Happy Easter

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Okay, so I worked really hard on this, and I've been busy ALL FREAKING DAY

Once again, I worked really hard and I'm SO PROUD *happy tears* of this

Here goes



April Fools

*jazz hands*

Sorry I haven't been active I've actually been fairly busy, what with school, martial arts, and trying to keep up with my reading.

In fact, my schedule will be a tad more hectic because I'm working on my garden again.  (Amy flowers in mind? I have marigolds and that's about it. Gimme stuffs)

But don't let that worry you, few readers, because I'll still be here. I get on all the time, no joke, I just have nothing to post XD

So I'm almost always open for conversation and if you need me call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far

And Destiny, don't you even THINK about offering for me to not do the request (XD) because I've started and I'll get it done, I promise.

Ok, so all that out of the way, Happy Easter if you celebrate it and April Fools from a fool

Funny thing, when I found out Easter was on April Fools I was like, 'Hey, Jesus rose today! Just kidding!' And I snorted then realized how absolutely terrible that joke was.

I'm a bad person

Okay bye now love you all just remember I'm here for any and all of you <333

(I do have art but I'll post tomorrow because I'm in bed and too lazy to get out to take a picture of it)

~Bye Bookworms!

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