Halloween special.

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"Ouch! Ok, ok... I'll stop..."

"Thank you."

"For a little, hehe."

"Hey! You better not scare me anymore tonight, ok Tendo?"

It was Yeper and Tendo; Tendo had just freaked Yeper out when she came around the corner and he jumped out and scared her.

It was Halloween night! Almost... the family had just finished dinner, and were getting all dressed up to trick-or-treat, and then go to a short party hosted by Aurora's dad and friends.

Tendo was going as a vampire. He had extensions for his pointy teeth, his fur on top of his head was slicked back as best as his mother could, (because it didn't like being stuck back, and kept popping forward over and over...) and he had a little cape! Made by Yeper, so it had her initials sewn into the left corner...

Yeper was a zombie! (Odd choice...) she had pale makeup on her face, and she wore some greenish makeup all over her back, because clothing wouldn't have worked in any scenario to make it look good.

Constan was a zubat! He had fake wings sprouting from his back, and a blue zubat-like helmet, with those weird black thingies on the bottom. (zubat's feet maybe?)

Their mom was going to wear a costume of some famous person. (Queen Elizabeth or something?) But she would put it on after they returned from trick-or-treating.

Constan went into a state of temporary sadness when he found out Cindi was not allowed to come. (Her family didn't like her going out in costume with strangers; a.k.a. Constan and his siblings.)

Yeper had also been concerned all day if Henry the quilava would have been able to come...

No word though, so it was still a big 'if'.

Now that all three were in the room together, their mother stood in front of them with a serious expression. "Now, what are the rules of trick-or-treating?"

"No going off on your own." They said unanimously.

"And...?" She pressed.

"Don't go with anyone you don't know, anywhere." 

"What are the other two?"

"No eating the candy before we get home, and no trading candy with strangers."

"Good." She then smiled. "You all are getting older now; one day you'll be too old for this."

Yeper gasped in sarcastic horror. "Mom! Don't say such... such awful things! That day will never come, because I will trick-or-treat until I'm 90!"

Tendo and Constan both snickered at this remark.

She looked at them both. "What? Don't tell me you two agree with her!"

They both half-shrugged. "Well... I dunno, I think she's right." Constan stated.

Yeper glared at them, but it was an obvious playful glare. "I think... you two need to be taught a lesson!" She pounced, and landed on top of both of them; forming an eeveelution dog-pile.

They all laughed, while their mother chuckled. "You three are so adorable when you all play together."

Constan rolled away from the other two. "Not adorable! Macho~"

Tendo snorted. "Macho my tail."

Yeper stood up. "Let's just agree that I'm the best looking, most skilled in everything, and just perfect."

Tendo and Constan both looked at each other, and simultaneously tackled Yeper. "Yeah right!" Tendo exclaimed. "In your dreams!" Constan said.

Yeper laughed. "I was joking! Haha!"

Their mother watched as they all played together; something that she always wanted to last forever.

"Alright, time to get going now!" Tendo exclaimed.

Constan, Tendo, and Yeper were all at the door now.

Their mother waved. "Bye! Be safe! Have fun!"

They all waved goodbye as they closed the door behind them. "Alright! Where to first?" Constan  asked.

"Aurora's house. I wanna see her costume." Tendo answered.

Constan sighed. "Ok fine..."

Yeper began prancing forward. "Alright then! To Aurora's!"

"Ah, it's you three! Hello there!" Aurora's father greeted them.

Tendo tried to look past him to see Aurora if he could. "Hi. So uh... where's Aurora? Is she in costume yet?"

He frowned. "I'm sorry, but she's sick. She won't be able to go trick-or-treating tonight..."

Tendo gasped. "What?! No way! May I come in to see her?"

He stepped aside. "Sure. All three of you can."

They all walked in to see Aurora lying down on her side on their super comfy couch.

Tendo rushed over to her. "Aurora! Aurora... how are you feeling...?"

She looked up; her face expressed tiredness; she definitely looked sick. "Oh, hi Tendo. Didn't know you would come over here..."

He looked her over; he had a concerned expression on his face. "Oh Aurora..."

She smiled slightly. "I'm sorry... I can't go tonight. I want to... but I dunno if I could even eat a single piece of candy..."

Her voice sounded hoarse; matching with her pale expression.

Tendo was sad now for sure. "Don't be sorry. When you get better, I'll bring you a bunch of candy, ok? I'll save half of my stash for you."

She smiled a bit more at that. "Thank you. You're so sweet. Hehe... just like candy..."

"She's a bit loopy right now. I apologize for any out-of-the-ordinary replies she may give." Her father, the umbreon said.

Tendo nodded. "Yeah... I'll see you later tonight then. Get better as fast as you can, ok?"

She closed her eyes. "Mm yeah... I'll try..."

Tendo gave her a butterfly kiss (which means their noses touched briefly) and turned around. "Alright. I'm gonna get as much candy tonight as I can, so I can give her a bunch more!"

Constan and Yeper both smiled and nodded. "We will help!"

Aurora's dad sat at Aurora's hind paws. "Good luck, and thank you. Have fun out there."

And they let themselves out.

All three of them were making their way through the neighborhood; they all had amassed about 35 pieces of candy each so far, and it was only twenty minutes in.

Tendo smirked confidently. "At this rate, I'll have plenty to give to Aurora!"

Yeper looked around. "No sign of Henry anywhere... I wonder where he is right now..."

Constan pointed with his left paw. "Look! It's..."

"Constan! Constan, I'm so glad I caught up to you!" A certain female jolteon said as she came to a stop in front of him.

All three siblings were shocked at Cindi's sudden arrival.

Constan looked at her; his eyes showing surprise. "Cindi... wh-what are you doing here? I thought your parents wouldn't let you go trick-or-treating."

She smiled. "They didn't! I snuck out so I could come with you!"

Tendo and Yeper looked at each other in slight worry.

Constan sighed. "Cindi... you... can't sneak out like that."

She lost her smile. "Why not?"

He shook his head. "Cause it's not right."

She smirked and rubbed her cheek against his. "But if I didn't, then I couldn't be with you tonight~"

Constan stepped back from her affection. "Cindi, please. Just, go back home. I really would like for you to come with us but... you can't if your parents said no. Imagine if they found out you were here, right now. That wouldn't be good. I don't want you to get in trouble, alright?"

She sighed sadly. "Alright... I know. I just... wanna be with you Constan; especially tonight."

He nodded. "I know. And I wanna be with you too. But not this way. I want to have your parents be for it; not against it. Tell you what: I'll bring you some candy at the end of the night, ok?"

She looked at him. "Ok... I'll listen to you. But I'll have my own costume on, so you can at least see me in it when we get back. Maybe I'll even have to make you stay just a little longer hehe~"

Constan blushed quite red for a flareon. "Pfft... geez Cindi, not in front of these two..."

She giggled, and gave him a quick hug before turning around and heading off. "Bye Constan! Bye Constan's brother and sister!"

Tendo blinked plainly. "She knows our names... so why...?"

Yeper began walking forward again. "Anyways... let's... finish up tonight's trick-or-treating."

Tendo passed by Constan and gave him a questioning look. "'Make you stay a little longer'?"

He turned as red as... well... a darker red flareon. "It's just... it's nothing!"

After about an hour and ten minutes longer, they finished up their trick-or-treating with a whopping 165 pieces of candy each! (Estimated of course)

Yeper sighed; looking forlorn.

Tendo and Constan knew why, but their mother didn't.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked.

Yeper sighed again. "Tendo and Constan got to see Aurora and Cindi tonight, but I didn't see Henry once! It's not fair..."

The mom seemed a bit surprised. "Henry? The quilava? You wanted to see him tonight, oh I see..."

Yeper walked past her mom into the living room and planted herself face-down on the floor.

"Well... maybe I can cheer you up? I do have something for you..." The mother said.

"Yeah? What is it?" Yeper said, and then lifted her head up to see what it was.

She gasped.

It was Henry! In a zombie costume!

Yeper suddenly felt very aware that she was face-down on the carpet, and she quickly shot up. "H-Henry! What are you doing here?"

He was smiling. "I came here because your mother invited me to the party. She told me to wait for you all to come back, so I did. By the way, nice costume!"

Yeper laughed. "Back at you!"

They both laughed, and Henry walked over to her. "So... how was trick-or-treating tonight?"

She sat down and gestured for Henry to sit next to her. "It was great! We got a BUNCH of candy!"

Henry smiled widely as he sat where she gestured to. "Really? That's great! I went trick-or-treating for a little bit, but only got 14 pieces."

She dumped her bag out. "Then have some of mine!"

His eyes lit up. "Really?"

She nodded.

He looked at the pile of candy in front of him; all the colors of different candies. "Woah... this is awesome! Thank you Yeper!" He said as he gave her a quick hug.

Yeper blushed, and when Henry let go, he was blushing too.

Tendo rolled his eyes. "Anyways! We gotta leave for the party right? Things should be already nearly set up!"

Constan nodded in agreement.

Yeper and Henry simultaneously stood up.

The mother espeon smiled. "I suppose we should, shouldn't we? Help get the last of it set up. Alright then!"

They all headed outside, and made their way towards Aurora's house once more for a party that would end up being great; even if things weren't all going as planned tonight.

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