Breaking and entering

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It had been a couple days since the hole being kidnapped by my ex thing I sat down in abounded church that we found only a couple days ago Elizabeth was talking to Optimus about his planet Shane Kara and Tessa went to go get us food and supplies Dad and Hallie where talking they seem to really get along here I sat alone in my thoughts "Mom! " I heard Elizabeth say stamping myself out my trance I look and saw Elizabeth and Optimus walking my way I stood up and smiled .

I found myself falling in love with Optimus but how could i have feelings for a robot " KSI is like a fortress, we need to find a way to get in there and get our freedom back " Dad stated as I looked towards him " Kendra are you alright ?" Optimus whispered as my Dad kept going over the plans how we where going to sneak into the KSI looking up to Optimus I smiled and nodded " I'm fine , thanks for asking " I say .

Shane Tessa and Kara walked back inside the church Kara and poured the necessary supplies on the table " Mouth wash ?" Dad asked Shane .

" I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter " Shane smirked Dad picked up the mouth wash and chucked it across the room , making me and Kara laugh .


" We aren't going to be able to waltz on in and attack , so we're going to need a ID . And I doubt someone is going to let us borrow theirs either " I explained thinking " Well , then how are we going to get in ?" Cade asked I sighed and looked at him "I have a idea " Shane said smirking .

" This is so stupid!" I whispered

" Just get a picture of a Id and get out of there " Dad mumbled sounding a little annoy I walked in KSI casually swinging my hips in the skimpy outfit I was in I sat down next to a man drinking his coffee and shut the blinds .

" What are you-"

" Shh" I mumbled , I leaned down and grabbed his tie , hopefully getting a good picture with the camera on my bra strap " Got it !" Dad called .

I pushed the man back in his chair and let my hair down " What--" I elbowed the back of his head sending him to ground blacked out " God I hate this !" I hissed walking out of the office I walked out of the building and got into Optimus .

" You get the picture?" Optimus asked

I smiled " Yup "

" Good, now change " He said as he pulled away I kicked the dash and growled " You perv " I joked .

" I didn't mean it like that " Optimus mumbled causing me to laugh "Then how did you mean it like?"I say .

"Just that you "

" I get it , you don't want me to show skin I just wanted to nail it " I said smiling .

I walked into the church with Optimus behind me and still wearing the attire
" Please give me back my cloths before my daughter sees me like this " I whined Dad quickly handed me my clothes " I'm gonna go " I say awkwardly before walking away .

Dad me and Shane where now in line to scan are fake id to KSI " Loose the shades " I hissed at Shane he threw them off as we waited to be next in line " About a mouth ago I heard noises in my house the middle of the night , was that you ?" Dad asked Shane causing me to rolls my eyes at them .

" What ? , no " Shane lied

" Don't lie to me kid , I will get one of those men with guns and tell them that we're breaking in and it's your plan I've lived long enough " Dad warned " It wasn't me " Shane lied again .

"Excuse me , sir "

" IT WAS ME !" Shane yelled causing me to laugh " I'm going to kill you " Dad said " You where for scanning ?" The man asked me as we pulled up .

I nodded and the men scanned the Id
and we pulled in as we entered the building, a video was playing on the screen as an advertisement for stinger .

" Bee " I growled as he started to do burnouts he changed and walked towards the screen " Stinger inspired by Bumblebee but in a better in every way " the screen said as if it was trying to mock Bee .

Oh shit

" Oh hell no !" Bee said through the radio " The bumblebee is just so - antique " the screen said again .

" What the fuck ?" Bee hissed

He walked towards the model " You think you better then me ?"

" I'm going to get him under control " Dad whispered running down the hallway " What is going on in here ? Hey ! you two grease monkeys !" A bald man made his way towards me and Shane .

Bee had changed back in enough time and my breath hitched in my throat the man eyed me suspiciously which gave me goosebumps " What is it so you think we make here ? Poetry " the man scolded then pointed at me .

" You! come with me you're a designated engineer after all or you wouldn't be here , so come on I need you for something " he grabbed me by my wrist I looked back to Shane but he shrugged.

As soon as I got of his line of sight , the man grabbed me by my hair and shoved me down I then looked up to see a familiar face.

" You!" I spat


" What do you want with me ?" I hissed

" Well , my name is Savoy and it's not what I want from you it's what I can get with you " He hissed back .

" Attinger " an old man walked in with a gun .

" What , you going to shoot me again ?" I growled " Move !" Attinger growled , shoving a gun to my head I stood up and followed his lead this eventually led me to a glass elevator " Listen here Santa clause , you let me go and I'll give you a chance to live " .

" Shut up ," Savory hissed

I stood towards the door and smiled bringing my leg up and kicking Savoy in the balls , sending him to his knees .

" You little bitch !"

" Sorry I thought I promised that I owned it to ya " I winked and laughed but then the elevator opened and I was shoved in a white room " sit " I was shoved in a chair with my back to a giant window " Now I'm going to ask once before I start getting hasty , Where is Optimus prime " Attinger asked .

" Wouldn't you like to know " I smiled maliciously.

Savoy fist contented with my jaw and then he pulled my hair back so I would look Attinger " I'm going to ask you one more time , Where is Optimus prime I'm well aware of your feeling for him "

" Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth " I smirked and I was met with a fist again " Why don't you go take that fist and shove it up your ass " I panted

Savoy put some pictures down of me seducing the guy earlier " We are going to kill your bot friends , all of them unless you tell me where Optimus is " Attinger smiled .

" Never "

" How about if you turn yourself in , and I'll let the autobots off the hook you'll just have to suffer their consequences "

I stood in silence imagining what would happen if my family and friends where finally safe

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