So.... Utterly Disapointed.

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So I dressed up like a Hunter of Artemis, I might show you pictures later....

I went around and naturally nobody knew what I was XD
I went trick or treating on the square

   In my town it's 'the thing' to do on Halloween

So there's little kids everywhere, of course.

50 million clowns, a bacon guy, a t-Rex, some hunters, Pam Pam and Pebbles (I think those are the names), and just a whole bunch of kids.
So my mom left me to talk to my sister's friend's mom, don't ask, so I went off on my own. One of my friends was dressed as a unicorn and her sister was dressed in all black as her bodyguard XD
But since there were so many DARN kids havin' fun, (cue the old man grumpy face) I didn't get NO CANDY! *spits off into the distance*

Seriously, when I poured out my bag my mom takes one look at it and goes, "I would give that much to two little kids that came to our door. That's like, two handfuls," and I died inside.

All the people on the square only gave out one piece of candy, and since the little kids got all the good stuff, I was stuck with roughly 14-16 pieces. Pitiful.

     OH! And I can't forgot the Eye Doctor card I got.


It was a fun night though, because I ended up going to my friends house because her sister was hosting a Halloween party

But I decided to give up on Inktober, although I did part of the last one.

I'll post pictures later today.

But I'm happy because I can watch Christmas movies now :3


~Bye Bookworms! Don't... stay spooky??
November 1, 2017
How'd your Halloween go?

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