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As time passed swiftly in the warm embrace of happiness and contentment, Mia found herself marveling at the swift evolution of her life. With a sense of awe, she crossed her arms against her chest and surveyed the scene before her, a testament to her determination and unwavering resolve.

Here she stood, in the heart of her own office and designer shop, aptly named 'Flaming Fate.' A haven of creativity and innovation, 'Flaming Fate' was more than just a business—it was a sanctuary where Mia's artistic vision flourished and her talents soared to new heights

But Mia's journey to success had not been without its challenges. Despite Cyrus's generous offer to finance her venture, Mia had steadfastly refused, determined to forge her own path and carve out a legacy of her own. Instead, she had taken out a loan and set to work in an old shop that had seen better days, pouring her heart and soul into its transformation.

While her business grew so did their relationship. Cyrus was a great boyfriend and a helpless romantic. After the incident with Cole was over they had officially became boyfriend and girlfriend after a little over a month of dating. They spent their days together laughing and eating while growing closer. She knew how he took his coffee and that he hated the smell of lemon. But it wasn't just the little things that Mia learned about Cyrus; she also came to understand the depths of his character and the intricacies of his emotions. She witnessed the fire in his eyes when he was passionate about something, the tenderness in his touch when he held her close, and the frustration that simmered beneath the surface when things didn't go according to plan.

One particular quirk of Cyrus's that never failed to amuse Mia was his tendency to steam with anger whenever he was frustrated with his workers. She could practically see the steam rising from his ears as he ranted about the latest mishap in his office, his passion and dedication to his work shining through even in moments of exasperation.

God, she loved him. She loved him so much that he was the first though she had when she woke up in the morning and the last when she went to bed. She loved how large he was and that when he held her it felt like nothing and no one could hurt her. Mia also loved that she had become a more considerate person and that she had grown through her trauma and struggles. She also loved how Cyrus had always kept his word and never faltered with his patience and attempts to understand better.

As Mia reflected on her love for Cyrus, she knew their bond was unbreakable. He was not just her partner, but her soulmate. In his embrace, she found comfort and joy, knowing that she was exactly where she belonged.

Apea had explained to her the importance of mates to fairytale creatures and that for some of them they only got one chance. Some creatures had one mate in the world and if it didn't work out, they wouldn't be able to mate with anyone else to keep their species or hybrid species alive. While they could love others, it would never be the same as it would be with their proper mate. That was how dragons were, Apea told her. Dragons had one mate and that was it. The connection had clicked in Mia's mind about why Cyrus, at their very first date, was so forceful. He wanted things to go well so he could win her over. Looking at where they were now, Mia could definitely say he had won her over, even if it wasn't in his planned and perfect way.


After another movie night at Mia's apartment, Cyrus suggested something. "You know, we made it official and have gone on plenty of dates but... do you think I could take you back to Caves? Redo our first date? I know we've only recently made it official, but I'd also like to do a little mating ritual if that's okay. Then it won't only be official in human terms but in dragon terms as well."

"A redo of our first date sounds nice. But a mating ritual?" She looked up at him with a confused look.

"Yeah, it's not that difficult. You just dress as fancy as you're comfortable with, show yourself off a bit. I'll do the same. Then, I provide you with some treasures I believe you'll love, provide you with food to entice you a bit more. And if all goes well and you accept my gifts, we hug, we kiss. That's about it, you just say that you accept my gifts if you like them. I can rent out Caves so it's just us." Cyrus watches as Mia's face shows that she has questions. He was quick to answer. "All dragons put their own spin on their mating ritual. They're all unique. I just can't tell you what I'll do to make it unique or it'll ruin it."

After a few moments, Mia nodded. "Okay. That doesn't sound too bad, actually. I think we should do it. I had no idea we weren't official in dragon terms. You should've told me sooner."

"Ah, I didn't want to worry you with it. I just wanted you to be happy and comfortable first," he shrugged off. "Besides, everyone knows you're mine anyway, princess."

Mia blushed at the pet name from him as he kissed her temple. "Just let me know when you rent out Caves, okay?"

"As you wish," he replied.


A week later, it was finally date night. Cyrus had previous texted Mia to let her know days in advance when it would be. She planned accordingly, of course, and made sure everything work related would be taken care of before such a big night. Cyrus had also told her to meet him there and that he would send one of Jackson's employees to pick her up. A couple hours before the date, she got herself ready. She dressed up with a new dark purple dress. It had a bit of shine to it with a thin layer of glitter around the bust and end of the skirt. It was tight around her torso and flared out slightly at the end, reaching down to just below her knees. She paired it with some silver jewelry and comfortable heels that she could slip on and off if she needed to. Mia did some light make up and kept her hair in its naturally wavy state.

When it was time, Mia grabbed her things and went downstairs. Out in the parking lot was a sleek dark gray car. It looked like something a president would drive it, like a limousine but not as long. The driver, an elf, held the door open for Mia. She thanked him as she got in the back seat which was a soft black leather. The driver closed the door and walked around the car to get back in the driver seat. The drive was silent other than soft classical music from the radio.

Once she arrived, the driver got back out and opened her door. She stepped out and immediately saw Cyrus standing outside, waiting for her with a large smile. She walked over to him, taking in his handsome suit and cologne that wasn't too strong. He leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"You look stunning as always, Mia," he complimented as he opened the restaurant's doors for her.

"You look very handsome tonight, Cyrus," she complimented back.

She walked inside and he followed behind her. He took her hand and led her through the restaurant to a more secluded seat. Even though the place was just them and the employees, he knew Mia well enough now to know where she'd prefer to sit. He pulled her chair out for her before going over to his own seat across from her. They simply smiled at each other for a moment, taking in each other's looks and presence, admiring each other.

Eventually, the same elf waitress came by with menus and silverware. Only this time, Mia greeted her with a smile.

"What can I get you two to drink?" She asked them, giving them each a menu and set of silverware.

"I'll take a beer," Cyrus answered first.

"I'll do a hard cider," Mia told the waitress. She shared a look with Cyrus, the two of them acknowledging how she was being more outgoing this time, as the waitress left.

Mia picked up her menu, glancing it over. "Any recommendations?"

"You know, there's a really good flame grilled steak with a ton of great spices," Cyrus answered with a smirk.

"Maybe I'll have to get that, then, but less spicy."

The two shared a laugh over their mocking of the first date as the waitress came back with their drinks. "Ready to order?" She asked, getting out her notepad.

Cyrus turned to Mia. "I'll do the flame grilled steak with fries. But can I get that more mild?"

The waitress nodded. "Of course. And for you?"

"I'll do the same thing. How it comes normally is fine."

"I'll put that in for you, it'll be out shortly," she assured the couple, picking up their menus and leaving.

After the waitress was gone, Cyrus looked down to the floor where he kept a bag under the table. He brought it out and set it on his lap. "So, if you'd like, I brought you some things," he told her with a knowing smile. "I think you'll really like them."

Mia watched as he pulled out a small wrapped box. The way his eyes danced their pretty orange color was mesmerizing. She knew he was excited as she took the gift from him. Mia took a sip from her cider and started to open the gift. It was a little box and inside was a pair of dangly scale earrings. She took them out of the box, holding them up. They shimmered in the light of the multicolored crystals of the restaurant.

"These are beautiful, Cyrus. Are they yours?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Freshly shed scales. I figured they'd go with your bracelet I made you, too."

At the mention of the bracelet, she held the earrings up to it. She never took the bracelet off. "They look great together," she exclaimed. "I'll have to wear them often." Carefully, she set them back in the box only for Cyrus to hand her a new box.

Taking it, she opened it. Inside was a silver banded ring, the center gem was a beautifully red fire opal. Mia put it on her ring finger, it fit perfectly.

"It's a fire opal. It's supposed to signify healing, power, affection, and love or pleasure. I thought it was quite fitting of us," Cyrus explained, setting the bag back down on the floor now that she had gotten her gifts.

"I love it. I love them both," Mia told him honestly.

Before she could give him more of her honest thoughts on such gorgeous gifts, the head orc chef that Cyrus knew, Gladauk, delivered their food. He set the steaming plates down on the table and gave the two a toothy grin. "Enjoy." His voice was deep, thick with the slight rasp of a smoker's voice.

Cyrus thanked him as he left to go back to the kitchen. The couple once again shared a look. "Do you not like orcs?" He asked her playfully.

"I actually don't mind orcs," she answered. "Though I've never properly met one, the chef seems like a great guy."

The two of them dug into their food. Mia swore to herself that it was better than the first time. Maybe it was because the atmosphere and situation were different.

"He is," Cyrus finally said after a few bites of food. "My brother Harker works with him to get him the best foods and produce available."

Mia's eyes widened. "So that's why you nodded at him on our first date."

Cyrus nodded in response as he took a bite of steak. Mia seemed satisfied with his answer and continued to eat her own food. They made light conversation about how their work was going, how their friends or family were. It was great. The redo of the first date was such a wonderful idea, Mia was glad Cyrus brought up the idea.

When they were both done with their food and their drinks were finished, Cyrus stood up and walked with Mia outside. The bill had already been paid in advanced, despite not knowing the proper cost of everything, Cyrus paid the owner some big money to cover all of it almost three times over. The two stood hand in hand as they waited for Jackson's driver to come back to get them.

"Cyrus," Mia started as she turned to look at him. She smiled. "I accept your gifts."

Her words brought a large smile to the man's face. His skin heated up in excitement as he let go of Mia's hand and grabbed her around the waist, picking her up and spinning her around. Her hands rested on his broad shoulders as she was spun. The two laughed and smile at each other when he eventually stopped spinning and set Mia down.

His large hands cupped her face. "You will never be disappointed in your choice of me. I will protect you until the day we die. I will watch over you and spend as much time with you as you want. I will go to the ends of the Earth for you, Mia. All because you're my mate, and I love you so god damn much," he told her. His eyes showed his sincerity, his promise to stay with her.

Mia leaned into his hands. "I love you, too," she admitted out loud after weeks of thinking about it. "I wouldn't trade you for the world."

She smiled up at him before they both leaned in for a passionate yet tender kiss. A kiss that sparked happiness and a feeling of security in both of them. This was their mate and neither wanted it any other way.

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