Chapter 1

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"Chloe, here kitty kitty kitty," Suzan called softly from the kitchen. Her ear flicking in annoyance, the gray tabby cat Chloe cracked open a single green eye. Was it morning already? Opening her other eye, the feline rolled over in her basket and glanced out the window. Yep, it was morning already. Hearing her owner call again, Chloe huffed and heaved herself to her paws. Might as well get this day started.

"Good morning sweet girl," Suzan declared, smiling when her cat padded into the room. A bored expression on her face, Chloe sat down at her owner's feet. Tipping her head back, she meowed, "Feed me." It could've just been one huge coincidence but Suzan seemed to have understood her as she replied, "Don't worry, I have your food right here."

"Good," Chloe muttered. Licking her paw, she ran it over her whiskers just as her bowl was set down in front of her. Diet cat food, again. Glaring at the dry tasteless kibble, the tabby cat twitched her tail. Suzan, meanwhile, was grabbing her purse off the counter. "I'll see you later Chloe, have a good day," the woman remarked as she left the apartment. As soon as the door shut, Chloe didn't hesitate to whack the bowl away.

There was no way she was eating that.

"Let's see what's in the fridge," Chloe murmured to herself, licking her lips. If she recalled correctly, there should be a juicy rotisserie chicken inside. She could already hear it calling her name. Hopping up onto the counter, the cat was about to open the refrigerator when a phone buzzed under the couch cushion. It was her phone.

Groaning, Chloe jumped down from the counter. Stomping over to the couch, she pulled her phone out from under the cushion. Turning it on, she looked at the notification on the home screen. Snowball had announced a meeting to the group chat and it was to be held in Max and Duke's apartment in ten minutes. Her morning already ruined, Chloe huffed and padded over to the window. "Let's see what this is about..." she growled under her breath as she left her apartment and headed down the fire escape.

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