The others

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" Wake up ! " I heard a voice say slowly opening my eyes I saw my dad " Where's the others ?" I said standing to my feet as Dad waited for me by the door " Their waiting outside Optimus says we need to move on " Dad Explained to me as we walked outside .
Optimus was keeping looked out Tessa and Shane where kissing Kara was covering Elizabeth eyes me and Dad walked up to them " Not in front of my kid !" I laughed hitting both of them in the back of the head" ouch "they both yelled Optimus came walking back towards us Elizabeth came to my side .

" Is Everyone ready ?" Optimus asked Dad who nodded in return Optimus then transform into his alt mode every one climbed in my leg began to hurt a little Tessa and Shane shared the passages seat Dad was in the drivers seat me Kara and Elizabeth got stuck in the back " Optimus , are we there yet ?" Tessa whined .

I heard Optimus sigh through the radio , but he didn't reply " Optimus? is that his real name ?" Shane asked I turn my head to look at him " Yeah , Optimus prime " I stated Shane snorted and covered his mouth , Dad and I raised and eyebrow is confusion .
" So , he's optimistic " Shane said Optimistic ? I never thought of that when Optimus told me his name . " You could say that I guess " I said as the wind blew in my hair Elizabeth came and sat in my lap .

" Is your leg getting better Kendra ?" Dad asked , cutting our conversation about Optimus. " Yeah , it doesn't hurt anymore " I said my face was getting a bit pale , I could tell because of the reflection on the widow apparently Optimus had to notice it and interrogate " Kendra your pale" he spoke through the radio my jaw dropped and I decided to play along .

" Oh , Uh, really that's uh bad I don't wanna go around the place looking like Elsa do I " as soon as I finished everyone thought I was being a weird I just a fake smile at all of them and looked out the window after a few more minutes I saw a gait green-grayish robot streaming something like " Yeah ! He's back " and it took me a while to figure out that he was talking about Optimus we drove a bit further until , Optimus found a empty space to park we all went out so Optimus could transform .

But I noticed that , he looked different like a truce transformer before he was dusty and old I mean he looked old he sure isn't old now , he was blue with red paintings on him . " Humans have asked us to play by their rules , well the rules have changed " He stated another autobot stepped forward " Humans , bunch of backstabbin weasels ." As soon as he said that I instantly got offended I turn around and walked to him bravely .

" Hey ! " I yelled he jumped a bit nd looked down towards me " Backstabbin weasels huh well who was the one who fixed and help Optimus!" I crossed my arms everyone stared at me and I felt the heat tense up ." Boss ?" He then said Optimus went towards him " This family risked their lives for mine ." He stopped when I looked up at him " Especially Kendra , we owe them ." He said I felt my cheeks warm up a bit when he said my name I didn't know I meant that much to him .

" Kendra I'd like to introduce you and your family to my autobots Here is Hound , and that's crossfire thats Drift and thats " he was cut off when he noticed an autobot was missing . " Where's Bumblebee ?" He whispered to the autobot now known as Hound , Hound shrugged in confusion before I could get the chance to say something a yellow and black car drove up at high speed and stopped right behind me in a perfect timing . The car then transformed into its normal self " Everyone , this is bumblebee ." Optimus said . We all waved at the auto bots .


It was late at night now , me Kara and Elizabeth where siting by a fire Dad was still yelling at Tessa and Shane I checked my watch and saw that it was 11:32 pm Elizabeth was being to get sleepy knowing it was pasted her bed time" Mom could you sing me a lullaby?" She asked I smiled and nodded she laid her head down on my jacket .

" Silent night , holy night all is come all is bright round your virgin mother and child holy en so tend and mile sleep in heavenly peace , sleep in heavenly peace " I sung the last words Elizabeth was now past asleep I kissed her forehead " Night my beautiful star " I whispered I got up and began to walk around .

In the corner of my eye I saw Optimus keeping watch " You sing beautifully " I heard him say I smiled in embarrassment " Thanks " I stated rubbing the back of my neck as I walked towards him Optimus watched me " May I ask you something?" Optimus asked .

I sat down next to him " Sure Optimus" I stated Optimus didn't look to comfortable what he was fixing to asked me " How is Elizabeth your child ?" He slurred I could notice his cheeks turn a bit red I smiled . " I was Sixteen when I met a boy name Joe jones he swept me up and I fell in love with him one night we did it and I got pregnant, after I told him he left me and said I was better off alone and that's how I had Elizabeth " I explained

Optimus looked at me with a sadden look " I'm sorry " Optimus told me I smiled at him . " It's was a long time ago , their nothing to be sorry about " I claimed standing back to my feet Optimus watch me a smile appearing on his face " Your a beautiful women you better get some sleep " he said I blushed even harder .

" Thanks Optimus and I think your right " I said getting up " Goodnight Kendra" Optimus claimed as I walking back to Elizabeth and Kara ". Night Optimus " I shouted back .

I was half way their when I got a feeling someone was following me turning around I saw no one " Now I'm imaging things " my brain said as I began to walk again put someone graft ahold to my shoulders causing me to fall with them I mentally got back up and kick the person in the knees causing them to fall to their feet the person whore a hood .

" Who are you ?" I growled asked the person pulled off their hood , it was a girl with jet black hair and blue eyes

" My name is Hallie Danielle witwicky and I'm here to help the transformers " she said as I stood their shocked .

I wanted to thank AdellaRoseMartin for putting her character in my book thank you so much

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