stepped back for the other kits yet to be apprenticed.

  "Fennelkit, please step forward." Fennelkit proudly padded towards Oakstar. Oakstar smiled and said, "Fennelkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Fennelpaw. Your mentor will be Silentsong." Silentsong stepped onto the Thunder Rock, purring. "Silentsong, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Sparrowheart, and I expect you to pass down all you know to Fennelpaw." Fennelpaw and Silentsong touched noses happily.

  Then, Oakstar meowed, "Burnkit, please step forward." Burnkit strutted onto the Thunder Rock. Flamekit wriggled in his place, hoping for his time to do that, but he tried to look respectful for his friend. "Burnkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Burnpaw. Your mentor will be Bramblefur." Oakstar then turned to the black tom. "Bramblefur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received good training from Icefire, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Burnpaw." The two touched noses and they sat beside Fennelpaw and Longpaw, the littermates exchanging excited looks.

  Oakstar then continued. "Lightningkit, please step forward." Lightningkit bounded towards the leader, his sky-blue eyes burning with pride. "Lightningkit, you have reached the age of six moons and is ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Lightningpaw. Your mentor will be Mistfur." Oakstar turned to the warrior. "Mistfur, you have received excellent training from Suncloud, who must be very proud of you from Starclan, and you have shown yourself to be dedicated and a great hunter and fighter. You will be the mentor of Lightningpaw, and I expect you to pass down all you know to him." Lightningpaw and Mistfur touched noses together with delight and they padded towards the other newly made apprentices.

  Flamekit looked up. Is it my turn? Oakstar held his head high and said, "Flamekit, please step forward." Flamekit almost jumped up and bounced to him. I wonder who will be my mentor! he thought. "Flamekit, you have reached the age of six moons and is ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you shall be known as Flamepaw. Your mentor will be Firesoul." The orange tabby bounded forward enthusiastically and pushed his nose onto Flamepaw's nose. Flamepaw thought happily that Firesoul is one of the best warriors in Thunderclan, and is a great choice for deputy. He founded Mountainclan! I'm going to be the best warrior that has ever existed! Flamepaw thought joyfully. "Firesoul, you have received excellent training from Bouncewhisper, and have proved to be skilful and smart. You shall be the mentor of this apprentice, and I trust you to pass down all you know to him."

Oof just saying but what?! There's still two more apprentice ceremony to type?! What?! I'm sorry I'm just going to copy and paste (of course with changing a few words). :P

  Oakstar then continued. "Maplekit, please step forward." Maplekit bounded towards the leader,  she ducked her head shyly. "Maplekit, you have reached the age of six moons and is ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Maplepaw. Your mentor will be Lionkick." Oakstar turned to the warrior. "Lionkick, you have received excellent training from Flowerbreeze, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and strong. You will be the mentor of Maplepaw, and I expect you to pass down all you know to him." Maplepaw and Lionkick touched noses together, Lionkick looking excited and determined, but a bit concerned, like he doubted himself to be a great mentor to Maplepaw. They then padded towards the other newly made apprentices.

  Oakstar then said, "Frostkit, please step forward." Frostkit bounded towards the leader, his lake-blue eyes burning with determination. "Frostkit, you have reached the age of six moons and is ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Frostpaw. Your mentor will be Rosepetal." Oakstar turned to the warrior. "Rosepetal, you have received excellent training from Fallenleap, who must be very proud of you from Starclan, and you have shown yourself to be smart and adaptive. You will be the mentor of Frostpaw, and I expect you to pass down all you know to him." Frostpaw and Rosepetal touched noses together with delight and they padded towards Flamepaw, Lightningpaw, Maplepaw, Fennelpaw, Longpaw, and Burnpaw.

  That day, as Flamepaw curled up in his nest in the apprentices' den, his mind crowding with excitement for tomorrow's training, he smiled. He knew that he and his friends will become the best warriors!

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